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  • Who gains from email forwards?

    You know all those email forwards that go around? "90% of people won't forward this..." messages, and those Facebook messages where they say copy and paste this into your window etc..., keep it going, keep it going?

    I am convinced that somebody somewhere is gaining, either financially or through some other means, by doing this. Am I just being cynical and mistrusting? I don't think so. Somebody is trying to manipulate me by suggesting that, for example, if I don't forward this message I don't care about cancer. Why are they trying to manipulate me?

    Does anyone have any theories/knowledge on this?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Native French Speakers? Easy question for you.?

    My French isn't bad but I just want to be sure that I'm not directly translating from English. Would a native French speaker (from France, not Quebec) refer to someone's language skills as 'pas mal'?

    Thank you for your help. :)

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • To all Americans, have you heard of the Frontier?

    I know an American (I'm Canadian) who claims to have never heard of the Frontier. Is this an anomaly or is it true that this is not a term Americans use/used to describe the area of the Wild West. The frontier being the line at which the west was settled...?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Which title do you prefer?

    Which title grabs your attention most? Which title would make you pick up the book and look at it?

    The Wine of Iniquity

    The Daughter of Herodias

    The Girl who Danced for the King

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Can you do Miami without a car?

    A friend and I are thinking of spending a few days in Miami. Is it a 'driving' city? Would not having a car be a pain?

    1 AnswerMiami8 years ago
  • Any fluent Serbian speakers?

    Hi there,

    This is for a novel I'm writing. Does 'Lud sam za tobom" mean "I'm crazy about you?" How about "You are beautiful?" Is it "Ti si pred....?" Help?

    Much appreciated.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Can refrigerated champagne go bad?

    I have had a bottle of Asti/Martini (?) champagne in my fridge for like 10 years. It's never been opened. (Guess I never had anything to celebrate.) Will it be safe to serve? (I've seen other questions and people say champagne unopened won't go bad, but it's been in and out of the fridge (I've even moved houses since I've had it!). What do you think?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Is there a correct spelling of Catherine/Kathryn Howard?

    I probably need a really history buff to answer this, but Kathryn Howard (one of the wives executed by Henry the Eighth) is sometimes spelled Kathryn or Katherine or Catherine. Is there one spelling that is considered correct? Different websites show different spellings. Wikipedia seems content with Catherine, other websites spell it Kathryn or even Katherine. Help...

    5 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Can someone reassure me that I made the right decision?

    Though it's not my choice, my husband and I are separating. He's bought a new house around the corner from our current house. I have travel plans to go to Ireland for a week for work later this week.

    Initially we thought we would tell our children (7 and 9) about the separation when I returned, but they have been asking questions and we thought it best not to lie to them. So we sat down together and told them what was going to happen. I'm satisfied that we told them the best way we could, without blaming or emotion (ie tears or anger). My youngest seemed totally fine with the news and was even excited about Daddy's new house. My older son cried and we hugged for about ten minutes. Initially he wanted nothing to do with the new house but I encouraged him to walk by it with me and then he even went over with his dad to look inside at where their new rooms would be.

    My concern now is that I'm leaving for a week and a half only two days after we told them this news. I have been a constant presence in their lives as their primary caregiver, but I worry that me going away is some sort of a symbolic message to them. I know their processing of this news will take its time coming out and I'm worried about not being there for them, though as angry as I am with their father for doing this to us, I do trust him to talk to my children about this in the most positive way possible. I guess I'm just feeling guilty and sad and looking for some reassurance. Anyone been in a similar situation?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Is MOBI and PDF compatible with Nooks?

    I have a task to send out either MOBI or PDF versions of an e-book to some book reviewers. Some reviewers have asked for Nook Format or EPUB format. I have only MOBI and PDF. Are those reviewers out of luck or is MOBI or PDF compatible with Nook and EPUB?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Which subject does 'her' modify?

    In the following sentence, which woman does 'her' modify? (Note, this is not homework but something I'm writing.)

    "Rachel Romano’s cheap perfume mingles with the aroma of Judith’s seared tuna steak, making her head pound."

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Musical movie from 1940s starring Ava Gardner?

    Hi. A few weeks back I was watching Turner Classic Movies and watched a bit of a musical (I'm guessing from the 40s though it was in technicolour) with I'm sure Ava Gardner and a man with very dark hair and very dark eyebrows. The plot is basically Ava Gardner's character is famous singer/actress and she steals a song that a country-bumpkin stage performer used. He discovers it and becomes the writer for all the songs in her upcoming plays and a romance blossoms. I can't find it listed on Ava Gardner's Filmography. Perhaps I've got the wrong actress, but I really don't think so. What I really want is the name of the actor. Can anyone help?

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Do crane fly larvae eat clover roots?

    Our lawn is pretty infested with crane fly larvae (last year, and this spring I can see lots of damage to the point that there's no grass at all in very large sections). (My neighbours had their whole lawn replanted and pesticides put on it last year to try to control the issue, but I don't support the use of pesticides on lawns.) I've learned that the larva eats the roots of the grass. I was thinking about planting clover seed all over my lawn (as an alternative to grass) but wondered if the crane fly larva would eat clover roots as well. I couldn't find any information on line and wondered if anyone here knew.


    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Users of Google+: Can you explain to me what +1 means?

    I've just joined Google+ and am slowly figuring out it's intricacies, but I can't figure out what the red +1 button does. Is it like a "LIKE" button?

    3 AnswersGoogle8 years ago
  • Do you and your spouse still have a spark?

    After 12 years of marriage, (and almost 20 years together as a couple), my husband and I still love each other very much. We still have great sex. Mentally and emotionally, we are perfectly connected. But you know those butterflies you used to get when you were young and just in love? Do you still get those with your spouse? Is it normal to not feel that exciting electricity? Does that mean you're no longer really and truly in love?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What do you do when a wedding gift is unwanted...?

    For my brother-in-law's wedding, my husband and I gave him and his new wife his and her Swiss Army Watches. Admittedly it was a bit of a rash decision on our part. We were at a silent auction and my husband thought it was a good idea, so we bid on them and got them. The symbolism of being in sync and all was kind of sweet, we thought, and even if watches aren't really so stylish, they are still really nice watches.

    So a week or so after the wedding they send us an email saying they're beautiful watches but they really don't wear watches. Could we return them and they could choose something else, they asked.

    I responded that we couldn't actually return them as they were from a silent auction, however, I gave them a list of things they might do with them, trying to be funny and make light of what I saw as an awkward situation. (Save them for your kids, turn them into Christmas decorations, regift them etc...)

    I never got a response. We've been in touch since then but they've never said another word about it. Should I have just said I'd take the watches back and just kept them for ourselves? Do you think they took my response as b*tchy? What do you make of this whole situation?

    5 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • For a story... how could you kill someone and make it look like an accident?

    This is for a story I'm writing. Can anyone give me some ideas of ways to kill someone to make it look like an accident? Gas leak? Car accident? I'm drawing a blank. Help?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Can anyone help with making a shiva call?

    My sons' good friend just lost her grandfather. They will be sitting shiva for three days. We are not Jewish but we'd like to go to express our condolences. Because we live three hours away and my sons haven't seen the little girl in several months, would it be appropriate for them to stay for a little while? Would she be able to play with them for a bit or does 'shiva' require her to stay seated and just speak quietly with them? They are not orthodox Jews by any means.

    Also, is appropriate to send flowers?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago