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  • I think I am anorexic or maybe not?

    It all started when I was fasting for lent. I lost a little weight. Then with my increase in activity i lost a little more. I'm on the scale every morning and in the evening often. I've gone from 115 to 109 - 110. I like how my body looks but its like 2 to 3 pounds underweight for my height of 5 feet 5 inches.

    I'm really worried with perfectionism and what really scared me today is we had breakfast out and I only ate 3 bites of my souffle because I know how many calories and bad junk was in it. I did eat a banana and a glass of milk but my tummy hasn't been feeling well and I am scared I'm becoming anorexic. This is not the thinnest I have been when I lived overseas two years ago I was 104 pounds but my tummy didn't hurt then.

    Please help, should I be worried? Thanks.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Is brown rice and peas good for you?

    Organic brown rice and a mix of green and yellow split peas. Does this sound healthy and good for the diet?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • I dreamed I kissed a status of the blessed virgin Mary?

    Should I be concerned? I dreamed I kissed the top of the head of a statue of the virgin Mary by my bedside. Only I don't have a statue of our Lady. It was a very specific statue to. Should I look for it online?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can being dehydrated make your lower belly bloat?

    I woke up dehydrated and yet really bloated. Are the two related?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What is the best family history site?

    I don't care if I have to pay for it. My grandparents died when I was very little or before I was born and my parents just never cared to ask about there past, where the family is from etc. I lucked out because we have some very long and odd names in the family but nothing on record about them. What site is best for finding information?

    5 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Having body/ fitness issues?

    I think I am having some body issues. I'm not sure if its all in my head or if I need to really lose some weight or tone up or both. I am 5 feet tall and 5 inches. I weight 114 pounds and I just feel so fat around my middle. I want to be more slim with flat tummy and thin thighs. But maybe the mirror is lying to me? Do I weight too much for my height?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • I want to look better then my sister at her wedding?

    Hear me out first. I am the youngest sister. I have one older sister. I was married before her and have been married for the past 5 years, she is finally getting married after a long string of horrible boyfriends. At my wedding she was the only bridesmaid and my BIL the only groomsman as it was a small wedding, something we could afford. About 40 guests in total.

    Because it was just her I asked she get a dress any cut she liked because I wanted her to have something she liked to wear again. My colors where soft rose and ivory. I told her anything rose, light rose, pink, light pink or yellow would be fine. She looks amazing in all those colors. She tells me she has a really nice light pink dress.

    She shows up at my wedding in a neon pink halter top extremely short clubbing dress. This dress is so bright its an eye sore and she is showing way more cleavage then appropriate. It was clear she was trying to make herself the center of attention on my wedding day. Should I do the same to her?

    16 AnswersWeddings7 years ago
  • My first Lent in a long time?

    I won't go into details but this is the first Lent I will be observing in a long time. I would like to give something up for Lent but I am not sure how to pick something. I was thinking like Starbucks or chocolate but I don't know if that's right. I would also like to fast but I was born with some low blood sugar health issues and it might be very unwise for me to fast. Does fasting matter? Thank you for any information.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is it okay to pray the rosary...?

    While running? I know I should make more time for God but my free time to pray is very limited. Its up[sets my husband to see me pray so I need to find times alone I can pray.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Gluten intolerance, double blind demand?

    My doctor checked me and thinks I have a gluten sensitivity/ intolerance. As my doctor explained it there are 5 known levels of gluten issues and the blood test can only test for celiac's and a wheat allergy. He also diagnosed me with IBS. Per his instructions I went gluten free and felt much better. Now (its been almost two months) every time I have gluten in a more than minimal amount I get really painful twisting, bloating intestinal pain.

    My husband is being very unsupportive and thoughtless, mocking that since the test was negative there is no way I can have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance. (He's a psychology major, works in cancer and often acts and speaks like he know better then others on many issues including doctors) He will probably also read this question since he is so afraid I will talk about him to "people".

    My husband is strongly suggesting (demanding) a double blind study to see if I have a reaction before he will stop harassing me that I am not sensitive to it. Basically he wants a stranger/ friend to give me something with gluten one week and something without another week and see if i get sick. I think thats really messed up. I saw a doctor, I am doing as my doctor suggested, I didn't just go gluten free for a fad and my husband is being such an insensitive ***** about it. So should I agree to do the double blind test, even though I know I will be in pain and sick from it, if it makes my husband believe I have real issues?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • My husband want to do a double blind test? kinda long?

    My doctor checked me and thinks I have a gluten sensitivity/ intolerance. As my doctor explained it there are 5 known levels of gluten issues and the blood test can only test for celiac's and a wheat allergy. he also diagnosed me with IBS. Per his instructions I went gluten free and felt much better. Now (its been almost two month) every time I have gluten in a more than minimal amount I get really painful twisting, bloating intestinal pain.

    My husband is being very unsupportive and thoughtless, mocking that since the test was negative there is no way I can have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance. (He's a psychology major, works in cancer and often acts and speaks like he know better then others on many issues including doctors) He will probably also read this question since he is so afraid I will talk about him to "people".

    My husband is strongly suggesting (demanding) a double blind study to see if I have a reaction. Basically he wants a stranger/ friend to give me something with gluten one week and something without another week and see if i get sick. I think thats really messed up. I saw a doctor, I am doing as my doctor suggested, I didn't just go gluten free for a fad and my husband is being such an insensitive ***** about it. So should I agree to do the double blind test, even though I know I will be in pain and sick from it, if it makes my husband believe I have real issues?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Is my father flirting with me?

    My father is not a "good" man. He was physical/ emotionally abusive to me, possibly sexually abusive to my older sister (she said so once but refused to ever talk about it again) and he was in and out of our lives our entire childhood. We usually only see him once a year at christmas. We grew up in a very rural (think white trash) area. He is now on wife number 3 and has a toddler with her. He just got facebook (and already has more friends than me) he found me on facebook and left an odd comment on my profile picture. He said "U R so beautiful princess, love U forever." then his wife said, as if she knew he was flirting, on my picture "She's beautiful on the inside." My whole childhood he never called be beautiful or princess or anything like that. It made me feel odd. I'm a young lady now and look just like my mother his first wife, who is quite girl next door pretty. Is my dad being inappropriate?

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • How many calories today so far?

    1 slice bacon

    2 bananas

    2 1/2 rice cakes

    3 1/2 sweet mandarin oranges (the palm sized fruit)

    4 tea spoons plain granola

    This is breakfast and lunch. I haven't planned dinner yet.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Wife refuses to or can't lose weight/ Husband losing interest?

    Sorry this is long...

    A friend of mine got married 3 years ago. A year and 1/2 ago she had her first child and became a stay at home mom. Since I am her close friend she often tells me about her personal life and arguments with her husband. For the past 6 months he has brought up that he would like her to finally lose the baby/ extra weight that she has put on. Nicely at first offering to help her shop for healthy groceries and go for more walks, he even bought her a top of the line expensive treadmill for Christmas. Today she was crying when we met for lunch. Last night they had an bad fight and he admitted he is not sexually attracted to her anymore and that's why they haven't been intimate in 3 months. I bit my tongue because I kind of agree with her husband. I know she doesn't do housework all day like she tells him she does. She has 40 extra pounds on her small frame that is not very attractive and has more then enough time being a stay at home mom with a one year old to work out. She says now she is scared he will divorce or cheat on her but seems unwilling to try to lose weight. Is it wrong I am sort of agreeing with my friend's husband that she is being somewhat lazy and not taking care of herself or her marriage?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Does going gluten free (Dr.'s orders) make you gain weight?

    Does going gluten free make you gain weight? My doctor is putting me on a gluten free diet for the next month but my boyfriend thinks it will make me gain weight. (currently I weight 114 pounds) Will I gain weight going gluten free?

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Super Bloated is it normal?

    I've been super bloated for the past week or so. On Monday a doctor diagnosed me with IBS and sent me for blood test for wheat/ gluten issues. Last night I was super sick in the bathroom with shaking and um...lots of painful number 2. I am still really bloated today, is this from the tummy flu-ish issues I had last night or IBS or something else. How can i reduce the bloat?

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • Gluten intolerance in an adult?

    It seems like as of late when I have alot of bread, say 4 slices of toast, the next day I am very bloated with painful cramps around my sides and lower belly. Usually by the day after that I feel better but this had happened three times now. Once with sunbeam bread, once with homemade bread and once with homemade biscuits. Is this gluten intolerance? Can that happen to an adult? I ate alot of bread as a child but was very overweight, was it possible that was just lots of bloating from the bread as a child? I know my aunt at 60 just developed a shellfish allergy and she was never allergic to them before.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago