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  • Food Stamps or Snap Benefits questions or thoughts on this?

    Do you think it is fair to tell someone who gets food stamps//snap benfits that they can't buy a pepsi ? ! or a box of snack cakes? anything sweet shouldn't be bought with snaps. I think if the higher ups want to do this to the poor then they too should have to do without pepsi's or coke's and snacks that are sweet. If you can tell people they can't buy certain foods on snap benefits then isn't that taking away their rights to buy what they want to eat? I don't think it is fair to tell someone what they can and can not eat just because they are poor and need food stamps!! This is what they want to pass a bill on to help cut cost to the government? why don't they cut some of their big pay checks instead of cutting out stuff for poor people! I think we need to make a stand and tell them if we can't buy sodas or sugary foods neither can you!! you may feel different then me but I think its wrong to tell people what food they can't buy just because they get food stamps.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • My Boxer Dog is so Skinny and vet doesn't know why so how can this be?

    She just turned 7 yrs. old this year . She is looks so bad sense she has been sick and lost weight. The First thing happened was she was coughing really bad . We did an X-ray to see if her heart was ok sense Boxers tend to have heart problems. The X-ray showed her heart to be ok. So they thought she had phenomena and gave her antibiotics Which helped after three different one's. The cough got better. so now she started loosing weight. We feed her three can's of dog everyday now and give doggy treats and snacks thinking if we feed her more she will gain weight. she still has not gained and only weighs 21 lbs.! she has always been a small boxer weighing around 30 some pounds. so she has lost a lot of weight even still. she doesn't do anything active anymore and we don't even walk her because she is so sick. She doesn't have worms she has been treated just incase and she doesn't have heart worm we did that test too. The blood work is back but when I called the antibiotics vet the lady who answers the phone said there were a lot of things wrong and would be easier for her to tell me what is NOT wrong then what is wrong because there was a lot wrong with it. she did say her white blood cells are real high and she may have anemia but not sure on that yet. and she said the vet is trying to talk to someone else about the blood work before talking to me about it. she said they called UT and was waiting for someone to call them back and when she talks to someone she will call me.

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Is yahoo answers for teenagers or what?

    Every time I get on yahoo answers I read teenager questions . Like asking about a boy they like or a girl they like or talking about having sex etc.... so I wonder where are all the parents at while their kids or teenager is on yahoo answers asking for advice? and who gives them advice on yahoo other teens I would think. but really there needs to be some parents on this site for sure! because I can't believe the stuff I read that these kids say and write about! some of it is funny cause you know they must be really young to ask that. lol I pass it up and go to another question most of the time. just wondering why they even have this site anymore.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • I know someone who is expecting so I want to know what others think about this baby name thing?

    her boyfriend which is the babies daddy wants to name the baby ( if its a girl) after his mother. problem is he wants to name it number 3? because his sister already has his mothers name and she is number 2 so naming the baby the same name will make it number 3 being named after his mom too. I haven't heard of this before? I have only heard of Naming a son after his dad like jr and sr. but what about this naming a baby girl after a name that has already been taken by two people in the family? just sounds strange to me to name it number 3 but maybe I am wrong. I know the person having the baby doesn't want to do it. and I am afraid there will be a conflict because of it. just wondering what someone on the outside would think about naming a baby girl after his mom and his sisters name? and made me think hum who has the final say on naming their baby? I would think both but what happens if they both don't agree on a name? I don't know.

    2 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • has this ever happened to you if so what or how would u feel about it?

    Once while coming home one evening i was coming through the door and started talking to my spouse about what ever my day events were. you know telling him stuff. well all of a sudden he started talking about what ever it was on the t.v. show that he was watching and was telling me about it. so later on he came right out and told me that what he had done was to change my thought so i wouldn't be talking about what ever it was i was trying to tell him. He said he changed my thought or mind to something else cause he didn't want to hear about or talk about what i was saying to him. I got mad that he would do that to me for purposely changing my mind to something he wanted to talk about or just so i wouldn't say what ever it was i wanted to talk about. DO you think this is mean of him or what? he does stuff that makes we wonder. I told him i listen to him when he comes home from work and he talks about work stuff and i said for example " u came home telling me about ur boss's brother having a heart attack and i listened to u and I don't do that to u". Then he said " well he died"! well a few days later I ask him " how his boss was doing " he said " his brother is fine now". I said but u told me he died! so the thing is He never once told me at the time that he was kidding or playing about him dieing? and a few days later i guess he forgot what he said to me . anyway another thing is one evening( we weren't living together when this happened so maybe he wanted a response from me coz he didn't take me to eat ?) i ask him what he had for supper to eat ? and he said I had chinese so i said ok. so i went inside my place ,well the next day we were talking and he told me what he had eaten for supper the night before and I said " what? You told me last night u had chinese? he said no and i said why then did u tell me that and he says well i was thinking about eatin chinese! i know this may sound silly to some. but i want to know if this is a normal thing a man does or maybe some men or just get an opinion from others . the stuff he does i don't know what to think about it. he is known to say things and not come back and say he was just kidding right away. he just leaves it at what ever he says. i have even told my granddaughter before not to pay him any attention he says stuff to her and she believes him! so i tell her not to listen to him he is being silly. just so you see how he is and what i am talking about. well thanks for reading this mess. lol

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • i think its too late to try to feed my Guinea pig has anyone had this happen with their guinea pig?

    I didn't know my guinea pig was that sick but i went in to feed her and she is lying down flat and her eyes are open so i thought she was dead? but she may not be dead yet but she looks it because she isn't moving around and her belly is hard so i thought she was dead but i think i heard her make a sound so that's why i think she's not dead yet but i am not sure. And i hate going in there to see her like that. she can't move or eat or drink so i really think she is dying. i never knew if she were sick the only thing i noticed when i changed her cage last wednesday is she felt like she had lost weight. I rememeber thinking why does she feel so skinny? but i didn't know she was sick? now i feel bad of course. so anyway i took the other guinea pig out of the cage because she may step on her or anything and if she's dying i thought i better remove the other one. should i move out the other one? i know they like company but i am thinking what if she's dying and she steps or walks all over her and stuff? so i want her to go in peace not being hurt by the other one.its the week end so i can't take her to a vet plus i can't afford to take her i really can't i don't get my check for another week so i am stuck on what to do. i even looked online for any rescue groups in case i could call them but i know its too late anyway because she is not moving around just laying there like she's dead but why did i hear her make a sound ? maybe it was a reflex i don't know ? is there anyone out there that knows about guiena pigs or own them that can tell me something on what they think i should do? like do i just leave her in the cage by herself now? cause i have moved the other one out for now. hoping its the right thing to do. and now i am thinking about finding my other guiena pig a new home because i can't afford vet care and i don't want to go through this again it is alful becuase you feel so helpless not being able to help them when they need care from a vet. it doesn't seem fair and no vets around here will take credit or payments and also there isn't a vet around me that cares for guiena pigs. i think there was one in a close city from me but they would closed now and i know if she's not dead she most likey will be tomorrow on sunday. she looks real bad like there is no hope i know that. i just don't want her to suffer and why does stuff like this seem to alwyas happen on a week end?! i dont know but i hate it all. no more cage pets for me after my other one is gone. its just to much to deal with.

    7 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Why does my dog sit on her butt,hold her head up high and growl while moving around on her butt?

    She is has done this before and I end up treating her for worms thinking she had worms. but I'm not sure if its worms or flea bites? I checked her for fleas and she doesn't have any plus I just groomed and bathed her tonight. I have 4 dogs and she is the only one that does this! Also i use front-line plus on them once a month. and even with front-line i sometimes see fleas before the month is out. it doesn't seem to last a whole month anymore. I know if a dog scoots on their butt its anal glands but i wonder if it is her anal glands and she just does it differently then the other dogs which just scoot or look like they are wiping their butt on the carpet. Could it still be her glands or worms ? or fleas even and i don't see any fleas. I know fleas sure do hide good i found one flea on my other dog while bathing her tonight so i bathed her in flea shampoo just in case. i can't afford a vet right now and i was just thinking maybe those who have dogs have seen their dog do this before and could answer my questions. thanks alot.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • what is your opinon about a wife that is on disablity and her spouse works?

    And she keeps the home clean and does laundry and all the things a wife should do and even picks up after her spouse. He always throws his clothes in the bedroom floor and leaves them layin in the floor and you never know if they are clean or dirty unless you ask him. and the wife gets tired of picking up his clothes and thinks that he should of put them in the dirty laundry basket ! And he makes a mess in the kitchen after he fixes himself food he leaves all his ditry dishes for the wife to clean up. When he got in the kitchen it was nice and clean but when he is done in there he leaves his mess. and if she ask him to clean up his mess he gets an attittude and tells her I will do it later but sometimes later never comes cause he goes to bed and leaves the mess.So she then will clean it up because she can't stand a mess. He will open cabinets and not close them back and this gets on her nerves. He also will open his sock drawer or any drawer with his clothes and he will always leave the drawers open with clothes hanging out. He will go to bed and leave beer can's all in the living room and she picks them up and throws them away or sometimes leave them for him to throw away the next day. Is this common in your marriage ? And should she just leave the house a mess and wait and see if he cleans it up? what would you do if your spouse was messy? would you live in his mess or clean it up for him? and not bother him about it? I mean men say your bitchin about it. but he is neat at work an orderly. but not at home it seems. she feels like he is taking advantage of her or taking her for granted because he leaves it for her to clean up after all she doesn't work and he does.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Why do we call the place to potty a "bathroom" or " Rest Room"? I mean a Bathroom is were you take a bath and?

    a Rest Room is were you rest i would think. So it just crossed my mind while out and having to go to the toilet and read the sign that said " Rest Room" so i was thinking that should be a place to go rest ! lol I wonder to how those who don't speak english and learn it , what they think about us calling it those names? just wondering? Oh when I was growing up we called it " The Toilet" btw. And Tissue we called Toilet Paper ! So i still sometimes say " I gotta go to the Toilet and where is the : Toilet Papper" ! lol Our " Toilet " was a John which was a out House which is Outside ! no flushing it lol!

    9 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • where is a good web site to play free poker?

    I mean a good game and easy to use without alot of adds and stuff . just a real good poker game that's free and you don't gotta download any junk with it! just Play online. I like the card game that has flops and a river card at the end. 7 card poker i guess it is. were you get two cards face up and then you bet and stuff.

    8 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Could I be going through the change of life ? I have so many questions about it?

    The reason is what i read online said that first you go through Pre-Menopause where you have skipped periods and that it last for a few years before you are at Menopause. And when you go one whole year without a period at all then its Menopause. Problem is I have always been regular with my periods and never miss or skip one. Now I recently turned 50 in March and I am late for April. At the end of March I thought I was going to start because I saw alittle pink and thought it was blood and that i would be starting but after a couple days that went away and my my period didn't start like i thought. So now I am thinking did I miss being Pre-menopause and now just stopping my period and I am in menopause ? because at my age I should of already went through the first stage which is Pre-menopause and be going through Menopause now. but its confusing so could I just had no signs of Pre menopause? And now be in menopause? well if i am not going through Pre menopause then I guess that's a good thing so i wouldn't have to worry about Hot Flashes and all Sense that's when you get all that stuff with Pre-menopause. If you have been through this or know thanks alot for any info or help.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • why did i get only 1 point for best answer?

    6 days ago I got best answer and I only got 1 point? I am now wondering why? I thought you get 10 points for best answer. I have before got 10 pints but when i logged on tonight it said congrats you earned 2 points so i was like what? what for so i looked to see and i had 1 point for signing in and 1 point for best answer. so did someone accidentally type the wrong number? gee's and who do i tell? just wondering if anyone has had this happen before. yahoo owes me 9 points don't they? thanks

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How to treat ich in gold fish tank? and can i put the two fish in a small tank ?

    I have read online that when you treat your tank for ich that you should remove your fish from the tank because the ich can not live were there is no fish. So i am wondering if it would be ok to put my two Gold Fish in a small tank for a few days while trying to kill the ich in their 10 gallon tank. It saids use a spare tank for this but my only spare tank is really small . and i only have two Gold Fish and one is a Black Mor and one is a Calico Gold fish. I am just wondering if they will be ok for a couple days while in the small tank? It's all i have to put them in . or should I just buy Ich medication and leave them in the tank while treating the tank? I had a Gold Fish tank years ago that got Ich and I remember treating it with the drops you buy for ich but it didn't work and ALL my Fish died! So that's why I never bought Gold Fish after that for along time until now. Also every time I get a Black Mor something always goes wrong. like the last one just died and I took it to pet smart and they didn't even know why it was sick or died. it looked fine they said and said it might just be that fish it self. So i got another one and it died so i now have the third one and its got ich because it has white spots on its body now. I wonder if its something about these Black Mor's ? my other fish isn't sick yet but i am thinking he will be if i leave him in that tank that has ich now. Thanks for any advise if you have been through this and something worked. and if you know if i should go ahead and move the fish out to be safe!

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How long do cats live i wonder?

    My cat is really old and I wonder if cats out live dogs because she has out lived alot of dogs we had. and she out lived our other cat who passed last summer. She was sick or something last week . I noticed she couldn't hardly stand up to walk . but the first thing i noticed she wasn't coming to the door and meowing for me to let her inside like she normally does. then i went to find her and she could hardly walk so i end taking her to the vet. He gave her a shot of steroids or something and gave me more shots to give her at home. so now she is much better and doing good and i am so thankful! he said she may live for one more year. I wish she could live longer though. she is special to me because she belonged to my daughter who passed at age 16 in 1996 . so i feel I have a special bond with her so that's why i want to keep her around as long as possible. its gonna be hard to let her go . but I know she is just so old bless her little heart. she is a calico cat and so pretty. and even my spouse said she's not like other cats! She is so different and smart too. well i don't want another cat it hurts to loose one. and we have decided we don't want anymore pets when all of ours is gone. My spouse saids I don't need any more cause I take it hard when I loose one. he doesn't like to see me cry so much and be so upset after loosing one. but i think its better to have loved them then not to have loved them at all. anyway, just wondering what is the Life Span of cats? thanks for reading this and if you have any ideal as I forgot to ask the vet ! i was more concerned for her well being at the time .

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • If you want a small size dog but you have too many dogs ?

    Would you get rid of one of your dogs so you can get a smaller dog? Ok I know alot of people will say NO most likely but haven't you ever felt this way? So i lost my little shih -tzu i once had she was a tiny one so when she passed , later on i end up getting another shih- tzu. Well this one is alot bigger now she is 16pds. my other one was 5 to 8 pds. she lost weight with age and she was so little. well i have always wanted a real small dog or a tiny one , So now I find my self thinking Why didn't I wait and get me a small dog like I really wanted? I have always wanted a real small dog , and I when I see somebody with a small or tiny one I feel like oh i want one that Small!! I know most likely It would be hard to give my dog up now after i have had her for a year now. but it kinda gets me you know like I really want a smaller dog. And I know of someone that is wanting a Shih -tzu and said they would give it a real good home. but I wonder Could I do it ? could I give her away so i can get me a small one? even my spouse said to me One day, you don't care as much for that dog I can tell. which i didn't agree with him. I do care for her the one i have now. even though she is crazy sometimes, the other dogs have never liked her very much, she takes all the toys and thinks everything is hers. she does things she shouldn't do like mess with the other dogs poo. i hate that so i got all the dogs on these pills right now to make the poo taste bad in case she or one of them try to eat it! got it from pet smart but it ain't working to good, today she was back there messing with the poo again! but she is potty trained amd that's good. just wish she wouldn't eat poo sometimes. And wish she wasn't so selfish with the toys and sometimes i have to feed her alone or she will fight over certain kinds of food. not dog food but if i give them table food she will fight over it or if i accidental drop food she will fight over it. i have to watch her around my other dogs because you can't trust her not to start a fight over food or toys. she is just crazy but i love that dog. so if i give them a treat i have to hand it to each one and mot drop it on the floor or she might try to get it and if another dog trys to get it she may fight for it. this is just how she is. she thinks everything is hers. she can eat with all the dogs if its just dog food but that's it. i just know how she is so i take caution. if i throw a toy she is the only dog that will fetch it. my other dogs won't even go after the toy probably cause they know she will fight for it. and they are older then her. so i don't play fetch with them around her. I throw the toy for her cause she brings it to me and wants me to throw it. the other dogs don't do this. so i think she is smart in that way. but not smart other ways. and she does not like MEN ! when i take her Out to pet smart or places if a woman trys to pet her she is ok but if a man gets close she will growl at him! a guy ask me could he pet her and I said she doesn't like men, and so he tryed to get close and she growled at him. so i know she don;t like men and she has done this before with men. she doesn't do it to my spouse though. but he never pets her as i know of. but he does let her out of her play pen and stuff. but she never growls at him. so does anyone know why she would not like men? I don't know why. well thanks for reading and letting me vent. and most likely i can't give her up just thinking about it. and I am the one who always thought people were terrible to give up a dog just to get another one they wanted so i know how it is.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • can you be friends with a ex boyfriend while you are married to someone else?

    I just want to know what others think about this. and what MEN think about this ! being married and talking to an ex that you had over 15 yrs ago. would that be so wrong or not? would your spouse be mad at you if you still was friends with an ex boy friend. even though you were just friends and had some good times in the past and no strings attached now just friends. just talking about old times and how life has been stuff like that. you know sometimes you run into old past Friends or bf and you talk to them. and men/ women answer this would you be mad or upset if your spouse talked to an ex bf or gf? if so why or why not? just your opinion on this subject and all. I don't see anything wrong with being friends but i know some men would be jealous or get mad about it. and some women also but if so where is the trust? because aren't you suppose to be able to trust your mate that they are just Friends with them? and shouldn't you be able to be friends with whom ever you chose? i mean does your spouse tell you who your friends are or who they can be? i wonder?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • In a Marriage why do some men have to always be right?

    My spouse seems to always want to be right about everything ! If i don't agree he acts mad. It can be over something thats not important too. Just little things but He is getting on my nerves lately! He doesn't listen to what I gotta say about it. or i try to explain it but he don't seem to hear it? He only hears what he is saying it seems. I feel like he is getting mad at me over nothing really. this has happened a couple times hear lately. so i wonder whats wrong with him? we been married 16 yrs and now I ask myself today how did we do it? this sounds crazy to me to. or how did I do it this long put up with him?! why does the small stuff make him mad? like keeping a door shut so the cold won't come through it , i try to say i will close it soon as I get done in there but he doesn't listen and gets mad. see our house is cold right now and we have to close some doors to other rooms we're not using in order to keep the house warm . its always like that in the winter when its real cold outside. for some reason our central heat doesn't work well when the temps drop low out. so we use other heaters through out the house and close some doors. I was going in a room and he kept talking about keeping the door shut and i was trying to say i will close it when i am done in there. but he didnt' listen he flew off mad took the heater with him and went into our bedroom and shut the door! see how stupid it is. he gets mad and then he makes me mad , real mad! so i let it all out ! Maybe I should start ignoring him next time? what do you think? I dont know why I allow him to make me so mad when he acts like that. I ask myself how did i do it before. I guess i let him be the boss or have his way. or ignore him. who knows.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is your Spouse Like mine? or what? He Keeps about everything !?

    OK Here's the deal of it. My spouse seems to never throw away anything that belongs to him ! It gets on my last nerve sometimes so i am vented here and want to know if you have the same problem and what you do about it? So anyway for one, He has a real old Boat. It has been parked in our drive way for a very long time not being used ! Ok at first it was there not being used cause He had no truck to pull it with anyway. So now he has a truck so i am waiting to see when summer comes If he will actually move it or Fix it? It has flat tires and a old motor but he claims to have a trolling motor for it in the building that works. I had told him the motor was tore up and no good so then he said the trolling motor still works. well i had a friend to tell me why do you all just keep that boat there all these years, trash it ! I can't its not mine and one day along time back a guy stopped by and ask me if he would sell it but he never did! he just keeps it and said One day He's going to fix it but that day has never came yet! Another one is He has a Treadmill someone gave to him so it needed fixing the belt .so he did fix that then the Deck broke now He keeps saying he is going to fix it soon as he can order the part or get the money for the part ! problem is he bought another treadmill . its used too, so He has Two treadmills now! he has had them for awhile and the one he bought was messing up so months later he did finally fix it but said it will need that part or tare up again one day. but problem is he Puts stuff off , and I ask him why do you need Two treadmills? He said he is keeping one of them, the best one but he still keeps both as of now. He is suppose to get rid of one, I told him to keep the one he wants and get rid of the other one! but we will see when that happens! And now he has a bench in there in the same room with not enough room for all that stuff. so i said when you get something new or old you gotta get rid of something to make room for the new one! He just gets mad or ends up keeping it all. So another thing is I got another stereo for the living room a used one but it works so my old one is messed up it won't play cds it skips and other problems with it so i wanted to get rid of the old one but He wants to keep it ! what for? I ask him were you gonna put it ? he said he don't know yet! So i tell him its not worth fixing they said at the place when i called and told them what was wrong with it. They say its cheaper to buy One then to pay for repair cost! so now my new/used one works great and looks much better too but why does he want to keep the old one that's messed up? I firmly think that if its no good throw it away or if its usable give it away ! But this man he dont'even throw away old shirts! I have to clean out the closet and don't tell him If I throw away anything of his . cause He would keep it all! he had a shirt he loved that was all to pieces and he kept that thing forever! he wouldn't let me trash it. it had rips, holes,and all . well now its gone and I don't care but he was looking for it. oh i didn't throw it out he lost it or something, I wouldn't throw it out cause i knew he liked it to much. but anyway its gone now but you know He didn't need it . he has plenty more shirts that are thick for the winter. that's what he claimed that he kept it cause it was good and warm and its cold at work. but he has others ones that's just as thick or warmer then it was! I buy him heavy sweat shirts for winter so i know he has plenty and they are in good shape. so why i wonder? I get rid of my stuff i don't wear or need and give it to somebody who might need it but He won't get rid of nothing!! ok if you've read all this then you deserve a Star ! or 100 points ! Thanks !!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Have you had an EP Study ? Asking for those who have had this test done.?

    Just wanted to know if anyone else has had an EP Study done as I wanted to know How it went for you? I am having it done friday so you know how it feels when you got to have a test done , you want to know how others feel about it or how it went for them. It sounds kinda scary to me but then Again there is a risk with anything, right. And maybe I worry to much anyway! I mean after all we take a risk every time we get into a car even. So maybe they just have to tell you all that stuff to be safe . Anyway if you had one I like to know, thanks!

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago