With Fukishima leaking radiation into the ocean do you think it's safe to eat the seafood?

Millions of fish are washing up dead on shores around the world, could it be from the 10's of thousands of gallons of radioactive water pouring into the ocean, daily? I imagine the sea life is being very closely monitored for it's radiation levels yet there is little information provided to the consumer of such goods. Roughly two years ago I heard on the news that the radiation levels in tuna had gone up 15% but it was still safe for human consumption; that was two years ago, what are the levels now? Personally I'm not eating seafood these days, there's just too much we're not being told.


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of course it will, Japan spreads crystals across rice fields to absorb the radioation. The us should invest in these


You should never eat fish more than ONCE a week, because of the mercury levels(more than twice a week, and you can get 'Fish-Fog' which is basically a mild-mercury poisoning, so the levels are HIGH), and PET-bottle(plastic water-bottles) residue(which mimics Estrogen, especially bad for men), so take it easy on the fish anyways.

The radioactive danger is just another reason to maybe decide to eat some more Field-Lettuce(high in omega 3), and Legumes(lean-protein, and complex carbs) rather than eat fish.

I'm sure on occasion it shouldn't be much of a problem(the radioactivity) but you really don't want to expose yourself to too much seafood(it's no longer a healthy-option if we're honest, free-range beef for example, is actually cleaner, has more Omega 3, and good minerals than fish).


You can have sardines, as the smaller fish have less mercury.Tuna is pretty much out of the question. If you can get wild-caught Alaskan salmon, that is still an excellent choice. (I am praying that "Aquabounty's GMO salmon" is outlawed before it ruins everything permanently.)
I recommend taking iodine. The kind I recommend is Optimox Iodorol. You can get it here: http://www.allstarhealth.com/li_k/Iodine.htm It is one of the best protections against radiation that I have found.