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  • trying to get going on facebook. where's help?

    what if i don/t want to add a friend? what's chat? whose wall? 100 other questions. i can't be that much of a technology troglodyte.

    1 AnswerFacebook10 years ago
  • How many people have gone to a job interview at 6:30 in the evening?

    the lady that his currently appearing on tv charging Cain with sexual harassment claims she was there for a job interview. I have personally applied for dozens of jobs in my long professional life, but never at 6:30 in the evening. honestly, have you ever gone to a 6:30 job interview? (I'm not talking about one of those "collect application mills" where tons of people submit applications. a genuine job interview.

    1 AnswerPolitics10 years ago
  • why is the obama administration pushing for gun registration?

    is he perhaps preparing a color catalogue of firearms that could be confiscated from us citizens and sold to mexican cartels?

    14 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • how much damage are single issue voters doing to the democratic process and usa?

    they will promote, support, and vote for anyone who champions their cause, regardless of whatever other weird causes that candidate may believe in. i have personally observed people who have not voted in years who will register to vote, carry signs, attend rallies, and vote for a candidate because someone at their kid's school, their church, or a social event handed them a computer generated flyer saying this guy believes in their pet peeve.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • if god is almighty and knows the end from the beginning, why did he make feces stink?

    he had to know that eventually, every family would have that one fat uncle who could clear the house and stop up the toilet in one session. why facilitate him with stinky feces. couldn't he have made waste odor-neutral? or, how about eliminating waste completely and making the body capable of burning up everything it consumed? just a semi-lucid thought. any theories?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • where is the corresponding program for ordinary people?

    current guidelines for mortgage assistance makes people with mortgages up to $729k eligible for government assistance. Does anyone really want to make payments for someone living in a 3/4 million dollar home? how about downsizing? I realize it may be somewhat of a culture shock for these fat cats to lose their mountain or ocean view, or that they may not really want to live in a normal non-rich neighborhood, but how many regular people could save their homes with the proceeds it would take to save one with a balance of $729k?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • JW's, do you think it displeases Jehovah when you gang vote for one another?

    Interesting that all the thumbs up for classicly pro-Witness answers are the same. not that it makes any difference, but isn't it a comment on character when the first group of answers that favor the orgaanization are all the same number? isn't that a little , just a little bit dishonest, not to mention self serving and egotistical. What do you think Jehovah thinks about it?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • when do we, the american people, get an accounting?

    obama has almost worn out the word "investments" describing his poorly managed money give-aways. Every investment i have ever made has provided me with a regular accounting of where my money was and where it was going or where it went. I have heard that all of the stimulus money is gone. Well, where did it go? Real numbers, please. No vague smoke screens.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • is this good advice? would it encourage you?

    2010 was not a stellar year for me or my family. new years eve, everyone was grappling with the depression that comes from unaccomplished goals and incomplete projects. since i am the father and grandfather, i was struggling for some words of wisdom to get everyone back on track. I came up with: "Tomorrow morning, when you realize you broke your diet and gained instead of lost weight, or that you didn't finish the books you swore you were going tor read before the end of 2010, or that there was less money in your checking account than you had planned for, go in the bathroom, close the door, look at yourself in the mirror, and say, proudly, 'At least I did not let my ego destroy an NFL Football Team. At least I'm not Jerry jones.'" would that make you feel better?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • why is tobacco evil and obesity okay?

    my sister in law had to be rushed to the local hospital early last week. No one in her family smokes, but she suffered a massive heart attack. as i stood outside the hospital entrance, it was right at change of shift, i counted 34 hospital employees, people wearing name tags, scrubs and various articles of medical paraphernalia attached to cords and chains around their necks. 22 people in the group were grossly overweight. signs posted everywhere, in the lobby, public bathrooms, corridors, parking lot, etc, boasted that the hospital was a "Tobacco-Free Campus" and threatened fines for anyone caught with the demon weed. No such signs threatened Fat people using the Coke, Candy, or Snack Machine. And, please do not talk about Second-Hand smoke.There is no evidence, according to the Surgeon General and numerous study groups, that Second-Hand smoke is harmful. And, Tobacco Products include many smokeless and spitless products. Why is it more socially acceptable to die from Obesity than from Tobacco?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • so, where does a slow-moving, once quickdraw outlaw have to go?

    it's not like i'm dead, i ain't as quick as i once was, but i still shoot as straight. educated, up on current events. play golf. racquetball. chess. backgammon, and a dozen video games. any suggestions.

    14 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • trinity debunkers, where does the bible say specifically that the father and son are two distinct beings?

    no rationalizations or explanations. let's assume thet everyone reading and responding to this question has at least a two digit iq and can read the bible in their own languages. also, i am not referring to nonspecific passages that declare that the father has a higher status or more power than the son. to have created such a heated dispute, there must be some dogmatic declaration somewhere in scripture that says the father and son are definitely two different people. also, we all know the difference between interpretations and translations.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Tell me True. Would keeping the short, old guy in the expensive suit off the field cure Dallas' problems?

    Great businessmen are not necessarily great coaches, and as he drives the franchise farther and farther into the ground, everyone has to be wondering how much of his business success was luck. Will Jerry Jones be remembered as the man who destroyed a dynasty due to ego?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Since the founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society said?

    "If I ever have to ask for donations to continue the work, I will know that it is Jehovah's time to stop." Why is the work continuing? Have you listened to the message lately. "The tract is free, but we do accept contributions. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.!"

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can Christians prove that a life-sized, fully operational, Star Ship Enterprise does not exist?

    Forget the Captain and Crew. Just the Star Ship. I'll wait here basking in my Agnosticism until you come up with a logical proof that it does not exist. You could make life a whole lot simpler by ceasing to ask Athiests and Agnostics to prove your three headed invisible guy in the sky doesn't exist. As Spock would say, that's illogical.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the Apostle Paul was running for political office on the Tea Party Ticket today, could he be elected?

    After all, he used to kill Christians, and it seems that is much worse than "dabbling in black majic." The Democratic Party elects all kinds of people of questionable character while the Republican Party begins to unravel {again} by nitpicking their own candidates to pieces. Conservative does not have to equal white mainstream Christian, or does it?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you think Maobama orchestrated change of the General directing the war to facilitate this phony end of war?

    Do you think he needed someone in the top Military position to administrate the name change of the action and the soldiers and call it a victory.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if Charlie Rangel realizes what is happening to him?

    Whether you agree with him politically or not, it is painful to watch him being abandoned by long-time friends and colleagues. The look on his face, his body language all say, "Not me. This can't be happening to mr." Does anyone know what he is thinking?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago