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Twilight Princess

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I'm a computer science major right now, but that might change. I love sci-fi and I think Russell T Davies has spent too much time ripping off Joss Whedon and not enough time coming up with original scripts for Torchwood. I'm one of the few girls who's actually read the Twilight series and doesn't think it's the greatest book series ever written, nor do I think Stephenie Meyer is the best author ever. Buffy had the same plot and it was done much better. And no, my nickname does NOT refer to the Twilight books, silly fangirls!

  • Percy Jackson - kids' movie - WTF?

    Today I saw this trailer for some 'Percy Jackson' movie, and it seems to be based on some books. So, correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't Percy (the main character, presumably) supposed to be Poseidon's son? And isn't that other girl supposed to be Athena's daughter?

    PLEASE tell me that they do not get together, cause that's what I saw implied in the trailer, and it seriously grossed me out!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Good patterns for elf-style dresses?

    So, this year, I feel the need to make my own Halloween costume, and I'm thinking of doing an elf-princess type of dress - I'm thinking along the lines of Arwen's blue and red dress in the LOTR movies. But, I don't have a clue where to start for a suitable pattern, or even which companies make patterns in size 0-1 to begin with.

    Also, any other ideas for Halloween costumes based in sci-fi and fantasy are welcome. I do have a CIA patch (yeah, don't ask) which might be fun to incorporate into a more action/adventurey costume (maybe using my old paintball camo/faux military stuff?), and I've already sewn Star Trek, Jedi Knight, and medieval princess costumes. Oh, and I obviously would want my costume to be from sci-fi/fantasy stuff I watch, by which I mean 'pretty much everything except BSG and Twilight'.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Grilled cheese and SO much sodium?

    So, I'm trying to keep my sodium intake low - well, at least below the RDA that's on all the nutrition labelling and such. Anyways, I was looking at the nutrition stuff on the bread and cheese I use, and two slices of bread have 7% of the 'recommended' sodium per slice and cheese has 9% per slice, so a typical grilled cheese sandwich has 33% of the recommended daily sodium! But I eat way more than three times that much food in a day (and I can't cut back on food consumption altogether cause I can't afford to lose any weight).

    So, since my bread seems to be as low-sodium as I can find, and I barely use any butter, I was wondering what other lower-sodium cheeses I could use? FYI, I'm currently using Lactaid brand, but I could always use another brand and take the lactase supplements, and I'm also open to trying other kinds of cheese than American in my sandwich.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Dealing with kidney stones and school?

    I've had kidney stones before, and I'm dealing with this one just like most of my previous ones: Drinking lots of water and taking hydrocodone and anti-nausea medicine from when I previously had kidney stones. But, it's not working this time My parents won't take me to the hospital cause they say an ER visit would cost too much (we have no walk-in clinics in our city) to just have the doctor tell me to do what I'm already doing and take an x-ray and say "Yeah, it's a kidney stone!"

    Basically, I only see a few options here: Take the medicine to take care of the pain and nausea and be too drugged-up to make it to class/not fall asleep in class, or take little enough of that medicine to avoid the side effects but still be in too much pain/too sick to go to class, and trying to take care of the kidney stone with some sort of medical procedure would also result in me missing a couple days of class.

    So here's the problem: It's finals time, so I CAN'T MISS CLASS no matter what in the next couple weeks! Working from my apartment isn't an option, as half the classes involve lab work or group projects that simply have to be done on campus, and the medications I'm on don't let me do work that's ever gotten a passing grade! And I desperately need to PASS (meaning C's or better) my classes since these last two weeks will count for such a huge portion of my grades!

    So, anyone who's been in this situation and somehow managed to not fail out of school, please help me! Any and all advice would be appreciated!

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I get my hair to not smell like smoke?

    OK, so just over a week and a half ago, I was in the place where I work when a restaurant on the floor below us caught fire. Well, the place filled up with smoke, and when I went home a couple hours later (no, don't even ask why there were no fire alarms or evacuations. It wasn't my choice) you could smell smoke when you got within 6-8 feet of me. Naturally, I washed my hair and my clothes as soon as I got home.

    So, here's the problem: It's my job, so I end up being there about twice a week. The smoke smell was only bad the first time I went back after the fire (we didn't close or stop normal operations at all) but my hair still smells like smoke ALL the time.

    How do I get my hair to not smell like smoke, or for that matter, smell like anything other than smoke? I already wash it every morning, and on days I go to work I wash it as soon as I get back cause it smells especially like smoke then. But, I've washed my hair at least three times since I've last been at work, and the smoke smell still isn't coming out. What's the problem here?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Ballroom dance songs?

    So, I do ballroom dance competitively, and I'm looking for songs (especially popular ones that I can easily find to download) for practicing. So far, I'm basing my list off what I hear at competitions, and I have:




    -Beyond the Sea

    Viennese Waltz:

    -Only Hope (Mandy Moore version)


    -Istanbul not Constantinople

    -70's Spiderman theme (I'm not kidding, this stuff really does get played at competitions)


    -Mambo Italiano (a recent version)


    -I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry


    -Candyman - Christina Aguilera

    -Mambo Italiano (original version)

    I'm looking for more songs for all of these, plus tango, rumba (both kinds), and anything else. I also heard 'Disturbia' by Rihanna at a competiton once, but I can't remember what dance it was for.

    1 AnswerDancing1 decade ago
  • Looking for new TV shows?

    OK, so I'm looking for a new show to get into. I watch (or have watched) and enjoy, in more or less chronological order:

    -Doctor Who

    -Star Trek: TOS

    -Twin Peaks

    -The X-Files

    -Stargate SG-1



    -Stargate Atlantis







    I don't like:

    -Girly shows - Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, etc

    -'Adult' cartoons - Family Guy, South Park, etc

    -Reality TV or game shows


    -Shows I should love but for some reason annoy me: All CSI shows, Battlestar Galactica, 24...

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Dairy-free cheese substitutes? ?

    So, I'm lactose intolerant, and the problem is I LOVE cheese. Does anyone know of or have any experience with either good cheese substitutes, or dairy-free frozen foods like pizza, mac and cheese, or pierogies?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Music in Max Payne trailer?

    Does anyone know what song is playing in the Max Payne trailer? It sounds like something I'd listen to, and I may even have heard it before, but I don't know the song title or the name of the artist.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • People who've kept up with Smallville for the last 3-4 years...?

    So, I watched Smallville a LOT in high school, but then it started getting switched to time slots that were conflicting with my schedule, and I managed to watch most of season 4 (and still have it on VHS, cause I had to tape it) and sort of lost track when I went off to college, which was season 5 I believe.

    Anyways, back to the topic at hand, what season is Smallville currently starting? Are the episodes between about halfway through season 5 and now all one continuous arc, or are there 'filler' episode that can be skipped without missing any important plot points? If so, what episodes are 'filler' and what ones have important stuff happening in them?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Who here watches both Doctor Who and Fringe?

    Did anyone here, when they saw tonight's episode, think of Midnight?

    For those of you who don't watch Doctor Who, but want to see what I'm talking about anyways, the parts I'm referring to are here: and here from about 4:50 to 5:30 in:

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Formal style for short hair?

    My hair is pretty short - it's in sort of a long bob type style, where it's almost to my chin in the front and maybe an inch or so shorter in the back, with side bangs in the front. I have a very formal event to go to next weekend, and I was wondering what I could possibly do with it to make it look dressy. Straightening it is the only thing that comes to mind, as it's a little wavy usually.

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I get these smudges off my wall?

    So, I'm renting an apartment (otherwise I wouldn't care about it) and I bought some dark red sheets for my bed. However, I went to bed with wet hair, or sweated, or whatever onto my pillows, and (presumably) when I flipped them over, some of the dye from the damp pillows bled onto my wall. So, the white wall now has pink smudges on it where the pillows were, and I can't figure out how to get them off. I tried using a paper towel and soap and water, and that got some of it off, but not everything. Has anyone else had this problem before, or does anyone have any ideas about what might work?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Explosive decompression or freezing solid?

    So, I was watching some sci-fi movie the other night, where something got thrown out of an airlock, and was presumed dead. Of course, that led to the question: would an alien - or for that matter, a human whose body is 70% water - thrown out of an airlock undergo explosive decompression, or would it freeze solid first, due to the very low temperature of space? I know that liquid nitrogen, with an average temperature of 77K freezes water solid almost instantly, so wouldn't the even colder temperature of space, at 3K freeze the body solid pretty much instantly?

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Important episodes in Stargate Atlantis?

    So, I started watching Stargate Atlantis starting with season 1 sometime last year, and on vacation and such. Currently, I'm halfway through season 3 (episode 14) and I was wondering if I wanted to get caught up to whatever's currently happening in season 5 faster than just trying to watch through all of them when I have the time, which episodes are the important ones to watch, and which episodes don't really have anything to do with the main storyline? I'd love to watch them all through, but I'm too busy with work and school for that right now.

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Wanted, Night Watch, and Day Watch...?

    So, my friends and I were thinking of seeing Wanted today, but we had just finished Day Watch, but we weren't sure if we could handle any more of Bekmambetov's directing. So, how easy to follow and trippy is Wanted compared to Night Watch and Day Watch? I seriously could hardly handle the first 45 minutes of Night Watch, but Day Watch was better and I could understand the plot and such. Or is Wanted more like a normal American action movie?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Getting a scooter?

    Given the high gas prices, and the fact that I don't go out much other than the summertime, I'm considering getting a scooter like a Vespa. So, I've got a few questions:

    1 - What kind of license would I have to get to operate one in NYS? How would I go about learning to operate one?

    2 - What kind of gas mileage do they get, and how fast can they go (I'm not likely to take it on a big highway)?

    3 - How much would they cost? What brands are good, and what brands should I avoid?

    4 - What would insurance be like? Would it be possible to get it covered under my parents' insurance (though I'm technically an adult)?

    5 - Would a small motorcycle (I'm a girl, and I weigh <100 lbs) also be a good option, particularly one of the foreign-made 'crotch rockets'? What would be the main advantages or disadvantages of riding a motorcycle instead of a scooter.

    7 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • A question for Twilight fans, or other vampire 'experts'?

    In Twilight, Edward says vampire marriage 'works just like human marriage' when Bella asked him about it. However, vampires don't have a pulse, so how do they have sex? Remember, increased blood flow is necessary for a man to get an erection, which in turn is necessary for him to have sex with a woman, so what gives?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a long, dark-colored raincoat?

    I need a raincoat, so I'm looking for a waterproof coat, that comes past my knees (ideally around ankle-length), in a dark color - preferably black, but brown, blue, or grey is OK. I've looked in all the local stores I can think of, so if you know where to find one, please post the website here.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Primeval in America, or at least Region 1 DVD's?

    Does anyone know if the ITV show, Primeval, is going to air in America, and if so, on what channel and roughly when will it start? For that matter, does anyone know if it's even on Region 1 (North America) DVD, or DVD without a region code, and if so, where could I get it?

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago