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Sammy G
hey i'm 14 and love animals and being outdoors want to know more im me
possible misscarige? help!?
About 5 to 6 weeks ago I was throwing up pregnant to early to detect on a test then one night I was cramping really bad with No symptoms, I am extremely irregular and have No health insurance but if I lost it. wouldn't I bleed? I've tested since and negative. Anyone experience this before
2 AnswersPregnancy8 years agopregnant or no? what do u think?
OK my last period was mid March and I've failed about a dozen home tests have a appointment for blood work have gained weight breast are larger Moody always tired sensitive to a few smells lower back hurts real bad but what has me worried is occational sharp pains in my uteral area what do you think? Like I said I have an appointment to get checked out
4 AnswersPregnancy9 years agowhy is my ball python getting spots of red scales?
Owned him for 5 years never been sick now some scales are turning red why what do I do
3 AnswersReptiles9 years agoCould i be pregnant ?
About 4 days ago my nipples began to hurt real bad and syllable do I take birthcontrol and am not due for my period for another 5 days but on Wednesday I started bleeding Soviet stopped taken my pill thinking I was starting early but later I noticed I hadn't bleed anymore what's your opinion?
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoCan a baby male guppy get my older female pregnant?
I only have two guppies in my tank a smaller baby male guppy starting to get his color my guess about 2-3 months old and a full grown female and her gravid spots been getting darker
3 AnswersFish10 years agoCan baby toads eat too much?
I have a baby toad or toadlet a he has been eating alot and is nice and fat just wondering can he eat too much and what's the healthiest diet for him
1 AnswerReptiles10 years agoWill sugar harm my fish?
I had two cups sitting next to my tank I thought were just water well one was one was about half a small coffee cup of sweet yea with that harm my guppies and mollies?
5 AnswersFish10 years agoCan you cute a anacharis plant and both sides still grow ?
I have two anacharis plants and i want to grow more for my tank I was wondering like some other plants and you trim a branch and put it in the gravel and starts growing? If not what do you do?
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years agoWhy do my female guppies have gravid spots?
I have 2 female guppies in my tank along with a minnow 2 mollies and no male guppies but both my females have a dark gravid spots are they ok?
5 AnswersFish10 years agoIS the duck egg fertile?
I found a abandoned duck egg and have been
incubating it for 5 days
now there is something in there idk if it's just yoke or not but it has tripled in size in those 5 days but I don't see any veins or a heart beat or anything is it alive?
1 AnswerBirds10 years agoFound Duck egg help ?
We found a duck egg Saturday I brought it hone and did the candle test didn't see anything so I put it in our incubator I checked it yesterday and the was a small dot smaller then a nickel in it but no veins I just checked and the dot is now about quarter size but I still don't see any veins is it fertilized or not should I just keep incubating it please help the dot grew so is there actually a baby in the egg?
5 AnswersBirds10 years agoFound egg by lake help?
I think it's a duck egg it's either that or a goose but it's kinda small for a goose I dud the light thing yesterday and saw nothing but kept it warm tried today and there is like a dot that is floating around is there a baby in it or Is it bad any help of how to tell
5 AnswersBirds10 years agoCichlid tank mates?Or which can be ?
I have a 40 gallon and am getting two convict cichlids but I already have 2 mollies and a minnow will they eat my fish?
6 AnswersFish10 years agoMolly laying fry help?
I have 2 mollies one male and one female my females stomach I'd huge so I do believe she is pregnant but the female before also looked pregnant and she died what do I do to help her have her babies and how can I ensure she has them in time any info can help please
2 AnswersFish10 years agoI need box turtle help?
My female box turtle has been mating with our male for months now and no eggs what's wrong how can I be sure she pregnant and how can I help her lay her eggs or how to encourage it more?
4 AnswersReptiles10 years agoMy molly fish I think is pregnant?
I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 mollies one minnow and a crawdad in there my female's stomach is huge and round how do I know when she is going to have the babies if she's pregnant and if she's not what's wrong if there are fry on the way do I have to separate them or will they be ok? Any information would help thanks
1 AnswerFish10 years agoCan a minnow breed with a molly?
I have a minnow and 4 mollies and the minnow is always around one of the mollies is it possible they could breed and if so will they lay eggs or have live birth
1 AnswerFish1 decade agoMolly fish care and tips?
I already had a minnow and a crawfish in my 25gallon and I got 4 mollies is there anything I change and I dont have food right now can they eat crushed dog food for a bit?
2 AnswersFish1 decade agoHow to get my box turtle to lay her eggs?
She is pregnant and has grown but she hasn't layer her eggs yet how do I encourage her too and what's the best type of dirt do I need
2 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoWhat eyeshadows would look good?
I just died to top of my hair a platinum blonde and the bottoms a dark brown and my eyes are hazel what colors would make everything look sexy
8 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago