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Favorite Answers8%
  • I can't get my attachments?

    My Vet has sent me an invoice of my purchases for my cat, I got it in my inbox and says see attachments but I can't excess it, how can I find it? I tried but when I click on attachments nothing happens. I've got other attachments from different places and have no trouble getting them, but this one from the Vet I can't find, anyone know what i can do?

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos7 years ago
  • I need to get an anti virus/security protection,?

    Would like some advice, which I should get, I'm thinking of getting Avast, some tell me to get Norton, I had Avast for free for a little time, now am asked to purchase, would really like a good anti virus protection program, I'm in Canada.

    7 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • I have an AIO 810 printer connected to my Dell laptop, it doesn't work anymore?

    It's connected properly, it always worked but lately it doesn't turn on , when i click the on switch on the printer the light doesn't come on. I even plugged it into a different outlet still the light wouldn't come on. Do i need a new printer? Can ie it be fixed or should I just get a new printer?

    2 AnswersPrinters8 years ago
  • the time on my laptop shows the wrong time?

    how can i change it? It is 3 hours earlier then my time, it shows 10 am when it should be 1 pm. I'm at EST, how do i change it to my correct time zone

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Cat has diabetes, would like some advice please?

    I have just found out 2 weeks ago that my cat has diabetes, she was losing weight so i took her to the vet, she put her on insulin and is doing fine, have to bring her in in 2 weeks for monitoring for the whole day. Does anyone have a diabetic cat? Are there any people foods that are okay to feed her, right now she is eating Perscription Diet MD, wet and dry, any advice would be helpful, I'm so nervous about her, I just hope that I can take care of her properly

    4 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • Free Anti Virus for my laptop?

    What is a good free anti-virus? Does anyone know of a good free anti virus, I heard of Avast, would like the link for it

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Diagnose connection problems?

    every time I go to my computer, I get a Diagnostic Problem saying I'm not connected to the internet but i am, I have tried everything unplugged the modem, replugged it nothing works, I am connected yet am told that I'm not, what more can I do, my computer is 6 yrs. old, is it too old? should I have it repaired or buy a new one?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Where can I buy a Wheeled Cat Carrier?

    I know that I can get one on E-Bay, but I would like to see it in person before buying, I'm living in Toronto, Canada, so does anyone know a pet store or location where I can go and see it before buying? Also has anyone bought one on line and is satisfied with it and what price? Thanks any any information would be greatly appreciated. My cat is just getting too heavy to carry in a regular carrier.

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • why does the avatar that I choose does not appear on my profile?

    I always has a personal avatar on my profile and a picture that I choose appeared my questions and answers, now for the past few weeks it's gone, just some stupid looking image is there. How do I get my chosen picture back, I tried to change it but nothing happens still that silly thing is there.

    2 AnswersUser Profiles1 decade ago
  • How do I reboot my computer without turning it off?

    I was downloading something and it says "please reboot your computer for downloads to be complete" The only way that I know is to turn it off, then turn it on again, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm not very experienced at computer use, so any help will be welcome.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Old Movies?

    There were five movies made involving the Empire State Building, does anyone know the names of them? I can only remember one with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, need to know the others, help anyone, thanks.

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • stumbled on a site by mistake.?

    I was trying to log in on the RachealRay TV Show and a porn site came up. I don't have much experience on these things, now I'm told that my PC is infected, have been trying to clean it up with no success. I'm being told over and over the same things. I've used my PC cleaner and its still there. keeps popping up every couple minutes. Anyone know how I can fix this?

    10 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • I have a recipe for Zucchini bread, makes 2 loafs.?

    It calls for 6 egg whites, I don't have 6 eggs, is there any substitube for the whites, I have 3 eggs, can I use 3 whole eggs instead of 6 whites. Would the loafs come out the same as with only whites? I beleive this recipe is for cutting down on calories and cholestrol, which isn't a problem for me, just that I have these zucchini that need to be used up.and its the loafs that I want to make, not any other zucchini recipe.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I would like my laptop to be wireless,?

    I have a Dell laptop and it is connected to cable, I would like to be able to use it in other rooms of my home. How can I make it wireless because I only have cable connection in one room, and I can't get an internet connection without cable.

    6 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • my cat was diagnosed with diabetes?

    She is on the m/d canned food and since the dry m/d was recalled she getting the w/d dry, she doing okay but isn't losing any weight, she's 20 pounds and needs to lose some wieght. Does anyone know whay M/D and W/D stands for, does it slow down the cats motabulisum?

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • web site for feline care?

    I had a link sent to last week that showed how to "clip cats claw" " how to give cat her pills etc. I can't seem to able to find it again, can any one help me or know of any sites on cat care.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Would like to know of a web site on feline diabetes.?

    My cat has diabetes and I've been reading so many different articials on the subject and would like to know what is the best foods in dry and canned to feed to a diabetic cat. I'm in Ontario Canada. so only canadian products that are available to me. Does anyone have a diabetic cat not requiring any shots only a special diet, right now she's on Hill's M/D, any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • My cat has diabetes?

    I was posting this question earier when I deleted it by mistake, she was first put on insulin, which didn't agree with her, had more blood work done and the vet didn't find any sugar in her blood, took her off insulin and gave me some "Glucotest"urinary glucose detection system, to put in her litter pan to see if the pellrts changed color when she peed on it, now that's been almost 1 year ago and everything is okay with her, she's also on Hill's perscription diet M/D wet, the dry was recalled so got W/D dry, she has symthoms of any diabetes. All this cost me almost $2000.00 including taking a cab with her for the many, many trips to the vet.also didn't get any refund for the insulin & syringes that I had to buy, is it possiable that she was misdiagnoed and never had or has diabetes. I pick up her food at the vet's and no one ever asks about my cat, if she's doing well or not. I'm thinking of getting a second opinion but don't want to put her throught all those painful tests again

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • I just started to post a question and it disappeared?

    Can I find it, I don't want to go throught all that typing again, it was quite a long question about my diabetic cat, don't have the time right now, must go to an appointment, might get a chance later, but would like to find my original question which just suddenly disappeared, can does anyone know how to find it?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do some cats get worms?

    My cat is 9 years old and I've had her since she was about 6 or 7 weeks old. I read many questions about cats having worms, mine has never had that problem, she is strickly an in-door cat, what causes for cats to get worms? is it their food? or what? can some one tell me how cats get worms. Thanks.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago