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Chinese Lantern Plant?
I have just bought a physalis alkekengi (Chinese lantern). I have heard that it can be grown indoors as a houseplant. Is this true? I live in Vancouver, Canada. I can't seem to find much info on indoor growing on the net. If it is possible to grow it indoors, I would appreciate any information I can get. It is so beautiful--I don't want to kill it!
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade agoAny info re: shamrock plants?
Hi there! I just got a shamrock plant and did some reading up on it. Apparently, there is a dormant season when the leaves yellow. You're supposed to stop watering and leave it in a cool dry place for a couple of months. I read that the dormant season is in winter--is this true? Or can it happen anytime? Does anyone have any more info about this adorable little plant? Thanks very much!
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade agoAnother hibiscus question?
Hello, folks--me again!! I got my hibiscus about a month ago. One bloom was open when I bought it. There are several buds on it--3 have fallen off. There is one bloom which looks as if it is about to bloom very soon, but it's been quite awhile, and it hasn't opened yet--is there something I should be doing? By the way, my plant has dark, shiny green leaves.
8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoA question about a jade plant?
I have a two year-old red-tipped jade plant. It has never flowered. I was wondering if anyone out there has a few helpful hints as to how I can help bring this about. Thanks, folks!
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoA question about hibiscus?
I just bought a hibiscus--I learned that they need sun, but all I really have is a south-facing window. I am sure that is okay during the winter months, but in the summer, could I put it under lights? Or can I skip the natural sun, and keep it under artificial lights all year round?
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhy, or why do people have to post questions in the wrong category?
I know this is a silly question, and sometimes in posting a certain question, it is difficult to find the exact category. However, when people post beauty advice questions in the Royalty category, and other stupid things, this drives me crazy! Now, let's see if I post this one appropriately!!
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoA question for non-Canadians?
For those of you who are not Canadian, can you tell us something about your perceptions of this country?
11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoWill Sean Michaels return to the ring, and if so, when?
8 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWhen will the Undertaker return?
9 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoIs this normal?
This morning, my 9 month old cat through up. At first, I thought he had eaten too much. He wouldn't eat for awhile, even though he kept going to his dish. Then, after awhile, he started eating and drinking. What is concerning me is this behaviour: he was sitting looking outside, and he saw a bug or something. He was reaching for it, and while he was doing so, his jaws started clacking together. Is this normal? It seemed like he had no control over it. Don't worry, I have made an appointment for the vet this afternoon, but I wanted to see if anyone out there has an idea about this.
17 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhy can't we rate questions anymore?
Does anyone else feel that way? I come across some really bad questions, and my only option is whether to star them or not. I would like be able to rate questions just like we rate answers again. Who's with me on this one?
4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoWho thinks the Princes in the Tower were murdered?
There has been speculation for centuries. Most historians believe that Richard the Third had his young nephews murdered. Not long after, a young man claiming to be Richard Plantagenet came on the scene. History says he was actually Perkin Warbeck--an imposter. What do you think?
3 AnswersHistory1 decade agoWill Big Show ever return?
Has Big Show retired permanently, or will he come back one day?
14 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoWho thinks DX will be re-united?
Do you think DX will be a team again after Triple H gets back from his injury? When is he due to return?
18 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoIf you could pick a wrestling match, who would the wrestlers be?
If you were GM of Raw, Smackdown, and ECW, and you could pick one match between anyone in those forums, who would your two wrestlers be?
20 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoDo you have any allergies?
I have a bad reaction to codeine. Tell me your story!
12 AnswersAllergies1 decade agoWho in this world would you most like to have an affair with?
Sorry, guys. New Year's Eve, and I'm feeling a little naughty tonight!!
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoPerson you want to meet?
I've asked this question before, but I was so intrigued by some of the answers, I hope to see more interesesting answers if I re-post it. If you could meet anyone in history or the present, living or dead, who would it be, and what would you talk about?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWho hates their ex?
Humour me, guys. I just got off the phone with my ex, and we had a nasty argument. I need to scream somewhere. Might as well scream out in cyberspace. My ex is a f%$^&n, c*o*c*k sucking p*r*i*c*k. Now, who out there hates their ex???
21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago