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Lv 43,609 points


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Im usually a bit of a quiet person i dont talk very much but i try to give advice whenever i can. Im trying to study up to be a translator i love to travel so i guess it goes hand in hand =) along with drawing, anime and movies.

  • Can you legally change your age?

    I m wanting to know if it s possible to change your age. I don t look my age at all, and due to several circumstances over the years, I have missed out on many educational programs that have an age limit on them. It s very frustrating.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Best exercises to get small legs?

    I need to slim down my thighs and calves. I do have arthritis in one of my knees. Any suggestions to help me reach my goal and not tear up my knee more?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How will trump bring back jobs?

    when his own clothing lines are being produced in china and mexico?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • What would replace obamacare if it gets repealed?

    I always hear about politicians trying to repeal obamacare, but I NEVER hear about what they'll replace it with. What would it be?

    Or why not just fix the system problems rather than scrapping the whole thing?

    10 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • My cat stopped using the litter box help!?

    We moved a few months ago to a new house. At the old house and up till 2 months ago she quit using the litter box and started peeing in the corner of the living room. We clean her box regularly, rub her nose it, and place her back in the litter box. And now she just peed on my bed; I am so frustrated because it seems like nothing is working and I'm seriously thinking about getting rid of her (even though I don't really want to).

    Why is this happening and what do I do to make this stop?

    Also on a side note, best way to get cat piss out of a mattress?

    2 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • So why doesn't America take notes from Sweden?

    I'm only using Sweden as the example because a lot of gun people like to point to them and say "they have guns too". Even though they have very strict laws on owning a gun and ammunition regulations. Should America be taking notes from them about gun control/rights or will people still complain about taking away the 2nd amendment?

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • What the heck was that?

    On my way to work this morning, I was doing fine. Then literally out of nowhere I had this overwhelming sadness loom over me. The only thing I wanted to do was step in front of a train and I have/had NO IDEA WHY.

    What the heck was that and should it be something I need to be on the lookout for?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Obtaining medical insurance overseas?

    I will be studying abroad in Tokyo next year, and the school I will be attending requires me to have medical insurance during my stay (1 year). I am having issues finding the best type of insurance I need, but I have heard about a lot of sites being scams, making this more difficult.

    Where is the best place with a good amount coverage you would recommend?

    2 AnswersStudying Abroad6 years ago
  • What methods could I use to get most of my tuition paid for?

    I got accepted to a language school overseas for next year. I'm currently working, saving up as much as humanly possible-only spending for bills, groceries and gas, applying for scholarships and grants. I even tried setting up a gofundme campaign, but I am having a hard time getting word out.

    Are there any other tips to help me lower the cost of my tuition without taking out a loan?

    Tuition is 20,000 dollars and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersStudying Abroad6 years ago
  • My work just got insurance what do I do?

    A couple weeks ago I signed up through the obamacare and managed to get insured at a good rate. Now a few days ago, my work is providing insurance and the rates are through the roof. Do I have to take my employer's insurance or can I keep mine? I make less than 12k a year and I am a college student would there be any exceptions?

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Why do people turn into immature a**holes when it comes to politics?

    I mean what point does it get at when you are calling people names and having hissy fits like 5 year olds with people that don t agree with you. Is it really THAT difficult to have a smart civil conversation??

    13 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Wanting to plan a trip to costa rica or Briton/Scotland?

    I want to save up money to go on a trip next year. I've narrowed down my choices to Costa Rica or Briton while playing around in Scotland. I'm looking for both places with a good amount of activities, exploration, and friendly local town atmosphere.

    For Costa Rica i'd like to stay in a beach resort, and for Briton I guess a nice room will do (I don't know the quality of hostels are or anything else.).

    I'm hoping to get around or over 3,000$ saved up and would like to know which trip i'd get the most out of both my money and experiences.

    Any suggestions would be awesome!

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations7 years ago
  • What attracts people to join ISIS?

    Forgive my ignorance, I have been a tad out of the loop on all the details. I hear of people in the US and Britain had an issue of people trying to join. But what I don't understand what is drawing so many people in?

    17 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Stay in the US or try abroad for college?

    I'm only trying to get some basics out of the way for now, but do other countries have college set up to where you HAVE to take x amount of credit hours and/or classes that are completely irrelevant to your wanted degree?

    What are some pros/cons to abroad universities?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • What languages are in demand for translator careers?

    I want to go into translating as a career. I am currently in Japanese class, but it seems like everyone and their dog wants to learn it thanks to anime/manga purposes. I'm wondering if it is worth trying to stay in Japanese because I actually do enjoy it and the culture does interest me or find another language to learn that might be in higher demand for translators?

    3 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • How can i get my interests back?

    All of my hobbies or interests nowadays i either look at my anime list, games, or sketchbook and say "not right now" but later never comes. If i do pick anything up it's maybe for 30 minutes tops then i set it back down and just stare at it. I get depressed because doing the things i used to enjoy almost feels like a chore now. I barely do anything now just because everything just feels so "meh", i'm barely excited about anything anymore...

    On top of the fact that I have little to no outlets for stress and pretty much no passions now, I often catch myself fantasizing about hurting random strangers or even punching/beating my own friends.

    I know this isn't healthy in the slightest, but I don't know what to do?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Should the US be held partially responsible for the pollution in China?

    We did send quite a few factories over there after all for cheaper labor.

    Yes or No and why?

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • IS there a middle ground anymore?

    It seems like your are either far left or far right these days. with every issue being taken to extreme measure instead of focusing on a middle ground where both parties can get somewhat what they wanted? Are we turning into a nation of extremism with little rational thought instead of negotiation and reason?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago