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I am a mother of four children, and a grandmother of eleven.

  • phone # all 9s means what?

    on my landline caller id i have gotten calls from 9999999999. no message is left. when i try to call back it says invalid #. i havent been home to be able to answer to see who is on other end. does anyone know where the calls can be coming from?

    2 AnswersLand Phones7 years ago
  • i have an iphone 3g s?

    i need to know how to remove a free game from it that i have downloaded from the game center app.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • how to get a mssg to someone who answered a question?

    a physician answered a question i asked on here quite awhile back and he wanted to email me info. i didnt see his answer cuz i wasnt abe to get on the internet for a long time. anyway i didnt see anyway to be able to give him my email address or to reply to him in anyway. so, does anyone know if there is in fact a way to get in contact with the people who answer the questions on here? i dont need to know any info on him, just want to send my info so he can contact me as asked. thanks. oh, also, if i go to his profile it is private. his name is Ask Me!

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • male medical problem?

    my boyfriend is 40 and has had a problem several years. he will get a lower back discomfort, then by next day he gets a pain in groin area and it feels as if someone is pulling up on his testical. we have searched all the web symptom finder sites, none recognize this symptom.

    2 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • i have a math question i need figured out please!?

    if i am driving 390 miles in a car that gets 30 mpg, and the price of gas is $2.85 per gal, then how much money will it cost me in gas to make the trip?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • does anyone know of any toddler having bad side effects from shots?

    I would like to hear from people that have a child, or know someone that has a child that suffered any kind of damage as a result of having their immunizations. i am suspecting some problems my 2 yr old grandson is having is from his 18 month shots. or maybe his 1 yr. even. he used to be able to talk like a normal child till shortly after them, and we can find no other reason for why this is happening. he went from saying many words, to just a few, then now even less, and the ones he does say, they are getting harder for him to pronounce. he is seeing specialists to try and figure this odd thing out. he is not autistic. he has learned some motor skills late, like he never use to point til lately, and he just learned to open doors that twist but he is smart and understands everything that is said to him. he has no problem in that area. if u have any other suggestions as to what may be happening to him, i am all ears. this has got me baffled, and so far nothing from doctor. but would they admit if it were cuz of the shots? i am hoping to get to the bottom of it soon so we can help him before it gets worse. i appreciate your time, and any input that u can give me. even if it is opinions and ideas. it does not have to be something u know to be fact. just trying to investigate all possibilities. thanks again!

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion about people who keep their dogs in crates in their house all day?

    I know some people who have two dogs that are each in their own little travel size dog crate, (it fits them, but the can't move around really.) The dog crates are inside the peoples house, and they do take them out to go potty and stretch, but other than that they are couped up everyday, all day in these things. It just seems mean to me. Is this something that is common? I don't know a whole lot about animals, so i don't know if this hurts, or bugs the dogs, but i would hate that. I am no animal activist person or anything either, i am just curious. Thanks.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • my compurter is acting up. can any one PLEASE help me?

    i have internet through my cable company, (as i do my phone as well as my tv too.) lately whenever i am using internet explorer, it like freezes, and says internet explorer has stopped responding. and if it is responding, it is soooo s l o w that it seems like it isnt working. alot of times it will have a msg box come up saying i have to connect to the internet and it asks me if i want to connect and its like dial up. i think it says broadband. also, whenever i am checking my email, which is yahoo, it will freeze alot. sometimes control alt delete doesnt even work to get it unfroze. if i try to answer an ad like on craigslist, it says it doesnt recognize yahoo. so it wont let me respond. then also periodically while i am on computer doing different things, it will go blank and a blue screen will come up saying something about microsoft windows detected and error so shut down so as not to damage my computer. these r all very frustrating and i have no clue if they r each something different, or all related. i dont know if i have given u enough info to go on. i have a year old gateway pc with windows vista on it, which was not too long ago updated to windows vista ultima. i have an extended warranty with the geek squad on it still, but dont think its a comp fault, is it? if u could even help with an answer to part of my problems i would be so very thankful to u!!!!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Any one know a relief for swollen feet?

    My feet have been swollen for a few weeks now. Some days they dont bother me. But some days they hurt and the pain goes up to my knees. The pain isnt bad, its like that tingly feeling u get when u go to stand up after sitting on your feet a certain way and they go to sleep. Kindof that pins and needles feeling.

    Anyway, i prop my feet up, but this does not help. I called the doc, but it takes forever for them to get back to u. U guys on here r faster to respond. So im hoping at least one of u know something that will make my legs/feet feel better. Thanks.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • do gnats bite? i am told i have to put 20 words here.?

    i have searched the internet, i cannot find the answer. my boyfriend says no, i think yes. my grandson keeps getting bites on him and i have found no misquitos in the house. i havent found any fleas, and we have no animals (not that u have to to get them), and us two adults have not gotten bit.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • my firewall keeps shutting off

    i will set the firewall to on, then pretty soon i notice it is off again. it keeps doing this. does anyone know how i prevent this from happening, and also, how or why is it turning off?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • what is a jb question on here?

    well, i too have finally joined the ranks of the yahoo q&a violators. someone asked something about limiting jb questions on here, and i couldnt answer cuz i dont know what that means. so instead of saying just that, i was a dork and worded it like a question. so alas, i had to put it in the questions section. ah, live and learn. :)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Windows always shuts down on me.?

    I just got a brand new gateway computer with windows vista on it. Every day, more than once, a warning flashes that windows is shutting down cuz it says it has encountered a problem. It says it will find the problem, but it never does. It happens when i am doing different things. And the warning isnt always the exact same thing, but in general. Here is an example: micromedia projector has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Can anyone tell me what it may be and how i may fix it? And if it is a computer problem, internet problem, etc.?

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • none of the free anti spyware that people have suggested on here heal anything. are there any?

    what good does it do for them to tell us what the computers problem is if they dont fix them. are there any programs that heal the parasites that are free? like free anti virus, or free registry cleaner (not just scanner!), and free drive cleaner! PLEASE!

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • every time i try to run a disc cleaner program, the computer shuts off.?

    my computer is warning me there are script errors, etc. i have been trying to run my disc cleaner program, etc., but every time i do, the computer shuts almost immediately after it starts scanning for the errors. also, i am the only one on my computer, (and only one in the home) and my history says i have looked up certain sites, and i know that i definantly did not. can someone tell me what the problem sounds like, and what my options are in taking care of this problem? thank you. i don't know much about computers and i'm desperate.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • i recently got dentures, but i have no idea how to clean them.?

    I know to brush them, but that doesnt remove plaque. Can you use those wire pick things that i used to use on my own teeth, to scrape the plaque off, or does it scratch them?

    8 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • the life expectancy of a termite?

    my boss wants to know how long a termite lives. does any one know, (no guessing please.)

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How long to hummingbirds live?

    I am trying to find out how long a hummingbirds life span is.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago