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Question about getting off a bus?
I'll keep this simple: I want to get on a bus and get off at (or near) a certain place. Generally, will busdrivers allow you to get off at any stop sign or stop light, or are you forced to wait until the next 'official' stop to get off?
5 AnswersCommuting1 decade agoHow does the transfer system work?
I've been watching football for 5 years now, and I understand just about everything except the transfer system. I always hear fans fretting because a big team is courting one of their team's players, or a player has expressed interest in going to another club. Aren't they under multi-year contracts? In American sports, if a player wants to go to another team, nobody cares as long as he's under contract.
Take the situation of Fabregas with Arsenal and Barca. He still has 3 or 4 years on his Arsenal contract; if I were Arsenal (or an Arsenal fan) I couldn't care less about where Fabregas wants to be or how much Barca wants him. He's still got 3 or 4 years on his deal. At least, that's how it works in American sports, so this is why I'm asking for clarification on how transfers work.
I guess what I'm asking is, why does it matter so much what a player wants or other teams want if the player is still under contract?
5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade agoWhy do fans dislike American owners but not Arab owners?
It seems like the fans of Man Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal, and the teams with American ownership are quite displeased with their American ownership, yet I don't hear this kind of rancour about teams with Arab owners? What is that about? Why would they dislike an American but not a Middle Easterner? Seems backwards.
10 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade agoPick your England XI for the World Cup?
I'm interested to see who people would choose for the England starting XI for this summer. I'd like to see serious, unbiased choices with a brief statement about why you're picking each player (form, experience, seems to play well for England, etc.) The 10 points will go to whoever provides the most reasoning for their choices. Thanks
11 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade agoHow is it that so many people get married around 23-30 years old?
It seems like most people get married in this relatively short age range, which seems odd. It's as if people start getting nervous about being alone the rest of their lives and just marry the first person they manage to last a few months with. Do you think that's the motivation, or is there some other reason for this phenomenon?
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDo own goals count towards a player's career goals scored?
4 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade agoWhere to find a well fitting suit?
I'm looking to buy a suit with a tapered waist and slim slacks, not something from off the rack that's going to hang off of me. Does Men's Warehouse have these type of suits?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat do you call the neck scarf worn with a suit?
What do you call those small thin scarves that can be worn around the neck with a men's suit? They are worn tucked into the shirt collar and can be seen from the front. They're not very common and I would classify them as casual dress attire. I can't find a picture, which is why I am asking in the first place. What are those called?
Fashion & Accessories1 decade agoHow Can I Make this Cheaper?
I am going to Florida to visit my girlfriend in May. I can get cheaper prices if I book the flight and hotel together. Problem is my girlfriend works for Disney and gets a discount on hotels and we want to be able to use this. I'm not even sure how to adequately describe this question....
Is there a way to get both here?
2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoWhy are hockey shifts so short?
I'm trying to learn about hockey and don't know much about the game at all. I was wondering why players only play 1 minute at a time. Wouldn't this ruin their concentration, as they know they have such a short amount of time to make a play? Why not play the whole period and then take a break?
14 AnswersHockey1 decade agoHow many credits should a grad student take per semester?
My school allows 15, but I was wondering if 15 would be very difficult to manage, unlike in undergraduate school.
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoHair Transplant Problem?
In a hair transplant, how do they manage to move so much hair around without damaging the back of the scalp? Wouldn't the scalp become tighter than what it was meant to be?
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoWhy are fullbacks not utilized more?
What ever happened to the fullback in pro football? I can't think of a more versatile position with more possibilities than fullback...they can block, run, and catch on any given play. What explanations are there for the ill-use of fullbacks?
7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoLead free dinnerware?
I'm looking for black dinnerware that is lead free. Unfortunately, it seems that any dinnerware that must be painted has lead in it. Surely non-lead paint can be used, though, right? Or am I stuck buying boring white plates if I want them to be lead free?
2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoGraduate School Dress Code?
I was wondering if graduate students are expected to dress a bit more professionally in class than what would be expected of an undergrad. Can anyone with graduate school experience enlighten me on this?
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoYounger women with older men?
I know this isn't always the case (so please don't be pedantic and point out exceptions) but you often see relationships where the man is several years older than the woman. You very rarely see relationships where the woman is several years older than the man. Why do you think this is? I'm 22 and would feel creeped out dating a 16 to 18 year old, so I don't understand this phenomenon. Not to go all Freudian on you, but do you think some women are looking for an 'older brother' type figure in their men?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoNot getting hired?
I've been out of college for 3 weeks now and I've probably sent out about 15 resumes and still haven't gotten any responses. Is this normal? I'm a liberal arts major, which means I'm great at writing but don't have any technical skills.
11 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoIs it safe?
If somebody is moving to a new city for a job and they need to get an apartment, how do they find out if the area is safe?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoFootball Transfers?
How exactly does the transfer system work? I was reading an article that says Hleb might leave Arsenal for Inter, but the same article also said that he has 2 years left on his contract. How can a player leave if his contract isn't up? Couldn't his team just turn down the transfer fee offered for him?
1 AnswerOther - Soccer1 decade agoHow do you rate a player?
What are the attributes that football (soccer) commentators and fans use to rate a player's performance in a game? Is it based on things like balls won/lost, good runs and passes, staying in position, etc? I'm starting to move out of 'novice' to 'intermediate' football fan but I'm still not sure how to tell if a player is any good.
5 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago