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Hi-ya everyone. I have no idea what to say about myself, except for the fact that I am slowly becoming addicted to Yahoo answers. But by the look of it, so is everyone else. I guess there are far worse things that you could be addicted too. Well I'm 24, happily married to my husband of 3 years. We have no children, but are working on it. We have a dog, Zoe and two cats, Jabba and Solo (my babies) I live in the United States, west central Illinois. I guess I will give information that will pertain to most questions asked on here. I do believe in god to a point, however, I don't believe in religion or creationism. I believe in evolution, it seems to be the only logical answer. I believe in the death penality and abortion. Hmm, I think I rambeled on enough about nothing in particular. I'm off to answer more useless questions on here. Have fun! And happy answering.

  • Adding a third cat to our house?

    My husband and I have two fixed adult male cats. Jabba is 9 and we've had him for 6 years and Solo is 5 and we've had him for 4 years. We adopted both of them from the animal shelter. When we got Jabba he warmed up to the house very quickly, within 5 minutes he acted as if he had been there for year. He is extremely laid back. When Solo came into the house he was a little shy at first, but the cats warmed up to each other quickly. Never had any issues, well now we are thinking about adding a 3rd cat to the house and I was hoping to get some advice. Should we go male or female? I was hoping for a kitten, but would that be a good idea? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!!!

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cat + Dog + Baby Gate = Problem?

    My husband and I have 2 cats that are allowed to roam the house freely. Their litter box and food is in our laundry room. Well we are getting a puppy here shortly, a dachshund (he is only going to be 10lbs fully grown). We modified a baby gate (we shortened it- to 18 inches), its easy to step over and our 1 cat has no issue jumping over it, but the other cat will stand up to it (it reaches his stomach when he stands, he should easily be able to jump it, he jumps onto our bed and it is much much higher than that), but refuses to jump the gate. What should we do, we need to keep that room locked off from the tiny dog (he is actually smaller than the cats). The cat has been in the laundry room all night, standing at the cat meowing, I feel bad, but he needs to learn... any ideas?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Anyone Have a Good Apple Cake Recipe?

    I'm making/decorating a cake for my local fall festival. I have already decided on the theme and the decorations, its an apple theme. Well, I am wanting to make an apple cake, with caramel filling and a cream cheese icing. I have a good cream cheese icing recipe and I know of a good caramel filing, however, I am not sure how to make the apple cake. I am thinking, maybe using something with apple pie filling in the batter, but I don't know. Does anyone have any ideas on a good apple flavored cake batter recipe? Thanks

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Missing a Sears Credit Card payment in order to lower interest?

    We canceled our Sears card over a year ago, well last year we received an offer in the mail from Sears, a pre-delinquent offer, we could lower our interest rate to 0% with minimum payments of $33.00 a month. At the time we were told we could make more, the only down fall was our card would be closed, which it already was. We just finished our last month on the one year plan and now we’re back to the original 23.24% interest and they are now wanting $81.00 a month. We had every intention of making more than the required $33.00, in hopes of paying the card off, but found out, after we were in the plan, that we actually couldn’t, but we were still lowering the balance without paying interest, so we were happy. We have over a $2,500.00 balance on the card, still. We called Sears today and they WON’T lower the interest since we are not in default on the card. They are unwilling to do anything for us, since we have been making the required payments and we have NEVER missed a payment or been late. The gentleman we spoke with suggested that we miss our May payment, and then 5 days after the due date, call and then they could lower the rate and put us back into a low, but not 0%, interest plan for a year. I’m not sure if this is a good idea or a bad one. We can make the $81.00 a month without an issue, but the interest sucks. We’re not in any shape to pay the card off or transfer the balance, or for that matter even pay more than the minimum, not for another year or two anyways. I know our credit will take a hit, but if we can lower the interest and actually pay the balance, not just pay on interest, it would be worth it. I’m not sure what to do, any suggestions? Please no harsh or rude comments, financially everyone is having a hard time right now.

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Menu for the week!!!!?

    I'm at a loss. I am trying to plan a menu for my husband and I for the week, and I can't think of anything. Anyone have any ideas? We just got a new grill and I would like to use it. Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My dog is eating my husband's dirty boxers, and I don't know why.. Only serious answers, please.?

    Before I start in on this question, yes I know this is mildly funny, but please no stupid responses. In the past two weeks my husband and I’s dog has “ate” out the crouch/butt of my husband’s dirty boxers. All three pair have been in our laundry basket and while we are either sleeping or out of the house she gets into the hamper and digs out his dirty underwear. I can leave my clothes strung all over the bedroom floor and she wont touch them, but she digs through the laundry basket for his boxers. Why? Has this happened to anyone else? I plan on calling the vet, to see if maybe she is lacking a vitamin or something, but I can’t do that until tomorrow and I was curious now. She is a 9 year old lab/doberman mix, she is fixed, indoor dog and current on shots and whatnot, she gets fed a regular diet of good food and is given plenty of love and attention. But I am at a lose at why she is ‘eating’ his shorts? (lol) Please, only serious answers. Thanks!

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Dog Has Really Smelly Farts!?

    My husband and I have a 8 year old 90lb Lab/Dobberman Mix and she has some of the smellest farts EVER. They smell like stale/rotten popcorn. I know she isn't eating the best food, she is on pedigree, we're wanted to switch her over to something better, but we aren't sure what? Anyone have any ideas on what would be a good food? It needs to be relatively inexpensive, times are hard for everyone, but it needs to be good for her. Also, her smellyness has just recently started, I know she isn't getting into anything in the house, our trashcan is covered and no food is left out and she isn't allowed people food and our cats litter box and their food is out of her reach, so it has to be from outside. Could cat or rabbit leavings in the yard be contributing to her stinky farts? Thanks for all your answers...

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My "trash" icon disapeared off of my desktop?

    I have a HP Pavilion Entertainment PC, laptop, it is only 2 weeks old. I was unistalling some Sims 2 files off of the computer when the trash icon disapeared. Where can I find it to put another shortcut on the desk top? Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy with PCOS and being on Metformin?

    I know, I know, another pregnancy question, sorry. I was diagnosed with PCOS in March 2008 and since then I have been taking Metformin and it has made my periods regular, every month like clock work. I started taking metformin because my husband and I have been trying for a baby and I had horribly irregular periods, like I wouldn't have one for 4 months and then had one that lasted a month. Like I said I have been on this medicine for a year almost and my last period started January 1, which means I am atleast 17 days late. I am going to tomorrow to buy a pregnancy test, but I am scared. I am scared that it will be no, but i can't think of any other reasons why I would be almost 3 weeks late. I have not been stressed or on any other meds, nothing.. Any advice. Thanks!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Extracted Teeth Disposal?

    What does the dentist do with the teeth that they pull? Do they throw them away? Down the sewer? Do they need to be discarded like used needles and chemical waste?


    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of any good Grocery Coupons?

    On Yahoo last there was a story about never paying full price for groceries or anything else for that matter again. And the site listed a few good sites for coupons and what not (ie. and I was wondering if anyone knew what those sites were or any other good sites that have some good coupons for groceries.


    3 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • What Food Should I change My Animals To?

    We are wanting to change our cats (Jabba and Solo) and dogs (Zoe) food. They are currently eating Purina Cat and Dog food, respectively. I know that isn’t good food, but that is what they were used to eating when we adopted them, so we’ve stuck with it. However, it is getting to the point where we really want to change their food to something better. We live in a small town and there isn’t a lot of choice for us and we would still like to keep the food affordable, since there is 3 of them (cats are 15 and 17 lbs and the dog is a lab/dobberman mix- 86lbs) My husband and I aren’t sure which we should change to, Hill Science Diet, which we can get really easily, but I have heard isn’t to good (just overpriced) or Blue Buffalo? Which would be best? Or any other choices, keeping in mind we don’t have much of an option at the stores (so we need something readily available). Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How Long To Roast An Almost 10lb Turkey!!!?

    How long do I Roast a 9.38lb Turkey Breast with bone? Its not a whole Turkey, just the breast, but it is on the bone. I am planning on the oven 350 but I am not sure how long. The package says 3 1/4 hours for a 7 lbs turkey. Any ideas. Thanks!

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Recipe for Potato and Sausage Soup!?!?!?

    I am looking for a recipe for Potato and Sausage soup, something that tastes sorta like what Olive Garden has, doesn’t have to be the same recipe though. I have looked everywhere for a recipe for it, that I think would be close, but can’t seem to fine one. Was hoping someone else on here had a really good one…THANKS!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Will my dog miss her previous owner???

    My aunt didn't want her 7 year old dog anymore so she was going to put her into an animal shelter. I just didn't think that was right, especially since she is just a wonderful dog and being in the shelter would have killed her, so my husband and I adopted her. We have had her 5 months now and I was wondering, my aunt (same aunt who had the dog) is having some BBQ's and get togethers at her camp site and I was wondering if you thought it would be ok if I took the dog with me. It is a dog friendly camp ground and everyone wants her to come. I am however worried about the dog, her name is Zoe, will she remember my aunt and will Zoe miss her? The dog never seemed sad or depressed when she came to live with me, in fact she has been wonderful and she is extremely spoiled. I am just worried that she will miss my aunt and become depressed. Is that possible and if it is how long do I wait before I can take her along with me to visit family?? Thanks everyone for your time and answers!!!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Which deadly sin?!?!?

    If you had to have a deadly sin or be a deadly sin which would you be????

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my babies???

    I just adore the "what do you think of my dog/cat?" questions. I think it is sweet that people want to show off their animals and well I LOVE showing off my babies. So I figured I would ask one of the "What do you think of my dog/cat?" questions in hopes of showing off my 3 babies.

    First we have Zoe. She is a 7 year old dobberman/lab mix and she is just a wonderful dog, sweet, smart and well behaved (when she wants to be)

    Then there are the boys and my pride and joys. First there is Jabba the Cat, Jabba for short. He is a 6 year old male who we saved from a shelter, had been there 3 years before we adopted him.

    Then there is the baby of the group, H.Solo, Solo for short. He was adopted from the same shelter and is just a wonderful boy, although he does have a hair pulling problem.

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I need help with the name of a book?!?!?

    I have a book I am wanting to reread, however, I can’t think of the name of the book. Its about a married couple who have a child, I do believe they are British, and she doesn’t feel appreciated by her husband. And a ‘friend’ of hers husband starts giving her extra attention and is flirting with her. She starts believe he has a thing for her so she starts dressing up for him, pushing her husband away and doing what she can to impress him. However, one night she has a few friends over, her friend and husband (guy she has a thing for) and they have a kid, well there child is upstairs sleeping in the main characters sons bedroom. The couple goes upstairs to check on their kid and start talking about how the main character is a fat cow and how they can’t believe that she thinks that he likes her and the main character can hear this all due to the baby monitor.

    Anyone have any idea what the name of the book is? Thanks!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How does a sex change work? Going from woman to man...?

    I was just watching South Park, it is the one where Mr. Garrison becomes Mrs. Garrison. Well it got me to thinking about sex changes, specifically going from woman to man. How does that actually work? (I get how they construct the penis and testicles, that’s not what I am asking.) Does the woman, soon to be man, have to have a total/partial hysterectomy? Or can they have their uterus and ovaries left in? And if they are left in, how does the whole monthly cycle work? Are they given steroids? Testosterone? I know these are probably stupid questions, but I was curious as to how it worked. Thanks for all of your answers.

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Will a cat defend another cat against a much larger dog?!?!?

    I need to tell you all a quick story before I can ask the questions. Otherwise it wont make since.

    I have two cats (Jabba and Solo) and a dog Zoe. I just recently got Zoe (2 months ago) Jabba is fine with Zoe and Solo just hardly tolerates her. Solo will hiss, growl and hit at Zoe when ever she gets near him and is over all scared of the dog. Well the other day I was holding Jabba so my husband could put on some replacement soft claws. And Zoe was interested in what was going on and was sniffing the cat. When I let the cat down Jabba smacked the dog, which solo seen and came running and started attacking the dog. Now solo has done this twice, attacking the dog when she is ‘bothering’ jabba or when jabba is upset with her and starts smacking at her.

    So do cats “defend” one another? Will they actually go after an animal twice their size to save another cat? Or are my cats just odd?

    45 AnswersCats1 decade ago