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  • Should I get Mirena (IUD)?

    So I'm 19, sexually active, and have NOT had kids. I'm in a committed relationship of almost one year. I was on birth control for about a year and a half and everything was great. I originally started taking the birth control pills for heavy and painful periods. Anyways, they started to make my life hell. I had insane mood swings. I yelled at my boyfriend for stupid stuff that I normally would never get mad about. I started having suicidal thoughts, didn't think anyone cared about me. I didn't know where it came from. I stopped taking my pills and everything immediately stopped. I became myself again. But I NEED another type of birth control. One reason because my boyfriend and I both hate condoms with a passion. I don't trust them. Secondly, I need another way to help my periods. I've been off the pill over a month now and I've had my period which is awful. I fill up a super tampon in 2 hours (TMI sorry) and have awful cramps that leave me curled in the fetal position for hours.

    Anyways. I'm wondering if the Mirena IUD would cause the same moodiness and mood swings? I've heard some women have had mood swings but is it worth it to try just incase? I'm not worried about the pain of the insertion. I have a slightly high pain tolerance and I'm sure it's no worse than my tattoo I've gotten on my ribs.

    Any information is appreciated! Thanks!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Eyebrows are low?

    So I've just started kind of realizing other women's eyebrows. Those who have a nice curve and are maintained well, really do seem to frame their face and, honestly, make them seem much prettier. I've tried to take care of mine. They're not super thick or anything, but they're very low and close to my eyes. I've gotten them waxed before and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. They're very straight as well so I'm not sure how to get a nice arch in them. What can I do to make my eyebrows have a nicer arch? Every time I take a selfie on snapchat or whatever, I always raise my eyebrows because I don't like the way they look normally. So, basically, how can I make my eyebrows look like they would when I raise them? If there even is a way to do that.


    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style6 years ago
  • Tattoo aftercare?

    I got my first tattoo on Saturday (2 days ago) on my right side. It's a fairly big tattoo. Practically takes up my whole side. I've been treating it how the artist told me to; washing it three times a day with antibacterial bar soap and applying Aquaphore on it immediately after. I've been wearing baggy shirts so I don't irritate it and sleeping on my left side and back. I just have a few questions.

    How many more days should I continue to wash it 3 times a day?

    When can I start to let the shower stream hit it directly?

    When should I start using unscented lotion instead of the aquaphore?

    The artist didn't give me any written down instructions and he kind of assumed I would know what to do since my brother was with me and he's had a full sleeve done, but he wasn't very specific.


    3 AnswersTattoos6 years ago
  • Cat is peeing blood after antibiotics for UTI?

    We took my male cat, 3 years old, to the vet on Wednesday, so 3 days ago, because we thought he had a UTI as he was peeing in the dining room, when he's an outside cat. They kept him overnight because he didn't pee at all when they had him. He finally peed and they found crystals in his urine. They treated him with an antibiotic shot that should last for 2 weeks. Our vet informed us of obstruction in male cats and that we should get him a litter box to keep track of his urine. They also gave us prescription wet food, I think it's to take care of the crystals in his bladder? Anyways, he didn't want to eat the food and if he did, it was small amounts of it. He only peed small amounts in the litter box and he would squat there as if he was peeing a good amount. Today, I looked after I saw him use it, and noticed that there was blood in the small amounts he was leaving. He's currently sitting at the water bowl and has been drinking from it for the past 5 minutes. I'm wondering if this is turning into obstruction and if I should take him to an overnight vet. The thing is, it's my parents who are paying for this and my mom doesn't want to take him to a 24/7 vet clinic because they charge ridiculous amounts of money.

    Do you think he is just getting over the UTI or there is something more serious here? I'm worried he may die because I know that it can happen within as little as 24 hours.

    Another question, how much does it cost to have him unobstructed, if it does happen?

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • Cat brought in baby bunny. What do I do?

    My cat brought in a baby bunny at 3 in the morning. It woke me up screaming and I ran downstairs and caught it, holding it with a fish towel. I put it in an old birds cage I have, and put a beach towl on the bottom.

    It has some injuries, nothing horrible. The fur got ripped off in 3 places. The skin is raw and red but not bleeding. I'm worried about this because a cats saliva has bacteria.

    I left it in the garage last night. It curled up under the towel and was warm enough.

    This morning I got a handful of clover and left it in the cage with a dish of water. I moved the cage into my house in my room with the door closed. I can tell the rabbit is old enough to eat greens. It's eyes are open, ears are erect at times and it can run fairly quickly.

    I'm just wondering if I need to take it to the vet. It's eating the clover and seems to be drinking the water although I can't tell very well about the water. It's pooping small pellets and doesn't move much.

    I want to nurse it back to health but I feel it may become dependent on me if I keep it for too long. I don't want to release it into the wild with its wounds as it will surely be killed then. What should I do? How do I keep it comfortable? Should I just buy a rabbit cage? I think it's an eastern cottontail. Do they get big? And most importantly, should I take it to the vet or should I just let it heal itself. The wounds are pretty big but they're not deep and it's not bleeding (there was blood on the floor when I found it this morning screaming).

    Information and any help with this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!

    3 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guy with a girlfriend, he's kind of flirty but subtle about it. What do I do?

    This guy goes to my school and is a senior, like me. He's super popular, everyone knows who he is. He's super smart and extremely attractive. The thing is, he's been dating a sophomore since like February. He had a girlfriend before her for a year or so.

    I started texting him after a group of our friends went out to a baseball game. I made him laugh a lot and I felt like we clicked. I would text him about English but then English ended and I worked up the courage to just text him by saying hey. We joke around a lot, he's extremely sexual, not so much to me but with his friends and just all around.

    He's one of those guys who has sex a lot (I think) and I'm the virgin whose waiting for marriage. He doesn't know that. He's said stuff to me like "you're really cool." And "I wish we knew each other earlier" and he always tries to get me to come to lunch instead of go home. Today, I stayed and he texted me and thanked me for coming. He also makes frequent comments saying "we need to hang out sometime"

    He always looks at me when were hanging out (we're only hanging out with friends, never alone) and makes jokes and looks right at me to see if there's a reaction. He made a comment to me a while ago that were reproducing and having babies. I know he was joking but was there some hidden meaning behind it? I really enjoy his company, and the more we talk, the more I like him.

    He seems like a great guy but I've heard about how he's somewhat of a player. He already has a girlfriend and I don't want to be the ***** to break it up but I kind of want him all to myself. I know though, that if I dated him, he'd be talking to and flirting with other girls anyways.

    Does it sound like he likes me or is he just being him? We text pretty much every day and yesterday I decided not to text him first, just to distance us a little and he texted me at night just saying hey. Although he's in a relationship, is it okay to still talk? Can we be friends without me ruining his relationship?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Old female cat keeps throwing up?

    My cat, Francis, seems to hate our other cats and will not come inside very often. We feed her in the garage, where she spends most of her time. Recently, she has been throwing up pretty much everything we feed her. I have been giving her smaller portions but it doesn't seem to be doing much. I've spread the food out around the bowl; on the sides and such to try and get her to eat slower.

    Is she just eating her food too fast or could there be something wrong with her?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What food should I get for my cat who has recurring UTIs?

    Let's just start this off, we have 5 cats (insane, I know) and 2 dogs. Our dogs receive a very high quality food because one of them has an allergy that makes her get bad ear infections.

    Our cat, whiner baby, started peeing around the house, on the counters and in the stove tops primarily. We thought she was just lazy but eventually took her to the vet to see if there was a problem. Sure enough, she had a urinary tract infection and the vet gave her a shot. She stopped for about a month and started again. Just recently, she's been peeing pretty much everywhere. At the bottom of the steps in our living room, on carpets, on hand towels, in the bathroom, on a bag in my room, and also on the counters. My parents obviously don't want to spend a lot of money on her as she is one of five cats that we have. I noticed today, that she had blood in her urine. I'm waiting on my mom to get home so we can call the vet to get her there soon.

    The thing is, we only feed her wet food. All the other cats receive wet and dry mixed in with it. The wet food is not very good. It's friskies shreds and the dry food is cat chow. I know they should not be receiving such low quality food, but with 5 cats and 2 dogs, we can't pay so much money for 7 animals.

    Is there some cat food that we can buy that is somewhat high quality but not super expensive? I really hate giving them crap food all the time but as I've said, it's expensive.

    Also, does anyone have suggestions to take care of her recurring UTI's? I know we will take her to the vet for this one, but what can we do to keep her from getting another one?

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Talking to a guy who has a girlfriend, but I just want to be friends?

    So there's this guy at my school. He's EXTREMELY attractive. He's one of the most popular guys at our school; he plays golf, is in AP classes, and every girl I know finds him attractive.

    We're both seniors and we have the freshman lunch so we all sit at the only senior table in lunch. I didn't really know him that well until Friday night when he was in my group of friends when we went out. I ended up making him laugh a lot and we all had a great time. I, of course, started getting feelings for him.

    The thing is, he's dating this girl and I wouldn't ever want to mess up their relationship, but I would like to become closer friends. I've texted him twice so far, with questions about our English class and today, we continued the conversation past school work. We talked about golf and college and some other stuff. I want to talk to him more but our English class ends on Wednesday and we don't have any other classes together. What can I text him about to start a conversation? I don't want to seem clingy or like I'm trying to come on to him but he's fun to talk to.

    Also, idk if he was just being nice but when we all stood up to leave when we were out on Friday. The two other guys my friend and I were with, stood up and walked away and he stood up to let us pass. I was behind my friend and he walked behind me. I got the feeling like he was checking my butt out but I mean, I can't be positive.

    So anyways, what can I use as an excuse to text him again?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Transpiration lab AP Biology, finding rate of transpiration?

    Okay, so I REALLY need help on this because my partners are impossible and don't know what they're doing.

    My lab says to calculate the rate of transpiration/surface area for each variable (plant). it says to do ml of water loss/surface area in cm2

    We placed 4 pansies in 4 different environments; heat, control, humidity, wind. I'll give you the info for the wind plant.

    Day 1(Initial): 82.3 g Day 2: 73.3 g Day 3: 64.2 g Day 4: 54.3 g

    I'm completely confused as to how i find the ml of water loss. I have to find the rate of transpiration for each day. so at 24 hours 48 hours and 72 hours. Thanks for any of the help you guys can give me!

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Withdrawing an application from a college?

    I applied to 4 college; Wofford College, Furman University, Clemson University and Presbyterian College. I'm going to attend Presbyterian as they have offered me the most money and been very helpful with everything. I didn't make it into Furman but I made it into all the others. Wofford included a paper where I said that I would not attend the school but Clemson did not. Do I just not reply to the college or do I have to send something in like the other two schools have told me to. I am unsure as to how I am supposed to basically deny my attendance to Clemson. All Clemson included was my acceptance letter, a packet about the school that I've received like 5 times before, and some student checklist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

  • Best cat food to feed to 5 cats?

    I have 5 cats (gross I know) we have one whose about 10, another maybe 6, another probably 4 and the other two are siblings and they're almost 2. They're all a little bit overweight and I keep telling my parents it's because we're feeding them unhealthy food. Well healthy food is super expensive and with 5 cats, we go through a lot of the unhealthy pretty fast.. I want to try and switch them over to healthy food so they aren't unhealthy and sick and fat. What do you guys recommend to get? I want to get something reasonable in price but healthy without corn and all the stuff cats shouldn't be eating, like chicken by-product. Thanks, ill vote best answer to whoever gives me the most valuable information! God bless!

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Someone keeps calling my house phone.. Serious answers only please!?

    It literally happens like two times a day; when I come home for lunch and when my mom comes home from work. If we answer, they don't say anything and when we don't they let it ring until the answering machine gets it and then they don't say anything for like 10 seconds and then they just hang up. I'm getting straight up freaked out with this. My mom took away caller ID so I don't know if it's a blocked number or not. What do I do? Its getting really annoying and sorta creepy... Thanks everyone!

    4 AnswersLand Phones8 years ago
  • What's wrong with my hip? I really need answers, and fast!?

    Okay so a while ago I had pain on the top of my iliac crest. It went away after a while and I'm alright. I run cross country and we were doing a track workout today. 4 400 meters. 8 100 meters. and 12 50 meters. The 50 meters were all out sprints. It was either before or after the first one that I got this feeling in my hip. It felt like there was a little air bubble so I tried to pop it and nothing worked. My coach just told me to keep running and it started to hurt really really bad. Before we ran, when we were doing stretches, we did the knee to opposite shoulder stretch and my hip popped really loudly. I usually pop my hip about 3 days a week. It never hurts and sometimes it even pops on it's own. This time it hurt a little but I didn't hurt afterwards or anything. I don't remember if I popped my right hip (the one that's hurting right now) or my left. I can't even stand up straight now. I've tried everything I know to try and pop the bubble. I've moved my leg across my body while laying down, leaned back really far, swung my leg side to side. did regular stretches etc etc. NOTHING works. I have my state meet on saturday and I'm a senior. This will be my last cross country race and I don't want to miss it. Should I call my doctor? I'm basically freaking out because I have no idea what to do and it hurts!

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • I can't figure out what's wrong with my hip. Could someone help me out?

    Just letting you guys know, this is probably going to be pretty long. So bare with me. This is a serious question and I really need some answers..

    Okay so a while ago I had pain on the top of my iliac crest. It went away after a while and I'm alright. I run cross country and we were doing a track workout today. 4 400 meters. 8 100 meters. and 12 50 meters. The 50 meters were all out sprints. It was either before or after the first one that I got this feeling in my hip. It felt like there was a little air bubble so I tried to pop it and nothing worked. My coach just told me to keep running and it started to hurt really really bad. Before we ran, when we were doing stretches, we did the knee to opposite shoulder stretch and my hip popped really loudly. I usually pop my hip about 3 days a week. It never hurts and sometimes it even pops on it's own. This time it hurt a little but I didn't hurt afterwards or anything. I don't remember if I popped my right hip (the one that's hurting right now) or my left. I can't even stand up straight now. I've tried everything I know to try and pop the bubble. I've moved my leg across my body while laying down, leaned back really far, swung my leg side to side. did regular stretches etc etc. NOTHING works. I have my state meet on saturday and I'm a senior. This will be my last cross country race and I don't want to miss it. Should I call my doctor? I'm basically freaking out because I have no idea what to do and it hurts!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Shrinking a new t-shirt?

    So I got a team t-shirt for my cross country team and it's way too big. We're all planning on wearing them tomorrow so I was going to wash it in super hot water and then dry it. My dad said that the dryer does all the shrinking so I don't need to wash it in the hot water. Is that true? He also said that if I wash it in hot water, then it will bleed the color all over everything else I wash it with. I know that when you wash new things in warm water that they bleed, like the red shirt and white underwear turning pink! So should I just waste a bunch of water and wash this thing by itself on the super hot water and then dry it? Should I continue to dry it after It's dried if it's still too big? Every t-shirt we get is too big and I've never found the right way to shrink them to my size! Thanks guys!

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Pink lump on back of dogs back right foot. What could it be?

    My dog has a pink lump on the back of his back right foot. He is constantly licking it and there is no hair around it. It's about the size of a dime. It has some weird white looking thing in the middle of it. I can't tell if it's a tick or not. Could it just be really infected by a tick or should we take him to a vet? He lets me touch it and doesn't seem like it hurts when I touch around it.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • X-ray soon, on my period, what should I do?!?

    I'm not sure if it will because it's going to be an x-ray for a bone. I'm a runner and I'm having a huge amount of pain on my left iliac crest. I'm thinking it's an avulsion fracture, I'm going to urgent care later today and I'm pretty sure they're going to take an x-ray, well conveniently, I'm on my period. I HATE wearing pads because it feels like a diaper and i don't enjoy sitting in a puddle of my blood, anyways, will it show up a bunch because don't they change the lighting for if it's soft tissue as compared to bone? It'll probably be pretty awkward to just see a tampon just chilling there.. Should I just tough it out and wear a pad to not be embarrassed or should I just wear a tampon and deal with that thing just chillin in the x-ray when the doctor's looking at it?

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Will a tampon show up on an x-ray?

    I'm not sure if it will because it's going to be an x-ray for a bone. I'm a runner and I'm having a huge amount of pain on my left iliac crest. I'm thinking it's an avulsion fracture, I'm going to urgent care later today and I'm pretty sure they're going to take an x-ray, well conveniently, I'm on my period. I HATE wearing pads because it feels like a diaper and i don't enjoy sitting in a puddle of my blood, anyways, will it show up a bunch because don't they change the lighting for if it's soft tissue as compared to bone? It'll probably be pretty awkward to just see a tampon just chilling there.. Should I just tough it out and wear a pad to not be embarrassed or should I just wear a tampon and deal with that thing just chillin in the x-ray when the doctor's looking at it?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Should I retake the SAT or just take a subject test?

    I received a 1750 on the SAT. Reading 600 math 530 writing 620 and a 7 on the essay. I was wondering if I should retake the SAT to get a better math score or if I should just take the math II subject test? I heard its pretty easy but I'm unsure. Thanks guys!

    5 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago