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  • how do I deal with my mom ?

    I had a nasty divorse after 11 years of marriage I had to move back into my parents with my two young kids plus my two dogs we my mom and me both are under alot of stress Iam not happy that Iam living in my parents and Iam under alot of stress and so is my mom from her job my ex husband does not pay the child support on time so I had to report him to the child support divion in the state of Nv I have hormonal problem witch I loose my temper due to my hormones be unbalanced and iam under a lot of stress because in the last 13 months my life was turn upside down Iam angry stress and unhappy and depress Iam full time single mother of two young kids and angry that I can not afford to get my own apt because I stay home and j don't make enough money to afford the rent with my kids full time both kids are in school part time funded by the state and both my parents work full time I dong have a social life to busy with my kids I don't have a boyfriend I'm to busy to date Iam depress even tho I take meds it does not help me . what can I do I need help I do see a therapist but it does not help

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • 2.5 year child with behavor problems?

    in the begining my husband and i were foster parents in 2012 then we we got call for a newborn born on nov 5 2012 she was a meth baby weighing at 4.8 born at 37 weeks we had till she was 8 months old then went back then she came back to us at 10 months because the biolocal parents relaps on drugs and domestic vilence in the house. so the socal worker said if you want the baby back her sister would have to go with her because her previouse foster mom did not want her and she needed to be with her baby sister. we did not know the older child all that well except thru visitation at child haven were the kids visit and see there parents once a week for an hour. so of course in our hearts we said yes because we did not want to loose the baby again even tho its only foster care but it will lead to adoption pretty soon. so we got both girls in foster care born 13 months apart both born subsence the baby was born on meth and the older child was born on oxycotten and pot those two were luck to come normal from the outside of there features. so on sep 9 last year we had both girls in our house for foster care and then on april 10 2014 we adopted them both. it was a happy moment at that time but i dont think we knew what we were getting our selves into. we did not know the older child all that well and as we got to now her it was quit ovious she has behavor issiues and does not listen due to being now 5 different foster homes . now how do i deal with the older one who gives me stress!!!!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • how can I get my female boxer to gain weight?

    my boxer is 7 she has always been a picky eater I feed her wellness simple solutions grain free turkey and potato dry plus wet and she won't eat twice in a day maybe once every other day she will eat . I don't give her any table food nor any Treats that r over the counter if she would eat more than she would have some meat on her body she is trim but not to we're u can see her ribs I have taken her to her vet and the Vet said she is healthy just picky . what do think could help her put some weight on. ?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • were can i get just the ovulation test?

    i bought my first month as a kit and it came with 7 tests and i have two left for next month if i don't get my cycle for july i already have the digital were you stick the test in all i need is more of the test any ideas i have the clear blue easy ovulation test kit i just need more of the test

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • what is the best high protein low carb shake to help me loose weight?

    i am a female i need to lose 15 pounds

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • how come my breast just started to hurt the day before i get my cycle not two weeks pror?

    i did have unprotected sex on my fertile and when i ovulated and i usually y have breast pain a week prior to my cycle starting and this time it did not happened till yesterday. my last cycle was december 15 iam usually every 32 days i usually will spot old blood the day of or the day before my cycle starts. and iam supposed to start today with my cycle and so far nothing only breast pain. what do you think ?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • is there a pill or supplment to help increase my boxers appitite?

    she is very picky i have warm up her can food mix in with kibble every morning and every night she will eat about once every other day. not alot at one time maybe a cup of dry and a two tablespoons of the wet and still have plenty of left over. i feed her the wellness simple Solutions turkey and potato grain free i just switch about a two weeks ago because she got bord with the old food. she has always been this way since i had her at 7 weeks old and she is 5 years old now going on 6 in may of this year. i don't giver any table food or treats because of her allergies and sensitive tummy. i walk her alot to get her appetite going and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. what have you tried to increase your boxers appetite with out putting them on prednisone ?

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • will my 7 week old baby ever like her bassinet and get over her colicky?

    she is colicky,gassy and she was born at 37 weeks on nov 5 her routine tats at 6pm and it goes on till almost 10 pm to 10:45 every night. she still has the colicky and gassy during the day but not as bad. i have tried everything to give her needs met i even tried a warm bath nothing works. i burp her in between feeding and thay big ones all the time. she has loud big farts that helps a little she has hiccups after she eats her stools are now a mustard color but Liquid before thay were a green color and Liquid. what her dr recommends did not work some mylacone drops and baby rice i Feed her her the simulac sensitive for fussiness and gas the orange can. she will spit every now and then when she drinks to fast and its not a little its almost the 3 oz she drinks. she has her ywo month check up next month on jan 11 i will ask her dr what i should do. what do you think ? what has work for you for your babies problems

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • how many stamps would i need to be $8.10?

    iam mailing a med box to losangeles from north las vegas nevada the weight is 4pounds and 2 0z

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • picky dog does not want to eat her dog food?

    i have a 5 year female boxer and this has happened before she has not wanted to eat her food for three days now i feed her wellness simple soutions lamb and oatmeal wet plus dry but when iam makeing breakfeast she shows alot of intrest in my food. i dont give her any table scraps because i know its not good for them. i give her the nuvet supplement for her alligies and skin problems. i am just wondering why does she doing this were she goes in spurst of some days she eats and other days she rather not eat what do you think

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • how to help a fussy baby at night?

    she has colic and gassy ,she is going thru with draw from meth that her mom took while preg mom had no prenatal care or vitamins she did not know how far along she was when she new she was preg. she is 29 days old and i got her when she was 2 days old she was born at 37 weeks just under 5 pounds then now she is over 6 pounds since i have been fostering her. she was feed, change diaper burp and swallowed she just keeps crying and i don't know what else to do and what else can i do to help her and her crying . what can i d o to relax her ?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • what does it mean when you are really moist down there after your cycle ends?

    my last cycle was nov 15 iam every 32 days and i had unprotected sex on nov 23 nov 24 and nov 27 so far but on nov 27 the lubrication was from my own body and was a lot what does that mean ?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • what happeneds to your body when you eat any fast food once a week?

    my husband is aready over weight and his tryglisorides is at 220 we are in a weight loss group but i dont think he takes it seriouly and i am concern... for me i do take it seriouly he is 5"8 large bone and stocky he is currently weight 216 he needs to be at least 190 and most of his weight is in his gut plus other places. i try to support him and let him know thats not the best choise for healthy eating just last night he went to burger king and ate the double wopper with cheese combo with large fries and a med coke minus the mayo,the pickes, and lettce. and i wanted to save money. so i said i rather go home and make a healthy dinner and he tells i can help it i want something bad. thats were i get frusterated. my husband is 44 and iam 39 heart problems runs in both our familys and so do the tryglisoreds. any advised what to do ? as for me iam 5"5 med bone and at 150

    Diet & Fitness9 years ago
  • how do i get a copy of my 2011 tax return with out paying a fee ?

    i wanted to know whats the best way .

    3 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • is it normal to have lower adomial pain every morining before you poop?

    this been going on for quit some time every morning after i eat breakfast i would get this really sharp pain in my lower adomial area before i would poop it would hurt so bad that i some times scream ouch ! then once i poop the pain would go away as if nothing ever happened and this happeneds every morning. i have gone to my md and there was really nothing thay could do for me thay said eat more fiber and i did i drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and i eat very healthy i stay away from junk and fast food i eat high fiber food and whole grains i stay away from the enrich white flour and stick with the whole grain foods i drink soy milk because iam lactose intolerant i eat raw vegies all the time i also eat raw un salted and un roasted nuts and i take my omegas fatty supplements every day so what do you think why i get this pain ? and i don't drink any soda and that includes diet. i eat fresh fruits as well.

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • why would a medical asst ask me when my last cycle was?

    my last cycle was july 10 and today is july 23 the medical asst said that was 9 days ago i had blood work done on the 19 and that also in cluded a urinalysis and checking my triglyceride and etc... i don't think i have a bladder infec. because i don't have any pain when iam going to bathroom and it does not hurt to go pee. i did have unprotected sex on july 21 and now iam wondering what was found in the urine and the blood work. i did loose over ten pounds in the two months to help lower my triglyceride. what do you think.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • what would be the best cage for a teddy bear hamster ?

    i am planning on getting a teddy bear hamster in about a month what kind of cage would be the best and enough room ?

    6 AnswersRodents9 years ago