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Lv 56,826 points

Philip Santucci

Favorite Answers27%

Hello people who are taking their time to read this.. A little about me.. I'm 19.. I'm a male.. I like to answer questions about tourettes because I have it myself and I want to help others..

  • Farmville addiction............?

    On a scale of 1-100, how addicted to farmville would you say this person is? and would it be a good idea to break her away from it?

    My girlfriend's mother is on farmville from what it sounds like all day long. Apparently, farmville now has 6 different farms and she plays every one of them. Has all the space filled up with trees, animals, crops, and whatever else. When she gets up, she gets right on farmville and doesn't do anything else until it is finished. Before she goes to bed, she has to do everything on farmville. When I went to their church, she would be in a rush to get home so she could finish her farmville..

    She gets of my girlfriend's facebook and plays my girlfriend's farmville just to send her stuff. She sends stuff to all of my girlfriend's friends and they get mad at her and tell her to stop sending them stuff.

    If any of you are wondering how she has time for a job, she doesn't have one. She's a "stay at home mom." Why the quotation marks? She has one child in her home who is 20. So she really doesn't have any reason not to have a job. Also, when her and my girlfriend are going to clean the house together, or help watch someone's kids, it's all left on my girlfriend while the mom plays farmville..

    How do you break someone from farmville??

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Martial arts and testing.?

    What does your teacher think a when you or a parent asks when you are testing next?

    I can understand when a student asks his teacher when he is testing because it can be disrespectful because you are there to learn and not necessarily just obtain belts.

    But if a parent were to ask, do you think they should be answered?

    At one point, I have gone 2 months over my testing date because I was forgotten about. Others have gone as long as a year. My sister who is about 10yrs old has gone several months without being tested (not because she isn't good but due to being forgotten about..) and my mother asked why she hasn't been tested yet and the teacher got offended and after she was done talking, the teacher went out and lectured the little kids in his class for 30 minutes on how you're not supposed to ask when you're to be tested and that it's disrespectful to ask..

    Granted, he did have surgery to get a brain tumor out a couple years ago which did change his personality but he was always big on that it's disrespectful to ask about testing.

    4 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • If a cop in delaware...?

    stops your vehicle for an expired registration, is he then able to search your vehicle with out any reason?

    My father was stopped today for an expired registration.. The cop looked at his license and noticed my father lost a lot of weight and asked him several questions as to why he lost weight such as if he is taking drugs etc. Which he isn't, he was on the verge of having diabetes and had to lose the weight. The officer then flicked down my father's visor for whatever reason and my father's CCW fell out.. Then he searched all in his vehicle and found nothing. It was an hour long thing wasting his time.

    Was the officer allowed to do this? Can you refuse a search?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • What are the laws for shooting foxes in Pennsylvania?

    I live in Pennsylvania and have about 3 acres of land and there's a big cornfield in my back yard and behind that are several trees. As you can imagine, there is a lot of wild life around us. Well, we have chickens and there are foxes and coyotes trying to get them every night and even some times in the day. They have recently eaten three of my chickens. Does Pennsylvania law say anything about shooting and killing these animals? Are we only allowed to kill them if they enter our property or can we chase and shoot them in the corn field? There is currently nothing planted in the cornfield. The farmer just recently tilled it up.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Do you think Y!A should do this?

    Do you think Y!A should not let people report answers after it has been closed (best answer picked)? I just got an answer reported that was answered at least two months ago and am pissed that it got reported now..

    So I think that after a best answer is picked, you shouldn't be able to get reported.. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why would someone do this?

    Someone reported my answer from about two months ago.. From what I just recently found out, it's an illegal question that I answered and anything I answer is valid to be reported but it was two months ago. Is it possible to appeal the report since someone did it for nothing?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • I am utterly confused on 1. Why this was reported and 2. Why this wasn't repealed?

    Ok, the question was "Rate the person above you and below you 1-10."

    I responded with "Wouldn't it make more sense to rate the person above you because the person below you isn't there? Since the person above me is a butterfly heart thing, 5."

    I have read the rules several times. I don't know what rule I am violating. Can someone please tell me?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Would you call this person insecure, a slut, or confident?

    I was talking with my girlfriend about this a few weeks ago and she was telling me something about a girl posting on facebook that wearing revealing clothes makes you feel confident or something.. My girlfriend is literally a her way is right kind of person.. She won't even think about the other side for a second if she thinks it's the wrong way.. So I couldn't continue it with her without the chance of her getting mad at me..

    So if a girl had some what of a revealing clothes.. Let's say to her belly button, would you say she's confident in her looks, insecure, or a slut? My girlfriend said she'd be a slut and she is really insecure about herself wanting compliments etc. I said that she was confident in her looks. Why else would she dress like that? A fat person sure as heck wouldn't. My girlfriend won't even wear shorts if it's 90 degrees because she says her legs look horrible..

    So I think that person is confident in her looks.. What do you think? and how revealing do you think a person is before they are considered a slut?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How do you feel about cursing?

    I don't understand what the wrong in it is..

    I've looked up several places online where it says in the bible that cursing is wrong but it doesn't say that it really is.. It mainly says that words that bring people down is bad and you are to use your words to lift people up.. I can fully understand that saying God's name and Jesus' name in vein is bad as they are holy names.. But the other curse words, I don't understand. I guess for people who say they are bad, it would be taboo to say it in front of them. But when you're around people who accept cursing, it's a way to lift them up by adding curse words into your vocabulary so by cursing, you are lifting them up which is what it says in the bible..

    I really have no one to talk to about this except you guys.. I asked my girlfriend who is a Christian (I'm a Christian as well) but she's the type who is 100% bias against everything and it's her way or no way.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How long does it take for a webcam to configure?

    Ok, there's this guy that commented on my youtube videos.. I have tourettes and he supposedly has tourettes.. Two things in common.. Well, he wanted to skype.. I guess to see each other's tourettes.. Well, I don't really want to video him.. But he constantly wants to so he can configure his webcam.. The last time we did it, it was over two hours and it didn't configure.. Now he's doing it and it's been a while again.. I wanted to be out of the picture.. I don't like being watched (even though he said he can't see me) but he said it needs to focus on something...

    So is he really trying to configure his camera or is he just trying to see me?

    He's a 20m

    I'm a 19m..

    He knows I'm a 19m..

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Is this the teacher's fault or the student's?

    We received our tests today that we took Monday and this is the result:

    Out of 19 students, the average grade was a 63.3

    The grade breakdown is like this:







    So since 12 people failed the test and 7 passed, is it the teacher's fault or is it the student's fault?

    *The last test had similar results.

    6 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • Is Y!A or my email screwing up?

    Since.. probably day light savings, my email has been screwy with my phone and not syncing together.. Then I would get best answer on here and it not show that I got it on my email until days later when it was almost instant before.. Now, I just got two emails.. One from my friend who just answered a question but it was asked two weeks ago (it says on the question). Then it just re-sent me an email saying I got best answer on a question about two weeks ago.

    So is it my email or is it Y!A getting mixed up?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • What do I do in this scenario?

    A couple of days ago, I asked the question:

    "I saw this obstruction today and I wondered who would be at fault if there was an accident. There was a guy mowing someone's lawn but his truck was completely on the road to where you had to get on the other side of the road just to pass him. Well, the genius decided to park right ahead of a bend in the road and you can't see if anyone is coming so you just have to go and hope for the best.

    If I had to go on the other side of the road and got into a head on collision, would it be my fault or would it be the lawnmower's fault?"

    Two people responded and they both said that it'd be my fault.

    My question is: What do I do? If I turn around and go a different way, it will add an extra 10-15 minutes and make me late to my class.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Who's fault would this be?

    I saw this obstruction today and I wondered who would be at fault if there was an accident. There was a guy mowing someone's lawn but his truck was on completely on the road to where you had to get on the other side of the road just to pass him. Well, the genius decided to park right ahead of a bend in the road and you can't see if anyone is coming so you just have to go and hope for the best.

    If I had to go on the other side of the road and got into a head on collision, would it be my fault or would it be the lawnmower's fault?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How do I go about doing this?

    Ok, we are constantly getting calls from a "debt" collector.. They said that we owe them $15 and we have to pay them $6.99 on top of that $15. It's for a hospital bill.. We called that hospital that they were talking about and they said we don't owe them anything. We told them that if they don't stop calling us, we would report them.. Well, they called us again but we don't know who to report them to..

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Is anyone else getting up set with the Y!A answer team?

    It's like they don't even look at your repeal and throw it out and deduct your points.. I answered a question a few days ago and I got reported..

    What was the question you ask? "what is 2+2??????????????????????"

    My answer was fish... Why did I answer with fish? Because if you have to be at least 13 on here, you should know what 2+2 is.. 2+2 can be answered with both 4 and fish.. and I got reported..

    I've been reported maybe 8 times and each time, it's like they don't look at my repeal. Though maybe 3/8 of those I was being stupid but the other 5 times I answered legitimately and they just threw me to the curb..

    What do you think about this? Was that something to be reported for? Have you ever gotten reported for something you shouldn't have and they just ignored you?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Why is my dog so scared of...?

    My laser pointer? My cats love to play with it so I wondered what my dogs would do.. My snoodle tries to get it but after 10 seconds, it loses interest.. My burmese mountain dog is absolutely terrified of it.. It's not just the dot either, it's scared of the object too. As soon as I get it out (to play with the cat) it runs off to its cage. I usually keep it on the arm of the couch.. When I go to reach for my drink, she runs off to her cage in fear.. Why would she be scared of it?

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Question about meat............?

    Ok, for health reasons, I have cut out all meat except for fish from my diet.. I've heard that if you don't eat meat for a while, eventually your body will get rid of the materials to break down it down.

    So my questions is, does the body use the same materials to break down the meat as it does fish?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Vegans: how do you eat your cereal?

    Ok, so my mother is a vegan and she is trying to make us get rid of dairy.. I agree with her and her reasons for it.. My only thing is I don't know what else to put in my cereal. What do you put in yours?

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • I don't understand this pink thing...?

    I have seen several shirts and pants that either say pink or love pink when nothing on them is pink! Why? What's the point? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to wear a pink shirt that says love pink?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago