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  • How much of a traffic ticket a fine, and how much is tax???California?

    Never looked into it, but someone told me that they got a $25 fine for talking on cell while driving, but with all taxes it ended up being over $100. Is that true/is such a thing even possible???

    5 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Watch experts, help me out.?

    Was looking around craiglist for eyecandy, and found something that I really liked. Not sure if it is over valued/what it is though, it is described as circa 1960 Oyster Perpetual. Wondering if anyone could value/date it?

    Thanks guys, hopefully your price suggestions fall within what the seller wants. Have a good day.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Emergency! Something weird in my lip?

    Something originated in my lip while I was watching tv. It moves around??? I am holding it in place with my teeth, but if I let it go it starts to crawl around??? Can I let it go? Is it something serious?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Python help. 3.2 Newbie question?

    My first programming language. Getting stuck at loading modules in 3.2. I saved my .py files on my desktop and when I try to load them by using reload(xxx) or import xxx I only get errors. I know that I am not doing something right... Please help. Do I need to save my programs in a specific file for them to load as modules or what? Do I need to specify the path somehow??

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Python Vs C# For a beginner.?

    Hello, I finally am getting some free time and I can now go out and learn a Programming language. I have been getting mixed results and it is between Python and C#.I spend a few hours reading the lesson books for both and Python codes look very beginner friendly while C# looks a bit more complex... and the compiler that came with the book wouldn't run... Please help me choose, and if you are pro C#, it would be nice if you link a free compiler/developmental tools?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • 48÷2(9+3) = ???? Need simple algebra help!?

    Hey, I can't decide if it is 2 or 288. Please provide an explanation. I am leaning towards 2?

    14 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Trig(determining solutions)?

    Determine all solutions of the given equation. Express your answer(s) using radian measure.

    sin(θ) = sqrt2/2

    sin(θ) + (sqrt2/2)=0

    Someone help please :D

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Double/Half Angle formulas...:(?

    Could some one please explain how to do these problems using Half/Double angle formulas please? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    cos(φ) = 4/5 (0° < φ < 90°)

    Need to find cos(2φ) tan(2φ) and sin(2φ)

    Same type of problem but with tan.

    How to use a half angle formula on sin(7π/8)

    Thank you for your help or any point in the right direction :P

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How to dispute an office visit bill?

    I went to a dermatologist that was shown on my insurance website. I came well on time, and I had to wait for more than an hour for the doctor to come. It wasn't even the doctor that came, it was some Asian female with a bachelors(his assistant???), even though I made an appointment with the doctor himself. The whole 10 minutes that she talked to me was basically a sales pitch..... I told her the products that I have tried on my face and she basically suggested benzol and sallycilic acid(which is what I have had used before?)... She had seemingly no skin treatment expertice and didn't help at all, or even suggest anything but the creams that they were pushing to sell. Now, three month after the horrible sales pitch (for yeltin and acanya<- slightly stronger benzoyl and sallycilic acid and costs over $300 for a month supply) I get a bill! $91 for the office visit with a description of OFFICE VISIT, INTERMEDIATE LEVEL IV DEDUCTIBLE & CO-INS.....Now before and after the visit I have asked the receptionist what my co-pay would be and both times she told me 0, as on my insurance card it said Office Visit: 0..... Now, I would have no trouble with paying if I actually received some help or advice, but why should anyone have to pay for a horrible sales pitch? Is there anything that I can do about this??? BY THE WAY... I CAME WITH SIMPLE FACIAL ACNE, HOW DOES A SUPPOSED SKIN SPECIALIST KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ACNE? ALL THE SEEMED TO KNOW WAS TO PUSH PRODUCTS THAT COST OVER $300 WITH INSURANCE???

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Butchery?? Fun hobby?

    Hey, I am thinking of picking up butchery as a hobby. I know that the most common way is from on the job training or apprentaceships. I am not currently looking to make butchery my career, but I would like to learn cuts And practice them. Are there any lessons / certification around? Location Is ca. Thanks, have a good day. I'll update if I have anything

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Boxers, help me out.?

    How do I go about finding a good boxing gym? What price should I be looking to pay in terms of money? I know of only one around where I live, and its, says $50 for unlimited classes, but working with a trainer alone or in a small group costs alot. Can you even learn anything in group classes?...


    3 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • Yahoo shoppers! Help me out you nice peoples you.?

    Saw this for around $200 at a DKNY outlet, but they didn't have XL, looking to buy it for hopefully under $400. If you have seen it anywhere for cheaper then listed/ in any store online or not. Please send me a link/tell me, or suggest any coat under $400 with a similar fit please. Thanks! HAVE HAPPY HOLIDAYS :D

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Yahoo fashion experts! Little help will be greatly appreciated!?

    First of all Happy Holiday season!!! :P

    Now, I am looking for a $200-$350 jacket or pea coat. Want something with decent quality, that feels good physically and emotionally. Little tired of 70-$120 pea coats, so this winter I want one nice coat.

    I am 6'3 and fairly wide shoulders, no fatty. Was thinking a good pea coat, but having some trouble finding a good one.

    Thanks, have a good day!

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Yahoo vets-Rabbit Problems-?

    -Three week old rabbits.

    -My mom forgot to bring them in for the night

    -Went to feed them today, and they are fine, exept one of them, who used to be the most active one, but now he just sits and is pretty unresponcive.

    -If its any help, once i put him back into the hutch after inspecting him, his mother pushed him around a little and he is like a puppet....

    -Could it be a cold??? Cant take him to a vet, so could a cold do that to a rabbit? I will keep them inside for this holiday weekend from now on.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Where do you get your daily fix?

    I like reading about/knowing random facts, where do you guys get your random fact fix, aside from reading books? Are there any websites that put up a few facts daily? Thanks, good luck with your intelligence goals in 2011! Don't forget to take a multi and lift heavy!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Rabbit breeders, please assemble once again.?

    Now, that the babies are around 6 days old, we had a little tragedy, one of the 3 had its face chewed off in the morning. Now with the good news, two more are alive, they are fairly large. About 4 inches. But now I have a new question. The two are jumping around and making little rabbit noises, not sure if something is bothering them or they are just active. Now side note- we have little mice living around our hutches, that we haven't killed. Is it possible that little mice are biting baby rabbits? I always thought that they were there just for food, but is it possible that they are the ones that gnawed off the face of the little one? Yes the cage is fairly secure but there is on tiny gap that they can get through, which is kind of patched. Or was it the doe that killed on the the little ones? Oh when i was taking out the dead one, i had to check if the other two were still there/alive, and i touched them slightly with rubber gloves. What are the chances of them getting abandoned now?....

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Rabbit breeders get in here. Srs?

    Hello, I have two rabbits, one is a Holland Lop, and another that I am not sure the breed of. They mated while I was cleaning their hutches, and boom a month later she gave birth. Well I am no breeding expert, but mid pregnancy I gave the doe a lot of straws, she weaved a little nest and shed a lot of fur into it. Now she gave birth to 3 little rabbits. Well they are in a hutch outside, and I am pretty sure that they will survive the night with out a problem with all the fur and straws, but I have a concern. I can never see the babies, they are always under the straws, but they are alive as the straw goes up and down in the places where they lay.What I really am asking, is if the chances of them suffocating is high like that, and if i should add more straws. I am a little scared adding more as I can never see the little ones. Also I don't really want to dig around for them until they are about 10 days old and can eat independently as the mother has a history of abandoning the little ones at the human scent. Sorry for the wall of text, thank you for you time.


    -Is it ok if 1 day old rabbits are never seen under all the straws, cant tell if they are being neglected because they only need to be fed once a day, and she never seems close to them when I come around to check.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Google Calorie Counter?

    Anyone have any experience with it? How accurate is it? Any other online calorie trackers? Thanks

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Good Family WII games?

    Mucho peoples coming over for holidays what are some good family games? i have brawl already, suggestions please, Thanks you :D

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago