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Lv 42,683 points


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I am an engineer. I love to read. I am a witch doctor (well read on alternative medicine). I love to hike and cycle and backpack. I hike the rail trails, have completed half a dozen century rides, and done some backpacking in Colorado. I've travelled quite a bit, including to New Orleans to do pet rescue after the hurricane. I'm 52.

  • How close do Red Oak trees have to be to pollinate each other?

    No way would I have room for more than one. How many city blocks away can another Red Oak be? I am interested in Quercus Imbricaria and Quercus Palustris, which are more flood tolerant than others. Both are Red Oaks. Are Red Oaks common? Thanx.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Which tree with food for squirrels do you think would do well in a wet shady spot behind my garage?

    I have a small property, the spot is 26x23' and after that it hangs over neighbors' properties (behind their garage or in a corner of the yard unused due to water after rains). I am interested in providing food for squirrels. I wondered about:

    Swamp Oak

    Balsam Fir

    White Spruce

    White/Red/Weeping Mulberry

    I live in Zone 5 (SE Michigan). My tree service recommended Chinquapin Oak but I don't think it will do. I had an oak there before and it got some kind of trunk rot.

    Anyone have experience with any likely tree? Thanx

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Can't remember author/title of a GREAT book I read on squirrels?

    The book had a table of the various nuts and seeds squirrels eat and their nutritive content. It also quoted studies like from Harvard which showed squirrels are the enemies of trees since they ALWAYS find cached nuts (they smell hem under 2 feet of snow!). I wish I had bought the book and need to reference it now. Help?

    1 AnswerZoology7 years ago
  • How to delete duplicate questions I accidentally asked?

    The system was slow (think glacial movement here) and I (could help myself from bamming the send key) sent muli copies of the same question. Can I clean this up?!!

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Have you ever actually seen wildlife (especially squirrels) eat crabapples? Would you plant a crab hedge?

    I keep thinking that apples and crabapples would be better mast for wildlife than berries. After all, how many berries can you eat? I think you could eat a whole lotta apples. Apples make a mess but crabapples seem to make less mess(?). Except does wildlife even eat them really? We have apples and crabs growing up. The apples would get bites out of them but we never noticed anything eating the crabs. (We were not gardeners so maybe we just didn't notice?).

    I have a need for a hedge in front and wondered if it would be possible/worthwhile to plant a crabapple hedge for squirrels?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Why is my cornelian cherry not fruiting? Anyone got experience with a Cornelian Cherry (Cornus Mas)?

    Any idea why my cornelian cherry is not fruiting? Why is my cornelian cherry not fruiting?

    I planted it as an already large plant 12 years ago. I am zone 5 (SE Michigan) . It was severely overshadowed by a huge existing maple, such that it developed a sparse and w-i-d-e openness (I would call it leggy). I thought it was self fruiting and there is no other around. No idea what cultivar if any. Never really noticed flowers either. I removed the maple this year - will it now grow denser and fruit? No room for another! Thanx

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Dwarf trees live shorter lives than fullsize. What about weeping trees?

    I suspect weeping varieties are less tolerant of adverse conditions - whether flood, drought, shade, or sun. Anyone know? Do they live as long? Do they usually not fruit if the standard variety does? Thanks

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Good plant for edible privacy hedge, zone 5, full sun, near walkways and house door?

    Ilex Opaca? Elderberry (I hear it attracts too many bugs?), some kind of crab apple, viburnum???

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Where do you draw the line at helping out your Ex?

    I'm not asking where you SHOULD draw the line, but where you DO draw the line (and you should also mention if you share kids because that prolly makes a difference). So, for instance, if the hot water tank rusts out and floods and the Ex has no clue how to turn off the water, do you tell her to hire someone, talk her through finding the shutoff switch, or come help mop up the flood? What about if the Ex has a flat tire, or...? Just what kind of break do you actually have with the Ex??? Thanx

    10 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • My sister's hubby died this year and she needs new windows. Can u advise?

    She has maybe 15 windows, 2 are picture windows, and lives in southeast Michigan. Her current windows are wood and do not fit right. She is concerned about security also. Her utility company said her house is not as energy efficient as her neighbor's. She wants to get new doors and locks also. She doesn't even know if wood or vinyl is best for windows, composit or steel for doors? Any advice welcome. Thank you!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • What fruit would be a good size for an ***?

    If you are describing someone's apple ***, which fruit would be a perfect size to compare it to? If each cheek was the size of a cantelope would that be too big? I know they call it an apple ***, but apple sounds too smal, don't you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • which vapor steam cleaner is best for killing fleas?

    Apparently no other product can kill fleas in some state of their development cycle, but steam can burst their shell. I am taking a heavy class load and have no time for this. I need something FAST, EASY, that gets steam to temps greater than 140 degrees (needed to kill fleas). I have hardwood floors so I want one that does not drench the floor. Since I have animals I would like the cleaning aspect as if I am going to spend the money and have an appliance cluttering up, I would want it to be able to clean grout too. I am not expecting it to clean everything in my house, just floors. Carpets are a don't care...I have throw rugs and throw them in the wash. I do not want to pre-mop or vacuum. I want one product to do it all. I am not very picky but it has to be hot to kill fleas and it has to do at least a fair job of cleaning so I don't have to do it twice. I don't want to spend over $200. And it should be light weight (or it won't be easy). I don't think I 'd mind refilling it partway in order to keep the unit light. The right product might turn me from an indifferent housekeeper into a clean freak. Thanks for any help!

    Cleaning & Laundry10 years ago
  • Frontline does not work on cats. What does?

    I had dogs and cats and Frontline worked like a charm -- I never had to fog or premise spray - one application and the fleas were history. Then my dogs passed away and I found that Frontline for cats (lower The dose) DOES NOT WORK!! A week after I applied it, I premise sprayed and allowed the cats back in, not knowing each of them carried a whole bumper crop of fleas! I counted 19 fleas on my long haired cat! These fleas were not sluggish and dying but very active. FRONTLINE FOR CATS JUST PLAIN DOES NOT WORK! The dogs used to sleep with us and they were the ones killing the fleas all along! Three of my cats are feral -- I cannot bath them, pick them up, or spot treat them again (it took trapping and a $40 vet visit per cat in which they were put to sleep to apply Frontline) for me to get them one application. That cannot happen again. It is not even working anyway!


    8 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Since I onetime switched to via Y!A Canada, now whenever I get into yahoo, it goes to Yahoo Canada?

    I type

    I get or something like that.

    I delete it and retype and STILL, it tells me I don't know my own mind!

    I HATE idiotic features that think they know better than what I ACTUALLY REQUEST!

    Anyone know how to clean up this mess? THANKS!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products10 years ago
  • What is the funniest thing you ever heard one of your teachers say?

    The weather turned cold here (burb of Detroit) and it reminded me of a Physics professor I had in the 70's who said that mini skirts were responsible for a generation of fat-legged women because they didn't keep the legs warm, causing the body to resort to fat for insulation of the legs! bwahaha! Funniest thing I ever heard! How about you???

    6 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Women, what do you REALLY think when you see a guy on a motorcycle?

    Do you think the guy is trying to make up for a small or limp p**** or perhaps a small paycheck? It says to me a man is a low wage earner and has a lack of self confidence. What do you REALLY think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My electric bill is higher than my dad's - why?

    My Dad and I each have 3 BR brick ranches in Michigan. His is 1000sq-ft, mine 1200sq-ft.

    We both run whole house a/c. My Dad is anemic and so likes it hotter - he keeps his house at 76 and some days forgets to run the a/c at all. I keep mine at 72. I have a broken fridge -- the temp control broke so the whole thing is a freezer. I have no basement door and hot air rises. I have a dog door which has a vinyl flap. My Dad's bill was $76, mine $195 KWH used 1357 both readings actual. Does something above account for this large difference or are there other factors I may not have considered? Thx. P.S. My Dad is a senior (do seniors get breaks from utility companies?)

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago