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need some help with my friend..?
I cant handle it anymore...
She decides she likes a certain boy.. and then thats it the blinkers are on.
Because she has feelings for this particular boy she seems to feel that they are now her property and if she sees him flirt or show affection for some other girl she goes mental and on a ***** tirade..
She will eventually try it on and they wont be interested but then she will moon over him and talk about him non-stop to everyone. especially me.
I've had enough. We have been the best of friends for about 22 years straight from preschool to now.
I know its kinda rotten to say this but she is DESPERATE for a boyfriend and Im pretty sure that boys can smell it on her.
she gets herself so emotionally involved with a boy who has no idea about it and when they say something mildly mean she goes crying to me about it.
Please could someone advise me how to deal with this. How to let her know gently that she needs to shut the F*ck up and find someone that will treat her right and move
thank you
1 AnswerFriends10 years agoGUYS.. What signs would you show if you put a girl in the 'Friend Zone'?
Please help me out here, i think im stuck in the dreaded 'friend zone'.
You know, where you really like the girl but don't have a crush on?
signs that say i like you but not in that way...
I dont know whether to make a move or not...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoguys: is this true..?
Do you find it attractive when a girl drinks a beer... like a fancy beer
ive heard that it is seen as attractive but obviously only when a girl is girly enough to pull it off and not really butch. lol.
so yeah what are your thoughts?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoThe Manchester Riots. Why arent the locals getting involved?
I have read about of group of sikhs in London who have taken it upon themselves to protect their temple.
so why arent more people doing this...?
people could use social networking to get together and stop the looters by doing what they themselves do = show up in numbers, an intimidating force because the police are going to only be able to do so much but why cant people get more involved?!
I love Manchester. And what is happening won't stop there, its going to affect all the smaller areas too.
Cant people get together with cricket bats or something and just stand guard of their local establishments?
fight fire with fire...?
Its the local scumbags who are causing this so cant it be local heroes who put a stop to it?
6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agohow to get rid of orange hair?
it was dyed red/brown
used a colour remover
it went ginger.
was nice but not for me.
used a strong peroxide to lift it.
its now orange. not yellow - that i could handle with toner. but this is just orange
please help.
i know i shouldve got it done at the salon but thats really not an option for me since i cant afford it.
is it just a case of getting toner on it?
or another bleach job?
no worries. its still in really good condition
3 AnswersHair10 years agoWhat is everyone giving up for lent...!?
I've decided to give up things beginning with the letter 'C'
just wondering about everyone else.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoNew hairstyle advice?
Im going for the old new leaf thing - changing from dark to light colour-wise
and now im after a hairstyle... im not after short hair because i think it can be aging.
and im too fat to pull it off - lol :D
SO any recommendations?
OR even a really good set of curling tongs?
just want something new....
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoSum up 'Lost' please?
I watched it all except the final season
It just got too hard to watch
Too many unanswered questions
So can someone please tell me the purpose of dharma and well everything
1 AnswerDrama1 decade agoOld style writing when the first letter is embellished...?
is that all its called 'embellished writing'
or does it have an actual name
1 AnswerEtiquette1 decade agoDoes Slendertone work...?
basically, I am quite active i go to the gym or go running regularly.
can see my legs and butt toning up but my stomach and hips are my main issue now.
so basically would a slendertone be an effective way to tighten up my abs?
I'd like to hear if real people have had success with it because it isn't cheap and wondered the reviews for it aren't just all fabricated to boost sales....
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoBeing honest, how long did it take you to get over your ex...?
this applies to those who had been in a relationship for at least one year....
because im still struggling :(
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat is the UK equivalent to the Japanese senior diploma?
I've tried to google it but i can't seem to find the UK equivalent there's loads of pages on the USA equivalent. but thats just confusing the matter.
please someone, help me!
1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade agoWhat is Ping (for iphone)?
is it like BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) ?
2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoCapital Punishment, should it be brought back into the UK?
I would like to see it brought back.
The UK is a mess and to be honest in some cases it is a HUGE waste of resources to keep people in prison 'for life'.
I think it should only be used for extreme cases and should be voted for by the general public whether or not they should infact 'swing'.
it could also work as a major deterrent and criminals would think twice.
I have stopped reading the news because some things i honestly think there is no excuse for and the punishment should match the crime for cases like that of Baby P.
I would like to everyone else's opinion on this
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhat would you do if you saw someone kick a puppy...?
I've just read a new article about another yob who was caught on camera, by a passerby, kicking a puppy with enough force to lift it off the ground.
and then it was dragged away on its lead..
These sort of articles make me feel both physically sick and angry.
If that was me, id make a quick call to the police, and then go and confront this big brave yob kicking a poor puppy.
I was just wondering what would anyone else do? or, what the right course of action is if ever i saw something like this?
25 AnswersDogs1 decade agoBack to blonde. Manic Panic Bleach?
I've been dying my hair black for 3 years. just a simple top up of the roots every now and again.
I used to dye it all the time, so it became really brittle. and its in excellent condition once again.
so, im thinking of going back to my natural colour, blonde.
How would i do this, ive heard of manic panic flash lightning bleach, and only good reviews, i cant afford the hairdressers, because i know it will cost a lot of money and to get the black stripped out it will take several months. and its just too much hassle.
SO, how would i go about lifting it back to blonde...? just manic panic and toner..?
or something else im missing..?
4 AnswersHair1 decade agoHow do i subscribe to National Geographic magazine UK?
I keep trying to find it on the website but its only ever the USA version.
and i really wanna sign up!
3 AnswersMagazines1 decade agohaving a really bad day.....?
Just everything deciding to go wrong at the same time..
any tips on how to make myself feel better tonight?
please and thank you
7 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoDoes this annoy anyone else or am i over reacting..?
i take my dog to the same dog park every day.
She's a good dog, has never bitten anyone, love kids.
honestly the best dog ever. (but i bet everyone thinks that)
It just makes me crazy when people go on this park with kids and its either the parents or the kids that are scared of dogs, so when mine goes over harmlessly to have a sniff and a wag, they get really mad. i try explaining i wouldnt let her off the leash if she was aggressive. but they continue to shout and GOD it makes me mad...
if they fear dogs or their kids do, why come on a dog park... am i the only one who thinks this...?
13 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIf you had to change the world with 3 wishes...?
what would they be and why...?
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago