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C2 vertebre fracture, more painful overt time?
So i. 2016 january, i was hit by a drunk driver. I broke my neck. At the C2. After 6 months in a soft brace, i had two screws placed to stablize the brake. In the first year after the surgery i was in little pain. But over the last year and a half the pain im in has increased. At first it was aches and manage able. But now its debilitating. Every day constant.... I cant take it.. Ive has xrays that show everything is fine, my DR said i should not be in pain
My dr wont prescribe me anything for the pain.... I just want to know if any one else has this experiance. Were a year after a c2 injury the pain got worse?
1 AnswerInjuries1 year agowhat is a Goy?
.. a Jewish man (he had a ya'mica hat thing) call'ed me that after complaining and screaming at me, at my work (small hotel) about not having an elevator ( its just one flight of stairs). he complained that he should not be forced to walk up the stairs and demanded a bottom floor room, even though he booked one upstairs and i could not move in downstairs so he started yelling at me and called me a "useless Goy" its obviously intended as an insult but im wondering what exactly a "GOY" is... please me honest
4 AnswersFamily4 years agohave yo noticed the sky getting lighter/whiter in color?
in your personal experience, what you see with your eyes, do you think the sky was bluer when you were a child than it is now?
reasoning for question: iv seen a lot of old pictures (70s?) of a bunch of places that have deep blue sky behind them...(but i dont trust pictures)
but i think when i was a little girl (im 22 now) that the sky was a darker shade of blue
so i was hopeing to get other opinions to looking back in memory did the sky look blue-er on a sunny day to you then, than it dose now on a sunny day?
5 AnswersOther - Environment4 years agoWhat is the best piece of advice you can give to a young person( please only answer if you are over 58 years old)?
( please only answer if you are over 58 years old) with all the experience you have gathers in life what would you tell to a young person who wants to know the key to life? learning from your elders is the best way to prevent history from repeating, but this is not a historical question just in your life what is the best advice for young people?
5 AnswersPsychology4 years agoWhy is it when i question the actions of israel, being fare for the people of Palestine i am called Antisemitic?
most of the people who live in israel are not even Semitic, so why are they saying im Anti Semitic, after i ask questions about the occupation of Palestinian land.
6 AnswersIsrael4 years agoHow do i explain to my long term(2year) boyfriend that if i cut its not a reflection on how good of a man/boyfriend he is?
So we are Vary happy and devoted happy partners, i had a cutting problem for a long time, but when we started dating i was just starting to get better, weed helped a lot for my insomnia witch in turn helped my self harm... I had been almost a year then i slipped up and cut my self again. He said he would away love me and help me though it... almost another year goes by, then i get stressed out, I start having those thought of hurting my self, i don't say anything i don't want him to worrier, "im fine rely i can do this" and then when i'm alone, those kind of thoughts start racing though my head, then i self harm.I'm 21 years old, when i was 12 i never thought i would be still doing this. i though i was over it, i thought I was better. this addicting "coping method" is getting in the way of my relationship! i love him so much and the disappointment and fear in his eyes when i have to tell him i slipped up again, brakes my hart the guilt of what ive done is unbearable.naturally he hates to see me do that to my self, but he takes it on him self, he thinks I did it because he is not good enough and dose not make me happy, or does not take good enough care of me i've tried to explain to him that the to are separate i don't cut when i'm unhappy i cut when im suffering emotional pain and that is never caused by him, he is the best man i have ever known, i want to stop this cycle for him. i don't want this problem any more, i don't want to have to face him and tell him what ive don.
2 AnswersMental Health4 years agoflat eath! why do you think the earth is a ball/pare/oblate sphere?
I live on a flat un-moving plane.
I have piloted a plane, i have seen it all with my own eyes the Earth is Flat.
if the earth is mostly water and water finds its level and sits flat and level when still then since the earth is mostly water then earth is a least mostly flat.
8 AnswersGeography5 years agohow long did you struggle with self-harming urges, after quitting?how do you keep those thoughts at the back of your mind ?
hi, i(21 year old woman) had a cutting problem for meany years but i am slowly getting over it i have not cut my self in 10 mounts (the longest ive accomplished so far) but i still struggle with the want to... i miss the pain and the regret... naturally this is just part of my self harm addiction, i wondering if other people struggled with hard core Urges even after they were not depressed, sad, angry, hateful or stressed or otherwise "triggered". any tips to stay on track and how do you keep those thoughts at the back of your mind and not let it take focus?
3 AnswersMental Health5 years agoany coping tips for people going deaf?
So i was born with hearing loss, but when i was 4 i has surgery (not an implant) that made me able to hear, im nearly 21 now and SOOO grateful of the years of hearing i was granted but know my hearing is failing me. it will cut out at random times(like it stops and i dont hear anything at all ...maybe some ringing) for one to five minutes. im seeing my doctor about it, but what im looking for is some advice on coming to terms with loosing my hearing. im so afraid of falling back into silence, i worry about never hearing my favoret bands again or the sound of rain on the roof. how will i know if there is an ambulance behind me on the road? or work my receptionist job if i cant talk on the phone?... how do i cope with never hearing my husbands voice again, just thinking about it makes me want to cry, i dont know how to deal with this... any one with some advice?
3 AnswersMental Health5 years agoWhy do people never believe me when I say I don't want children?
for the past 7 years I've known and for much more of my life uncertaintly I've known that I do not want children. because of my age any time I mention not wanting children everyone always assume that I will change my mind. I'm so tired of people telling me you'll change your mind
I've thought it over for meany years I'm not interested at all , even if on the off chance I do change I don't want to bring more life to this shitty world I would adopt a chilled that needs a family. But I really am sure, and my life partner dose not want to be a dad as much as I do not want to be a mom.
my question is how old is it okay for a woman decide not to have children and why do so many people think I'll change my mind? mothers if your daughter told you they didn't want children with that make you upset? do people think it's wrong for women to not whant children?
7 AnswersParenting5 years agoHow can i become sterile( woman).?
Hello , I m 20 in a comited relationship and have known for 7 years I do not want children. My partner and I have chosen we do not want kids we are both VARY firm on this ( please don t try and change my mind) . Unfortunately doctors won t give me atubal ligation or hysterectomy until I m 30 or have 2 kids . I m looking for old fashion grandmothers tricks to keep me barren ? Any one out there know an old wives tail /home remedy for not getting pregnant?
13 AnswersWomen's Health5 years agoWhy is self harm wrong/ bad? Please read !?
I'm a recovering cutter , slowly I'm learning that way more people than I thought have this problem but why is this copeing method so bad?I know eeveryone says it is unhealthy but why is it. You get hurt all the time your body heals just the same if you did it international or not plus you are not hurting any one but your self.. I'm stopping this habit because I'm addicted , and no longer gaining controle over my life through cutting. so your answers won't provent me from "getting better". I'm just trying to understand how a non cutter sees this problem.
4 AnswersPsychology5 years agoHow long did you struggle with the urge to cut?
I was a cutter. I say was loosely because I recently relapsed. I was free for almost a year. I'm varry happy now I struggle less with my depression but still find my self wanting to cut my self. This question is for recovered self harmers after the last time you cut or burned your self when did you stop having the urge to hurt your self?
2 AnswersMental Health5 years agoHow to tell my boyfriend I've been cutting my self?
I was clean from my self harm for almost a year (just one month short) but I repapst. I was on a camping trip away from him when it happend the scars still bright pink . I know he will be sad and hurting for me he is so genuine I'm ashamed to tell him but I know he will find out by seeing my wounds... I know talking to him in the right thing I just hate letting him down I love him and I know he hates to see me like this, he disurves some one stable and i want to be that woman... but how ? How should I aproche this topic? How do I become strong enough to overcome my ueges ?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoIs self harm wrong ?
I'm not hurting any one but me so what's so wrong about it? Why?
Please explain in deatai
5 AnswersPain & Pain Management5 years agoLooking for Aspergers diagnosis and coping help?
I'm 20 year old woman who has been struggling to cope with the stress in life. I feel I can't handle things that other people can easily do. My mom suggested I have AS a few years ago , we read through lists and personality traits and it seems spot on . Now as I'm getting older I'm trying to keep a job and am struggling. The stress of people relying upon me and not having control over what I do each day drove me to a relapse in self harm. I think work is not the right choice for me so I'm looking into getting diagnosed with AS maybe they can help me learn to work better. Any one know how to find details.
1 AnswerMental Health5 years agofading scars advice . Trying to Stopp cutting?
Please do not reply unless you understand fully .
I am a recovering cutter. I was clean from my self harm addiction for almost a year but a few weeks ago I relapsed. I was overwhelmed by the fading of my scars , I feel they tell my storry but now they are disapering and I feel afraid for the validation of what I was going through this pulled up a lot of raw emotoins . Any other former self harmers struggle with this have advice to help me stay on track?
3 AnswersMental Health5 years agoIs it normal for a girl to experience a bit of vaginal discomfort when becoming sexualy active ?
I ve recently become sexualy active with my boyfriend (I had only been with women until this) we have been active for a few weeks now but I m experiencing some vaginal discomfort, a little redness and puffy feel right at the mouth of my vagina it goes away when I masterbatt, but burns when I pee. My friends say that all girls feel this when they loose there virginity but my hymen was broken years ago. Should I go talk to my doctor or do I just have a UTI or something?
2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years agoHELP kitten lashing out at two year old niece?
my new roommate just moved in with my sister and me and her kitten (a year old) is attacking us but after a few days she settled down a little but still attacks my two year old niece my sister is pissed as she has right to be but if the cat dose not stop we will be forced to get rid of her please dose anyone have any ideas how to help the cat calm down, ill give a description of the cats behaved below;
the cat is a year old and not fixed, she is a torta color cat . so the cat will rub up agents us and play with us but then randomly start attacking , we give her treats when she is calm and pet her plus use soft calming tones, but sometimes when my niece walks by not yelling or being loud or disruptive in any way the cat will jump at her grouling and hissing claws out and try to scratch her. my niece has not yet been seriously scratched but got a few here and there mostly because of swift reflexes on our part ( grabbing my niece or catching the cat mid leap) my sister and I have been bitten and deeply scratched wile stopping the cat from getting my niece. we are looking to help this once mellow cat to feel safe and calm in her new home and stop attacking us. if it dose not stop soon we will have to get rid of the cat for the safety of my niece.
please if you have any ideas that might help us please comment we don't get rid of this cat just because its having a hard time adjusting but the baby comes first!!
3 AnswersCats7 years agohow to start the transision from girl to man?
ok so i know and have accepted that im a transman. i cut my hair and talked with close friends ( not family yet ) and know i want tobget on hormones and probably at least top surgery. problem is im a poor kid from a poor family. we struggled to meet ends meet. my questions are;
1) who/were do i go to start hormones
2) how much is it.going to cost
3) how can i get financial help
this is vary important to me and i just dont know how to go about it.... let alone tell my closed minded christian family ( im Christian to and believe god made me in the wrong gender for a reason even if i dont understand it, i just think they wont understand what pain im going through ir how becoming a man will help )
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years ago