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Lv 43,249 points

John B

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  • do people go to the Philippines to train in boxing like they go to Thailand for muy thai?

    i think that would be a great experience as well as great training for boxing. has anyone heard of this? i know going to thailand for muy thai is popular.

    13 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • What if Mosleys trainer 'Brother' Nazim Richardson did not find plaster of paris in Margaritos wraps?

    would mosley have suffered the same fate as cotto? where would the fight game be at right now? would mayweather be fighting berto instead of mosley assuming mosley was debilitated?

    what do you think would be the whole outcome, not just what would have happened to mosely but boxing in general?

    6 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • "tell me something else. tell me im the best." Demetrius Andrade last night on friday night fights?

    im kind of excited about this kid. first of all hes a new england native so im rooting for him. hes a tall southpaw olympian working his way up the jr middlewieght ranks. 10 fights in and hes pretty much fought nothing but scrubs which teddy atlas is critical of. but whatever hes 22 and easing his way in.

    last night in the 5th round of a 6th rounder he was supposed to have KOd his handpicked opponenet rounds ago and his opponnenet whos 8-8 and 36 years old is talking trash to him as Andrade trys to launch knockout attacks. when he goes to the corner his father, who is his manager and trainer starts being critical of him, even though its constructive criticism. Adrade doesnt flinch at the consructive crisicms. he remains neutral and just simply tells his father to "tell me something else. tell me im the best."

    if he was upset it would be a litte more understandable i guess. you would think 'ok maybe hes just not headstrong and just doesnt have it'

    but he remained for the most part emotionless except for a mildly confident look on his face.

    what do you think of this?

    3 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • for all the people saying dirrell was ......?

    what do suggest should have happened after abraham threw that cheap shot? do you think they should have counted it as a KO? do you think they should have DQd dirrell for acting? the only option was to DQ abraham. he threw a blatantly illegal shot aimed at harming his opponent while he was down

    8 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • aight yall a lille conspiracy theory for ya?

    ok so what if bob arum was the one who put bricks in margaritos gloves when he fought cotto.

    cotto was both an upancomer, a proven fighter, and a national hero. if his frankenstien fighter manny pac beat him it would surely be huge. but maybe he had to soften the very physically solid welterwieght up for manny pac to surely whip his azz like how it went down.

    then he controlled the out come of clottey cotto to make it seem like cotto was back to normal

    but cotto aint back to normal and will never be. he is a tragic casualty of boxing

    so bob arum sacrificed cotto, like what sean g was talking about but he took it a step further and made sure he could not physicially withstand pacman

    for real. boxing is the wild west of sports. anythign is possible if a promoter has the balls to do something. and bob arum has some deez nuts hell do anything

    NOTICE FOR THE TARDS; is still beleive pacquiao would a contender for the greatest featherweight ever based on his athleticism and his training with roach. but some possible extracaricular activity involfing bob arum making him a frankenstiem fighter made him the unbel,.ievable freak show is today beathing the snot out of guys like oscalr de la hoya and almost killing a tough motherfrucka like hatton

    and thats what i have to say about hta

    6 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • hmmm i actually hate jerry jones a little less now?;_ylt=Ar9N73J92Vpm...

    i think hes doing boxing a great service with this fight and i hope it is very successful for him. before i kind of hoped it was a disaster because i cant stand that guy or the cowboys, but now i realize this could be huge for the sport if done correctly. having such a well known sports figure as jerry jones being involved in this is great

    5 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • when will they air a re run of pacquiao-clottey?

    they usually show HBO fights the next day i dont know if its different if its a PPV fight tho

    5 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • do people incessantly ask manny about mayweather?

    i just caught the 6:30 PTI and they had mayweather on 5 good minutes segment.

    they dont even care about whats happening with mosely. all they talk about is pacquiao. yes i understand that is the fight everyone wants to see and floyd understands that also. but jesus stop nagging the guy. i think hes made it pretty clear---you will see mayweather-pacquiao when manny agrees to the test. thats all it is and it wont change so stop asking.

    i havnt really seen any manny interviews, but do people constantly ask him about mayweather and what needs to happen to make the fight and if he will agree to mayweathers terms, ect.


    just tell me whether or not manny is being harassed similar to the way floyd is about the fight falling through

    8 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • 27-0 with 27 KOs...why am i still not sold on Valero?

    im still not buying the hype being poured on this guy. his footwork is friggin atrocious. he was clearly never taught how to punch properly. all his punches come from his belt line almost. hes got power apparently, but you cant KO what you cant hit. plus his hands arnt really that fast and he doesnt move his head at all. at 28 hes pretty much set in his ways which i think will come back to hurt him as he faces some real competition. he cruised through the super featherwieght division without fighting anyone worthwhile. he got his hands on one belt but when hes KOing everyone why not clean the division out.

    anyway im still not sold on this guy. people are overrating him

    9 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • elio rojas fight tonight on HBO? is this fight televised or not?

    alright so all the boxing schedule sources say elio rojas is slated to fight tonight no HBO. but when i look at the HBO schedule, it is nowhere to be found. is it canceled? is it not televised?

    1 AnswerBoxing1 decade ago
  • how do i tell the strength of a hand grip trainer?

    i have one and dont know the resistance of it. should i put it on the floor on its side and pile wieghts on it to see how much it takes to close it? or would putting it on a wieghting scale on its side then push down to close it and will the wieght that the scale goes to be the resistance amount?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why you shouldnt sleep on Roy Jones Jr when he fights Bhop?

    ill keep it simple

    Roy is about as sharp as hes been throughout his career. watching him fight jeff lacy (olympian, national amatuer champ, and PAL champ), he fought with almost the same blazing speed that he had in the 90s. Lacy looked lost and confused at how Roy was moving. leading with the right, doubling and tripling left hooks, moving around superbly on his feet.

    so why then, you ask, did he get whipped by tarver, johnson, calzage, and apparently danny green?

    Roys kind of a pussy, ill say. the left hook that tarver KOd him with in their second fight changed his life. it left him traumatized at the fact that he was not invincible, and that if a professional boxer hit him with a clean shot, something that had not happened yet in his career, if could very well in fact knock him out. Roy learned this in Tarver-Jones II. He forgot it for a while in Tarver-Jones III. he clowned on Tarver for a while. in round 5 he even looked comically superior, like a pro fighting some kid off the street. but then Tarver reminded Roy of the lesson he learned in Tarver-Jones II, that punches hurt. Roys spirit was dampened and by the end Roy just was just fighting to survive and not to win, because he didnt want to get hurt again.

    Johnson simply landed an overhand right over Roys lazy left hand. another traumatic episode for Roy that he would carry to the Calzage fight. Roy started out good in this fight, even scoring the only knockdown of the fight, but Calzage is just a good fighter and stuck with it. he kept pushing and eventually he started catching up to Roy. again the memories from past KOs came back to Roy and he just wanted to survive rather than win.

    then comes the fight fresh in everybodys mind that seems to convince everyone that Roys done. people see the highlight of Danny Green landing one to the back of Roys head, but they dont see the first part of the round where it looked like Roy was going to cruise to a victory based on just talent superiority. Danny pressed and Roy again froze up. he got cornered and caught a rabbit punch. from there once again he just went into survival mode. the ref saw this and stopped it in the first round.

    ok now for the finale

    what makes Bhop a different fighter than these other guys is that he is very passive. hes often accused of doing too little in the ring and just cruising to methodical victories based on out boxing opponents. he rarely stops higher level opponents and when he does it usually very late in the fight. you cant outbox Roy. his speed (which IS still there) will make you look like a fool. the way to beat him is to go after him like a mad man and he will back down against the aggression. Bhop is not aggresive at all, therefore i expect to see Roy be very comfortable. when Roys comfortable, hes the best.

    9 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • what are the differences between racquetball and squash (which is better)?

    what are the major differences between the two. which takes more skill? what is bigger in popularity? which is more intense?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Mayweather on PTI in a few minutes?

    as i look at the line up for PTI on ESPN it appears as though mayweather will be the guest on the 'five good minutes' segment.

    should be interesting

    2 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • watching latin fury 13/ pinoy power 3 for free right now!?

    legit. at

    go to the one called


    1 AnswerBoxing1 decade ago
  • Duke crowd chanting 'inspiration, persperation' over and over right now?

    are they the gayest fans in sports or what?

    3 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Raushee Warren from the US olympic team 04 and 08?

    what is he doing now? is he still fighting amatuer? i heard hes not going pro which would be a shame because hes very talented. incredibly fast hands.

    anyone know what hes doing with his boxing career?

    4 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • so what happned to shane mosleys rankings on

    he seems to have disappeared entirely since about 2 weeks ago, maybe earlier but thats when i noticed it. quite strange. you would expect him to be the #3 or 4 P4P and #1 WW like all the other ones. but he mysteriously vanished...

    5 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • let me get this straight: Clottey Vs Mosely at 147 lbs. Who wins and why?

    so my other question got deleted for some reason...

    i want to know who wins this fight. Clottey made a name off of losing to a shot Cotto in Cottos comeback fight. thats about it. Cotto knocked Clottey down in the first with a jab. this isnt really a testament against clotteys chin because he was off balance, but that fact is a testament against his general athletic ability and how he behaves in the ring.

    im sure mosely stops clottey inside 8. hes too fast, strong, smart, well trained, ect ect

    11 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago