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Dying inside and no one knows it.

  • I heard my parents have sex… help me?

    This is really complicated. This morning I woke up to the sound of a bed moving and my mum moaning. I'm cringing right now. Then my dad started making noises and I heard the best move faster and faster then stop. It was obvious they were having sex and I think my childhood has been ruined. Jk it was ruined ages ago. Anyway the thing that confuses me is that my mum is having an affair but then she's having sex with my dad again does that mean she's having an affair on my dad and on the other guy. wow. Can you just elucidate if she's having several affairs or what. Thanks

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • I can't live with my mum anymore. What should I do?

    When ever I'm around her it feels so wrong. She's having an affair and its tearing me apart. My dad is great to her (still) he knows but he's staying with her for my sisters sake. She's self harming because of it all and she doesn't want them to divorce. My mum has never supported me. Ever since I came out she's always been bad mouthing me behind my back. Everyday she makes me feel abnormal, she mocks me because of who I am. She picks at all my imperfections and compares me to other people. Even what I wear is an issue, I don't like to dress girly so I'm dress more masculine and she compares me to all the girls in the street, my friends even my sister. I feel strange and sometimes I can't take so I cut. I've been 3 months clean but it's difficult when she's always making fun of you and everyone is falling apart because of her. I don't know what to do. It hurts to hug her. It shouldn't be like this. She takes all my money aswell. My grandma is basically my mum she looks after me because my mum is always 'working'. My grandparents are ill and dying so when they're gone I'll be lost. Can anyone help?

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Life expectancy for Advanced Prostate Cancer?

    My grandad is 85 years old and has Prostate Cancer. He has been suffering back pains for a couple months now and the cancer is spreading. He has had cancer for around 2 years. How long do you think he has left? He is starting radiotherapy next week to ease the pain. He also is starting to develop dementia.

    1 AnswerCancer6 years ago
  • What should I do?

    My mum is having an affair with another man, I have his number, but she's married to my dad. My dad and sister knows and my sis is self harming. I've never liked my mum, she prefers my sister because I'm a lesbian and makes me dress more girly although I like to wear masculine clothes. Should I tell her I know because it's killing me inside. I can't keep the secret forever.

  • What format should I do for my presentation on the life of Jesus?

    I mis-worded my last question about this so here it is again. I know what content I need to do but I don't know how to present it. It need's to be something new. Specifically not a powerpoint.

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago
  • What should I do for my life of Jesus presentation?

    I have 7 weeks to do a new, extremely informative presentation on the life of jesus. I m not sure on what format to do it in. It needs to be really impressive because I have almost 2 months and if it isn t then I ll get some after school detentions because my teacher is really strict. I was going to do a powerpoint but he said it has to be something different. I m stuck for ideas, please help!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • How would you say; I attend (school name) in Thai?

    I'm half thai and trying to learn the basics, I've mastered some stuff but I want to know how to say: I go to/ I attend (school name). Ive tried searching the Internet but there are no websites telling me how. Thanks :))

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • My dog is getting snappy, help?

    Only recently my little cousins have been coming over quite a lot. We have to give them a lot of attention because they are quite badly behaved and always fight each other (girl- 8 & boy- 7) and I'm not sure if my dog was missing the attention or if he was just annoyed by them because they always scream and shout. One day he got really snappy at the boy and tried to bite his head (he didn't touch him but the boy started crying his eyes out) then the girl went up to my dog and started laughing and he jumped up and bit her lip and she bled a little bit). every time they come around he gets snappy we normally bring him to my grandmas house as she lives across the road. What can I do to stop him from snapping in the case of another event like this?

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • I miss Thailand so much!?

    So I'm half thai (half polish) and I really miss Thailand. The last time I went was three years ago and Im going this August but it's such a difficult wait. I just miss everything about it. My family, living in the village, going to temples, the food, making friends (and the heat!). It just seems so wrong in Uk but in Thailand as soon as I walked out the airport I felt at home. Plus everytime I go I experience something new and exciting. I just miss my family so much and two of them have died within 4 months so I'm not sure how long the rest will last. I just want to be back in the morning feeding chickens outside my grandmas shop and going in the pick up truck to my grandads house and hold his gun again (he works in the military). I just love Thailand!!

    5 AnswersThailand6 years ago
  • Why is my dog so crazy?

    I have a bichon who is completely bonkers! If i leave him for 2 minutes to do something when I see him again he will get really excited and go into a 'Bichon Blitz'! Also he just is generally excited all the time and will run around the house about 6 times a day even afters he been on many walks.

    3 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • How do I control my anger?

    There's always an anger inside which seems to just explode in my face when someone annoys me the slightest bit. I am under a lot of pressure and have been feeling quite down recently which maybe may have triggered it.

    Please help with some methods to control it.

    42 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What has happened to my mum?

    my mum has changed drastically these past few years.

    Suddenly she has become obsessed with work and leaves home at 7am and gets back at 10pm. Some days her shifts vary but those are the normal times she works. My dad works till 7pm so my nanny has been like a mum and dad to me and I'm scared to lose her.

    In a way (i feel really bad that I feel this way) i prefer it when she works because when she is at home she is taking phone calls and dragging all her stress into our home. She gets so angry over little things and she isn't there to back me up when I need her. Also when she is at home for 80% of the time she is watching her Thai tv on the iPad.

    Also she always says that we have no money so that's why she has to work but then she spends all her money on designer bags, clothes and makeup. We have money but she wastes it on stuff like that instead of buying useful resources for our family like a new shower or paying of her debt.

    She also seems quite expressive about what she thinks. She won't consider what she says first. For example once she said that my sister and I aren't going to be successful and when we got offended she said it was a 'joke' and got really moody and went upstairs for the rest of the evening.

    She is slowly tearing apart our family and my dad is getting fed up of it all. For some reason she always says 'we will be getting divorced soon but not now so keep trying in school' to me and my twin.

    i just want my mum back.

    Thanks for any answers :)

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • How to get over my phobia of women?

    However strange this may sound, I have a phobia of women. It's mainly young women from roughly 16-40. I think this phobia was caused by a traumatic experience with a female police woman when I was 12. But even before that at about the age of 7 I would have nightmares of female teachers torturing me.

    I always feel uncomfortable around women and try to avoid situations which would potentially include them. I'm even scared of young female teachers. It's affecting my work because I never put my hand up or speak to them when I'm stuck. Another example is when I go to the shops, when I pay I will try to avoid the woman behind the till and go to the male cashier.

    I'm not sure if my sexuality has a role in this as well. Anyway I just wanted some ways to overcome this fear.

    Thanks to anyone who answers :)

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Do most lesbians want sex?

    Hey I'm a lesbian and I was just wondering if most lesbians want sex because I'm a catholic and the bible states homosexual acts are a sin.

    Should I just leave my religion because most Catholics hate me anyway for being gay?

    Should I just have sex with girls and not care?

    Idk!!! Help please, thanks Jahs.

  • I want to die so much.?

    I'm in a really bad situation and I don't know what to do. My school have called home about my self harm AGAIN and I made up a story about why and said the last time I did it was a week ago but I told my counsellor it was this morning an my counsellor is speaking to my mum tomorrow and so is the school. They might move me to a school for mental people and I can assure you I'm not really fucked up in the brain I still have a state of mind. I'm depressed over my sexuality and not being accepted and I think my school told my parents when they promised they wouldn't. I'm just scared and I feel so empty and alone. I just want I hang myself everything started back in September and now life is so ****. Please help! Thanks, Jahs

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • How to live with homophobic parents?

    I'm an in the closet lesbian and because I'm still in my teenage years I live with my parents. Unfortunately they are homophobic and tend to express that they will kick me out if I were gay. My school knows about it all but they got me to do counselling which I hate so I have requested to stop. I self harm as well and I don't really plan on stopping so is there any other ideas anyone has as to how to overcome this obstacle? Thanks, Jahs.

  • Favourite X-Men Character?

    I have to do this survey for homework so id appreciate if you could answer. Mine personally is Storm!

    3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • How to hide cuts on arm?

    I self harm and you can tell me to stop but it's unlikely I will so sorry. But anyway I was wondering if anyone knew any good ways to hide them because summer is approaching and I'm sure I'll be forced to wear dresses *vomit*. So yeah thanks, Jahs :)

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Will adopting a child if your homosexual affect the child in a bad way?

    This just a question that I was wondering about because in the future if I get a partner I'll probably adopt depending on the outcome of the child.

    11 AnswersAdoption7 years ago
  • I want to end my life?

    I've had a really low time since October 2013. I've had enough I just can't take this pain anymore. I cut about 3 times a day and each time around 6 cuts. It's a real struggle hiding them, and my parents and teachers thing I've stopped. I'm doing counselling but I've requested to stop due to my anxiety. My head of year thinks the last time I cut was a couple of weeks ago but actually it was this morning. You may be wondering why I cut well here it is: I'm a lesbian and I live in a homophobic household. My family tease me about what I wear and threaten to kick me out if I'm gay. I cry every night and I just can't cope. I am alone every one would rather be with someone else and at break I hang out with about 6 boys but they would prefer for me to be gone. I was going to kill myself today but I thought about my grandparents and couldn't. I think about suicide everyday. I lie all the time to teachers about how I am and about my mood and thoughts of suicide. On Thursday I started crying in class and had to stand outside to regain control for 5 minutes. I just hate being so sad and nervous all the time! I want this pain to end and if it's death that will stop it then I'll have to take that step. Sorry I'm a real mess but I know I need help. Btw I'm a teen in secondary school. Also I know every teen practically cuts and most for attention or other stupid things but seriously when my friend told my tutor I couldn't stop shaking and I wanted to run away but I couldn't. Thanks, Jahs

    5 AnswersMental Health7 years ago