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I am 22 living on my own in newfoundland canada! i grew up my whole life around all kinds of animals! first experienced a cat giving birth when i was 5. watched and observed for many years and now since i was 12 have been assisting cats and dongs through their deliveries! I mostly know about cats! then it would be dogs and rats. i would know about the same with them! I currently have 8 pets! 3 cats, 2 rats, 2 fish, 1 frog! I love them all very much! in about a year or two i will be going into vet school! GOT A QUESTION JUST ASK!
Similar Movies To Nausicaa Valley Of The Wind and Spirited Away?
Two Different Artworks But I Find Them Very Interesting. I Have Seen A Nice Few Of Them But Can Only Think Of A Few At The Moment. Besides these Few That I Have Named Off I Was Wondering What Other Ones There Are.
Nausicaa Valley Of The Wind
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Kiki's Delivery Service
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoNeed A Good Wedding Song?
I Am Getting Married In July And A Friend Of The Family Is Going To Sing At The Wedding As I Walk Down The Isle But I Am Lost When It Comes To Picking The Right Song...... Some Help Would Be Very Much Appreciated!!! xoxoxoxoxo
3 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade agoTrying To Remember A Movie's Name?
I'm trying to remember the name of a movie but can't think of it for the life of me..... I can't even remember who plays in it. Its about a father who's a fireman and he dies on the job. His son becomes a cop and one day is able to talk to his dad from the past using his old radio. He's able to prevent his fathers death in the end. I thought it was a beautiful movie and would Love to be able to see it again.
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoAnime/Manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles? 10 Points?
I Was Wondering If Someone Could Help Me With This! I Have Watched All 52 Episodes And Have The 3 OVAs Ready To Be Watched But I Know There Is A Break In Between The Last Episode And The OVAs Which Is Suposed To Be Read By The Manga And Then The Story Continues With The Manga After The OVAs Are Done. The Problem I'm Having Is I Don't Know Where To Start In The Manga Series To Pick Up Ready. What Chapter Do I Start Reading After The Last Episode And When Should I Watch The OVAs And Then When Do I Start Reading The Manga Again? Bit Confused So If Anyone Could Help Me It Would Be Much Appreciated!!! :D
5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago3cm Dilated, Fully Effaced and Believe I just Lost My Mucus Plug?
I'm 24 and this is my first pregnany so I'm not 100% what to expect and was wondering if someone could help me. My due date is in 8 days and I've been having major pressure. When I went to see my Gynocologist yesterday she was shocked to see how low my baby was and told me I was 3cm dilated and fully effaced. It REALLY hurt when she checked me and I bled for the first time juring my entire pregnancy for atleast 6 hours afterwards and I felt extremly nauseas and major pressure. by the time I went to sleep I almost felt normal again. It is now 5am and I went to use the bathroom and when I wiped myself I had a huge really think chunk of bloody mucus on the tissue. My mother is my ride to the hospital and she lives about a 20 min drive from my house but I don't want to call her until I really need to but am afraid I might wait to long. If Anyone has any info or advice it would be so much appreciated!!!
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoCat Not Giving Birth After Going In Labor! 10 Points?
I know it is strange for me to ask a question about cat labor since I have been a midwife to cats and dogs since I was a little girl but I have come across a situation that I have not experienced before.
First off I'd like to point out that if I had the money to take her to a vet I would have already taken her and I am expecting a baby girl myself in the next few months so at the moment money is very tight! The plan was to get her fixed after my first baby bonus cheque!
Ok unfortunitly my female cat is a bit of an excape arts and occasionaly runs out the door through my feet. She has gotten pregnant a few times and I can tell that with each litter she has less kittens and on occasion some die. Her last litter she had one kitten and it was stillborn. Tried for month's to keep her from getting out but unfortunitly 2 month's ago she got out the door.... Anyways the main problem is on friday over 48 hours ago she cried to me like she always does to indicate she is in labor and I went and sat down with her. The amount of clear sticky liquid that came out of her was the same as if one of the sacks from a kitten had popped(whick can happen at times before its born) I had expected her to start pushing shortly after but not even one push. she leaked for about a half hour and would occasionally get up and move to a more comfortable spot. Suddenly she acted as if nothing happened and then went on her mary way. Besides acting extremely affectionate it is as if nothing had happened at all but when she lay's down one kitten(I believe that is all she has in her) is just stuck out of her left side(always on this side) I don't feel any movement from it so I assume it is stillborn. Not sure why she never had an urge to push and why she is now perfectly content and acting as if nothing is wrong. I've been keeping a close eye on her the last few days expecting her to get really sick and possibly having to get her put down but patiently hopeing she will still have it! Any suggestions would be much appreciated if you have any clue why her labor would turn out the way it did!
Thank you in advance for your help!!! I'm trying not to stress myself out too much over this since I am a little over six month's pregnant myself!
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoNew Iguana! Advice and Tips welcome! 10 points!?
Just like anyone who has a pet wants to cold it and stend time with it. I just got a beautiful femal Iguana today and named her Liz! she is aproximatly 18.5 inches! Already, even though she hasn't been handled much, is very friendly and is currently sitting on my head! I've been doing alot of reading on her and hear different things! some say handle her alot since she is new and have her get used to you while others say wait to handle her till 2 weeks later??!! she has a pretty big homemade tank with pretty much the basics in it right now. the main source of light and heat she gets is from the light that used to be on top of my old fish tank.... I baught a heat rock but found out that it could burn her.... so I turn it on till it heats up and then unplugs it, then lays a face cloth over it to contain its heat!. there is a large area with fresh wather and a really nice shelter for her... I mist the cage regularly. once I told my mother I had her she got really excited and is going to buy me one of those humidifyers for her tank. I plan to buy her a heating pad to put under her tank and a good UV lamp... oh I forgot to mention that I do have the reptile bark in it as well..... Tips on handling (fav places to be petted or rubbed), Fav foods, treats... pretty much any advice that will make her one happy iggy! I will give 10 points to the best answer! Thank you all in advance!!!
4 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoAnime sites! 10 Points!?
All I used to do was watch anime but lately all i have been doing is reading manga. i'm finding it harder and harder to find animes i like.... One of the sites i used to use was shut down. I like being able to choose a type of category say Romance, Fantasy, ecchi.. etc but I haven't been able to find any sites that categorises anime by type. there are too many sites to search through. any suggestions?
7 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoAudio and video problems! 10 Points!?
I downloaded 2 anime last night but the audio is playing before the video! when it starts playing or I switch back and forth from the languages it goes back to normal for a few secs but the audio always ends up playing before the video. the longer I let it play the further apart they become. I've also tried using 4 different players!
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoAudio and video playing at different times! 10 points!?
Ok Please no big words or high tech computer words or I wont understand what to do. lol. I downloaded 2 different animes last night but for some reason the audio and video are playing at different times. I have tried using about 4 different players but it happens with all of them. When it first starts its fine but then the audio starts getting further and further ahead of the video. if i switch the languages back and forth it catches up again 4 a few secs but the same happens again.
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoCat had kittens! Is she dieing?
My cat had her third litter of kittens a few hours ago! It is 2am. if the vet was open and if i had money i would take her to the vet! I don't get paid till next week! 2 of her kittens were born with their large intestine on the outside of their bodies! the other 2 are really healthy. i am used to her purring and panting for a while after but she is acting really strange! panting really hard, threw up everything in her stomach. she left the kittens to go downstairs and hide behind the tv and my other male cat is really freaked out and keeps crying and grabbing at her neck! I was wondering if this could be a sign that there is something really wrong with missy (mother cat) or that she is dieing!!!???
9 AnswersCats1 decade agocan any one tell me if the ka08 mini iphone clone will work with telus?
im about to purchase this phone and want to make sure it works on teluses network plz help
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agopregnacy riskes for a mother who has negative blood type and father with positive?
me and my boyfriend want to know if there could be any complication to a birth any thing you know would be gratefully apreciated
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoCan't Remember the Name of a Movie!!!! 10 Points!!?
A woman is pregnant and she gets molested my her doctor. once she reports him he commits suicide. The wife of the doctor takes revenge on the family by becoming their nanny and tries to kill the wife many times. there is a husband, little girl, wife and newborn baby. there is even special needs guy that works for them and becomes a friend of the family. the crazy woman frams him by putting the little girls underwear in his tool box. the wife has really sevear asthma!!!!
14 AnswersMovies1 decade agoThe Facebook Game "Restaurant City"!!! 10 Points!!!?
I am at level 9 with 5 employees. I was wondering if anyone can give me some tips and advice that I don't know about the game!?
Things I know!!!
1) You can shake trees and clean up garbadge to get coins!
2) Get rid of door or put mail box infront of it to prevent bad ratings!
3) Feed or put your employees to rest to get them to 100%
Want to know!
1) Any way to keep employees happy longer?
2) What is the best stove to use? fastest... Etc?
3) Any other purpose for visiting other neibourhoods besides rating, shaking trees and picking up garbadge?
4) How do you get rid of cracks in plates?
Ingredients are what gets to me the most!!!! In the market they are too expensive! Everyone I know has theirs locked and I find alot of the questions are a bit hard!!! the only other way I can get ingredients are the ones you get once a day but they are usually ones I don't need!!!???
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoThe game Restaurant City! 10 points!!!?
I was just wondering if someone can tell me a few things about restaurant city!? I can not seem to get more then $500 at a time then its gone pretty much as soon as i get it. How can I make more money? Or get ingredients? what types of changes to the restaurant attracts more customers? Any little tip would be much appreciated!!!!
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoThe signifagance of the time 12:34!!!?
I am 22, 23 in june. my mother just told me that she has been plagued with the numbers 1234 since I was born. At first it was a comfort to her from my father(abusive) when she would see it on the clock!!!! Now, recently she tries to avoid this number but will see it twice a day. she can't get away from it. she is only 42. the only thing I can see it as is the date January 2nd, 2034. she wants to know why this number has haunted her for about 23 years? what cold be the meaning of 12:34? Is someone, or something trying to tell her something?
6 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoThe signifigance of the numbers... 12:34!!!?
I am 22, 23 in june. my mother just told me that she has been plagued with the numbers 1234 since I was born. At first it was a comfort to her from my father(abusive) when she would see it on the clock!!!! Now, recently she tries to avoid this number but will see it twice a day. she can't get away from it. she is only 42. the only thing I can see it as is the date January 2nd, 2034. she wants to know why this number has haunted her for about 23 years? what cold be the meaning of 12:34? Is someone, or something trying to tell her something?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoThe significance of the time 12:34!!!!?
I am 22, 23 in june. my mother just told me that she has been plagued with the numbers 1234 since I was born. At first it was a comfort to her from my father(abusive) when she would see it on the clock!!!! Now, recently she tries to avoid this number but will see it twice a day. she can't get away from it. she is only 42. the only thing I can see it as is the date January 2nd, 2034. she wants to know why this number has haunted her for about 23 years? what cold be the meaning of 12:34? Is someone, or something trying to tell her something?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoShort hair style names!!! 10 Points!!!?
I had my hair cut pretty sort before and now its just at that point were I reallly need to do something with it. my bangs are perfectly aligned with my jaw line and its short in the back but getting longer. its a mess. there is a hair style I want but forget what its called.
the bangs are no shorter then the jaw line. from the front of my bangs to the back of my head the hair would get shorter but it is all straight and not in layers. I really can't explain it very well but if anyone has an idea what it is can you please either show me pictures or sites with that particular style. the person that gets it on the spot or closest I'll give them the 10 points. Thank you!!!
3 AnswersHair1 decade ago