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I am a married born again Christian and a father of 5 children,divorced once. I enjoy playing guitar,fishing,playing Dungeons and Dragons&playing euchre.I'm a Ric Flair fan,I'm a Yankees fan,and an Al Dimeola fan I enjoy watching movies(and critiquing them)

  • fantasy match who would win this triple threat?

    Kevin Sullivan vs. Cactus Jack vs. Buzz Sawyer (all in their primes)

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Ex wife is using our kids?

    My ex left me after 15 years of marriage for another,the other man is not a very good role model or contributing citizen,so I refused to allow her to have custodial custody of our 3 children to protect them from the environment of drugs and alcohol related issues.I allowed her to not have to pay support,in lieu of retaining custodial custody,and she insisted she would help regardless.

    She contacted the kids maybe 4 times over a period of 5 months,although she was only living a mile away.

    She recently gave birth to twins and my current wife took the kids to see her and the babies in the hospital,the first time the kids seen her in about 3 mos.

    Recently the ex has started picking up the kids,and she did buy them school clothes(she has gotten christmas and b day gifts),but I'm thinking the recent increase in visitation is so she can get a them to babysit.My girls won't admit that but it seems to happen frequently around the weekend.I asked the ex to take my youngest to the dentist,she made an appointment but I ended up having to take her since the ex couldn't make it,but she was available to get my daughter on friday but my daughter refused because she is mad at how her mom has done this repeatedly,but my oldest daughter(16) still went.

    I'm almost to the point of not allowing them to go.I always told the ex she could get them whenever she wanted,but she seems to now be doing the last minute routine.I'm thinking of only allowing the girls to go over only after the ex talks to me or my wife first.

    what do you suggest would be a good procedure.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If as I have read many non believer's don't want to hear christian "nonsence" then why

    fill up this entire subsection with answers and questions concerning God/christianity.Why do some practice the same thing that they condemn the "holding authority over the truth" philosophy that they accuse believers of espousing.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • who would win this fantasy match?

    Papa Shango vs. Great Kabuki-and why

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • what is the fascination of guys on this forum to?

    ask if there penis size is adequate and then announce their size as if to have strangers remark about how wonderful it is.

    I have heard of "penis envy" but" penis remark envy" is a new one for me.Why not check out the web and find out what the average is too begin with.It really only matters to you and your partner what size it is anyway-we don't want to know.

    Am I the only person who feels this way.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • where are the legitamate tag teams?

    I long to see a viable tag team like the steiners,road warriors,midnight express,steamboat&youngblood etc...

    Why has the w.w.e. had such a poor history regarding talented home grown tag teams.I can only consider teams like

    the wild samoans,Hart foundation and Edge and Christian as true tag"teams" most wwe tag teams are thrown together hodgepodge

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • for old time wrestling fans?

    how would Mr wrestling 2 do in a match with the likes of Mr Perfect,Bret Hart and Kurt Angle-considering all in their primes

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • how big would the freebirds...?

    have been if they had spent there prime years during the Attitude era.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Does any one remember?

    the wrestler Chic Donovan.I remember him wrestling,but I don't recall him winning very often.I remember him jobbing to different wrestlers on Georgia championship wrestling to the likes of Bob Roop,Ron Bass and the Spoiler.He had a good look and moved well,why didn't he ever seem to hold a title.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Atheist and agnostics-have you ever?

    spoken with a believer in Christ(christian) that you found to be well grounded and informed enough that their viewpoint in the existance of God and the divinity of Jesus seemed plausable

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In your opinion which wrestlers are legitimate tough guys?

    I have heard allusions to Haku(ming),Stan Hanson,and Bruiser Brody as real life tough guys(shooters) but who else have that reputation.List source if possible

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • who is the best guitarist?

    My personal favorite is Al Dimeola but I don't find very many youtube videos that do him justice.I also like Stanley jordan,Yngwie Malmsteen but as far as a pure technical virtuoso I think it is between Dimeola and Chet Atkins.

    If you suggest someone else can you give your reasons also.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ric Flair tonight-What old schoolers were there?

    I'm at work and was curious about what old school,unique or non roster people came out to celebrate on raw last night.

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • I'm reluctant to watch his career ending match.?

    I am not embarrassed to say i have watched and idolized Ric Flair as an entertainer for over 26 years.I have read many question responses and find myself tearing up just imagining his final match moments.As with anything you put alot of energy.time and emotion into-watching it end is always heartbreaking.

    I know this isn't a question-but after watching literally over a thousand hours of his performances,I don't know if I have the fortitude to sit and watch this final match.

    But what kind of fan would I be if I didn't put forth the same effort to watch "the greatest wrestler of all time", as he has for over 30 years been putting forth the effort to become the "kiss stealing -wheeling dealing-son of a gun"

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • If Ric Flair was in his prime today,whom do you think would?

    lift the title off of him,and keep it off for more than 30 days.I don't see any character out today who Flair hasn't wrestled,and beaten someone similiar at some point in his career.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • I finally watched naruto?

    It reminded me why I dislike anime/manga.It had terrible artwork and hokey imaging.I have seen"good" anime and I am still unconvinced of it's percieved greatness.I'm more disappointed it has proliferated many marvel and dc comic titles.I assume it is because it is cheaper to draw,color and ink these bland images.

    13 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Christians have you noticed the increase?

    in school age students 12-18 that are confessed bi/homosexual.

    Does this alarm you.

    What do you attribute this phenomena too.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Any good tips for improving daughter's batting?

    My daughter has played softball for 10 years now,I don't want to sound to proud but she is the best ball striker I have seen out of the many girls I have seen play.She has never batted below 500 and has struck out less than 10 times in her whole career,and she always takes the first pitch.Many oppossing coaches have commented on her ability to fight off good pitches and really have paid her and her coaches nice compliments.

    However she started j.v. last year and was batting .640 until she was kicked off the team for low grade point average.It was a good thing though because she learned a good lesson.

    My concern is because of her lost season time,and in a more competative enviroment,what would be a good way to sharpen her batting skills.

    7 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago