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  • Getting sunburned for the first time in a really long time...?

    So I am 20 years old, and I'm of Mocha color, typically. I am Peruvian-born, of a very mixed ancestry, Irish, German, French, Spanish, Incan, etc( from great-grandparents).

    Essentially, I got a red tank top tan two days ago, from spending one day out with my lil bros and then driving around with some buddies in a convertible... and it was the first time this has happened to me basically ever, when i was 8 my family spent a full week in a beach town and i was there pretty much from early until the sun left and after 5 days my back was super dark and started peeling. That was the only other time I remember happening to me. It just seems very odd that after a lifetime of just getting tan, and tanner in the sun, I randomly would get redness and slight discomfort. Does anybody have any reasoning or theory on why this might be occurring now?? At first I thought it was the lack of slow tanning I used to get in high school through sports, but I've been out for 3 years and its the first time this has occurred, i've also been going to the beach pretty regularly. Another potential reason I thought might be that it was two days before the summer solstice which might have made the sun stronger, but i have no idea. Any feedback or actual reason behind it is much appreciate it

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • How could i hitchhike from Connecticut(close by NYC) to Illinois?

    Well I've always wanted to go on hitchhiking to a place that is decently far, but before I head to Cali haha I thought visiting a friend up in Chicago might be a great experience. I haven't done much research yet, but I am genuinely interested in doing it. Somebody told me that it was illegal to hitchhike nowadays or that truck companies had policies against it, but I'm willing to walk a good amount of the way if necessary. So my main question is what is the best way to snag a ride heading to Chicago, as I would think there would be trucks heading to a big city as Chicago is. But What would you guys recommend? What should I take on my trip? I plan on making it to my destination in a minimum of 2days - and max of 6 days, if I'm not close or halfway by 3 days i'm heading back home. Would rest spots be a good place to look for a ride to hitch or is that sketchy? Is walking on highways illegal? Any recommendations or suggestions are very much appreciated. Please no trolling, unless if its completely hysterical. Thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • How could i hitchhike from Connecticut(close to NYC) to Illinois?

    Well I've always wanted to go on hitchhiking to a place that is decently far, but before I head to Cali haha I thought visiting a friend up in Chicago might be a great experience. I haven't done much research yet, but I am genuinely interested in doing it. Somebody told me that it was illegal to hitchhike nowadays or that truck companies had policies against it, but I'm willing to walk a good amount of the way if necessary. So my main question is what is the best way to snag a ride heading to Chicago, as I would think there would be trucks heading to a big city as Chicago is. But What would you guys recommend? What should I take on my trip? I plan on making it to my destination in a minimum of 2days - and max of 6 days, if I'm not close or halfway by 3 days i'm heading back home. Would rest spots be a good place to look for a ride to hitch or is that sketchy? Any recommendations or suggestions are very much appreciated. Please no trolling, unless if its completely hysterical. Thank you

    1 AnswerOther - United States7 years ago
  • SAT Score help? For a person as English as their second language?

    Hi I took the SAT a couple of weeks ago and my scores were what is considered average. I got a 1590, Math 620, reading 520, writing 450. As y'all can see the english part of the test really brings me down, I was born in Peru, moved to NJ when I was in 5th grade but took classes in spanish until 7th grade then I moved again to CT in which I started to take classes in english for the first time in my life and right now I'm a senior at a really competitive hs. Everyone in my school gets nasty scores because most of them get tutors and take classes for it. So my question is, if my score is good to get into uconn I have a 3.1/4.0, or is my score pretty good?

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • So I'm traveling from Connecticut to Illinois, but I'm 16, I need help please?

    My friend who is 18 and I are both going to Illinois tomorrow at about 5pm and i hadn't really thought about it until now but I have no idea if i need some sort of consent or something like that help me please, we are traveling from American Airlines and I am 16 almost seventeen. So is there something i need approved or some signature from my mom or what? Also I am not an American citizen but i don't think it'll make a big difference i am travelling with a Peruvian passport just help me as soon as possible

    3 AnswersOther - United States9 years ago
  • Can you buy a 3G plan for an iphone?

    So i was thinking if you buy a 3G only plan for the internet and then use an app such as pinger to do the texting and calling. My basic question is if you can just buy the 3G connection from a company to have the cheapest plan possible. And if you can how much would it be?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • can you get 3G connection or pay for it on an iphone touch?

    Is it possible to pay for it because then there are apps for free texting and quality deals for calling, even better could you get it for free? Paying for it would not be that bad because then you would save hundreds so anyone help

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Standardized testing question, TOEFL?

    So I moved to the NJ in the U.S. when I was in 5th grade, but my school had a bilingual program in which i was involved until 7th grade. Then i moved to Connecticut and all my classes were all english from 8th grade and on. I am about to become a senior and i have taken both the SAT and ACT but my scores are not as high as i expected because the English, writing, reading, and the essays. In the math section i get good scores but not the rest. Am i supposed to take the TOEFL? My guidance has no idea because i'm like her first Hispanic student, and i'm also one of the few Hispanic student from my school there is very little diversity. Please i need an answer because i know that to get into a good college and receive scholarships i need better scores on these kind of tests.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • Sat question about international students?

    So i just took the SAT and got a 1500 I didn't really prepare or anything and also English isn't my first language i moved to the US in the beginning of 5th grade so i always get destroyed in any kind of english whether reading or writing because i never had the elementary teaching my peers had. And i heard somewhere that if english is not your first language they add an extra 200 points when looking at your profile. Is this true because i didn't find anything.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • shoes question mostly jordans and nikes?

    so i was wondering im planning on buying some shoes and my friend recommended this website but it seems a bit sketchy and i have no idea if the shoes are legit could you guys please verify asap. Thank you.

    Here are the links of the ones i was thinking of:

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Why is Che Guevara so controversial?

    I personally consider him a hero and somebody that Latin American people should admire. But that's not important, I was wondering if somebody with a good amount of knowledge explained what his idealism was and what kind of government type he preferred. Most people are really bias about it so i want somebody that knows from both sides of the coin.

    21 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What would be a better type of government?

    so basically I'm a high school student and i was getting a little more in depth into governments and what people want. I want to know what type of government would work the best for a revolution in the US. the democracy isn't really working people aren't happy because they want more and more, people in finland are happy because they have a socialist government and the govt. pays for their studies all the way up to college and they are one of the happiest countries, in the other side we have the number 1 power in the world, the US but people aren't happy. If there was to come a revolution to make it better what would you people want. I know communism doesn't work democracy is not as great, monarchy's not the best option. i want serious answers please and explain. Thank you

    i forgot to mention that i don't really like the system and that people believe the propaganda in tv so if there is any kind of revolutionary they would probably make him look like a terrorist what do you think about this

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What would be a better type of government?

    so basically I'm a high school student and i was getting a little more in depth into governments and what people want. I want to know what type of government would work the best for a revolution in the US. the democracy isn't really working people aren't happy because they want more and more, people in finland are happy because they have a socialist government and the govt. pays for their studies all the way up to college and they are one of the happiest countries, in the other side we have the number 1 power in the world, the US but people aren't happy. If there was to come a revolution to make it better what would you people want. I know communism doesn't work democracy is not as great, monarchy's not the best option. i want serious answers please and explain. Thank you

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do you get dreadlocks and take care of it?

    I just want to know how to get them and how i keep my hair clean. My hair is curly some parts curlier than others, is about 3 inches long. i just need to know how to get them and what kind of creams i would have to buy to keep it and wash it. Thanks for all real answers.

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • where could i buy or get wolf hair?

    in the east coast zone. ny, ct, or nj. not much just a little bit. how much would it be?

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Where could i buy or get wolf hair?

    not much just a little less than a handful

    what would be the price?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • i have a question about shapeshifters?

    i know that there's everything in this world but i never tought that shapeshifting would be possible but three weeks ago i was in the caribbean to be specific i was in dominican republic and this guy who was helping me get around told of this guy Haiti who did voodoo and could shapeshift, and i tought he was crazy about the shapeshifting part butwhen we got to the guy he was killing a chicken and i wasn't really supposed to go i was just curious to see him. And i stayed outside the rest of the time and before leaving the guy said he would visit me. And later that night there was this kind of wolf, which aren't supposed to be in that section of the island, and he was in my room in the hotel i was staying and then i think he was talking to me like a real person but i was ready to pass out and he was talking in french or haitian and just understood parts of it. Then he just jumped out through the window and was nowhere to be found i searched everywhere. could this be the shapeshifter/voodoo guy?

    If you don't know about this don't answer.

    15 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • native americans, vikings, and werewolves?

    is there any prove about native americans becaming werewolves or of this special viking warriors that were wolf like

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • i need help with movie auditions for the sea of monsters?

    i would like to know how could i get to the auditions of the next movie of percy jackson & the olympians, i want to know when and where the auditions will be. Serious answers only

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What do i need to start a club at my high school?

    i'm about to start a mixed-martial arts club at my high school, but i don't know where to start. i need some help on how to start a club

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago