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Did Noah pass on all ancient Biblical knowledge?

This has always puzzled me. How were early Biblical stories recorded after the earth had been destroyed in the flood? Did Noah and his family retain the world's history and then did they record it for us?

I imagine it would have to have been a divine task guided by God.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

15 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the days before the internet, before community libraries and other info sharing creations, knowledge was passed down both written and verbal. One theory I heard was that the originator of the knowledge we now call the book of Genesis (the first few chapters) was Adam, who passed this knowledge down to his offspring and so on until Noah and his family were the last survivors of the great flood. Noahs family then continued the tradition until we get to Moses, who was inspired to compile all of the info into the first 5 books of the Bible.

    Alternatively, Moses could have been given much of the information through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but still would have had some historical knowledge of the societies which came previous to the Egyptians. Again compiling the Torah by inspiration of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 - The bible said the mountain tops would be covered by 20 feet of water. Everest is 29,000 feet tall so the flood would have to be 5.5 miles deep. There isn't even close to enough water in the entire world.

    2 - If the ark had been floating at that altitude, the temperature would have been around -50C. Noah and the animals would have frozen to death.

    3 - If everything was covered over by so much water there would be evidence of it everywhere in the world. There isn't.

    4 - How big would the ark have to have been to house *millions* of species and enough food and fresh water to sustain them?

    5 - How did Noah create the required arctic, tropical, desert, maritime, freshwater, saltwater etc environments needed by the different species?

    6 - If there were only 8 humans on the ark why do we have such a diversity of races in the world?

    7 - How could the 8 humans on the ark prepare and put out food for *millions* of creatures every day?

    8 - According to that story god killed very nearly every living thing on earth including almost the entire human population. Does that sound like a loving, forgiving god to you or someone who is worthy of worship?

    9 - The story is based on earlier Babylonian and Sumerian myths so it isn't even Judeo-Christian in origin (see Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Akkadian story of Atrahasis).

    10 - All the vegetation in the world would have been submerged under miles of water, cut off from light, oxygen and carbon dioxide, so it would all have died and the carbon cycle would have been disrupted and the production of oxygen ceased, suffocating those left on the ark.

    11 - After the flood there would only have been two of each species. So what did all the predators eat?

    12 - Rainbows are not a sign from god that he won't flood the earth again. They are simply light being refracted through moisture in the atmosphere, a common phenomenon that can also be seen at waterfalls, at the sea and so on.

    13 - Various groups have claimed to have found the ark at *different* sites around the middle-east. Not one of them has provided evidence or been verified.

    14 - Noah is supposed to have been 600 years old when he built the ark. Humans don't live that long.

    15 - Noah and his family had to commit incest in order to populate the earth.

    Yes, and for those of you that believe that Great Holey Book BS - Moses could have just stolen the stories from other myths. The Epic of Gilgamesh supposedly occurred 400~600 years before the Noah myth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Noah did write an apocalypse and a book of some remedies for evil spirits but none of his works have ever been found, aside from fragments contained in other books. Noah supposedly gave them to his son Shem. I would think 1+2Enoch were among the books given to Shem and we have them today. The history of the world contained in Genesis was given to Moses on the mount, there is also another account of that history which Jesus calls 'the wisdom of God' - Lk11:49.

  • 1 decade ago


    Noah had three sons, who each had a wife. The flood stories were dispersed all over the globe at the confusion of the languages in Babylonia, Mesopatamia.

    Shem, a son of Noah was known by Abraham, as a matter of fact, Sarah, Abraham's first wife DIED before Shem.

    The recording of holy Writings however, BEGAN with Moses.

    After speaking to Moses in Mount Sinai, Jehovah "proceeded to give Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone written on by God's finger." (Ex 31:18) Later we read, "And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: 'Write down for yourself these words.'" (Ex 34:27) Jehovah, therefore, was the one who communicated with Moses and instructed him to write down and preserve the first books of the Bible canon. No council of men made them canonical; from their inception they had divine approval.

    "As soon as Moses had finished writing the words of this law in a book, "he commanded the Levites, saying: "Taking this book of the law, you must place it at the side of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah your God, and it must serve as a witness there against you." (De 31:9, 24-26) It is

    Serious scientists have supported the Noah account as factual.

    The following points are plausible.

    1. The mountains then were not as high as they are now.

    2. Land mass distribution then may have been quite different from today.

    3. Think continental drift/ shift, plate tectonics etc.

    4. The volume of water in the DEEP ocean beds, sink holes, underground lakes, seas etc., is enormous. Profound flooding would would occur if these DEEP ravines were to be filled in, and the ice caps at the poles were to melt.

    In a similar way ALL the faults found re the credibility of Noah's flood can be answered.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, since there is absolutely no reason to suspect that the story of Noah and the Flood are in any way true, there is no reason to wonder how early myths were recorded later.

    Simply speaking, there is no reason to think that anything the Bible claims prior to the Kingdom of David might possibly resemble something close to the truth. From the time of "David" everything else the Bible records is no different from what any other culture claims.

  • 5 years ago

    I said a application on the historic past Channel: "UFOs interior the Bible", that claimed each and each of the debts interior the Bible of folk being visited with the help of angels(wide awake and in objectives) completely matches(in detail) debts given be those who claimed to have had alien encounters. The debts of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorroh or perhaps God appearing to the Isrealites interior the e book of Exodus can all be interpreted as acts of alien technologies and not in any respect divine intervention. Even the action picture, "Stargate" positioned forth the concept extraterrestrial beings visited historic civilizations yet were considered gods because of their stepped ahead technologies.

  • Ricky
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It probably got passed on by word of mouth. Remember after the tower of Babel many split to other parts of the world still retaining knowledge of the flood, many made different stories came out of this embellishing the true one found in the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In other words, did Noah have a library of ancient scrolls on the Ark? This would be a good question if the Noah story was anything other than a silly myth.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Under God's divine guidance, Moses wrote the Torah - first five books of scripture

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those very old writings are few and far between and lost to time and to the elements,if the world is lucky they still might be able to save one if found in time.

    Here is a blessing and a our father prayed just for you.

    Pray the holy rosary for world peace and for all of gods children to pray the holy rosary.

    Explore and discover the gifts of apparitions that my father has sent for your spiritual guidance,enjoyment and enrichment,for as in gods Pieta Prayer book,great are the heavenly treasures within these

    Here is a loving hug from god for all of his children.

    Source(s): Jesus Christ
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