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Power steering noise after dealership flush?
I have a 1999 Ford Taurus Sedan, and I had my power steering system flushed by the dealership (Young Ford, here in Charlotte, NC) because it was making a whining noise after having a new power steering pump put on. Most of the noise went away, then it came back a little, but not as loud as before.
I took my car back today and told them the noise was coming back and they said they would look at it.
After being told that they bled it as much as they could, the noise is louder than ever now. I can literally hear air bubbles in the reservoir, and the steering is jittery.
This is all AFTER I took the car back today...
They told me that I need a new pump(which they were more than willing to give me the $500 price quote) which I'm finding hard to believe.
They also told me to bring it back in the morning, to I guess bleed it again.
Why did the problem get worse if they properly bled the power steering system?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoCollege Algebra word problem?(4)?
'The length of a proposed rectangular flower garden is 4 feet less than five times the width. The area of a proposed garden is 57 ft^2. Find the length of the proposed flower garden.
Thanks for all of your help guys...
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoCollege Algebra word problem?(2)?
Alright, I have a word problem, and I don't know how to set it up or solve it.
The word problem is:
'Find three consecutive integers such that the sum of twice the first and 4 times the second is equal to 20 more than twice the third.
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoCollege Algebra word problem?
Alright, I have a word problem, and I don't know how to set it up or solve it.
The word problem is:
The height of a triangle is 2 cm shorter than its base. The area is 17.5cm^2. Find the base of the triangle.
4 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoI need serious help with depression, but i'm afraid to get help?
Ok, to start off, I'm a 19 year old guy and there are a lot of things wrong with me. I'm severely depressed, and I also have anxiety and social issues.
I have uncontrollable daydreaming problems, like one time I was driving and almost ran a red light almost causing a terrible accident because I just started daydreaming.
I think about me dying or attempting suicide multiple times a day, everyday, because i'm suffering so badly that I can't take it anymore. It comes and goes during the day, I feel so tired and exhausted even when I haven't done anything that could make me tired. I don't have any friends, and i've never had a girlfriend before because I'm not good enough for anyone, specifically girls but i'm not gay.
I feel like i'm a burden on everyone, and i'd be better of 'away' than here on earth.
I often ignore my feelings to get through the day, because I don't think I would be able to function in the world if I truly let my feelings out. Though I don't know who I am as a person, or what I want, I just do or say what others expect of me. Also, I'm very easily influenced and persuaded, which will get me in trouble one day, but I don't care...I feel like I'm living second by second anyway.
I've come really close to cutting myself twice in the past month, but I changed my mind at the last second. Also, i've come close to taking pills that weren't mine to overdose on. I cry myself to sleep and things feel a little better when i wake up, but then I want to go back to sleep because I don't like being awake. I don't like living the life I have anymore.
I don't like who I am, I often cover up my insecurities with arrogance and sarcasm, but deep down i'm hurting.
Also, I just started college(these issues were around before school started) and I can't concentrate in or out of class. It's like there's a brick wall preventing the material from reaching my brain.
All in all, I want to get help, but i'm afraid that if someone like a doctor or counselor finds out how I really feel they're going to put me away somewhere.
What should I do?
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoI need help, I don't know what to do.?
Well, basically I'm a 19 year old guy and I have a lot of things wrong with me. I'm severly depressed, I have so many things going through my head and I can't stop it, also I can't help but being anti-social because I think everyone is better than me.
I cry myself to sleep every night because I'm emotionally unstable and I can't take it anymore. I don't have health insurance RIGHT NOW because my family just moved and everything is crazy right now, but my mom said we'll get some soon but she doesn't know about my problems because I cover them up.
I don't have any friends or anyone to talk to or have anything in common with. Everyone seems to be annoyed by me, which makes me even more anti-social. I've never known who I really am for as long as I can remember, but what I do know is I'm always sad, irritable, and even a little paranoid. What should I do because I can't take this anymore. I came really close to doing something everyone says is not worth it, I think you guys know what I'm talking about...I just want to be normal.
7 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoCar shakes when braking? Help please.?
The car is a 1999 Ford Taurus, and I recently had a full tune-up...expensive one at that.
But any way, when I brake the steering wheel shakes a lot, I've noticed that it does it the most when the car slowing from around 50-45mph because my route to work takes me on a high speed highway (traffic cruises at around 75mph)
Could it be the brakes? or something more serious in the braking system?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI think i'm depressed, and reckless...?
Hey, im a 19 year old guy and I think i'm suffering from depression. I would go into detail of what's making me feel this way but I can't find the words to explain.
Basically, i've been feeling really out of it for the past couple of weeks, really down and out, feeling regret for things I shouldn't blame myself for.
I often cry at night, or before I go to sleep because so many negative things go through my mind at once and I just break down.
The reckless part, like earlier today I started to feel down, and I was out driving and for some reason I started to drive recklessly, thinking the rush would make me feel better, I did however feel a little better afterwards, but the thing is I can't do that because it's dangerous for my life and others.
Another thing is I sometimes consume things, like buy things, I by no means have a lot of money, but it makes me feel...good, not to spend money or to swipe my card, but the feeling of getting something that I want, makes me feel normal. Then later a regret it spending all my money, and it starts all over again.
I often think about things that could give me a rush to compensate for how I feel, like doing something that would get the attention of someone so they me, so I can talk to them because right now I don't have anyone I can talk to, or relate to. No one.
I feel like i'm in this world by myself with no direction, or a mind of my own.
Please don't call me crazy, i'm not crazy, I'm just feeling really down right now...
What should I do? I nor my parents can afford a therapist I don't think.
I can't do this much longer...
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoI think i'm depressed and becoming reckless.?
Hey, im a 19 year old guy and I think i'm suffering from depression. I would go into detail of what's making me feel this way but I can't find the words to explain.
Basically, i've been feeling really out of it for the past couple of weeks, really down and out, feeling regret for things I shouldn't blame myself for.
I often cry at night, or before I go to sleep because so many negative things go through my mind at once and I just break down.
The reckless part, like earlier today I started to feel down, and I was out driving and for some reason I started to drive recklessly, thinking the rush would make me feel better, I did however feel a little better afterwards, but the thing is I can't do that because it's dangerous for my life and others.
Another thing is I sometimes consume things, like buy things, I by no means have a lot of money, but it makes me feel...good, not to spend money or to swipe my card, but the feeling of getting something that I want, makes me feel normal. Then later a regret it spending all my money, and it starts all over again.
I often think about things that could give me a rush to compensate for how I feel, like doing something that would get the attention of someone so they me, so I can talk to them because right now I don't have anyone I can talk to, or relate to. No one.
I feel like i'm in this world by myself with no direction, or a mind of my own.
Please don't call me crazy, i'm not crazy, I'm just feeling really down right now...
What should I do? I nor my parents can afford a therapist I don't think.
I can't do this much longer...
8 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoI need help. Please.?
I'm 19, and I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so deeply depressed at times, so deep that I literally feel pain in my stomach and I'll cry myself to sleep. Please don't call me a whimp, I get annoyed by the smallest things...I often feel alone, out of place, like I will never find anyone who I can talk or relate to. I often stay in my room all day, and I don't feel like I'm good enough for
anything. Girls don't seem to want to date me, even though strangers have made it clear to me that I'm 'good looking' I just often fall into this deep state of emptyness, desperation, and pain.
I don't think my parent can afford a phsycologist, and I can't talk to them about this because I know they won't understand.
I don't know how much more I can take of this.
9 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoGirl Problems? Help please.?
I need some help with girls, I know this question probably isn't going to instantly solve my problem, but here it goes. This may be long.
I just graduated from high-school, I had a girlfriend but we had to go our separate ways because of school, since then and I've turned 19.
But the problem is that, i'm attracted to a small number/specific type of girl, and most of the time those girls already have boyfriends, or they don't want a boyfriend at the moment. Thats how I feel sometimes, like I don't want or have the time to give my attention to someone else. Because, to be honest I do like some alone time, but then there are times where I wish I had a beautiful lady who loves me for who I am, etc.
Another thing, is that i'm afraid of rejection, so most of the time I don't try to put myself in that type of situation, but then later regret it.
There are times when I see a girl in a store or something and just get star-struck by her, but I think about how cheesy she might thing I am for hitting on her in a store, without knowing her at all. I'm the type of guy who gets the know the girl and THEN asks her out, not waiting for the friend-zone of course.
Some of you may say I might be bi, or gay, but no, trust me i'm not.
I'm confused about if i'm even going to find my significant other because of me liking certain types of girls(i'm sorry, I can't force myself to like a girl just because she's a...girl) and me basically being a afraid of rejection.
I get told very often about my looks, and how mature I am and whatnot, so if thats true then why don't girls ask ME out. Could they be.. intimidated or am I too mature for a girl my age? I just really need to figure this out. Also, i've never been the type of guy to go out-of-my-way for something unless I REALLY wanted it, which could be another reason.
So, guys do I take the chance? Do I just 'wait' for 'her'? It's really been bothering me lately...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoHP Laptap making weird noise? Need help.?
Hey, I have a 6 month old HP DV5-1235DX Laptop and the problem is that near the touchpad, where the RAM and CPU is located I hear distinct high pitched buzzing/beeping noise. It does it off and on. So could I have defective RAM or even a defective CPU, I don't know what the problem could be.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoBuzzing/Beeping sound coming from laptop?
Hey, I bought an HP DV5-1235dx about 6 months ago, and it makes this weird beeping noise near the middle/top left area. The fan and RAM are in that area, I thought it was the HD but the noise isn't coming from that area. It has been doing it for a while now, it mainly does it when the computer is idling and it does it sometimes off and on.
To be more descriptive of the sound, it's like a off and on high pitched beeping sound, coming from the fan/RAM area. It really gets annoying...
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoI have a question about a rich preacher in my city?
Ok, I don't know why it's bothering me this much but there is this preacher in the city where I live, and he is super, super rich. He rides around in a $500,000 Maybach and he lives next to the actual church, in a house thats 5X as big with a gate and poll booth and everything, lake etc.
So my question is, how is he able to afford all of this with being a preacher, thats it. Also the church he is a member of is known to give so much money to it...people who can hardly pay their him money so he can live a great lifestyle.
I don't know, is he taking the money for his own use? Or what?
Thanks guys.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago103 degree iPhone 3GS?
Hi, I bought the 32GB black 3GS on release day, and the phone is starting to get really hot, so hot to the point I can't put it up to my face to talk. I don't know if the phone is suppose to get this hot or not, should I call Apple or what...
Here's proof(I uploaded them on my twitter account, sorry) (its my latest tweet)
Thanks guys...
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhy does my laptops fan run 24/7?
It's an HP DV-5 that was bought new about two months ago, and the fan runs loudly the WHOLE time the computer is on. While the laptops still get really warm, I vacuumed and air sprayed the inside. So , what should I do?
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoMy neighbors dog doesn't look like its getting enough of food?
Hey, i've started to notice that my neighbors dog isn't being fed properly. I don't know exactly what type of dog it is, but I know that her ribs, and hips aren't suppose to be showing like they are. I've brought it to my parents attention about what is going on, and they said that the neighbors said they "can't afford" the proper dog food that the previous owner fed the dog when it looked healthy. It really ticks me off when people take on these pets knowing they don't have the finances to match.
So, my question is what should I do, I don't want the dog taken away from them, their kids really like the dog, but I don't want to see the dog die from preventable causes either. So if you were in this situation what would you do?
12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago"Friend" sent me a very interesting text message?
Hey, in this question there are going to be a lot of quotes because i'm really question our friendship.
Alright, yesterday one of my "friends" sent me including some others text messages on our "flaws" as friends. Flaws like we're suppose to be perfect friends, and like the "friend" is perfect. Because she not, like whenever the "friend" wants to hang and I'm not able to she goes on trying to make me or ever can't hang feel bad because we actually have other things to do than nothing. There have been other problems with her including her not talking to me about something that had NOTHING to do with her, but I guess she wanted to jump on the mad bandwagon. But, her text message was received by another person who is no longer her friend because that person did not appreciate being "called out" like she was some type of god who has the right to flaw everyone...
So my question is, should I even attempt to be friends with someone who constantly points out the flaws of everyone else because her MANY MANY insecurities, as everyone can see...I think...
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow do I file a neighborhood complaint?
Ok, my problem is with people parking their crap cars on the side of the street(s), and it is dangerous for both other motorists and the children in the neighborhood. They ALL have perfectly working driveways that are never full(of course by their car(s) being in the street). Sometimes traffic in the neighborhood has to take turns going down the street due to the non-moving cars on the road...
So, how can I file a complaint with the neighborhood or even the police department about this, because something tragic is bound to happen.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoHow do I file a neighborhood complaint?
Ok, my problem is with people parking their crap cars on the side of the street(s), and it is dangerous for both other motorists and the children in the neighborhood. They ALL have perfectly working driveways that are never full(of course by their car(s) being in the street). Sometimes traffic in the neighborhood has to take turns going down the street due to the non-moving cars on the road...
So, how can I file a complaint with the neighborhood or even the police department about this, because something tragic is bound to happen.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago