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  • why do I hurt so much?

    If you have a spouse who has cyber affairs and lies about money, would you divorce them even if you still love them. and why is it so hard to file a divorce, why does it hurt so much and how do i make a right decision. will i regret divorcing my spouse or will it be the best thing i ever did. I do think my spouse love me but not enough to stop living a life full of lies.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why does divorcing a partner hurts?

    If you have a spouse who has cyber affairs and lies about money, would you divorce them even if you still love them. and why is it so hard to file a divorce, why does it hurt so much and how do i make a right decision. will i regret divorcing my spouse or will it be the best thing i ever did. I do think my spouse love me but not enough to stop living a life full of lies.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • The real reason men cheat is....?

    I think the real reason a man will cheat (married or not) is for the sex, he wants variety, he got curious or he had the chance.Of course these reasons are not right but they are the real reasons I believe.i think the real reasons are not even connected to their actual relationships. People, agree or not supporting cheating by the way....

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you were Elin Woods?

    Would you :-

    a. Beat him up

    b. Divorce him and take the 300 million or watever it says in the pre-nup

    c. Forgive him because you have two kids together

    his wife if so pretty i mean she was a model and it was alleged that he had affairs with some not so hot looking brunettes, one woman is claiming an affair up to 33 months....i dunno how true these claims are but tiger did admit to some 'transgressions'... .jeez...

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Security in a relationship?

    Why is it that I don't feel secure in my relationship? does that mean that there is a flaw in the relationship or a flaw in me....I always feel that my partner doesn't put me above others and that he will save himself rather than the family if something happens..(he says its untrue but I dont believe him) are these feelings my subconscious mind telling me that hes no good and that I need to find someone else that will make me feel secure and safe? or am I delusional and paranoid?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Borderline cheating....?

    What are some examples of borderline cheating and would you do it if you had the opportunity? Men and women can answer.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question for both sexes : Why is cheating.........?

    more tolerated if the offender is male, compared to if the offender is female. I mean in society generally (this doesnt apply to all situations) there seem to be gender bias when it comes to cheating. Like if a guy does it then people are more likely to blame the other woman or the wife is said to be partly blamed, and the guy doesnt get too hard a punishment...but when a woman cheats then she a who*e, and is unlikely be given a second chance etc why the bias?? is it fair for the woman cause she then to get things harder if shes the cheater or victim of cheating...and how come there are so many options for men to cheat like prostitutes, internet, willing woman etc..but there arent any male prostitutes for woman who want to cheat...isn't this bias not supporting cheating but i dont like the fact that men are more likely to get away with it or easily be given chances but its like soooo taboo for women to cheat..ur opinions pls..TQ

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Whats your view about this vaccination question....?

    I took my son for his first DPT, Hib, IPV shot about a week ago. A couple of days after he got tiny blisters coming out, i took him back and they said it was chicken-pox....i took him to two other doctors and they also said it was chicken pox, i asked them how could he got it at the same time , they said it was co-incidence. Did he really catch a virus at the same time i dunno...he is doing well now, the blisters are dried up, he gets uncomfortable when he sleeps, is a little grumpy only, other than that he is okay...i dont think i want to continue the i overreacting? Pls dont be judgemental and answer honestly. TQ

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What disease do you think I have ?

    I had an u/s during pregnancy and they saw small gallstones. I also always have gastric pain and food poisoning as in diarrhea from time to time, usually lasts for weeks and i cant seem to eat anything thats spicy at stomach seems to be sensitive. I went to doctors they cant seem to identify the exact problem and tell me to watch what I eat....I get gastric pain and diarrhea quite often and Im convince i have some underlying problem...when I eat I never 'feel' that i'm full....what do you think it is, is it some kind of IBS or just stress.....

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Married people.....what would you do in this situation?

    im married with two small kids. I find my life boring and tiring at the same time. I work daily, then go home and take care of the kids. My spouse rarely speaks to me or show any appreciation etc. he is rarely around the house due to his work and when he is around its all about him and he is not concern about me or whats happening, he is in his own world where his friends and work is the only thing that interest him...i fell lonely, bored, tired with routine life, i feel depressed...i feel like i want to date other people too but i dont want a broken the way i ve told him about how i feel and he doesnt do anything....i dun think he cares at all, so if i date other people i dun think he ll even notice it...

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Help! 39 weeks pregnant and I have some questions.....?

    Im entering my 39th week of pregnancy and there is still no sign of anything like a plug, show or regular contractions. (This is my second, the first was a Csection baby at 40 weeks due to fetal distress.) I had a false labour for a few hours on monday and get BH daily, once or twice in an hour. Also concerning my due date, based on my LMP its 13 Mac 2009, but the ultrasound first done at 20 weeks gave me 28 march? Which is more accurate coz i need to take leave from work and 2 weeks difference is alot!!! am i going to deliver anytime getting tired already...can somebody give some insights please...thanks!!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Husband problem....any good opinions pls?

    I have a problem concerning my husbands attitude. We have a 3 year old and im currently 8 months pregno and still going to work daily. Here are several of his attitude that annoy me and i want your honest opinion as how to deal with him :

    i. I provide more financially eventhough he gives me some money but its not enough...he spends more for himself, his vehicles and still give money to his parents

    ii. his sister lives with us and i pay for the food and bills...when i suggest that she gets a job and move out, he gets upset and threatens to move out together with her...he says that if i marry him then the rest of the family comes together with him

    iii. he slepps separately at night because my daughter wakes up every 3 hours for her milk and he doesnt want his slepp to be disturbed, he likes to scold her also for this

    iv. he says i pay too much attention to my daughter and that i have to pay less attention to her for the next one coming and that my daughter should slepp on her own bed with the maid

    v. he scolds me daily for trivial matters and makes fun of me in front of his sister and they both like to laugh at me

    What do I do...hes honestly driving me insane...hes a police officer by the way....sometimes i just want to escape but i dunno how...he says that regardless of what i think that he is a good husband and that i would go to hell if i ask for a i being too sensitive or ridiculous or is there something wrong with him and how do i deal with this? honest opinon only pls...thanx

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Irregular slepping hours....Pls help!?

    My daughter is 3 years old and she has irregular slepping hours. She wakes up around 11 am or 1 pm...takes a nap at 8 or 9 pm ...wakes up 2 hours later...slepps at 4am till 11 am or 1pm....still drinks milk every 3 hours even during her slepp sometimes if she doesnt take a nap then her slepp pattern is normal but this is rare. She stays with a maid but her maid will be going back soon. None of the maids have manage to change her slepping do i change her slepping pattern or is sending her to a nursery better and can it regulate her slepping time. I work from 8am to 6pm. Im so exhausted with her slepping time and i cant find anyway to make her slepp normally. Shes a happy, bright and healthy child. Has anyone face this problem. Pls advise. Serious answers only. Thanks

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is there such thing as a soulmate....or.....?

    are all relationship hard work. If i married a guy similiar to my personality would it be easier for me then living with someone who is clueless in every way. or do i still have to work on all relationships. wats ur view....

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Bored in a relationship or what?

    Im married for 4 years. I feel bored with my spouse. Although i love him dearly, but i dont feel we ever connected on a higher level other than physical. I dont feel that hes my soulmate or truly understands me. I feel that hes a man doll that I slepp with and I think hes dumb cuz its hard for me to talk to him and he doesnt understand anything much. He seems to be smarter before we married. i sometimes fantasize about slepping with other men who are better looking and are smarter than him. what do I do? i feel guilty and i cant leave

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would you divorce?

    Would you leave your spouse if you are unhappy in the relationship (due to the spouse relying too much on you, money issues and putting their family first) even if you love them and how long or how hard would you try to keep a marriage? When do you know its time to give up?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Wats ur opinion?

    A 2 year old accidently broke a porcelin pot while she was playing with it, it was an accident. But her grandmother gets mad at her and yells at her saying that her parents do not know how to discipline her, do u think that the grandmother was wrong to say that or was she right?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do I Have a Mental Illness?

    Do i have a mental illness if i am a loner, gets into fights alot (get angry easily-passive aggresive), avoid conversations with people or eye contact, have a history of depression, have difficulity slepping and have bad history of all relationships cuz i cant communicate anything effectively but anger and cant commit, have confused thoughts, but other than this im good at work, have been told to see a psychiatrist but cant afford do i get help or better?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What is love and does it last?

    What is love and can a marriage survive on love alone without other things. Do people who cheat can they still be said to love their partner? Is love just an emotion that come and go? is love real?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are Taurus men the worst of the zodiac?

    They are said to be romantic but i think that they are mostly players and have one thing on their mind all the time. Agree or disagree....

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago