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  • Yesterday I noticed I got headaches after eating bread?

    I've never noticed a pattern with my headaches before, other than that they appear if I haven't had enough of either caffeine, protein, or nicotine... but getting a dose of those doesn't always make them go away.

    But yesterday I noticed, after I had bagels for breakfast, I had a headache. The day before, I'd had a sandwich on wheat bread and got a headache.

    Then yesterday for dinner I had fettucine alfredo and started to get a bit of a headache (but I also had been running on lack of sleep so I knew I would be getting a headache from that) but I just wonder if bread or carbs in general has been causing me headaches? And what do I do about it?

    It was a weird headache where the left side of my head hurt and a vein on my temple was noticeably pulsing and throbbing, but only on the left side.

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Weird headaches? Left side of head? Vein pulsing?

    So I usually get headaches every day and I get different kinds of them but recently I've noticed the headache that hurts the worst feels like this:

    The left side of my head hurts the worst, and a vein on my temple pulses and throbs. I can feel it no matter what I do, but when I put my fingers on it, I can really FEEL the vein. It feels huge, and I can feel each pulse and throb just as easily as you could feel fingers under a blanket poking and prodding your skin.

    Then when I touch the right side of my temple where a vein is, I don't feel a pulse.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Converting BTU into Fahrenheit? If I have 2,000 BTU, how many degrees of heat do I have?

    Okay so I know they are two different types of measurement......

    But I searched a LOT of conversions and calculators and pretty much did every background work I could think of....

    And got two different answers.

    All I want to know is: About how hot would a flame with 2,000 BTU be?

    Example: If I had a torch or other heat source with 2,000 BTU, how many degrees Fahrenheit would the fire be?

    Here are the two different answers I got:

    1 BTU is the amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree fahrenheit


    Would that then mean that 2,000 BTU raises 1 pound of water to 2,000 Fahrenheit? Therefore meaning 2,000 BTU is pretty much 2,000 Fahrenheit?

    But then I got this answer:

    Using a conversion app on my Android, it says 2,000 BTU is 503.99152222222 calories.

    When converting from calorie to "calories (15 °C)" I get 503.810901679

    I assume "cal to 15 °C" means one calorie = 15 degrees Celsius (duh, "°C")

    If this is true, each calorie (503.810901679) is 15 degrees, right?

    Multiply these and get 7557.163525185 (degrees Celsius)

    Use simple Celsius to Fahrenheit calculator and 7557.163525185 Celsius is 13634.89443359375 Farenheit

    Are you following?

    Using these equations, 2,000 BTU is 13634.89443359375 Fahrenheit.

    (15 degrees Celsius equals 59 degrees Fahrenheit)

    Two completely different answers.

    Which one is right?

    If neither of them are, PLEASE tell me what the answer is or how to find out!!

    I know it's hard (impossible?) considering they are two separate types of measures...

    But there must be some way to at least get an approximate amount. (Like I think my elaborate calculations accomplished.)

    7 AnswersOther - Science9 years ago
  • My stone fell out of my ring! what do i do?

    My jewel fell out of my ring but I have the stone.... how much would it cost? I don't have insurance cos its a way old ring and I live in a different state now anyway.

    What can be done? :(

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Social Security Card used 4 years ago for car loan?

    Okay so my friend went to look at used cars the other day, and has never taken out loans or even gone to a dealership, just always bought cars sold by friends and neighbors and such.

    Well the salesman checked his credit, and there was an $11,000 car loan on there.

    My friend knows that he had lost his SS card around that time, and also had child support papers being mailed to him which have his SS number on them.

    However, he didn't report it as stolen or anything, because he didn't realize it was.

    Now, 4 years later, his credit is all messed up from a loan he never took out.

    Is it too late to do anything?

    He had gotten a new SS card at the time, but didn't mention that he had lost it.

    Luckily this is the only thing the person did... but that just makes us think it was someone who knew him.

    Is there a way to search and see what cars have been registered under your name and SSN?

    And is there anything or anyone that could help him about the loan and bad credit?

    Please help, this is a horrible situation :(

    4 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Where should I go for dinner tonight?

    Exactly what the title says.

    It's 5:30 pm and I haven't eaten yet. Where should I go?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • HORRIBLE cough lots of phlegm, been awhile. Help?

    Okay so a month ago, I had a cold.. Normal stuff, you know: Sore throat, stuffy nose, cough.

    And then near the end my coughs would have mucus, right?

    Well that cough hung around for a little while,and then last week it started up again. No other symptoms, just a cough.

    And it's an aggressive cough at that. I can only hold it in for so long, and I can't just clear my throat and it does the same job... No I'll be coughing.

    Well it wasn't bad at first, just annoying and it irritated my throat when it was dry..

    But today, I start hacking up, and there's a LOT of phlegm and I spit it out but it's like so thick that it gets caught up in my throat and makes me gag.

    So as of right now, every time I swallow, I feel like all my saliva is moving past the mucus, and if I were to start coughing right now, I'd be other the trash can for a good minute, trying to get everything up while at the same time heaving from it.

    What the hell do I do?

    Doctor, obviously, but I don't have insurance... So what else could I do to help it, and also WHY is it like this?

    Other - Health9 years ago
  • What should I do? Rough fighting, etc?

    Things have been rough between me and my bf of 3 years (note: he is my first bf and first everything else) and we've been fighting a lot...

    When we fight, he'll say things like "don't be stupid, b*tch" or "come on you stupid c*nt" and I REALLY hate that.

    I tell him this, and he says "he can't help but call things as he sees them."

    I understand this - but me, I think, there's a difference between "b*itch" and "please stop acting like a b*itch right now."

    We are both the kind that, when hurt, try to hurt the other person into silence so you don't get more hurt... Like a defense mechanism. If you hurt them too much, they will just stop.

    This doesn't work well.

    Mainly because he has a line he won't crosee - saying "I hate you"

    and I have a line I won't cross - hitting.

    The problem is.... I cross the line he won't, and he crosses the line I won't.

    Does that make sense?

    Saturday night when he called me a c*nt I slapped him in the face.... then I started telling him that I couldn't do this anymore, that he better learn to stop or I would be gone, and when he tried to turn me towards him so we could talk, I didn't want him touching me so I tried to scratch him and slap his arm away. He grabbed my arm (I have a bruise) and just basivally... hit me.

    Like he never hits my face or anything so I don't know how to explain it..

    After we stop fighting, he says the reason why he uses force is eiter to get me to stop what I'm doing, or to make me shut up and listen to him.

    After fights sometimes I feel like I deserved it... Like I won't call him names until I get so sick of him calling me them, but I do call him names... I scream, I yell, say I hate you, everything he doesn't like.

    Basically we just don't fight well together.

    Sunday I got sick of this so I told him that we were on break until he could decide if he can fight without his hands.

    We've talked every day since then but haven't seen each other, and what I'm thinking is:

    If we just talk by text or phone for awhile, kind of pretend like we're in a long distance relationship like we were the first year, then set a date to meet again... It'll be better because of the time apart.

    And so I want to try this... but if it doesn't work like I'm scared of what to do.. I don't want to lose him, I don't know how to be single and I LOVE this guy, we plan on buying a house together and having kids and maybe one day get married (ick)...

    but if we're like that every time we fight, I can't deal with it anymore.

    What do we need to change?

    I know I add to it... but am I supposed to just shut up and take it so it doesn't escalate? I'm not that type.. What do I do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What kind of bleeding is this? Can't be a period... Implantation? Miscarriage?

    Okay so I gave birth March 12th. On April 18th I had my six-week checkup and got birth control pills. I started them on the 19th.

    My designated time of taking them is 8 am... The first few days, I ended up taking them 1-2 hours late but I quickly got back on track. (once, I didn't have the pills with me and took it later that night)

    At the time, I still had a bit of post-partum bleeding... but then maybe 2-3 weeks after first starting the pill, I got my period. (Note: I DO NOT take the last week of pills which cause you to get it, so I really shouldn't have gotten it, unless the pills hadn't kicked in yet.)

    Before the period, my post-partum bleeding had barely been present.

    After the period, I was done. No more bleeding at all.

    Then a few days ago, more bleeding showed up. To this day, I am still bleeding but it changes every day. :/

    It's not a period again because I've been taking the pill long enough now that it is working (and I said I don't take the last week) and I have not missed a day.

    The first day of bleeding I thought it might have been a period because I got cramps but they went away and didn't come back after eating (as my period cramps do) and haven't gotten any since.

    Two days ago, my blood looked black in the pad but when I wiped after peeing it was MAROON. For that day and another one, in the morning when I first peed, there would be dots of red in the toilet at the bottom... Like dried blood dots.?

    Today, it was pink in the morning and now it's BRIGHT red.

    The first day or two, it really did seem like my post-partum bleeding.

    So I have no ide what this is.

    I looked up implantation bleeding and miscarriages, and it doesn't fit EITHER one.

    Could it be my post-partum bleeding? So late after the birth, and after a time where it stopped?

    I have no clue what this could be and it's so annoying.


    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What am I supposed to do? Can't go but can't stay... Must go, but can't. Running out of time? Help?

    Okay this may be long, but I need some desperate help.

    I had to leave my apartment and my boyfriend and my cats January 31st to come back to my home state to have my baby, due in March.

    My mother and I both thought I'd have the kid and return home so I've got a plane ticket for March 28th.

    Now this is not the case... first of all, I have to have the 6 week postpartum checkup out here (and I have the appointment scheduled for April 18th...also my birthday).

    So we could just switch the plane ticket to some day after that, right?


    The apartment got too expensive and my boyfriend moved it out and went back to live with his aunt. Now that he's not using his entire paychecks for rent, he can save some for a new apartment.

    Okay, but this may take awhile as the more we have saved the better.

    So currently I have no place to live back there, and we don't know what to do.

    Personally, I NEED to be out there around May 18th... see, May 18th is when I left home to go out there last year and I'd like to be out there in the same time again... Also, May 22nd is our 2 year anniversary and since I wasn't able to be with him for our 1 year, I would really like us to be together for this one :/

    Problem is: I have no place to stay.

    I tried to get my old job back here, so that way I could be making some money to help with the apartment but they're not hiring.

    So what am I supposed to do? I need to be out there finding a job and working so we can get more money saved up..... but at the same time I need to be here where I have a place to stay.

    So what the hell do I do?

    I really need to be with him by May... Like seriously..

    But what do I do?

    Help please.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • You are about to become an adult. What last minute irresponsible or reckless things do you do?

    I think that ^ says enough. Correct me if I'm wrong. ;D

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What stupid, reckless, irresponsible things do people do for fun?

    I mostly mean teenagers, but adults can be irresponsible too.

    I have already:

    -Drank (this includes driving after a drink *badbadbad* and getting drunk)

    -Smoked (this is something I might start up again tbh>.>)

    -Tried weed once (didn't like it)

    -Had sex

    -Broke the law (speeding, got caught... stealing, didn't get caught)

    And I'm not going to try drugs such as heroin, meth, crack, etc.. Nor am I going to sleep around.

    So what else is on the list?

    What do people do that later they find irresponsible and/or stupid, but at the time see it as just experiencing life?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is this going to count as an eviction and if so, what does that mean for me?

    So I had an apartment in Colorado and my boyfriend (who isn't on the lease) has been paying the rent since October because I lost my job and hadn't been able to get one.

    We always had to make payment arrangements with the landlord because frankly his checks were only ever (barely) enough to cover the rent, and NOTHING left for anything else - like saving for next month's rent.

    This means that rent went up at least 100dollars every month because of the late fees.

    Anyway, I had to fly back out to my mom's in Maryland on January 31st because I'm pregnant and my aunt and uncle (who are adopting) live in MD, and I had to fly out before 36 weeks.

    So I thought I would fly out, pop the kid sometime around my due date of March 11, recover a bit, and fly back.


    I have to stay out here 6weeks after delivery because of the post partum checkup, and February's rent was so tough on my boyfriend that we decided near the end of Feb. that he would start moving things out of the apartment and be out before March's rent was due.

    Well March 1st came along and he still had to move stuff out, and then on the 4th the landlady issued the standard 3 day notice paper.. On the 6th or 7th she called me and left a message saying that if she didn't get a payment arrangement from me by the next day she would have to call the attorneys and get it filed.

    So I discussed game plans with my boyfriend and I called her the next day but she wasn't there, so I called her yesterday and again she wasn't there but I talked to her assistant anyway and told her what was going on.

    This is what I said: That my boyfriend has been helping me out with rent but he can't do it anymore, especially since I won't even be able to be back until around May (which is when my lease is up) and that I mailed him my keys and he's moving stuff out and should only need a few more days.

    She said okay and told me what the fees for breaking the lease and breaking it without a 60 day notice were..... And I told her that I knew the 3 day notice had been posted, did that mean I was counted as evicted now and would that be better off? And she got all pissy with me "Oh well hon it might have to the courts by now and you really don't want an eviction on your record, you should have called sooner."

    Of course I apologized and all but she still had a tone with me...

    Anyway... It's 500 for breaking the lease and 500 for not giving a 60 day notice. That equals a thousand dollars, and possibly more fees.

    I know the 3 day paper says attorney fees are about 200....does that mean if it goes through eviction, you just pay the attorney fees? Or is it the attorney fees PLUS the lease break fees?

    And if it turns out that it has gone to courts and I am counted as evicted: what does that mean for me?

    I cannot appear in a court, because I can't fly at 39 almost 40 weeks, and I cannot pay anywhere near that kind of money.

    I still don't have a job, and my boyfriend's job gives him MAYBE 300 every 2 weeks but it depends on the amount of hours (hours that have been dwindling lately..)

    So yeah, there is no way we can pay the thousand dollars.... Even just the $200 attorney fees would be difficult because he still has car gas to pay for, plus he has to pay people to watch our cats because his aunt won't allow them in the house, and he has to help her out with groceries and bills because he stays there with her....So for him to have been paying my rent for the last 6months and then have to pay these fees is really unfair...And the reason he's moving me out early is because we can't afford a place I'm not even staying in.

    So basically, what can I do? And what does this count as, eviction or no? If it is, what does that mean for me?

    Can I do anything to rectify this situation?

    I cannot pay these fees if they actually show up, and I cannot be in more debt than I already am, either.

    Help much appreciated.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Contractions feeling like period cramps? Baby still moves, is it labor?

    Okay so I'm dilated at 3cm as of my Thursday doctor appointment, but I was 3 cm the Thursday before that also. I'm almost 39 weeks along...

    last Thursday I felt like I had period cramps. When asked if I was having contractions, I told the doctor that. She told me if I ever felt them every 5 minutes, to call the Labor Line....

    What she doesn't understand is: PERIOD CRAMPS ARE CONSTANT. I told her this last week, but I don't think she knew what I was saying.

    When I say I feel like I'm having period cramps, I mean it.

    Nine months ago if I felt this way, I would be

    1) getting my *** down on a toilet

    2) asking someone to bring me a change of underwear and a pad

    3) taking naproxen sodium

    4) not eating for the rest of the day

    Why number 4? Because period cramps make me feel sick to my stomach, and if the medicine works and then I eat they'll just come back... or if the medicine doesn't work, then I'm just feeling sick and not wanting to eat anyway lol.

    Anyway, this happened last week a little bit in the night, then during the day for my appointment and then later it ceased until it was gone.

    But for right now, it just started up.. I could feel it coming on and then it got worse and my back also hurts like hell (of course, I was also bent over the sink rinsing my hair out, so that could be a factor but I believe part of it is the cramps)

    So if my contractions feel like cramps and cramps are constant for me, how the HELL am I supposed to count if they're every 5 minutes or not?!

    Also, I can feel the baby move every so often and it just seems logical to me that it wouldn't move during labor contractions.... but what do I know.

    All throughout today I could always feel some part of her in my ribs, probably her butt or back since it was a wide area, but now she seems to be firm at the bottom.

    The doctor told me she's already dropped so this makes sense... but is that firmness her or is it contractions? And if it's her, is it still laboring because she's low whereas earlier she was higher up?

    It just hurts so much.... and I don't understand how I'm supposed to keep track if it's constant.

    Anything helpful would be appreciated, thank you.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How soon after giving birth can i take birth control pills?

    Alright so I'm due in march and giving birth in a different state because my baby is going for adoption.

    I will be out of state for a month plus, so I would like to have the option of secksing my boyfriend as soon as I get back home.... Therefore, I would like to start re-taking my birth control prescription after I pop the kid out.

    Can I do that? Just start taking the pill again right away? Or would I have to wait, and if so, how long?

    Thanks in advance(: <3

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How do I tell him what I found out?

    Like it says, I've been with my boyfriend for a year and 7 months (come tomorrow) and I'm 6 months pregnant with his kid (an accident - I never wanted kids and we don't have the necessary bits to raise her so she's going for adoption) and I just found something out today.

    He has a kid.

    Let me explain... This morning I was in the living room and I saw his reflection through the oven, he was putting a piece of paper into his dresser drawer...and then he closed it very slowly so that it didn't make any noise. That perked my curiosity so when I got back home from taking him to work, I looked at the paper.

    It was from the courts saying about him giving child support so some lady for a kid born in 2005.

    This wouldn't be a big deal, except:

    1) He told me he was going to courts for a drug possession charge from 3 years ago, and a traffic ticket he got with me

    2) He told me he had court fines coming from his paycheck...but he didn't tell me it was f***ing child support.

    3) He told me he was a virgin.

    What do I do?

    Obviously I have to let him know I know and give him a chance to explain -- is he just using me and faking it all, or did he just make mistakes a few years ago and lied out of fear? -- but how can I say "I snooped through your drawer and found this, will you explain?"?!

    PLEASE how do I talk to him about this?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How many ear piercings can you get done at once?

    I got my second holes done a year or two ago and they've closed up now, and I finally decided I wanna get them repierced so I'm going to do that, but I want to get a third set of holes also.

    Can you do this at the same time?

    Or will I have to get my second holes one day, and the third the next?

    (I might get it done at Claire's, if that makes a difference.)


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • how to get laptop touchpad to work again?!?

    I let my cat walk over my laptop keyboard and now the touchpad and the two buttons for it (rightclick, leftclick) are not working! At all.

    I have a USB mouse but it stopped working on me once so it may again, and I'm so unused to it.

    So how do I get my touchpad to work again!? HELP D:

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What music has the most bass?

    What genre of music has the most bass? How about a list of 5-10 bands with the most bass?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • does the 2009 Pontiac GT G6 ....?

    Does the 2009 Pontiac GT G6 have a plug in for an MP3 player/iPod?

    I might be getting this car, and I forgot to look at the paper in the window when I looked at it today, and I can't find any specific information online.

    So does anyone know if there's a plug-in for an iPod?

    3 AnswersPontiac1 decade ago