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Favorite Answers3%
  • I need physics help please?

    A soccer ball is kicked with a speed of 15.6 m/s2 at an angle of 32.5° above the horizontal. If the ball lands at the same level from which it was kicked, for what amount of time was it in the air?

    I'm stuck at the equation y = (v0 sin theta)t - 1/2 gt^2. I have y = (15.6*sin*theta)*t - 1/2 (9.81*t)^2. I keep seeing to put 0 in for y to solve for time, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to solve it from that point. Any help is appreciated.

    1 AnswerPhysics3 years ago
  • Is this global warming?

    Where I live in NY, we're pretty much getting weeks with 5+ days with lows below 0 Fahrenheit. If there is global warming, shouldn't the winters be warmer and the summers be warmer as well?

    Whenever I bring this up, people just call me an idiot and move on with their lives, not providing any counterargument.

    16 AnswersGlobal Warming6 years ago
  • Christians, is rap music?

    The reason I'm asking this in R&S is because the pastor at my church doesn't believe that rap is really music and I'm looking for some Bible verses concerning it.

    I'd prefer somewhat detailed answers, rather than just yes or no. If you can include Bible verses supporting your opinion, please do so.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists, why is this okay?

    I've heard so many Atheists insulting and ridiculing Creationists and Christians such as William Lane Craig, Ken Ham, and others. Yet when Christians ridicule or insult an Atheist, such as Dawkins or Darwin, we get attacked.

    What makes this okay?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists, can you explain this to me?

    Yesterday, I was having an discussion with an Atheist, and he claimed that 'not all Atheists believe that there's no god'. Explain to me how on earth that's possible, since Atheism is basically the belief that there's no God.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians, my pastor said some things I'm confused about?

    Yesterday in church my pastor was talking about how he believes that demons are the spirits of the Nephilim and how they don't go to Heaven or Hell because they're part-angel, part-man. He used scripture references to back up what he said, however the verses he used never pointed conclusively to it.

    After church, someone else said that they could prove just about everything he said wrong with scripture.

    I guess my question would be, is it Biblical correct to assume that demons are the spirits of Nephilim and not fallen angels, or can it be proven wrong with the Bible (if so, please include verse references)?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists, how do you account for this?

    Christianity has changed so many lives. Take for example, Brian "Head" Welch, former Korn band member. He quit doing drugs and drinking. The Biblical disciples all were changed. There's a whole website full of testimonies of those whose lives have been changed by the allegedly fake God (

    Do people who accept other religions change their lives entirely? For example, no more stealing, doing drugs, swearing problems, etc.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Evolutionists, explain this please?

    It has been proven, not only by Creationists, but also by your own like-minded scientists, that mutations can't produce new information. Dr. Lee Spetner (teacher at John Hopkins) noted in his book, Not By Chance, that in all of his research, he had never found a mutation that added information. In fact, they reduced the genetic information.

    Another thing, notice how genetic disorders are actually increasing. Yet there's quite the belief that we're evolving to a higher species? Explain this, please.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is my bike compatible with fenders?

    I own a Hyper Havoc fs. Lately it's been muddy a lot and I was wondering if I might be able to put fenders on it. Unfortunately, I can't find anything on whether or not fenders can actually go on this bike. I would think so, but I just wanted to make sure before I went and bought some just to find out that they're unusable. Thank you.

    2 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • On a college application essay, should I write I've or I have?

    I'm applying for college and part of the application is an essay of 300 words or more basically on why I want to go to college. I was just wondering if it matters if I say I've or I have.

  • Excuse me R&S, be careful what you say?

    I'm sure at any moment someone from A&E, or GLAAD, or some other place could come here, determine that your answers are based on your beliefs and that we can't have that and then they'll just decided to suspend your email account. Better watch out.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why are atheists in R&S?

    They all talk about how religion is such a they go and troll in the R&S? Seems legit. If you're anti-religion, maybe you shouldn't be in the Religion section. Just saying.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • My friend can't go to church?

    Alright, so my friend wants to go to church, but she can't because her mom won't let her. And disobeying a parent is breaking the 10 commandments. She wants to feel Christ. Any ideas?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What kind of snake is this?

    I found it while I was hiking a couple of days ago when I almost stepped on it.

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago