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  • Why haven't I been raptured yet?

    I know it is supposed to happen today, but when? Would it happen easier if I sit outside? Should I bring food? Why didn't I think about these questions yesterday?!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you submit a cover letter for an application to nursing school?

    I am preparing to submit my application for the BSN nursing program at my University (which is very competitive). The application only states I need to submit the application form and college transcripts.

    Would it be advantageous - or strange to include a cover letter and/or a statement of intent? I want my application to stand out and look professional, but I also am worried about going to far. Anyone have any advice or experience about this?

  • Asking people when they are going to 'start a family'?

    I am now of the age and marital status where people seem to think its appropriate to ask me "when I intend to start my family". This question comes from both people I know very well, and often even from people I have only just met.

    I personally find this question to be prying and unforgivably rude. With so many women facing private fertility issues (difficulty conceiving, frequent miscarriages etc) that asking a question like that could be intended as innocent, but in actuality is potentially a very awkward and invasive question.

    What do you think? Why? What would you say to people to imply that you don't feel comfortable answering that question?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Asking people when they are going to 'start a family'?

    I am now of the age and marital status where people seem to think its appropriate to ask me "when I intend to start my family". This question comes from both people I know very well, and often even from people I have only just met.

    I personally find this question to be prying and unforgivably rude. With so many women facing private fertility issues (difficulty conceiving, frequent miscarriages etc) that asking a question like that could be intended as innocent, but in actuality is potentially a very awkward and invasive question.

    What do you think? Why? What would you say to people to imply that you don't feel comfortable answering that question?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Blooms on a young hydrangea plant?

    I purchased some small hydrangea plants from the store this spring (Nikko Blue Bigleaf/Mophead). I am getting conflicting information regarding the likelihood that they will produce blooms this year. I was told that since they only produce blooms on old growth (and these lil' guys were stems with two leaves each when I bought them) that there will be no blooms this summer. Others have told me that they may not produce many blooms, but should produce a few.

    They are putting on a decent amount of new leaf growth, and the once green stems have now turned rather stick or branch like. They are producing off shoot branches as well. They overall seem very happy.

    So which is it? Blooms this year, or do I have to wait? I have googled and googled and everything I find seems to be contradicting! Help! :)

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Beneficial Nematode Pest Control?

    Has anyone had any luck with beneficial nematodes killing off fleas and garden pests? I was looking for ways to treat my yard against fleas, and this was listed as a natural option that is supposed to kill off other pests too. Sounds too good to be true?

    Anyone try it?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Is my hydrangea dead?

    I bought two little hydrangea plants at a garden center a few weeks ago, and admittedly didnt not inspect them as well as I should have. One was happy with green leaves and everything - the other a miserable looking stem with a teeny tiny bit of greenage sprouting at the very base, almost in with the roots. I followed the planting directions precisly and now I have 1 flourishing and the other one still, well, looks like a dead stick. Any of the green that was there before is long gone. It is a very firm stick..but no buds or anything!

    Is it dead? Is there hope?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Is it rude to ask FB friend requests "who are you"?

    When you get a facebook friend request from someone (with mutual friends) and you cant for the life of you think of who they are...

    is it rude to ask them who the hell they are? Is there a nice way to do it?

    What about people who dont seem to have any connection to you at all? Is it worth asking them, or do you just ignore them?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Does this toothpaste look scary to you?

    I made a mistake. I asked my husband to pick up some toothpaste while he was out. He did, but the toothpaste he bought looks like it recently arrived via a time machine from 1974.

    The package has no mention of being approved by the American Dental Association, my guess is because it was made before they existed. He promises he bought it at a regular store and not a yard sale, dollar store, or gypsy encampment.

    Do us both a favor. Look at the picture of this dodgy looking toothpaste and tell us who's side you are on:

    Him: the toothpaste is fine, you would use it!

    Me: that stuff looks like it would be better suited for a 'found art' exhibit at the MoMA then for putting on your toothbrush.


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Baptist Wedding Etiquette?

    I have been invited to a wedding at a Baptist church in the south. Does that make it southern baptist? It doesn't say southern in the church name. What can I expect? Will there be a communion, and if so can Episcopalians receive it? Also it is on a Saturday night - are gray and black clothing out of line? (Of course modest in cut and length). As a yankee - I have always lived by the modicum that gray/black are acceptable on Fri/Sat NIGHT weddings but maybe this doesn't hold true in the south. Any advice would be great, thanks.

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Baptist Wedding Etiquette?

    I have been invited to a wedding at a Baptist church in the south. Does that make it southern baptist? It doesn't say southern in the church name. What can I expect? Will there be a communion, and if so can Episcopalians receive it? Also it is on a Saturday night - are gray and black clothing out of line? (Of course modest in cut and length). As a yankee - I have always lived by the modicum that gray/black are acceptable on Fri/Sat NIGHT weddings but maybe this doesn't hold true in the south. Any advice would be great, thanks.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Out of state jury summons?

    I moved to a new state last July, but just received a jury summons from my former home state. I have tried calling and logging onto their website to show ineligibility but cant seem to find a 'no longer live there option' and every time I ask to speak with an operator, it hangs up on me!

    It clearly states that to be eligible to I have to be a current resident of that county. Do I need to formally inform them of my new address? If so, how can I? I have tried every number and website on that summons!!! Help!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Hasn't anyone else heard of a pregnancy test?

    Is there some rule on Y!A that prohibits women from using a pregnancy test when they wonder if they are pregnant? If not, then why is every other question "I think I am pregnant, how can I be sure"?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Legalize Marijuana? Pro or Con?

    Lately there has been a lot of coverage on the subject of legalizing Marijuana for any dozens of reasons. (such as these:

    THC is the active ingredient in Marinol, a legal prescription drug. California and Colorado have legalized it for medical purposes as well. Many financial analysts suggest that the legalization, taxation and import of our number one unofficial cash crop could substantially improve our economy.

    With all the reasons people are advocating the legalization of Marijuana, do you think it should be legal? Why or why not?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this the correct Latin translation?

    If I wanted to say "make life a walk to remember" in Latin, would it be "creo vitae a ambulatio memoranda"?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Will my tv converter box help me receive more channels?

    My television gets a whopping two, very fuzzy stations with my bunny ear antenna. After I plug in my digital converter box, will those 2 stations come in clearly? Will I be able to pick up any other stations? Or will it still be the same old fuzzy two stations I have now?

    6 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • What is (was) the gooey green goo with white, furry spikes in the back of my fridge?

    Seriously, if you guess what became a green goo with white furry spikes, you win.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • when math on a credit card slip doesnt add up, which do you charge - the correct math or the total?

    For instance, the slip says the bill is $20. The customer writes in a $4 tip and the total for $25. The math here is wrong. So what should be charged, $24 or $25?

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What punishment would be fitting?

    How do you think Hammurabi would punish the man who beat and mugged the 101 year old woman in New York City the other day?

    14 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do you like this band?

    I love this band, and I would love for others to listen and tell me if they like it too. C'mon, your bored right? ;-)

    (its ok if you dont like it, just say why cause im curious!)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago