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  • Negative consequences of exercising before eating breakfast?

    I'm not a big fan of having food in my stomach before running. On top of that, I figured exercising before eating allowed your body to burn fat while my body was in a low glucose state, although I do get tired a lot faster without the carbs. I'm wondering if there are any long term harmful effects of exercising before eating.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Does the earth revolve around the sun?

    My friend and I had a discussion about this topic. We agreed that the earth revolved around the sun but he argued that earth revolved around the center of the sun itself while I argued that the central axis of rotation was within the sun but not at it's exact center and in fact the sun itself rotated around the central axis also.

    If anyone is able to clarify the issue with either logical explanation or a link to a reputable site, it would be greatly appreciated!

    21 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • X-link'ed calico cat question?

    So we've been learning about x-linked genetic diseases and every textbook talks about calico cats and their fur pattern. They state that some cells have active orange allele on one X chromosome and some cells have active black allele on the other X chromosome.

    But what accounts for the white fur? If all cells have an active X of one or the other X chromosome, how come there are white fur patches also?

    Answer probably has nothing to do with X-chromosome inheritance but i was just curious.

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • Someone write me a function for this scenario...?

    Very sad, I haven't done math in a while and I was trying to write a function for this scenario. It involves virtual investments.

    $8000 initial investment

    X = number of systems, costs $8000 each

    Y = 1 time cycle, 15 minutes each and generates $30 in returns

    If anyone is up for the challenge, post me your function so that I may find out...

    (a) How long would it take for me to break even assuming I want (5) or (10) systems maximum?

    (b) How much I would have earned through the systems (not including the cost of buying them) after reaching (5) or (10) systems?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Can I sue a company for providing an english-only test?

    A relative of mine was taking a national test for a practicing license back in 2007. Back then, the test was only in English but their accommodation was an extra 90 minutes and allowing a translation dictionary.

    In 2009, that accommodation was taken away and a Spanish version test was offered. As of now, there is the English and Spanish test. My relative is neither a native English or Spanish speaker.

    My question is this; is there a law that prohibits the accommodation of just one minority language? Would/could it be considered discrimination of language?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to make/set a bed linen etc?

    Im curious as to how other people set their beds; is there an appropriate way of doing it?

    I personally put bed cover on mattress, then bed linen on top, then comforter. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How does Scott brown's election in MA effect the healthcare reform?

    I need a bit of update on the healthcare and I've read about the election of Scott Brown but I am not sure how it directly affects the healthcare reform (didn't 2 separate bills pass through the house and senate already?)

    I am looking for serious answers, not political trolls. Thank you in advance.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • EMS in NY state: patient refuses transport to particular hospital?

    I currently work in NYC and I was having a discussion with my partner about patient rights' during an emergency. Here is a scenario:

    The patient is mentally sound (A&0 x3) but in critical condition. The closest hospital is 1 mile away but the patient refuses to go to that hospital due to a bad experience a couple years ago. The patient is willing to go to any other hospital, and cites one 5 miles away.

    My partner argues: Bring the patient to that nearest hospital no matter what.

    My argument: If mentally sound, and cannot be persuaded by us or the medical director, have the patient sign the "Against Medical Advice", try to convince patient to go to next nearest hospital or bring patient to requested hospital if he/she insists. HOWEVER, if she/he loses orientation/consciousness, we would divert to that nearest hospital.

    The matter at stake is the legal ramifications: my partner argues that we could be charged with manslaughter if we do not transport to the nearest hospital while I argue that we could be charged with kidnapping because we are forcibly taking a patient to a destination that he/she does not want to go.

    Any knowledge on this matter is appreciated.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Person wrote a check that bounced?

    I tried cashing a check that later bounced back. Is the person that wrote the check breaking any specific law, and if so what is it or you can just explain it.

    Who would I contact if the check-writer refuses to pay the amount after I contact them?

    thanks for your help!

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Landlord and tenant parking dispute - help?

    There is a tenant that has parked a really old, still intact, car in the parking lot. It has not been driven for years.

    We are on a monthly lease with no agreement on parking conditions and I have sent him many notices to m ove the car off the property. He has ignored this. Do I have the right to tow the car off my property?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Just registered for EMT - how to find a job?

    Do I go through newspapers and find employment or go to their office and just hand in a resume application? Do I do things differently if it's private company versus government or hospital run?

    I'm new to employment so I dont know how to do this. help much appreciated

    1 AnswerHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Landlord-Tenant eviction question?

    I served a notice to quit for tenant to leave by end of september but I accepted the month by month oral rent for October. Can I serve a second notice to quit for end of October or would it conflict with the first one or cause the eviction process to complicate?

    Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is there a practical purpose to not revealing your salary?

    Or is it some corporate propaganda to keep people from seeking equal wage. Interested in other reasons.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How does one become an Emergency Room Technician?

    I am trying to get some healthcare experience (Mass) and one thing I came across was ER-T. Not many sites were specific and often, emergency medical technicians pop up instead.

    Could anyone tell me what I have to do to qualify to become an ERT and how long the training usually is? If I become certified in one state, does it carry over to another state?

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • What is difference between promoter and primer?

    I'm coming across both words on this virus chapter and my previous knowledge on both of them was only that they initiate the synthesis of new strand. What are their roles in eukaryortic cells?

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Probability question..should be easy but wording is bad.?

    I have 30% chance of winning the lottery tomorrow. Using this magical spell (bear with me), I increase the likelihood of winning by 100%.

    Two interpretations:

    1. I increase the chance by 100% (meaning 100% increase of existing 30%, becoming 60%)

    2. I increase the chance by 100% (meaning additive 30% + 100%, giving me 130%, which logically gets reduced to 100%)

    Which interpretation makes more sense?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Where did the saying "NO way" come from?

    Did it evolve from a logical line of response that got socially shortened to its current forM?

    Very interested!

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What does a gene produce?

    I've heard that the definition of the genes change a bit - I heard that it produces a protein some years ago and then in a current article, it says it produces an enzyme.

    Yet, translation only produces Amino acid chains (making proteins) while not all proteins are enzymatic.

    Can anyone explain the current, mainstream definition of a gene?

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • What are causes for AIDS?

    My understanding is that HIV leads to destruction of T-cells in the body. However the name, AIDS (autoimmunedeficiency syndrome), only implies a weak immune system.

    If this is the case, are there other causes for AIDS, like other viruses or an organism born with a faulty immune system?

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Skin easily irritated and sensitive?

    I had poison ivy and mosquito bites on my legs over the summer and I think the cream I used has made my skin on my legs sensitive. They are slightly itchy and sensitive to touch.

    I put lotion on as often as I can but it does not seem to go away. Any solutions?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago