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  • Golf at Niagara falls NY what is best?

    Hey my family and myself are going to Niagara falls , We have TONS of things planned we are camping on the American side and visiting the Canadian side 2 days ( so back and forth). the second day we are there Dad and I would love to play 9 holes of Golf, I know there is TONS of places but i am a beginner golfer and we need a cart, i was wondering a pretty course for us that is not no 30.00 a person, Also on friday night we will be at Canadian side from 9 am -12am, we want to watch the fireworks over the falls, I know there is a indoor glow in dark mini golf there, That looked cool it is cool? I want to do some shopping but not a lot we will also need to eat supper, i do not want a 20.00 a piece dinner but some like Denny's or Fridays is my taste, our days are FULL!!! but one more thing has anyone seen Niagara Fury show? how is it we plan to go, is it has they saw? please let me know


    2 AnswersNiagara Falls1 decade ago
  • Golf at Niagara falls NY what is best?

    Hey my family and myself are going to Niagara falls , We have TONS of things planned we are camping on the American side and visiting the Canadian side 2 days ( so back and forth). the second day we are there Dad and I would love to play 9 holes of Golf, I know there is TONS of places but i am a beginner golfer and we need a cart, i was wondering a pretty course for us that is not no 30.00 a person, Also on friday night we will be at Canadian side from 9 am -12am, we want to watch the fireworks over the falls, I know there is a indoor glow in dark mini golf there, That looked cool it is cool? I want to do some shopping but not a lot we will also need to eat supper, i do not want a 20.00 a piece dinner but some like Denny's or Fridays is my taste, our days are FULL!!! but one more thing has anyone seen Niagara Fury show? how is it we plan to go, is it has they saw? please let me know


    1 AnswerNiagara Falls1 decade ago
  • Need advice menopause please?

    Hey all,

    I am going through really weird changes in my life now actually my body, her eis some of the changes"


    over whelmed

    mad easy

    anti men ( thank god not married)

    lose focus at time

    can sleep but lighter then before

    feeling blah

    it is like get out of my way

    i was told with my body language it is like i am attacking but i do not see it

    hot flashs it can be 50 degrees outside I am hot that comes and goes

    i am more thirsty because of hot flashs

    Do not eat as much as i use to

    that is some

    my mom thinks either going into menopause or premenopause state. I do not know what it is..

    If you think it is can you help me give me tips how to survive and help my family surive becasue right now i am a witch and cannot stoop it

    please help


    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can I help the toads?

    I always knew we had little tiny frogs in our yard, but i water my bushes in the front yard and we have been having VERY hot heat, I moved the sprinkler ( stand one) i noticed this toad sitting there, just letting the water him, as i went from one spot to another i noticed more wanted the water, so i let the water run a good deal for them. there was about 6 or 7, My question is does anyone know how i can get them water, besides running the sprinkler something they can have when need, like a toad bath ? I know where they are living and they are smart living under our porch, but is there such a thing as a toad bath, my uncle thinks i am out of my mind helping them like this, but it is very hot and They were obviously hot to be sitting like that. We have no pond at all, we have a water fountain on front porch only. we have no space for others. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How work out in pool?

    I went to the Ymca today first time working out in pool, WOW I am so sore!! they have kick board and those tube things and other things.. I got scared i went to do one lap but i got into the deep end was scared i may not make it back i pushed myself to do it. So the deepest i am going is 5ft. but can anyone give me ideas on workout, i was only in pool for only 15 minutes I did not use the stuff they had i am not sure how to... please does anyone know a gentle workout, i am totally out of shape. thanks

    2 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • Hey all, I need music ( Christian) to workout with?

    I am starting to workout at the YMCA I need slow Christian music for my stretching, and i need some to start walking then i got in fast mode ( which i have music for that) then i work on machines and i think i have moderate music not sure lol ( i am new to this can you tell) lol then slow to cool down and stretch please i really need to do this by tomorrow! nothing like waiting until last minute lol!! I also need advice on stretching before workout and cool down.. I rather no hymns,, nothing against them.. just i feel they be to slow for me. so any christian songs suggestions and stretching idea i would love to hear them.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • ks the 2 year old autism?

    hi, my friend's grandchild is 2 he is not talking yet, he is VERY VERY smart though, but his speech is bad. He is playing by himself, but hardly around kids his age, they started play dates but he has this speech therpist and she claims he is autism, because he is not speaking, we think he is 2 maybe late develop, but now i am not sure, i doubt he is but we are concern. please if anyone is out there that knows it

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • The First Kitten We ever had that grooms me?

    we raise Maine Coon cats, so i have seen and raised MANY kittens.. We have this little one we are keeping her name is Miracle, well she loves all of us, but she has taken a liking to me mostly she grooms me, licks me tenderly bites me ( not hard) , we have had other kittens even adults give love bites ( not hard just a very gentle bite), well Miracle LOVES to clean my hands no one else.. I asked mom she thinks i have more salt then others in house, that concerns me.. salt is not good for her.. I was going to call vet just ask what they think? but intrested in what everyone here says.. Like i said first kitten to do this. Tonight i was on my laptop, she wanted my hand so bad she was trying to walk on keys to groom it. I am bad i give in, i think it is a love thing for her but might be something else too. We do not know. Can you help?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Sleep walking yes or no?

    hi, I think i am sleeping walk but not sure, I have been a late night snacker right before sleep which is about 1-2 am.. but it started about a week ago... I would get up and walk to point that i could fall down ( like a drunk and i was not drunk). i got in freeze got a Popsicle ( i love them).. that is not that bad. but couple nights ago, my sister told me she woke up wanted milk so went in kitchen, i was standing in the kitchen doing nothing. She asked if was ok, i nodded she said where are you? i told her camping, she tried to "wake" me. then she placed my hand in ice i jumped started to freak, how did i get there and why am i there. it was weird.. Last night i woke up and i was sitting on our couch in living room, i woke wondering how i got there. When i do wake like that i hungry like i need food. it is really weird!! My mom said it could be sleeping walk sort of. No one knows for sure. I do know i am tired in morin, can anyone help me at all. ty

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How do you get super glue off fingers?

    I went to super glue something a i squeezed just a little bit, and half the bottle came out, I have it all over fingers with paper towel stuck to them, I got paper towel off..but fingers look BAD, I heard if i pull it i can lose skin, also I heard it wears off on own. if that is ok i am cool with it. Can anyone help

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I am so stuck in math, I have to draw a line when Given the slope and y intercept,?

    Example is : slope is -2 and y intercept is (0,6) how do i draw the line. I get confused on all the problems!! when do i go up or down right or left on the lines? i think postive postive you go up to the right right like slope 4 y intercept (0,5) so go up 4 and right 5? the fractions and negatives kill me!! Quiz on monday UGH HELP ME PLEASE!!!

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • ok this is weird asking but i am kinda scared. I did go to dr, but it is getting worse. I use to constipated?

    when i went to Dr we have a schudled clonoscopy but things have changed i do plan on calling Monday but I am concerned, my stool is GREEN ( like mold green) no strong smell ( that part is normal the smell part) i have been peeing a lot it is clear, i have had a upset stomach off and on. i am no longer constipated. but i am very concerned i have not eaten anything green to cause this! it is happen close to a week. i thought it would go away it is not. this is weird talking about it but i am concerned any clues like i said i am calling dr Monday.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • hey, i am 38, no kids i was told when i was 20 yr i can not have any at all. I have VERY heavy periods,?

    my periods are painful, makes me weak. What I want to do with my life i can not see me having a child. Would be very unfair for a child. So should i get tubes tied? if so how bad is it, like recovery ect.. mom thinks they use lasers now. I am not married, i have no man in life but pray someday i get married. but advice will help, Thanks

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Hi, can you tell me if this Chinese symbol or any symbol and where to look it up?

    This bracelet was given to me i love it at first i thought the symbol was a mushroom but i looked more closely today looks like a K then mom said wonder if Chinese symbol so i am wondering if it is,

    It looks like a K but the / and \ are not attached and VERY short I am going to try to send picture I can not i looked :( so if you think you can tell me rather it is or not please please e mail me and I will send a picture! Thanks so much.

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Get smoke out of leather?

    Hey I know this question has been asked but , not sure how to do it, A friend gave me a leather jacket. i did not realize how bad the smoke was. The smell bothers me greatly.. I called my sister 9 her hubby smokes) she said pray with feebrez then hand it outside but do not get it wet! i am like GREAT! live in upstate NY so SNOW and cold country, I threw it on my bed thinking deal with it before bed! Well room SMELLS now it is COLD out window is open to air out, When I got it home I first got a bowl with tide and water and sponged the coat down NO GO!! then my sis told me what she did, so i sprayed and sprayed i sniffed it NO GO! i told mom I give UP! it is dry cleaning time! i can not hang it outside it is winter here and to hang in garage i am worried about the squirrels, We do get a lot of wildlife here so we have to be careful. So i threw it in my car!! I do not have money for dryer cleaners but i see no other way!! can you help?? I really need help! I love the jacket!! Please, i know Lysol is BAD! I am very careful what i use! I hate the smell of cig smoke.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What snacks are good for someone on the run that has hypoglycemic?

    I am hypoglycemic. I start school on the 25th. I will be gone ALL day! Wednesdays example i am out 10am-7pm.. I know what do for breakfast and lunch and i eat supper when home. But I am wondering on snacks on the go. Like what can i eat during class. Some fruit need pb so that is hard. Goldfish i know. but beyond that. I am lost. and I like cheese but spar lying. I need help, If i do not eat every 3 hours i get dizzy and have past out. please help me. Trail mixs no good. any ideas? needs to be LOW sugar. if some sugar needs protein with it. thanks for helping

    5 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • What is good laptop for business PLEASE HELP?

    I had a Toshiba, it totally died last night.. Mom and I own 2vbusiness, I am making 2 websites for both businesses, i need a laptop for that. I am on the laptop A LOT!! I am also a college student and might have to carry back and forth to school. A Lot of people are telling me Dell but I am not sure, I was wondering what other laptops might be good? I do play music, and movies on laptop too. please can you help? oh yes long battery life. I also was told to wait for holiday sales and after Christmas sales! I am using my mom's laptop right now, but actually it is small for me (key board) it is dell Inspiron. PLEASE HELP!!Thanks

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • how to tell Dad PLEASE HELP?

    Hi, my divorce is just final. My Ex was VERY abusive. My dad keeps saying " you can see guys now, or you can date now". I want to scream at him. I do not want to date and he is not hearing that. I am going to school, and helping with family business by building 2 websites. I am sorta ( i do not think you are ever ) healed from the abuse. I feel if God wants a man in my life he will let us meet in HIS (God's) time.. My dad does not understand this. I have a "list" of things i look for in a guy. My dad claims i will never find anyone. I keep telling him if that is how God wants it fine. I want to write to him, tell him how i feel. I feel like he is not respecting my choices, i am 38 years old!!! I feel i have the right to make my own choices. I also feel i am sooooo busy it would not be fair for me or the guy (epically the guy) to get in a relationship right now. No time!! How do i handle this? Every time i try to talk to him, he insists i am wrong i have not written him yet i write better about my feeling then speaking them. The letter would not be negative. just tell him why i am looking for these things. sighs please help. I just want him to come to grips that i have my own way!! I am not even sue why he is doing this!! please help

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Did the solution of dye hurt scalp?

    Hi, i had my hair dyed 2 months ago i had to let grow out ( due to money). every since letting it grow, my scalp got 2 small sores on it and washing does not hurt, brushing does sometimes but now i have a couple more. and they itch and when the sores are open it bleeds, when it bleeds i can see blood on my fingers when i rub hands through hair, also scabs come off by self when brushing. not so bad bleed, only bleeds when i scratch You can see some sores in mirror. i am concerned i never had this before. I have dyed my hair once before, with this time my scalp burned and itched a lot. They said i have a very sensitive scalp. but before when i had it dyed at different place it itched but never burned like that. I am wondering it was the solution from the hair dresser, i do want it redyed but a friend ( she is hair dresser not one that dyed first time)she said she can not dye with sores on head. she has no clue what is happening. Does anyone have any clue. I did not change shampoo, or anything like that. any suggestions are welcome ty..

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What is the GPA scores please?

    I am looking at my GPA scores.. I need to know what grade they mean .

    Actually The college i am at says top of transcript institution then says credit hours earned etc... then GPA 3.70 ( not sure what grade good or bad) but at bottom it says Transcript total then same hours etc.. but GPA is 3.19.. yet in quality point says 31.9 .. up at top attempt hours is 10 bottom is 27 ( that is more like it) total hours passed 10 ( yes VERY bad transcript).. but what is 3.70 and 3.19 Gpa grades where do i find this please?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago