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Savannah, xoxo♥
Help with cover up tattoo?
I have a playboy tattoo on my ankle and it's a tiny bit bigger than a quarter. Will I be able to cover it? And would a cupcake tattoo be able to cover it? I need some opinions, even other cover up ideas please! Below is the tattoo.
4 AnswersTattoos8 years agoWhat type of mattress do I have?!?
I have a bed and it's wider and a bit longer than a twin, but smaller than a full. What type of mattress is it? I can't seem to put sheets on it because none of mine fit, please help!
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years agoTattoo colors help please!?
Can you please tell me what colors might of been used on this tattoo? I love the colors and can't figure it out!
3 AnswersTattoos8 years agoEasy chicken dinners?
I have a package of skinless, boneless chicken and I have a dinner idea but I'm not sure if it would turn out well. I need some opinions please! And any other meals I could make would be helpful as well. Please and thank you!
Baked chicken (seasoned with Italian dressing)
Mashed potatoes with chicken gravy
Some sort of vegetable.
8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoBi polar disorder help!?
Me and my mom were talking and we both came to the agreement that I very well may be bi polar or manic depressed. About 5 years ago I was diagnosed as having severe depression. The problem is, how do I get my doctor to evaluate me to see if I'm bi polar or manic depressed? I bring it up and the doctor changes the subject, or he says there's no way I am. It's just PMS, and now I'm noticing it myself.
5 AnswersMental Health8 years agoGetting a tattoo soon?
I'm planning on getting the word "fighter" on my foot because since I was born I've been fighting, to live and all that due to health issues. How bad out of 10 does it hurt? I'm pretty small so the tattoo would also be small. I have a tattoo on both my wrists and on my ankle and I've been told I have a high pain tolerance due to all kinds of tests and pokes I've had throughout my life. I think I'll tap out but I was also told the tattoo artists won't stop once they start cause it can give them a bad rep, which I completely understand. I just don't want to look like a cry baby if I end up crying especially being 20 years old.
So how bad does a foot tattoo hurt? It would be kinda on the side like starting a little below my big toe.
3 AnswersTattoos8 years agoMy fiance and our love life?
This is very awkward to talk about, but I'm so shy during sex and even phone sex. My fiance and I have been together for a year & a half almost and he's the only one I've been with sex wise. I had an incident 4 years ago with a guy & force and since then it's even harder not to be able to get in bed with me. My main reason was I wanted to atleast be engaged before having sexual activity take place. I was so messed up I didn't even want a boyfriend, kiss or anything. I feel so bad my poor guy says he enjoys what I do attempt to do & understands about my past and lets me know it's okay and he doesn't even care if were intimate. But I mean we plan on getting married in the future, so my question is, "how do I stop being shy when it comes to being or talking sexual?" I love him so much and he's the greatest but I feel dumb! He is very good with me when it comes to intimacy or even just being a sweet, caring man. I can't even say certain things cause I'm so shy or even embarrasssed?
Please help me!!♥ ):
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoHelp with Starbucks please?!?
I am going to try something other than tea from Starbucks. I haven't ever had coffee but I don't think I'll like it. Is the Hazelnut Frappuccino any good? Is there any coffee in it? I feel so dumb but I wanna try something new and I go to starbucks once in a long while. I mean like years long!
1 AnswerFast Food8 years agoDeep conditioning hair?
My hair has been colored several times and I went to the beauty school and they said I need to deep condition my hair because it's so unhealthy. What is a good deep conditioner? I'm new to all this hair product stuff. I used to just go buy shampoo and conditioner and that was it and then I started doing research and saw all these products I didn't even know existed or thought I needed.
I also started taking vitamins about a month ago to help
7 AnswersHair8 years agoAcne help, I just can't get rid of it!?
Does Erythromycin work for acne or even cystic acne?! I have tried everything and nothing is working so far. Please help, I have even tried Doxycycline Hyclate
2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years agoNo bake cookies?! Help!?
Can I use Crisco All-Vegetable shortening instead of butter for Chocolate no bake cookies?
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoBest shampoo and conditioner?!?
My hair is always dry or oily, and I have bad dandruff. My hair is thick and it will be dry right after I wash and dry it and then by the middle of the day it's oily again!
What shampoo and conditioner should I use? Or at least try. My hair is so damaged also, I'm dying my hair back to it's blonde color then I'm leaving it alone. Will vitamins also help repair it, I am always catching my hair falling out too.
6 AnswersHair8 years agoHow to stay awake & keep a routine?
I'm starting work soon and I can't seem to get up and stay awake, I usually turn my alarm off then go back to sleep.
I have to wake up at 5:30am and I go to bed at 10:30pm. What can I do to stay awake during the morning and throughout the day? I only drink water and tea, no sodas, coffee, or frapps. Nothing like that. Please help, I'm trying to keep a daily routine!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoHelp with Tramadol please?
I took Tramadol 50 mg about 30 minutes ago, can I take a Vicodin 500mg since the Tramadol is not working?
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years agoBreakfast meal ideas?
I have to be up early in the mornings and I'm not really a cook breakfast type, because I don't function all that well in the mornings lol.
I was wondering if anyone has any easy and healthy breakfast ideas? Or even something I can make the night before and store it for morning. I don't eat breakfast but I was put on a medicine so now I have to have something. Please help!
If you guys have any healthy lunch or dinner ideas I'd love to also hear them!
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoFirst time renting a place?!?
How much should me and my friend save up before we actually go out and get a house or apartment for rent?
I get $500 each month and she gets $400 each month. Bills usually add up to a total of $500-650 a month. And that's just from my household which has 8 people and they use appliances like crazy; (i.e anything water, gas, electric, cable, internet.) We are unemployed for now but I can get my money raised at least to $700 hopefully and I should have a job very soon. So were pretty much both looking. Rent around here is usually under $600 at the most for where were looking $750. I will also be making an extra $80 every month.
So how much should we save up before we decide to go ahead and sign a dotted line for our very first place?
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years agoWDYT of this baby name?
Calum Isaac
It would be pronounced (Kay-lum).
I was watching Disney channel and heard the guy from Austin and Ally say his name and I instantly fell in love. My fiance told me a list of baby names he liked and Isaac came up, plus it's a family name. :)
Opinions, please and thank you!
5 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoNew lip piercing help!!!?
I got my lip pierced on October 19th and yesterday I called him to see what size stud he had in it. He said 14 G and he said it was also way too long but he had to use it because I ended up swelling so big. He wants me to use 16G studs and I was wondering if I could change it now? Mine is way to long and gets in the way of eating
Please help and thank you
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years agoFirst tattoo help! Please♥?
I got my tattoo on October 19th and I was wondering how long I apply the ointment they advised me to buy and use. They didn't say how long to keep applying, it's on my ankle and maybe a tad bit bigger than a quarter.
4 AnswersTattoos9 years agoNose piercing please help!?
Can I change my nose stud? I've had my nose pierced since July 23.
Also why does it take so long and hurt a little when I put an "L" ring in?
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago