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Lv 183 points

Venugopal Bandlamudi

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  • Can anyone correct the mistakes in the following short essay?

    Can anyone correct the mistakes in the following short essay?

    If a Philosophy has to stand the test of time, it should be constructed on the basis of truth. There is no other wing of human knowledge better than Science which can provide us the knowledge of truth. That means a Philosophy should take Science as its base to form its conclusions on any topic.

    For example, we all know the scientific principle ' Matter neither be created and nor be destroyed '. What philosophical consequences does it give rise to? Matter is never created and never destroyed. That means nobody can create matter or destroy it. Then where is the place for the Creator or Babas in this scheme of things?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Can you correct the errors in the following para?

    The world has crores of terrorists to deal with. Shall we hang and kill all of them? Is it possible? What the world needs is expert psychologists who can cure the mental-illnesses of these multitude of the terrorists.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • I want to sell my domain. Where can I sell?

    My domain name is

  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following para?

    Caste and religion...

    I don't like flaunting the name of my caste at the end of my name. There is nothing great and usefulness in the castes and religions of this human society. Besides, I firmly believe that these castes and religions are the main culprits in perpetuating the human misery and sorrow.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What is the difference between the following sentences?

    I am in search of wife. I am in search of a wife.

    I am in search of the wife.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can you correct mistakes in the following para?

    In search of a wife...

    Now, almost securing a government job, I am in search of a girl to be my wife. She should be beautiful, of fair complexion and not be below 5 feet 10 inches tall and it is going to be her fist marriage.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in paragraph?

    My interests

    I love both philosophy and English. I am working towards becoming a philosopher and literary man as well. I also love tennis and I am a big fan of Maria Sharapova. I am a cosmopolitan in my ideology and outlook. And I believe that philosophy should transcend the ideologies of class, religion, nationality and many more barriers in order to benefit the humanity as a whole.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct mistakes in the paragraph?

    My brother is my strength...

    My brother, Rambabu, is one of the real forces behind my revival. Though he is three years younger to me, he has been providing constant support to all my endeavours. Without his helping hand, I would have achieved nothing. My brother is my real strength.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • How to tranfer matter from one blog to another blog on blogspot?

    I have two blogs at How can I transfer matter from one blog to another blog ( both are at

    2 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • Godaddy and blogspot?

    I have bought a domain name at Can I fix this domain name to my blog at I tried many times , but unable to do except forwarding.

    1 AnswerGoogle9 years ago
  • Can you clarify my doubt?

    I have bought a domain at website. I also have a blog at Now, can I use my domain name for my blog?

    2 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following paragraphs?

    Godan ...

    In the Past, there was a custom in India called "Godan" . According to this custom , a man , whose father died, should present a cow to the Brahmin who performed the last rites. They believed that this would appease the Gods and the dead would be delivered to the Heaven without any obstacles.

    One day, a man whose father died donated a cow to the Brahmin who had performed the last rites to his dead father. Next day , he went to the Brahmin's house.

    The Brahmin: What's the matter?

    The man : Yesterday, I donated a cow to you sir. Has my father really entered the Heaven by now?

    The Brahmin: Sure, he reached the Heaven at the instant you donated the cow.

    The man: Thank you sir, I am very happy to hear the news. Then, could you give back my cow ? I have to return it to my neighbor. I borrowed it from him yesterday.

    Chapati ...

    A newly married couple took a train to a far-off place. They reserved two berths in the compartment .

    During the night, in the middle of the journey (in the compartment)

    Wife: I will sleep on the top berth. I will call out " Chapati, Chapati" whenever I feel for it ( sex) and you must come to the top at that time.

    Husband: Nice plan , Let's go to our berths. Good night!

    In the morning ...

    Wife : Last night was wonderful. The third Chapati you fried is unforgettable.

    Husband: Oh God! I fried only two chapatis. Who attempted the third one?

    A man from the third berth: Don't worry about it. I am the one who did it, the pan was getting too hot and there were no takers so I attempted it.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following paragraphs?

    My conquest of Psychology

    I am conquering the magnificent field of Psychology with great zeal and enthusiasm. Now, I have got correct understanding of how the Human Brain works. Of course, I am also using this knowledge to influence the human brains all over the world. So, I am gaining a lot from the world and giving much more to it in return. I hope my influence remains the same until my death. Cheers to Psychology! Long live Psychology!

    What is death?

    Death is nothing but the transformation of a living thing into a non-living thing. It's just a chemical change. Never fear death because we all should become non-living substance one day.

    Why do men remain bachelors?

    Once, an interviewer asked Ratan Tata : "Why have you remained bachelor all your life?"

    The Tata replied : " I have never come across a suitable girl ".

    If I have to answer such a question, I will say : " Every girl I met inspired me and I loved all of them equally. At last , I got confused whom to select as my wife. So, I have remained bachelor all my life ".

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following paragraphs?

    Why don't I believe in Astrology?

    I don't think our fate is decided by the planets and stars so distant from us. Man is the maker of his own destiny. There is nothing beyond this universe. Moreover, Astrology is not a science. Everything preached in its name is not only non-sense but fraud as well.

    Why do I love Maria Sharapova ?

    I have many reasons for liking Maria . She is a tall ( 6'2") and beautiful girl. She doesn't look as ugly as the negro players that America has been producing. And, I am proud to say that Indians are true admirers of beauty and I feel proud to be one among them. I always want to select the best for me as others do. Until now, I haven't had any girl friend. Do you know why? All the girls who tried to have relationship with me were either ugly or too short. If I find any girl who is as beautiful and tall as Maria, I will certainly start a relationship.

    What is love?

    The love feeling that happens among teenagers is generally a result of the secretion of different hormones. So, my dear young men, beware of the feeling until you reach mental maturity and emotional stability. As far as I know, marriage is a great social institution which gives us the license to torture or to be tortured by the opposite sex. According to many great psychologists, sex is not at all essential for healthy living. Sex is fundamentally a mind-born rather than a physical necessity. Lead a happy life with healthy habits

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following sentences?

    The best thing I have ever done in my life is...

    LEARNING ENGLISH is the best thing I have ever done in my life. It changed my life by giving me access to the rich treasure of knowledge and sciences. Now, I can update myself with the latest developments in World Affairs, Sciences, Philosophy and Technology etc.. You too can tranform your life by learning this world language -ENGLISH.

    I have achieved a phenomenal success on ...

    Hurrah! I have achieved great success on the health front. I have reduced my weight to 80 kgs from 96 kgs in five months period. That is a loss of 16 kgs in five months. Now I feel GREAT!

    I don't want to get married...

    I don't want to get married now because I am not in a position to take up responsibilities that come with marriage.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following sentences?

    I oppose same-sex marriages...

    Though I am a Humanist, I oppose the same-sex marriages as they are the result of faulty upbringing and misogynistic ideologies. But, I don't deny the rights of gays and lesbians.

    Once I was a neurotic . . .

    I was once a neurotic . Because, at that time I did not know what was happening to me. And, I also failed to understand how my mind was being revealed to others. So, I felt distressed and started torturing myself and my family members as well. I became neurotic. But now, I understand that my mind is revealed through the magnificent mechanism -THE MIND WAVE. I am healthy now. I am also trying to find out how this Mind Wave works, that is why, I am reading Psychology and searching for books on Neurophysics.

    My Hindi teacher . . .

    I had my schooling at JNVO. There, we had nice schooling and best teachers. One day , when I met my Hindi madam, I was very much amused to hear these words from her

    ' Hey Venu, tumhara nam Raghu haina? ' ( Hey Venu, isn't your name Raghu ? )

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following sentences?

    Two most important things :

    There are two most important things that have been driving the humanity towards progress. They are:

    - To love and to be loved

    - To know and to be known

    I need a girl friend

    I am 6 feet 4 inches tall. I am an Indian citizen. I am very much interested in making friends with 6 feet tall and beautiful girls and one day I may marry one of them. I insist on height because I am much taller than an average Indian. Everybody in my society identifies me with my height . Shorter girls look ugly standing beside me. So, I should marry only a tall girl who is not below 5 feet 10 inches ( between 180cms and 190 cms ) height and she should have charming looks. So, if you meet the above conditions and interested in me, you can contact me at or at

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody correct the mistakes in the following sentences?

    My interests

    I love both philosophy and English. I am working towards becoming a philosopher and literary man as well. I also love tennis and I am a big fan of Maria Sharapova. I am a cosmopolitan in my ideology and outlook. And I believe that philosophy should transcend the ideologies of class, religion, nationality and many more barriers in order to benefit the humanity as a whole.

    My favorite thinker

    Frankly speaking , Philosophy is the place where my heart is. There are many great thinkers whom I like the most . Among them Bertrand Russell is my first choice. I love his analytic power, scientific and emotional understanding of the topics. His books deal with a rich variety of subjects.

    More about Bertrand Russell :

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Are there any mistakes in the following sentence?

    Everthing that is preached in the name of Astrology is not only non-sense but fraud as well.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Can anybody tell me the meaning of the following sentence?

    India needs neither Marxism nor Maoism for its development but 100percent literacy.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago