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My cat went crazy, please help?
I have a male cat, and I thought that he's lonely, cause once he brought a cat from the street to my home, but when that cat left he was really upset and looking for it everywhere (I think it was a male too). So, I brought him a cute female cat, and she's so adorable and beautiful, but he reacted SOOO weirdly. He was afraid of her and he ran away like crazy and kept hiding. Then he started attacking her after a while. So we never let them around each other anymore. He started going out more often, and I give him the freedom to go around and he comes back every night just fine. But recently he started fighting outside, and today he came totally injured and bleeding. We bathed him, gave him plenty of food, totally spoiled him, but he still doesn't want to stay at home. He goes around screaming in anger and waits for somebody to open the door. What should I do?? PS : I live in a big home, and we never put him in a cage or abuse him.
4 AnswersCats7 years agowhat is the name of the serb man who Impersonating the character of alternative medicine doctor?
Please I really need his name. I hope you understood who I mean.
2 AnswersPolitics7 years agoHow long it will take for cutting scars to fade?
I'm really scared, please understand me before judging.I did it for the first time in my life. I just was too depressed that I wanted to harm myself in anyway or even commit suicide. I didn't use a knife or a razor. It was just a very sharp plastic, and it left some scars that was swollen for couple of minutes, no bleeding. Now they're just very thin scars and I'm HORRIFIED cause I read they would never fade. Please please tell me that isn't true. If someone saw them I'll be in big trouble.
3 AnswersTattoos7 years agoI'm planning to run away from home?
It's very hard to live in my society. I feel suppressed and that my life goes on without being able to be free, its just I suffocating feeling. I don't know how life would be if I tried to run away from home. I'm still studying at the university with two years left. I don't want to quiet, but I'm depressed to think about doing that one day. I'm 20 yo, will I as an adult be able to run away to another country without being caught? What if my parents and family tried to get me back, do they have this kind of right??? I live with my parents, since I'm as a girl can never live alone. I feel like trash when my family treats me as an object that should be protected. As if I'm not trustworthy enough. So please, don't lecture me. I also would like to know which country has the most opportunities for foreigners. I'm afraid to end up homeless or something like that!
3 AnswersFamily7 years agoD&G floral sunglasses?
I want these soooo bad, and I've seen dozens of DIY tutorials but the problem is, I can't find those "cremic flowers" or whatever they're. Where can I find similar glasses online? or perhaps the roses so I can do it by myself. Thanks!!
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years agoWhere I would find this burgundy dye ? (pic)?
I loved this shade of burgundy it's just so sexy on this girl!!! What do you think about the color? trendy or not? and where I can find a similar shade?
1 AnswerHair7 years agoSomething to help me sleep like a baby?
I'm having serious depression moments. I don't know why, I'm just living shitty moments sometimes, that it became really hard for me to sleep. Hormones? meds? I don't know why! Anyway, I need to rest my mind for sometime, but I would prefer not to use pills. Help.
1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years agoLady Dior red bag with gold ?
I'm wondering if gold hardware fits more the red color, or the silver??
plz help :)
PS: I'm gonna purchase the mini size.
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoSecret hurting myself desire?
I have a secret comfort in hurting myself when I'm sad. Its not a constant desire, its ONLY when somebody tries to control me. And not anybody, specially my brother. I live in a society where a man can control his sister and wife in someways. It depends on the family and how you're raised. Unfortunately, my family is not so open minded. When he tries to control me, I feel suffocated, I want to hurt myself and scream like crazy. But I usually shut up and suffer silently. I tried to commit suicide so many times secretly, and one time it happened for real and I was gonna die but they took me to the hospital and I managed to deny committing suicide. The idea of being controlled by a brother or a father drives me crazy. I want to be free, and I feel death could free me. Suicidal thoughts are gone after my suffering for a week in the hospital, but I still need to hurt myself. I stopped taking my meds without telling anyone. I'm sick with some thyroid disorder and it could threat my life. But still, I need to torture myself, but without blood and cutting cause it scares me.. Please let me know if you have a different way of torture.
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agoShould I regret buying gold metallic Chanel (pic included)?
I started to think gosh its too bright and too golden.. I still love it but I don't know if its suitable for me. Even though I'm 20, I kinda like classics and vintages more. Is it cute or just too much brightness there?
PS : Its a darker in the reality. So golden.
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoMy boyfriend's trashy present for my birthday?
I feel so upset. Literally I'm holding my tears! I just turned 20, and as a present my boyfriend gave me a silly gift!!! I know that I seem to you an arrogant brat but I'm not at all. If I posted a pic of what he gave me you'd understand. They're the cheapest earrings I've ever seen, maybe they're worth 5$, and they have the shapes of some baby feet and baby stuff. It looks like something he stole from his baby sister's room. I really don't get him. I wish he brought me some flowers or something decent. Still, I didn't say anything and I acted like oh I'm so happy, but I'm not. I'm disappointed and upset. Yes, he doesn't work, but he gets his money from his father. He even owns a blackberry porsche design. I don't know what to do except shutting my mouth and thinking of leaving him. I can't really ignore the fact that I need a man to spoil me, or just makes me feel special.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI need a 500 calories diet?
Hi. I'm 19, and I go to the GYM 3-4 times a week (exercise for 1 hour). But still, I want to loose weight more quickly. I know you're gonna say 500 isn't enough, starvation mood, blah blah blah, but I don't care. I'd be really thankful if you tell me about a good diet plan that consist only of 500-600 calories.
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoBlue or Black for a Fendi Peekaboo?
I'm really having a hard time deciding which one :( They're both GORGEOUS!
Black :
Blue :
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoIs etiquette important in working as a diplomat?
I'm studying international affairs, which is my first step to getting my dream job, which is diplomacy. I'm not thinking about the next step. I guess its essential for a diplomat. Should I get etiquette lessons? Would it make any difference to my possible future boss to see that my cv includes an etiquette certificate?
3 AnswersPolitics7 years agoIs 200 too high heart rate while exercise?
Sometimes while exercising my heart rate is around 180, and it could reach 200 maximum. Is that too much?. I do have hyperthyroidism.
2 AnswersOther - Sports7 years agoI can't show him the REAL me?
I'm 19, in a relationship with a sweet guy who really loves me. I do love him too, we're so attached to each other. But the problem is that I have the worst family life you can imagine. I just leant to keep my own sadness to myself, and when things get really bad, I just leave my boyfriend. I need some time alone to grief, but sometimes he can't accept that. He begs me to talk to him and open my heart, but I just can't. Talking about my problems makes me feel worse, it actually makes me feel very weak. Its hard for me to be with him at the moment, specially today when I had a big fight with my family. I even want to break up with him and just close the door of my room and cry. I have a torn family, literally. I'm depressed to the point that I don't wanna live anymore.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWould my color come back after tanning?
I know its a very silly question, but I'm still worried cause I hate my tanning. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible :( doesn't look nice. So is there any little tiny chance that I would not get my real color back as it is, or that it would look a bit different ??? I'm serious.
3 AnswersMakeup7 years agoI tanned and it turned out awful. Please help?
So yeah I tanned and I didn't like it at all. It just seems awful. Not too dark at all, but I wish I didn't do it, it doesn't suit me, even though I love seeing tanned people :(. How long it will take for the color to fade?? (its very light tan, I did it for two days two hours each). Is there any way to make it become lighter again??
3 AnswersMakeup7 years agoHow many days to get a great tan?
I have fair skin and I tanned two days for nearly 2 hours a day. The sun isn't THAT strong as usual, cause I live in Dubai and its usually really hot, like torture. But now since the weather is ok I tanned but it doesn't seem to show that much. Its my first time to do it. Now I have like really light golden tan and my cheeks seem a bit red. How many days more do I need? I wanna get a bronze color, and I'm using Nivea tanning oil.
3 AnswersMakeup7 years ago