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What would you as a parent do?

My daughter currently goes to daycare, it has been taken over by one of the big childcare learning centres, and i dont feel that there policies are good enough.

I am aware that if you send your child to daycare that they are likely to get more sick than they would by staying at home. I accept and understand that!!

But what i would like to say is

Do you think that parents should be allowed to send there kids to daycare with green runny noses regardless if there is no fever ?

I am a parent that does not send my child to d/care if they have a runny nose regardless of colour or simply unwell.

I was told by the childcare manager that 1 child had a medical certificate for hayfever and thats why her snot is green!

I see that as negligence on the parents behalf and wonder where the doctor got his medical certificate?

What would you do as a parent leave your children at home or let them pass there germs around!!!


I do understand that some parents arent able to take that time off work, I'd love to put my daughter into familstyle daycare, but as it was pointed out to me the other day, when they want to go on holidays your pretty much going upstream without a paddle.

If i was working id honestly would prefer to stay home get my child well and if i lost my job well theres always having a perfectly good business to run from home.

20 Answers

  • Debbie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, any greenish color in mucous or sputum is a sign of infecton, and despite the lack of fever, I would not send any child of mine there. The daycare absolutely should not allow any child to be dropped off with that condition. Hayfever does not make mucous green...only infection makes mucous green. And you are right, the parents of that child are being extremely negligent in exposing other children to his/her childs illness, as well as in not having it treated and keeping him/her home for a day or two. I dont know who is responsible for giving the certificates needed to daycare owners (I would think it is a state thing), but I would definitely report the daycare and any daycare workers associated with this issue to the proper authorities. Maybe while you are at it, you should have the board of health do an inspection of the premisis. If the daycare is so lax on sick children being dropped off, then it makes me wonder what else they are lax on?!?!?

  • 1 decade ago

    Honey, your so worried about daycare? You just wait until your children get into school if you don't already have one there. It's just as bad and what exactly would you do then? Even in college, they suggest that unless your vomiting or running a fever, go to class. I do understand, I do. My daycare lady always took the little girl who's nose ran all the time. But since my kids have been in school, there is so much more to worry about. Just make sure that your child get plenty of vitamins, fluids, and such, and they will be able to ward off sickness better. I'm sure you already know this though. Unless you know for a fact that parents are being negligent with their child, save your judgment. Cause it could very well be true.

  • DJ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's tough. I guess it's personal preference. I would still send my child because a runny nose normally will not affect another child. Children around that age will always have a runny nose. My son has allergy problems and there are times when his nose will run for days at a time. There is only so much medicine you can give a child. Our daycare won't allow you to bring your child if they are running a fever or have an ailment that is contagious. But a runny nose, I don't see as a problem.

    And really, many parents don't have the luxury of keeping their child at home with just a runny nose. Most don't have that kind of time to miss from their job.

  • 1 decade ago

    if the doctor certified that the child was not sick but suffering from seasonal allergies such as hay fever then i would let the child go to daycare but i would want to be reassure that proper procautions were being taken such as hand washing and nose blowing when needed not letting the child run around with snot comeing down his face....your child is going to come in contact with this sort of thing even when then enter school for many on the other hand if the child did have a fever and may have a infection then i would leave my child home..not only for the sake of the other children but to make sure my own child had time to heal without being exposed to maybe even more germs untill they were better.....

    Source(s): mother of 4
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  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter has allergies and it often is accompineied by green snot. If it something like that and not contagious then I dont see the harm in sending them to daycare. True she may not feel as well or be a little crankier but you gotta stop and think why they are there in the first place. Ususally so you can work. You miss too much work for a sick kid(believe me been there many times both of my kids were preemies 3lbs and 2 lbs so got sick easily) you get fired.(3 xs for me because of too many days of sick kids) You might want to save those days for when your child is very sick or has something contagious. No parent likes not being there when their little one isnt feeling up to par but I promise it would be worse if you couldnt pay your bills and provide for your child due to too much missed time(pay)

  • 1 decade ago

    I think green unusually indicates an infection, but I am not a physician. I agree with you. If your child is sick LEAVE THEM AT HOME! I took my daughter to a day home and fortunately for us she had excellent girls to take over for her when she went on holidays. Though there were a couple of times that I had to take the day off of work when she could not find a replacement when she had to go to a funeral or something like that.

    Having said all that colds do go around and there is nothing you can do about that. A sniffle is no reason to stay home.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought all kids snot was green... I also think that isolating your kid completely doesn't allow them to build up any natural immunity to germs. But I also understand your point about not wanting your kid around other obviously sick kids. I think it is the responsibility of the daycare staff to keep the kids nose wiped and hands washed... after all is is called day"care", therefore they should be caring for the children, not just sitting there while the kids smear their snot on the back of their sleeve and go on to play with the other kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's what happens at daycare, you have that many kids in one place they are bound to pick up something. Not all parents can afford to stay home every time the child nose is running.And in this day and age you most kids are in home where both parents have to work. I don't think its neglect on the part of the parents.

  • Loulla
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't send my child to school with it!

    Reason being, even though there is no fever or other obvious signs of an impending fever, that child can still be a carrier of a virus or infection.

    As far as hayfever goes, if its that bad a small child should still not be at school, mostly because it can affect the litltle ones eyes and give them headaches. My mother allowed me to take time out of school as a small child for hayfever as it was very bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a stay at home mom, but I think all kids should come first to their parents. And when they are sick it should be the parent who cares for them, not some daycare. That's part of being a parent, isn't it? I know some people can't stay home they have 2 work but when your kids are sick don't tat take priority?

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