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  • How can I set guidelines for how often my in-laws call or visit w/o upsetting them?

    Right now they stop by (with little or no notice) 1-3 times a day and stay for an average of 1-5 hours per visit. They call my cell 3-12 times a day, in addition to calling my home number and my husband's cell.

    The volume of visits and phone calls really interferes with our daily life, I cannot get things done. If I am not constantly entertaining them when they visit my mother-in-law will get upset and say I am being rude.

    Honestly, I would not be okay with anyone visiting and calling that often. I feel like it really puts an added strain on an already uncomfortable relationship. I hope that by limiting the interaction we can get along better.

    But they are very sensitive and my mother-in-law is the type of person you can't win with. So I need to say it in a way to where there is no way it can be taken as rude.

    3 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • youth basketball 6 yo...Does anyone have any tips or websites that I can use to help my son with basketball?

    I signed him up for basketball not really realizing the level at which other kids would be playing. The pamphlet said non-competitive league that focuses on fundamentals and developing basic skills. All of the other kids are way beyond the level at which he is playing. This is something that he really wanted to do.

    Pretty much he is a complete beginner and needs to work on everything but I don't know how to teach. Mainly, he makes the basket as much as anyone else on the team but he needs to work on form. Definitely needs to work on dribbling because he can hardly dribble at all.

    1 AnswerBasketball1 decade ago
  • How to dispose of cutting and scarfing powder?

    We recently bought a house and the garage has several containers of cutting and scarfing powder. How do I dispose of this properly?

    1 AnswerOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Help, I know nothing about lawn care. I recently moved into a fairly nice neighborhood.?

    All of the neighbors have nice well manicured lawns and flower gardens. I do have existing flower beds from the previous owner but I am not sure what are weeds and what should be there. I also live in an area with a lot of very tall trees and wooded areas. In the neighbors part of the woods the edge is nice and pretty but mine looks pretty bad. How do I deal with that because I don't think there is much grass there. I live in the midwest, near some river bottoms on a hill, there is very little even ground, little sunlight. I also live in a conservancy district....does that mean that we can't cut down any trees...even the little or dead ones?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Nurses and nursing students...I am taking peds, we have to go to a headstart and make a teaching plan.?

    I need to list at least three measurable, behaviorally stated client learning objectives.

    Which I haven't finished completely yet because I am still deciding on the topic. Obviously, it has to be nursing/health related and go with the teachers theme. The teachers theme is stars and planets, I thought about doing a healthy earth and healthy earthlings type thing where I would focus on healthy community such as recycling, not littering, finding ways to help the earth etc... or healthy earthlings (or healthy astronauts) and just focus on exercising, food guide pyramid (healthy meals and snacks), and ways to stay healthy.

    Do any of you have any ideas for me? I need to make a few activities.

    1 AnswerHealth Care1 decade ago
  • I need to make a health related lesson plan for pre-k. The teachers theme is stars and planets?

    I am a nursing student so it's not like I have a lot of practice on lesson plans. I was thinking I could tie it in with community nursing and do something like Healthy Earth and Healthy Earthlings or something.

    Any suggestions on a good way to tie it in while still satisfying the nursing aspect.

    I was thinking of talking about recycling and not throwing trash on the ground....I'm not really sure.

    1 AnswerPreschool1 decade ago
  • How does one prove they were not breaking a city ordinance?

    A person in my community was cited with not complying with this city ordinance:

    (3)     Any person who allows the accumulation of garbage, tin cans, paper, boxes, unused or abandoned appliances, motor vehicle parts, iron, tin, or any other waste material on a private lot, or any person who violates or fails to comply with a notice pursuant to § 93.03 to remove inflammable materials.

    The building inspector drove by and took pictures of a box of depends (4 boxes get delivered every month and a couch which the citizen had recently purchased and the seller had delivered to her porch. The couch was only there for a few days.

    Then approximately 3 weeks later they came by to recheck and took another picture of a different box of depends that had been delivered and a chair and dresser due to her one of her sons moving that day.

    None of this was unused or an accumulation it was different things that were there for a limited time. Generally this woman's porch is clear and free of anything but her porch swing and a bench and side table. Her yard is always kept up etc... They sent her a court notice and when she went to court the judge told her it didn't matter that the depends get delivered to the porch or that the other items were temporary. That she couldn't have anything on her porch ever and threatened to hold her in contempt of court. she has another court date set for the matter.

    so how can she prove this and is it even possible?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are the benefits of President Obama's health care reform proposal for the mentally ill?

    I would prefer you to back this up with links as I prefer to do my own research.

    Does he actually address mental illness in the health care reform proposal? I've seen that he is talking about it but I can't find any support other than what he says to people.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • psych nursing question. How to have a meaningful therapeutic conversation with a manic patient?

    diagnoses schizophrenia, paranoid, schizo-affective, bipolar (in manic state currently). recent history of violent tendencies and harm to others within the past 6 mths, past history of substance abuse which is denied.

    I feel like I don't have time to register what is said and think of a therapeutic response before we are 6 topics later. It's a new topic every minute or less.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • I missed the deadline for turning in copies for nursing school, I have to meet with a panel and explain why?

    I am a junior in a BSN program, I missed the deadline for turning in copies of my cpr card and criminal background check. I turned in the TB test.

    The background check is through an online company, which I only filled out a few days before the deadline so that is why it didn't make it in time.The cpr is from my school and the instructor was going to send copies for us but she isn't really supposed to so I can't say that.

    But what do I say to them, It is required that I meet with the panel to explain why I missed the deadline (they will not be happy). I really don't feel like their is any good reason. I know that there is no reason acceptable to them. So what should I say?

  • How can I get the animal shelter to send the letter to the right people?

    I picked up my in-laws dog at the animal shelter last month, (they were on vacation). I told them it wasn't my dog but they said they had to put my name down anyway. Now they are sending me letters to do the license and shot thing (I think my in-laws already did, but I can't get them to cooperate with me). Is there anyway I can get the animal shelter to take my name off and put my in-laws name on the mailing, I don't want to get a fine or have to go to court or anything. It isn't my dog so I don't have the dogs records to take to prove.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Very important question...possible neglect of an elder...what can we do?

    Background—grandmother has poor mental and physical health and terrible hygiene has been in between hospital and a nursing home for 2 months. Her house is not set up for an elderly woman, there was ill working plumbing (toilet didn’t flush (had to dump water in, shower broken (had to rig a knob whenever she bathed), sink in bathroom broken) for 2 months that landlord (son) did not take care of daughter 1 and son knew of problems. She is a packrat and it is hard to move around, the house is not clean at all and not fit for anyone to live in.

    When we discovered this we immediately fixed all of the plumbing and tried to install some handrails and safety features in her house as well as clean it up. Daughter 1 and son are very hostile about us cleaning. They say that daughter 3 isn’t ever around so she has no right to an opinion or to do anything.

    Children 4

    Son- her landlord (employed full time) wife- social worker at nursing home

    Daughter 1—poa medical and financial (unemployed/adult severely handicapped son)

    Daughter 2—lives 17 hours away (unemployed)

    Daughter 3—lives 60 minutes away (attends college full time/ only one class in summer/ works full time/secretary for union—one child at home)

    It was discovered while she was at the nursing home that the nurses didn’t change her dressing for 4 days. When this was reported, the social worker (son’s wife) didn’t want to press the issue because she worked there, they want to keep her at that nursing home until she goes home. (right now she is back in the hospital).

    Daughter 3 would like mother to live with her because she is not able to care for herself. Son and daughter 1 object they think mother can live at her apartment. Son said that mother seemed worried about making sure to pay her rent while she was in the hospital.

    What can we do? I am an adult grandchild, my mom is daughter 3.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • mother-in-law problems/ my own issues?

    here is my problem

    I have anger problems I suppose...I have conflicts with my family...although to me it seems that it is has to be me because I am the one that has them. How do I control this and not take the bait when they are baiting me? I also have serious issues with conflict resolution...

    mother-in-law---my mil is mentally ill and has empty nesters bad, hates me, I feel like she tries to sabotage me and turn everyone against me every chance she gets. She gets in my face all of the time and tells me to hit her etc... (I never have) .She gets the kids pumped to do something and then starts a fight with me and tells me nevermind take the kids and go (so the kids are mad at mommy because they can't do whatever it was). She calls my husband and tells him lies, I think she wants us to get a divorce or something.

    Here is the issue, we need her, we only have one vehicle and a busy schedule...she watches our kids on tuesday evenings and wednesday morning/afternoon and my husband borrows her van during this time because they have multiple vehicles...I can get alternate child care but not a vehicle for him...I have to fix this before tuesday so that he can go to a mandatory meeting for work and I can take two final exams (both places are 40 to 70 minutes away from our home so we can't find a ride)

    So how do I patch things up with her...I kind of flipped out because she pulled that crap again with the kids and I am sick of her making me out to be the bad guy.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • conflicting identities mommy/wife/college to deal?

    I've been in college since 2005 with a few semesters off here and there because of different things that have went on. I have 2 more years to go but sometimes I feel like my kids need me more. I have to finish college now or I may never...but if anyone has any ideas on how to balance my time better or at least stop feeling guilty, or occupying the kids while I do schoolwork. Managing housework, cooking etc.. and also my husband. I would love any advice I can get. Thanks.

  • What songs motivate you when you feel like you can't handle anything else?

    my best motivating song is high hopes Frank Sinatra, as corny as it seems it reminds me that I can do it.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • sociology help about social positions...what are they?

    Okay this is the question I have to answer....

    Self-concept emerges from a person’s unique intersection of social positions such as class, gender, race, religion, sexuality, age, and so forth. consider which aspects of your social position are more or less “central” and more or less “marginal.” What impact might your specific position have had on your interactions and experiences?

    MY QUESTION FOR YOU IS... considering the examples given can I use things like parent/mother or student as being social me they are but not in the same way that the examples you think she is only meaning those basic identifying pieces of information?

    although I would like to be able to say that my religion is central, it does not guide my actions the way it should. These things just don't, my actions are guided by my status as a mother, wife, and college student...To be honest the semester is almost over and I am getting kind of sick of writing about who I am and life examples of all of these topics.

    If you want to write how you would answer the above would be interesting as well. Obviously this isn't something that I could just copy from someone else because it is a personal type question.

    2 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Self-fulfilling prophecies-wold events and politics.?

    Can you name some world events and world politics that can be described in terms of self-fulfilling prophecies.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of the smell of smoke (not cigarette)? One of the neighbors has burnt some copper wire outside.?

    The smoke poured in our house, (we live in a double and thought the other side was on fire (just to picture how extreme it was, we called the fire department). I aired out the house for over 8 hours and to come home it is still there, not as bad but it's there. What can I do? Just air it out everyday or sit some baking soda around or what?

    It is the most terrible smell.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • what food items do you buy for when you have a late night and your husband has to make supper?

    Presuming that your husband is as helpless as mine in the kitchen.

    16 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Family issues...busy life...grandparents not being able to see the kids.?

    We are very busy, my husband works 50 hours + a week, I attend school on Tuesday 12-9, Wednesday 8-5, Thursday 8-5, and Friday 8-2. We have one vehicle and phone between the 2 of us and my son attends preschool m-f 11-3. The only free day we have is Monday. We are having difficulty visiting relatives. My family is very angry at me because they haven't seen the kids in a few weeks. I really don't know what to say to them. I just don't have the time. How can I explain this to them. I feel really bad but I don't know where to fit it in and sharing a car makes it very difficult for me to take the kids to visit relatives. I feel like they should try to get a hold of us instead of getting mad and calling other people about it. Today they went to my mil house because she babysits on Tuesdays so that they could visit the kids and apparently complained that we are keeping the children from them. I just don't know what to do.

    I would really like to chew them out which I might have a talk with my parents but my grandparents are elderly and I don't want to hurt their feelings (I used to let them keep the kids one day a week but recently my grandfather has had some medical issues and they really are too old to watch the kids)

    Any ideas on what to say to let them know that they will just have to plan ahead and possibly come get us or visit at our home. If I try to invite them they get all weird or when I try to work out when they can come it seems if it isn't right that second or whenever they exactly want to they are mad. I can't be in two places at once but I can't seem to get that through their head.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago