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  • What does it mean when a guy says 'it's complicated'?

    Overheard a guy explaining his situation with a girl. He was adamant she's not his girlfriend. He said 'it's complicated' and might be a thing later in life (not sure if he meant he and her being a thing, or just him having a girlfriend). I don't get it. If he knows he wants her in the future, why string her along now whilst seeing other people and not just be with her?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Confused. Boyfriend is incredible, but there s this one guy...?

    It s complicated. No judgement please.

    When I was 14/15 I joined my church youth group. There was a guy there, D, who was 4 years older. Obviously the age gap was an issue, but over the years we grew very close due to our similar interests. I was often left confused about his actual feelings towards me.

    He moved away for work and got with someone else. I moved away for uni and got with my current boyfriend, J. This was 4 years ago.

    D has now gone on to have a son with his gf and get engaged.

    I consider J an incredible guy that I love completely. I ve never gone near anyone else, nor been tempted to. He s my first everything bar kiss.

    D and I have been talking on and off. I never thought much of it because we are great friends. Then on Monday, he messaged me and we ended up sexting/having cyber sex, whatever you want to call it. I didn t hear from him Tuesday so messaged him Wednesday saying I know we chat, then don t, we re busy people, but not talking after Monday night felt a bit crap. He apologised repeatedly for mixed signals, said he d just been really hectic with the training course he s been on.

    I saw J yesterday and still have the strong feelings towards him that I always have.

    I m so confused. I don t know if D is using me, is also confused and we should draw the line and be friends, or more...I don t know. I don t want to hurt or lose J.

    Sorry this is long, but trust me, it s the short version... Thanks in advance for any advice.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Truth to Batman villains? Which comic books show this?

    I m writing an essay investigating how much fact there is in the crimes of Batman villains/do they link to real criminals. Therefore, I help in deciding which issues of the Batman comic book will provide me with the best information.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Should I reach out to her given all this?

    A (girl) friend started dating a mutual (boy) friend in November and once the honeymoon period ended, from February onward the relationship just got worse, and they started bringing out the absolute worst in each other.

    Today, he messaged a friend saying he'd broken up with her, and I saw the message by accident. I've been chatting with other people and it appears no one else knows. She's hidden her relationship status on Facebook, but kept her profile picture of the two of them that is very couple-y.

    We had a lot of problems within our friendship while they were dating as she basically ditched her friends in favour of her boyfriend. However, I do still care and I know she's probably very upset but because she clearly doesn't want to mention it to people, should I reach out to her?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Help I can t get below this weight!!?

    Using myfitnesspal to count calories, walking more, and going to the gym, I should be in the best shape I ve ever been or at least getting there. However, I have plateaued at 12 stone, a weight I haven t been below in about 5 years. I m 21, 5 ft 5, measurements are 37.5-30-39 and I d love to get to 35-25-35 or there abouts.

    Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How long should I wait for a proposal/marriage talk?

    In my second year of uni and have been with my bf for just over 18 moths, I met him there. I'm 21 and he's 20.

    I know I'm being ridiculous but I have to ask about it to get it out of my head. Yesterday I was watching Millionaire Matchmaker and Patti Stanger said that a guy should propose within a year, today my cousin (same age as me) proposed to his gf who he's been with about a year, last week a girl I was at primary school with got engaged and yesterday a friend from uni, about a year older, got married.

    Even though we don't even live in the same county outside of uni, and many other reasons mean I know that for us to get married right now would be ridiculous, but I can't help but think if it's worth it. We're each other's first relationship, and haven't talked marriage but are so really happy and have our holiday for next summer planned so we're afraid of the future.

    Sorry for the rambling, but it's all buzzing about in my head. Some life experience/advice, or even just telling me to get a grip would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is it worth it?

    In my second year of uni and have been with my bf for just over 18 moths, I met him there. I'm 21 and he's 20.

    I know I'm being ridiculous but I have to ask about it to get it out of my head. Yesterday I was watching Millionaire Matchmaker and Patti Stanger said that a guy should propose within a year, today my cousin (same age as me) proposed to his gf who he's been with about a year, last week a girl I was at primary school with got engaged and yesterday a friend from uni, about a year older, got married.

    Even though we don't even live in the same county outside of uni, and many other reasons mean I know that for us to get married right now would be ridiculous, but I can't help but think if it's worth it. We're each other's first relationship, and haven't talked marriage but are so really happy and have our holiday for next summer planned so we're afraid of the future.

    Sorry for the rambling, but it's all buzzing about in my head. Some life experience/advice, or even just telling me to get a grip would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Really struggling with the girl I am subletting my room to, especially with rent?

    I am currently studying abroad for this semester. I have organised a room in a house with friends to move back into in January but until then a girl has been living in it.

    When we found her to give the room to we were desperate, she had little money due to student finance messing up and a job that only offered a few hours a week so we agreed that she could have the room for £70 a week instead of £95. My dad is fronting the bill as our landlord wants to be paid per term, not weekly and I am subsidising the remainder of her rent.

    She has not managed to pay every week of a single month. She's been living there since September. She sends long rants to me about problems and seems naive and inconsiderate of others. I have done my best to help her where I can and been patient but even the landlord had to tell her to leave me out of problems. I know I have a responsibility to the room but there is little I can do from another country.

    She is a lot to handle.

    I refused to ask her to move out during her January exams and only insisted that I be in the room before my lectures start. This is going to mean I have 10 days of sleeping on a friends floor because my sport starts practicing before lectures begin.

    I am really worried that she is not going to get the money that she owes my dad, to me to pass. The whole thing is really stressing me out, she acts very ungrateful and I don't know what if anything I can do to better the situation?

    Advice please, thank you

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Urgent help: Can't turn my shower on!!?

    I'm really struggling to turn on my shower. My room mate has gone out but I swear her niece and nephew had it working this afternoon so I'm feeling very stupid right now.

    There is a clear bit that turns and just keeps turning and the white shower head won't pull down, I don't know what else to try.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden7 years ago
  • What should I take to study for 4 months in Texas?

    I'm going to San Antonio, Texas from August until December this year to study and I would like to know what sort of things I should pack, particularly in terms of clothes as I don't really know what the winter weather's like/ I don't know what American students wear.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerStudying Abroad7 years ago
  • What should I pack to spend 4 months in Texas?

    I'm going to San Antonio, Texas from August until December this year to study and I would like to know what sort of things I should pack, particularly in terms of clothes as I don't really know what the winter weather's like/ I don't know what American students wear.

    2 AnswersSan Antonio7 years ago
  • GUYS: why is this guy doing this? What do I do about it? Total mind f*ck?

    This guy and I have been good friends for 4 years. He's 4 years older. For about 18 months we talked and flirted and I harboured a massive crush on him and really wanted to be with him, I wasn't obvious to him about it but I'm sure he knew that if he asked, we'd have gone out. When turned 18 he seemed to reciprocate, my friends started to notice too. However, he moved away so wasn't home much and saw each other less so I decided to get over it and concentrate on being friends.

    We stayed in touch, so managed to keep the friends thing going. Then he got a gf and I got a bf. Since getting with my bf, whom I love and is complete at utter proof that I'm over this other guy. However, this guy still periodically messages me but it's no longer friendly but really flirty. I don't reply. He messaged me a couple of weeks ago saying he'd had a 'rude' dream about us. I just left it. I was on holiday with my bf at the time and didn't want to encourage the behaviour. Yesterday, I found out his gf is pregnant and due at the end of the year. Something, I'd have thought he'd have gone on about on social media as he's quite active on there but no. Anywho, it made me feel guilty about the things he's been saying to me, should I tell someone? Or is keeping on ignoring him best? I just feel really mean on his gf and now child :/

    Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Talk about mind f*ck...What do I do?

    This guy and I have been good friends for 4 years. He's 4 years older. For about 18 months we talked and flirted and I harboured a massive crush on him and really wanted to be with him, I wasn't obvious to him about it but I'm sure he knew that if he asked, we'd have gone out. When turned 18 he seemed to reciprocate, my friends started to notice too. However, he moved away so wasn't home much and saw each other less so I decided to get over it and concentrate on being friends.

    We stayed in touch, so managed to keep the friends thing going. Then he got a gf and I got a bf. Since getting with my bf, whom I love and is complete at utter proof that I'm over this other guy. However, this guy still periodically messages me but it's no longer friendly but really flirty. I don't reply. He messaged me a couple of weeks ago saying he'd had a 'rude' dream about us. I just left it. I was on holiday with my bf at the time and didn't want to encourage the behaviour. Yesterday, I found out his gf is pregnant and due at the end of the year. Something, I'd have thought he'd have gone on about on social media as he's quite active on there but no. Anywho, it made me feel guilty about the things he's been saying to me, should I tell someone? Or is keeping on ignoring him best? I just feel really mean on his gf and now child :/

    Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Will my bf's and mine's only two issues destroy our relationship?

    It may sound silly or whatever but beyond natural and normal bickering or disagreements, my boyfriend and I only really have two issues.

    The easiest way to explain is like this: if there was me with my tattoos and the ones I plan to get sat in front of my bf next to me without the tattoos, he'd pick the latter; if there was a him that is shy and quiet about the faith he has sat next to a him that happily takes his kids to sunday school every week and regularly offers to pray with me etc..., I would choose the latter.

    Are they important enough issues that you reckon we won't 'go the distance'?

    He respects my faith and appreciates my passion and evangelical nature, he just doesn't reciprocate. He has also said that he can deal with the tattoos I have but if I got any more any time soon he may have to break up with me.

    We talk about the future a lot and plan to have each other in it but these things buzz about my head constantly so some advice would be welcome, thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Evening guest, wedding present issue?

    I've been invited to the ceremony and evening reception of two friends' wedding. I know the couple fairly well and get on with them. In my invitation, I wasn't told of where they had registered but through a conversation with them a while ago and a conversation with the maid of honour, I now know where they have registered. Should I buy them a present? I'm not against doing so, I just don't know the etiquette.

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersEngagements & Weddings7 years ago
  • I think my mother emotionally abuses me and my dad. Is she? How do I cope?

    For as long as I can remember she has been the speaker of mean, close-minded, snide comments. I'm 20 and since I was a kid I've heard her say all kinds of stuff to my dad, called him an abuser, said he was worse than his mum who's passed, told me I'm not what she wanted, that she doesn't like me, kept secrets. These are slight specifics but basically she is callous and attacking but then has moments of being lovely. It's hard to handle and is confusing.

    I know that before they got married mum had problems with dad but he's always been an amazing parent to me and has kept 95% of their many many many arguments away from me completely. In my opinion, if she had issues with him she shouldn't have said yes when he proposed.

    Dad's resigned himself to just not replying to save the argument. Last year they told me they were divorcing then changed their minds. Dad suggested that he moved out while they went to therapy to try to fix things but I insisted that he stay because I didn't want to be left with her. He stayed and now I feel guilty that I've moved away to uni and he's left to deal with her.

    I literally broke down and had a borderline panic attack trying to tell her how she upsets me last night and she played victim as always and refused to accept that she made me that but insisted I was doing it to myself. She wouldn't listen, she never does so things never change.

    This has turned into a bit of a rant but I need advice on how to cope, because it's getting so difficult.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • UTI? Thrush? Cystitis? Side effects of Cilest? Something else?

    I'm a 20 years old female and I lost my virginity to my boyfriend, on the 18th April. The last time he had sex before me, they used protection and he's been tested so he's clean.

    Afterwards I itched a bit around my vagina but I could cope with and presumed it was due to the fact I hadn't had sex before so had been stretched, we continued to have sex for about 3 days while I stayed with him. The itching continued but it only became unbearable a few days after I'd come home. I thought it might be cos I had been really wet and was now dry (sounds silly I know) so I made sure I drank at least 10 glasses of water a day and stayed away from caffeine and used tea tree oil which all helped.

    Then I got my period and I didn't itch at all, that finished last week and the itch came back afterwards but not too bad, then peeing burned and hurt and was dark with wisps of 'bits' in (don't know how to explain it better sorry).

    Then last Monday, I began feeling nauseous then I got really sore stomach pains so I went to the doctor. She wasn't very helpful and said that I was having side effects to the birth control pill I was on, Cilest which had turned viral, this was last Thursday so I stopped taking it though I had two weeks left in the pack. I vomited Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and I gained a fever on Saturday which is still there. I got my period on Sunday. The stomach aches gone slightly but I'm still itchy, it burns when I pee and I can't control my temperature.

    Help? Thanks!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What's wrong with me down there? Uti? Pregnancy? Something else?

    I'm a 20 years old female and I lost my virginity to my boyfriend of 6 months, on the 18th April. I'm on Cilest for birth control and he the last time he had sex before me, they used protection and he's been tested so he's clean.

    Afterwards I itched a bit around my vagina but I could cope with and presumed it was due to the fact I hadn't had sex before so had been stretched, we continued to have sex for about 3 days while I stayed with him. The itching continued but it only became unbearable a few days after I'd come home. I thought it might be cos I had been really wet and was now dry (sounds silly I know) so I made sure I drank at least 10 glasses of water a day and stayed away from caffeine and used tea tree oil which all helped.

    Then I got my period and I didn't itch at all, that finished last week and the itch came back afterwards but not too bad, then yesterday peeing burned and hurt and today it does a bit too and it's dark with wisps of 'bits' in (don't know how to explain it better sorry). I also feel really nauseous today.

    Sorry for the detail, I am due to go the doctor at the end of the week but I'm not a fan of medicine so if anyone's experienced something similar and could pass on some advice or can prepare for what the doc will say please answer. No silly, immature answers though please. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • About to break up with my best friend but it's her birthday so I need advice first?

    After a series of arguments since last summer and a definite feeling of drifting apart since we both started uni in September (I moved away, she stayed in our home city) that have caused us upsetting each other, anything I've said has mainly been in retaliation to things she accused me of, the fact she's introduced double standards to our relationship (they've always been there but are far more pronounced now) and generally made me feel not good enough to be around her never mind be her best friend, as we have been for nearly 16 years, I've constructed a message to send to her next week that will hopefully amicably 'break us up'.

    I'm waiting till next week because today is her birthday and I don't want to be the ***** that ruined her birthday. We had a discussion before my bday two weeks ago that ended with us acknowledging the distance between us, the upset we've caused each other and that we don't really know what to do next. Then on my bday she text me at 9 at night saying 'happy birthday, hope you have had a good day x' which I appreciated but thought it was very polite. We haven't spoken till today when I text at 9 this morning, wishing her a happy bday and hoped she was having a lovely time away with her bf.

    She hasn't replied and I don't know what to do. It could be because she's abroad and doesn't want to spend the extra money on texts or yet again I could be excusing her behaviour. Her party is on Friday and I'm invited.

    Advice please? Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago