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mom of 2

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  • How old is Joe supposed to be in the TV series "Under the Dome"?

    Colin Ford looks a lot older to me this year than he did last year. In the book Joe is only 13.

    Maybe the stress of living under the dome has aged him :-)

    4 AnswersDrama7 years ago
  • Why would cause my insulin pen needles not to inject under the skin of my stomach?

    I am Type II diabetic and am using insulin in pen form several times a day. There are areas on my stomach where the needles will go in, but then will refuse to inject the insulin, no matter how hard I push the button. Any thoughts on this?

    I do have a lot of scar tissue on my stomach and abdomen from surgeries. Could that be causing resistance to the needle?

    Or are the needles getting clogged somehow?

    Thanks for your help.

    5 AnswersDiabetes7 years ago
  • Can I use an OPI topcoat over Vinylux polish?

    Will it work OK or not? Thank you.

    1 AnswerMakeup7 years ago
  • How do we break the news to my husband?

    Our 19yo son's girlfriend is pregnant. I have known about it for a couple of weeks because I always said my boys can come to me and tell me anything. Our son didn't want to tell his dad yet because he didn't want to wreck Father's Day. He and his girlfriend wanted to see a doctor and think about what they're going to do. Tonight is the family meeting to tell my husband, and I'm afraid he's going to be really upset. We always said we would try to help the boys with any problems they had - this is the first big problem and my husband is much more conservative than I am.

    Any helpful ideas?

    9 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • When can I expect to be back to "100%" after breast cancer surgery and radiation?

    That's what my boss keeps asking me - when can she expect me to be back to normal? (Whatever normal is.) I had a lumpectomy and re-excision in August and radiation treatments Oct. though Dec. I don't feel that I have my energy and concentration back yet, though I am doing my best. I guess I would like to know when I might be back to normal too.

    4 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • Is there a Sousa march that begins with a long loud bass note, like a tuba or sousaphone?

    It may not be a Sousa march, I'm not sure. But if you know the one I mean, what is the title of it and who was the composer? Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Is it acceptable to politely interrupt someone's long explanation on the phone at work?

    In order to transfer their call to the correct person or extension?

    I am often alone in the office and have other calls to answer, as well as visitors to take care of. Don't want to be rude - just wondering...

    2 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • How do I deal with this?

    I'm going through radiation therapy for breast cancer and still trying to work. People keep saying that at least I'm ONLY having radiation and not chemo (which I agree with) and chemo is SO much worse (also agree). But when they ask how I'm feeling, I don't know how to answer because I am just exhausted. I'm not sleeping, I have a long commute to work, and a boss (woman) who is not understanding. Others here have had much worse cancer and chemo and radiation, and came right back to work, and I think she's comparing me to them. I have another month to go. I can't afford to quit or take a leave of absence.

    I am not sure I can do this - any helpful thoughts?

    3 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Just curious - what is dog shaming?

    I know there are all kinds of pictures online re: dog shaming, but is it a type of training or what? I'm a cat person.

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is it just me, or ...?

    Or does the lead male singer in "Love Shack" by the B52's sound like Steve Martin?

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Tummy bug at work, running a meeting this aft. Help!?

    I took Immodium. Can't go home sick, I'm in charge of the meeting this aft.

    Any helpful hints?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • How long will it take for my lumpectomy swelling to go down completely?

    I had a lumpectomy on Aug. 6 and a re-excision on Aug. 27 to widen the margin. Just wondering how long it will take for the swelling to go down fully. It's my left breast and right now it looks like a "Barbie boob" compared to the right one. Funny, but not really because it's quite noticeable even when I'm dressed.

    Thanks for your replies.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How will I be able to keep my job with breast cancer?

    My boss and others I work with are completely unconcerned and seem to think I can just keep on as if nothing has happened. I am having my second surgery soon, followed by chemo and radiation. My boss is not allowing me any slack when it comes to all the things I normally do for my job. I only work 3 days a week but I have full-time work that must be completed during those 3 days. I have at least an hour commute each way to work. I can't pay the mortgage without my job but I'm worried my boss is going to let me go if my performance slips. Right now I'm tired and stressed and still healing from my first surgery, as well as worrying about upcoming treatments and keeping the house running, etc. As far as I know they are not planning on hiring a temp. or anyone to fill in for me if I should have to miss more work.

    Many caring people have told me that I should only be thinking of myself right now but that's easier said than done. Any thoughts or ideas, especially from other breast cancer patients or survivors? Thank you.

    3 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • How do I tell people about my recent breast cancer diagnosis?

    Who should I tell? Just family, or friends and coworkers also? I don't have much info yet as far as a treatment plan goes, I'm meeting with the doctor this week. After I have the info, there are people who I should tell. Is an email OK or should it be a phone call? Can I choose some people to tell at work and not others?

    I am OK dealing with it as long as I don't have to talk about it too much. Depending on the treatment plan, I may have to miss some work or take a leave, and others will have to fill in for me. I plan to consult with my boss before telling anyone. I'm afraid that people will be coming to me at my desk and asking lots of questions, which will ruin my concentration (which isn't great right now anyway) or make me cry.

    Any thoughts?

    7 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • How do I survive this job?

    I know I should be grateful to be working, and I am, but right now I am so close to quitting. I'm only working for the money. Everyone here makes it so hard. I know I sound whiny. I'm exhausted and discouraged. Any helpful ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • What to do about a coworker who is always unreachable or behind schedule?

    I work with someone who is always late with information I need to do my job on time. He doesn't return his calls or emails and is sometimes MIA so I can't reach him at all. He is above me in the pecking order in our office so I can't confront him about it. He has made me late several times recently with work I have to get finished on deadline, because I'm waiting for him to get back to me. I am not supposed to work overtime and I can't let my boss find out that I sometimes have to work for free when this guy makes me late. The work still has to get done on time so I do what I have to. Sometimes I just make a decision without his input and sometimes that works, but sometimes I make a mistake because of it and then get yelled at by my boss. She knows about this guy too, everyone does, but her attitude is "deal with it".

    Any thoughts?

  • Is it possible to get dizzy just from being very tired?

    I've been working a lot and haven't been able sleeping very well lately. Occasionally I have a slight dizzy spell.

    Thanks for your answers.

    7 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • My co-worker is driving me crazy lately.?

    She keeps interrupting me, repeating herself, "thinking out loud", and insanely over-analysing everything. I can't work like this. I lose my train of thought every time she does it and I have to start over with what I was doing.

    There's no one in the office right now except the two of us. One of the projects we're working on is somewhat complicated and we weren't left with enough info to answer phone/email questions about it. There is no one to ask at the moment.

    But I don't know any more than my co-worker does and I can't focus on my part of it (plus all my other work) with her behaving the way she is.

    Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago