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  • Good "I slept with your ex" songs?

    Ok, so this girl I know broke up with her boyfriend about a month ago, because he was semi abusive. He rarely ever hit her, but he would constantly put her down and insult her. So she broke up with him after getting some encouragement from my best friend. Both my friend, and this girl were sexually active before this, so they started having sex because the ex was never good in bed, and even newly single, she still had her needs. It turns out that one of this girl's fantasies was to be DP'd in a three way. That is where I come in. My friend arranged a meeting, we met up, and had a three way.

    So now the ex is trying to be a stalker, and win her back and junk. She doesn't want him back. She has made it clear that she is content sleeping with my friend and I, and that;s all she needs both sexually, and romantically (as I act as a boyfriend-ish character. The benefits of a boyfriend, while remaining single just in case nice guy to be a real boyfriend comes along)

    I'm a jerk, I really am. I would love to rub it in that she wants me and my pal over him, and we're better than him in bed. So it would be awesome to just kinda walk up to him and play a song that rubs it in his abusive face.

    Does anybody know of any good songs for this?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what is a good USB capture card for recording video games with a decent price?

    I would like to record Let's Play videos and game reveiws. I will mostly be recording playstation and playstation 2 games from my PS2. Althrough I may do a few Xbox 360 games. I am using a laptop so it must be USB. It does not have to be the greatest quality recordings, but I would rather it be decent quality. A decent price would be nice as well.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons10 years ago
  • What is the name of this movie?? *contains spoilers*?

    I cant remember the name of this movie. Here is what I remember from it. If you know the movie, could you tell me the name?

    A couple stay at this lake for their anniversary or something like that. They get harrassed by this group of teenagers with a dog. Their car winds up getting stolen by the teenagers, so the husband goes to retreive it. A fight or something takes place and the group's dog ends up killed. The distrought owner of the dog surrenders the keys to they car and tells the couple to leave. The group then stalks and terrorises the couple. Eventually, the husband gets captured and tortured by the group while they record it with a cell phone. A bunch of other stuff that I cannot recall happens. The husband sends his wife out to find a clinic because he is bleeding to death. During her search, she runs into this kid they apparently met earlier in the movie, probably before I started watching it. The kids said he was waiting for his mom to pick him up, and he starts playing with his cell phone. When asked if he gets a signal, he claims he is just playing a game. Not too long after that, the group of teens shows up. It turns out the forced to boy to find her and tell them when he did, that is what he was really doing on his phone. The wife finds herself tied up by her husband, who had already bled to death waiting, and was dead. The teens set his corpse on fire, and asked him if he was warm. The wife manages to escape, and the group kills the boy by setting him on fire. The wife then arms herself with some broken glass, and kills some of the teens. She eventually finds herself at a house where some sort of party is going on. Some stuff is said, and it turns out that the people at the party are the parents of the group of teens. The parents discover that some of their kids were dead. And one of the kids returns home. He is hit by his father, and he goes upstairs. The wife is dragged into a bathroom and killed. The kid is shown deleting the torture video.

    3 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Way to use laptop as a display for desktop?

    My laptop does work, but not in its current state. I need to purchase a new hard drive and such. Right now II think i'm better off just using old desktop.

    However, I dont have a lot of space in my bedroom. The desktop is sitting in front of my dresser, and the VGA monitor is on top of the dresser. The dresser in in my closet and I do not enjoy the current setup.

    My laptop is in front of my tv, on a table right next to the desktop. I would say the laptop is about 4 feet from the desktop.

    It would be nice if I can connect the desktop to the semi functional laptop, and use the laptop as a display.

    is this possible?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • question about downloading a CD I own? have edited, download unedited.?

    Ok. So I know it is LEGAL to make backup copy's of stuff (movies, games, etc.) that I bought and own.

    But say I have a CD. I have the edited version of the CD with all the swearing and other inapropriate content removed. My mom bought it for me when I was a kid because she thought I was too young for that. But now I am almost 17 and now mom is ok with me listening to the unsensored music.

    So, rather then going out re-purchasing the un-edited version of the CD (if I can even find it in stores that is.) would it be legal if I just downloaded the un-edited version from limewire or piratebay for free since I already own the edited version?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • make a picture transparant?

    I would like to take a picture (its an icon not a real photograph) and make it transparent.

    I am making a skin for my R4DS and I want the icons on the touch screen to be transparent so that the backround can be seen.

    Is there a way to do this?

    I have photoshop CS5 and paint.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Connect a non wireless desktop to wireless network via laptop?

    I will soon be moving to a new home.

    This home has a wireless network, but my desktop computer has no wireless adapter, and room is nowhere near the wireless router.

    I have a 100ft ethernet cable that i currently use to enable internet access on my desktop.

    IS there a way to use the ethernet cable to enable access to the internet (i dont care about the rest of the network) on my desktop via my laptop's built in wireless card?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Litter training a kitten?

    The guy my mom and I live with just got a cat from his friends daughter.

    The kitten it two months old. I was reading about litter training kittens and it said to place the kitten in the litter box and let him explore.

    well when he was acting like he had to use the box (i learned about that from my uncles dog) I placed the kitten in and he went. He then buried his droppings and stepped out of the box.

    Does he need to be monitored more or is he fine?

    I am unsure if the friends daughter was working on training the kittens if that question come up.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Speed up a divorce (read details)?

    My mother's boyfriend is currently going through a divorce. The divorce was supposed to be finished back in January, But for some reason, his soon to be ex-wife is sitting on the divorce, stalling it as long as possible. (probably because as soon as she moves out of his house, my mom and I are moving in)

    Anyway, it is a do it yourself divorce, and the papers are completed. but ex-wife wont file them. She says she will give them to mom's boyfriend IF (my mom didnt tell the what IF was)

    Point being This stalled divorce is becoming very frustrating to both my mom and I.

    I was wondering if there was anything my mom and her boyfriend could do to speed up this divorce?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Headphone device for old tv?

    I have an older tv. It only has one speaker. There is a headphone port. When I plug my headphones into the port, I only get sound from one side. I expected this because it only has one speaker. However, my mother makes me keep my tv and video games in the living room where the guy that owns the apartment we live in watches tv. (we live with him) Of course I dont like fighting him over tv volumes so i have tried to use my headphones. but because i only get audio on one side i can hear his tv pretty clearly from the side that has no audio.

    Is there a device that allows me to get audio from both sides of the headphones. Right now I have a Y-adapter in the white hole of the A/V socket (it lacks red) and then I have the red and white plugs in the two holes provided by the Y-adapter. This allows me to hear the audio channel provided by the red connecter from the one speaker.

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Temporarily turn off my routers encryption?

    My wireless router (linksys wireless N broadband) is secured with WPA/WPA 2.

    My Nintendo DS Lite does not support WPA.

    I would like to play online with my DS.

    Is there a quick and easy way to switch my WPA on and off without having to reset it?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • msguard.exe infection?

    when ever i try to run a program i see a popup (contained in the photobucket link)

    it also shows up in task manager processes tab by the name of msguard.exe

    i managed to close the process through task manager and the program doesnt seem to launch after closing it (i just tested it by pressing ctrl alt del where the program launched everytime i pressed those buttons)

    i ran a full computer scan with comcast mcafee and super anti spyware free.

    neither came up with any results other than tracking cookies.

    i have not restarted my computer since getting infected and i am now scared to (for fear full effects of the infection will kick in after reset)

    Is this removable?

    If there is any knowledge on this infection, what does it do? (other than bug me with the no disc popup)

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Opitarc DL DVD writer wont read audio CDs?

    The Opitarc DL DVD writer built into my laptop refuses to read audio CDs.

    I tried to rip a Cd i borrowed from my local library (it was factory pressed, an original) and in my computer my DVD drive popped up with the Audio Cd thing. However every disc i put in (blank, written, factory pressed ect.) my computer tells me how much space is on the disc. my computer tells me 0 bytes out of 0 bytes. when i double clicked the audio cd it told me windows could not access the device/path specified.

    I even tried an original cd that I own and it didnt work.

    i then put in a audio cd that i had burned to cd-r. same thing.

    I wondered if my drive went bad so i tried a blank cd-r. it was ok. i then tried a cd-r with data writen to it and it worked.

    I tried some original DVDs and those worked fine. I have no burned DVDs that my computer would read (computers cant read burned wii games) so i couldnt test dvd-r.

    I tested a Samsung slim external USB DL DVD writer and it game me the same thing as my internal drive. So i dint really think its the drive. (but there is that possibility.)

    Help please?


    If it helps at all I am running Windows 7 home premium 64-bit version.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • girl that i really like already has a boyfriend. do i tell her how i feel?

    just today i found that the girl i really like has a boyfriend already. i am hoplessly bad with romance, and therefore haven a clue what i should do next. (exept to sit here, wondering what to do next of course) should i tell her how i feel? should i even bother trying to keep a friendship going with her? as of right now i am unsure of how comfortable i would be remaing friends with her considering my feelings for her. i really fell for this girl and i would like her to know how i feel. i just dont know if i should. i dont want it to ruin our friendship.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ethernet is gone after using a system restore point?

    I could not start my laptop in normal mode or in safemode with networking instead i just got a blue screen and then the computer reset itself. Safe mode without networking DID work though.

    I used the recovery disc I made when I got the laptop and I used a restore point that was made automaticly at the beginning of this month (when I installed a game) to fix the solution.

    Now my laptop boots up fine in normal mode. however, I cannot seem to connect to my internet connection via the ethernet cable I use when playing online games. But i CAN connect to the internet via my wireless router. So it seems that my ethernet driver was uninstalled or something.

    What can I do to fix this?

    My laptop is an Acer Aspire notebook. windows 7.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Cannot connect DS Lite to wireless router?

    My router is a Linksys wireless-G broadband router 2.4GHz 802.11g with speed booster. It is unsecured because I live in a nearly secluded area and have no need for encryption.

    My desktop is connected to an ethernet port on the back of the router.

    My DS sees the router and knows it is unsecured, but when it goes to do a connection test, it will not connect.

    I get error code 51300 and it says the following:

    "Unable to connect to an access point. Confirm Nintendo WFC connection settings and access point settings"

    The router is pretty old (at least 4 years) and is covered in dust. If that means anything.

    What can i do to fix this?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Two questions about cochlear implants?

    My first question is, do I have to be deaf or hard of hearing to be allowed to have one implanted?

    Second, are there any implants, or at least an add-on, that will allow me to use it as a two way radio (like a walkie talkie) just like in the splinter cell games?

    I do not plan on getting one, or using it as a two way radio, I am just curious.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Fake shipping address?

    How can I make a fake address that people can send stuff to me?

    Here is how i would like it:

    1.Person sends me something in the mail and writes down the fake address/

    2.Mail people see it is a fake address and send it to corresponding real address/

    3.I receive my item at my real address.

    This way when i have stuff sent to me, the sender dont know my real home address.

    3 AnswersYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • Is this against the megaupload rewards rules?

    Would a website where members can post links to files uploaded to megaupload and other members can download them be against the rules for the rewards?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago