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Lv 42,724 points

Blah, blah, blah ~M2F/XXY~

Favorite Answers13%
  • I need help finding an outfit for an interview, any suggestions?

    I have an interview as a hostess for a second job at an LGBT friendly restaurant and club and I am pre-op M2F. I am not sure if my normal clothing would be appropriate. I am showing examples of what I wear during the day, as I am a mortgage originator and back in college 3 days a week.

    Can you please help?

    I usually wear the dresses as tops with either pants or a skirt because I am 5'9" I gave links to a website I usually shop at so if you find anything you would suggest please send it. I also shop at GAP, A&F, D&G, 579, Express, etc...

    As a mortgage originator I am not fully accepted as female and I am trying to relocate but this means building new customers.

  • IF everynight when you were sleeping, you turned into an animal?

    what would it be and why? This is the section I want it in- deal with it or don't answer.

  • Is my daughter being abused when we aren't looking?

    We leave her with our roommate who is very cautious but often times, our roommates 7 yr old and her cousin play with our 3 year old and we notice severe bruising.

    It looks like belt marks, rug burns, etc...

    My 3 y/o will punch and fight to defend herself and now I think the two seven year old girls are hurting her because she will hurt them if they do something to her and she is required to defend herself.

    I gave her a pull up for bed and it looked like she had been beaten with a belt.

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is my cat a lesbian...?

    She isn't quite a year old and has a huge fetish regarding my roommates Chihuahua- they are always cuddled up and it seems to be bothering my roommate who is sorta ok with me being M2F but not ok with her dog having the hots for my cat.

    Her dog is always trying to have her way with my cat and I am concerned because my friend also has a male cat that doesn't like my cat.

    Should I take my cat to a therapist or let her stay in the mother-in-law apartment a/k/a shed?

  • When you are phrasing a question about judgment or hypocrisy, do you...?

    Consider that you are judging, stereotyping or being hypocritical yourself? It seems there are so many complaints about it. The first thing that came to my mind was "Heal the World"

    We don't want to be persecuted or judged, yet isn't the same thing being done constantly? Certainly everyone has differences of opinions; I know I do, but seriously it seems out of hand.

  • What is the one thing you are most thankful for right now...?

    at this very moment answering this question...

  • IF you were approached with Christianity in a non-judgmental forum...?

    online, would you consider attending? And yes I open it up for trolls who will open their minds and their hearts to Biblical proofs and allow discussion but not debate.

  • For career minded LGBT....? (speciffically Trans but

    IF you were given an opportunity to retrain into a new career and the transition would be less of a concern, what would your ideal opportunity to help others and also promote safe behavior and treatment of everyone? (All "men" were created equal- Im thinking psychology and/or history teacher- Im in the finance and investment sector now).

    And no selling myself or drugs is not an option I am extremely passable prior to SRS- therefor preop.

  • What do you do when you cant sleep?

    Other than coming on here. I put it in this category because I best relate to this group, and usually I don't get all the stupid answers one can find elsewhere.

  • Do you just decide to change to gay and then hetero?

    My ex SO, told me she was lesbian and wanted to be there every step of the way for transition, yet on more than 2 occasions (2 physically) she cheated on me with guys- now I am hurt inside and out because for 3 years I have been there for her and her daughter and all she does is brag about sleeping with one of the 2 and says things change- I didn't want to give up but how do I make the pain stop? Potential Breast Cancer caused a delay in my transition- did she ever care at all- or is she just the type of person that uses others?

  • Are they cyber-stalkers like the police have said, bored or crazy...?

    Long story short I answered a question here not being into the show Spashley- surprisingly if you change a main character's last name you have the loved one who "was fighting for her life" - the plot line remained the same for them and in the mean time my life was really going all wrong and I was fighting for my family and losing everything- are people really that shallow that they would make stuff up and how sick do you have to be to enjoy someone else's suffering that you maintain the same lies and lines even though you are caught? Worse yet I suffered a brain injury- what happened to people today? how weak do you have to be to find enjoyment out of another's pain? How shallow do you have to be to hear the truth and fear from a person and mae things up for sympathy? More over how sad is the existance of a person who does this? Is this not past attention desperado and into psychotic or socioschitzo disorder? The person even made up a multitude of names and id's - it has me wondering if one person does not truely believe they are infact all these people- though I am pissed how can I tell the authorities this person needs psychological help?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Do I need a second, second opinion?

    Ok I am M2F and have been diagnosed with a number of conditions this year. There is a strong family history of breast cancer and I was recently diagnosed with 47XXY or Klinefelter's Syndrome. Both doctor's indicate I have an extrememly high risk having 2 sisters survive in the last 3 years. Now I am contra-indicated and well let's not discuss the unhappiness and pain of the condition because I started anti-androgyne and t- blockers over severe arthritis as a pilot study - although it was just a plus at the time- so add to the current pain severe arthritis returning. Everyone keeps telling me to fight and be happy...

    I am as happy as I am- some days are better than others- and some days it may sound as though I am going to quit but there are a few very important people in my life that will keep me from that... so do I just keep searching out second opinions until they accept it or help find them a support group. Im not racing towards death but if it happens- I am at peace with that.

  • Would you make up an event and elaborate the story for months for attention?

    Would you create an event and reach out for support and when it is offered, you find a person who has experienced great trauma and is fighting for life and use their struggles and their weaknesses against them to ultimately hurt them, when their only effort was to be their for you, when they felt like you needed someone the most. Would you continue to do so when you find out things about them except you fail to realize the information you are receiving is the truth and even though you have caused doubts you use their disabilities and weaknesses against them?

  • Are we only allowed to ask about gender identity and sexual orientation in LGBT?

    Is this section only for specific questions of gender identity or sexual orientation? It seems that if the question does not specifically approach a problem in one of these two arenas then there is always a response of, "why is this in this section."

    Has it ever occured to the individuals typing this that some people asking questions in this section ask their questions here because they best associate with the people here or are seeking the answers or opinions of people here?

    If you can not handle some level of diversity in tis forum, why stay in here? Why not go to a sheltered LGBT only place in your town and police the people there to discuss nothing but sex practices, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

    For me this is a fraction of who I am - I do not walk around with a neon sign strapped to my neck flashing M2F.

    Can we not just appreciate dicersity and if we do not associate or want to associate with the question move on. If you don't know the answer someone else may

  • Is this you in all your e-glory???Are you for real???

    It is a stimulating question and one I was asked. Is the Y!A, e-mail internet you the real you or the you that you desire to be. We always tell people to avoid internet dating sites because you never know who is on the other end. So are your answers who you aspire to be, or is it the real you?

    For me - this is me on the inside- the outside is horrifying and could break mirrors at the shimmer of apperance- ok maybe not literally but there is the me I see and the me stuck inside a shell waiting to break free. Are the words me- yes- sometimes I am moody, other times funny, some times ignorant, some times educated and yet I keep striving to find the me no one sees...

    so are you real here- or do you find the same advice you need to take often given- there are times I do...

  • Christians: If you pray for a specific sign and receive it are you not called to respond?

    Let me start of with an explanation. I was born with Disorder of Sexual Development. From my tweens I came to know the Lord and answered a call. In my early twenties, I grew tired of the organized church because I felt the hypocrisy out weighed the message. I have continued to live by faith and strengthen my personal relationship. Through out the past years since leaving the church and organized ministry, I have had a number of near death experiences- The last only a miracle could have saved me and I began listening more and trying to blame less. I felt and feel cheated that a doctor selected a gender for me and did not leave my life in G-d's hands and I have prayed frequently regarding this inconsistency in my life. I have now sought to fix what I feel is a medical injustice.

    I prayed for a specific sign and received it, regarding the entirety of my gender and my ministry and received it- should I continue to hide because the "church" does not support it or answer the call?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • LGBT will you read this for Christy and Ashley?Offer Support and Encouragement?

    This morning Christy received news that her partner Ashley was involved in a near fatal accident. Having been in Ashley's spot 3 years ago and surviving I stopped as much of my day as possible to lift them up in prayer, or encouragement. I know how hard recovering can be and I know that medicine and miracles heal many.

    It is so difficult to not know what the outcome is- and since we could all be "worlds apart." will you offer your support and encouragement? This is an opportunity for us all to face one basic courtesy- any one of us could be in either set of shoes right now- and be facing the same fears- it often helps to know we are not alone...

    Please- if you are trolling- dont leave a nasty message and tempt Karma-

    Here is the link from her post and I know she is online and can use the support and encouragement- she can later find this link and know that support...;_ylt=Ahnsn...

  • Forming this survivor???

    OK- so I finally found out what JPA stood for today. I was quite impressed though I don't bash Judaism or Paganism-(they claim it is for e-cupcakes but I think clarity is a good thing)

    I will occassionally go after "Fundangelicals" and Muslims- not sure if I got the first on right but should we form alliances like all the F2M, M2F and intersex join with the asexuals and androgynous to dispell the false information...? I see TG/TS/TV/CD's get trashed alot... I try to support everyone (try being the key word...)

    Do we get a song like the one from Oklahoma- sorry I know my thought really isn't the same but..?

    Oh the transgendered and the asexual should be friends...

    Or in LGBT are we already an "alliance" I am on my second ID- I will admit it - I had a potty keyboard and got banned-

    I think my questions require thought so I rarely ever get more than 2or 3 answers but should we have a common understanding of each other???

  • FL- wouldn't proposed AMDT 2 hurt more str8 then LGBT?

    This is a proposed amendment against "same- sex" marriage but I read the information and found this bill very vague and it looks like it would be far worse for more than LGBT- opinions?

    I posted the details from my question in Government and Politics because there is a lot:;_ylt=Ahnsn...

  • With 4 laws against Same sex marriage in FL- will Amdnt 2 help or hurt???

    I have reviewed other states who passed similar laws and this bill seems redundant and worse than the 4 prior laws. The ammendment has potential to be used as a defense against domestic violence, the potential to remove partnership rights to unmarried couples (inclusive of all couples) and to me seems to be another source to spread hate- the ramifications seem almost as bad as Amendment 1 which raised college tuitions, lessened law enforcement and fire protection and halted improvements in the state.

    So why present another damaging bill. My understanding is that there are a number of organizations like law enforcement, teachers unions, fire fighters and other public servants against this bill...

    With the amount of signatures required to get this on the ballot for November and 4 existing laws in place already... would you support a bill that may remove a Fiancee's right to see her husband in the hospital or to face the same inequality as same sex couples?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago