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Dr. Kat

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  • Tattoo Ideas?

    I know I want it on the inside of my Ankle, going down towards my foot, I know I want probably a rose and some vines and maybe a cross (Christian) and in black and white with just shading. Outside of that, I'm stuck. Can anyone help me get a visual?

    7 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Good Face Wash?

    I'd like suggestions, please! I've tried Arbonne, ProActive, Dove and Neutrogena and nothing seems to really get the black heads. I don't have BAD skin but it needs more attention than I can find. I hate spending TOO much money on skin care as well and would like something that I can get at say, Target, that has a wash, a scrub, a mask, some under eye treatment...something like that. The goal is to just clear up my pores. I'm 26 and it seems like things have gotten more out of whack than they were when I was a teenager! Thanks!

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Romantic Gesture for a Man?

    I'd like an idea or two on a romantic idea I can do for my man. He's 31, we've been together almost 2 years and he works very hard as a finished carpenter.

    Thank You!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Isn't it rude?

    If you invite someone somewhere and then they ask if they can invite more people? I was always told that it's rude but maybe that's too old fashioned now? (I'm only 26)

    The example is I invited another couple to join my BF and I to a show on Friday night, she wrote back and asked if she could invite her brother, sister and their spouses. Now, I have no problem with "the more the merrier" but this bothers me for some reason. I guess if the invite said "you and anyone else", it would be fine. Or maybe because it's sort of an open, environment and not a limited seating type of situation, that eliminates the rudeness??? Your 2 cents are appreciated!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • engaged or married couples?

    How long did you date before you got engaged?

    63 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Married men or women?

    How many of you (men) asked your bride's parents for permission or (women) demanded your husband do so before you'd agree to marry him?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Relationship Double-Standards?

    My BF and I are going to move in together at the end of the month. Due to a few things that have taken place in our relationship and my old fashioned Mom, I'm feeling some pressure about my decision. The thing is, she's remarried and has talked about divorcing her hubby almost every 6-8 months. (she's got this weird pattern starting to show) Point being, her relationship is not perfect, neither is mine, so isn't it a double standard if she keeps talking to me like she's so uncomfortable with my choice? For the record, she's not so crazy about my BF but those reasons are her own. They're not directly reflective in the way he is. I'm not crazy about her hubby tho either. We clearly pick very different men. How can she say "I support you" when I can tell she does not? How do I finally say to her, this is my choice and you should tuck your feelings away? I'm 26, my BF is 30. We're not young children.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I feel like I'm giving too much?

    I love being generous and doing things for other people and I very typically cater to others (example: I ALWAYS stay at my BF's house, always packing clothes and such to "cater" to him since he has decent reasons why he can't stay at my apt.) and for the most part, I'm ok with it but every once in a while, I feel like I'm missing some of that return generousity. (My BF is now flaking on going with me to my Dad's for the weekend, something he already agreed to do and has stupid reasons for not wanting to go now). My question is, am I being petty or can't I sometimes want people to go out of their way for me too???

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For Ladies using the Pill...?

    Does anyone know if the pill can alter your moods beyond what we think? For example, I know what mood is coming next by where I am on the pill. Sometimes I wonder if that's why some weeks I'm madly in love with my BF and other weeks I'm kinda like "ehhh". If I were to stop taking the pill, would these emotions level out and I'd be able to just feel the happy medium between the two extremes? **I've been on it for about 6 years. The patterns are becoming more and more clear** I just wonder how much the pill effects the way I feel about my boyfriend. Any info and opinion is helpful! Thank You!

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Been cheated on?

    Survey: If you've been cheated on, how many times have YOU cheated since it was done to you? If you've never been cheated on, how many times have you cheated? Answers are greatly appreciated. Also, if you can attach a reason why in either light, I appreciate that as well. Thank You!

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would a guy want to know?

    Turns out I was pregnant and didn't know it. At what I've figured out was about 6 weeks, my body got rid of it. I don't know 100% because this is way to early to know for sure but nothing else makes sense as to why my body did what it did. (I'll spare you the details but I read enough about it to know there's no other thing it could have been) Now, should my boyfriend know about this? Or will it just freak him out? He was unsure he could have children due to an operation he had as a child and so since he hasn't been tested for fertility in a while, this does sort of clear up any doubts either of us had. It also encourages us to be more careful. But, maybe it's not worth it to tell him about it. Need some opinions here.


    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Survey-Type Question?

    I've asked this question to friends and family, now I'd like to hear from you!

    How long do you (men and women) feel is long enough to be together before getting engaged? Providing that you're both "on the same page" (aka, you've talked about it, you're mature and have accomplished stuff in your own life, etc...)

    Example, I've heard 2 years is long enough to wait for an engagement before moving on.

    So, your thoughts??

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Combining an "I" and a "we" person?

    Some of us are "I" people, meaning we think and do only for ourselves. It's not that we're selfish, it's just how we are while some other people are "we" people, meaning they prefer to be with someone else, making plans with others, etc...When an "I" and a "we" get together, how should a "we" person feel when their significant other is an "I" person? Ex. "I" person says "I'm planning to do x, y, and z this weekend" and means that they know that "we" person will be with them but doesn't SAY it. How does that "we" person come to terms with feeling left out even though they are being included? Sounds tricky, I know but I'm curious about your responses. Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need some opinions?

    I'm 25, he's 30. Been together one year, were friends for 3 years before that. We both live in California. He once said that if he couldn't make things work out here, he would contemplate moving back to Virginia, where he's from and that he would definatly want me to come with him. I talked the other day about my interest in maybe relocating for the sake of saving money, getting more for my dollar, etc...and his response was that he didn't think I'd be able to survive the cold and that he's lived in so many other climates but I haven't and I wouldn't make it. My question is, isn't he being a hypocrite here? If the decision to move was his, I would be expected to move but if it were mine, he doesn't seem as willing....Thoughts?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of my illness?

    I think I just got somewhat over strep throat (fever, swollen glands) and now I feel like I'm getting a head cold complete with sinus congestion and general fatigue. I've been drinking my fluids, getting lots of rest and used antibiotics for the throat. Can I treat a viral infection and a bacterial infection at the same time? Or will one dominate the other?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Birth Control question...ADULTS ONLY?

    About 2 weeks ago, I realized on a Monday morning that I hadn't taken my pill the last two nights and that Sunday night I had sex with my BF. I've taken them regularly ever since but now it's time for my period and I'm feeling funny. My stomach's been upset and there's even this little extra pooch that I've not seen before. I'm not TOO worried about it but I'm wondering if anyone's had similar experiences?? (He's 30, I'm 25, we've been tested and don't use anything and he does do his thing inside me which I allow. This is MY decision so please do not preach to me. I am well aware of my potential consequences.)

    Thank You!

    19 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Favorite Childhood memory?

    Remember the Smurfs? Or Mighty Mouse? Tom & Jerry? Pound Puppies? What's something you remember about being a kid that still makes you laugh??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to respond?

    A co-worker of mine will IM me what seems to be narration of her day or something...Right now, she IM'd me that she might get a bagel from this Cafe nearby. In my head I'm thinking "Ok, and....". I need a sharp, witty response that tells her I'm not terribly interested in hearing her minute-to-minute life!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Teachers and Guns?

    I've read other people's answers to similar questions so I'm sort of changing this a little. Let's say that the Teacher has a gun and is trained to use it but not to KILL anyone, just slow them down. Injur them to the point of that shooter not being able to shoot. A teacher lost his life because he stood on one side of the door while his students evacuated and he attempted to stop the shooter from hurting any of them. If he'd had the chance and could have shot his arm or leg and just got him down, would he? Would you? How is it not a possible solution to give teachers a weapon for defense? Yes, there are chances a student would try to get it or whatever but maybe those teachers can read the signs of their corrupt students a little better from now on too! What's up with letting a student write horrible things and be completly alone all the time and thinking it's ok??

    6 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Virginia Tech Shooting...What's everyone thinking?

    I just got done reading the 2 plays the shooter wrote and learned a little more about his identity. I was in high school for Columbine and now I just wonder...what's it going to take to stop this from happening again?

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago