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  • Dog and severe reactions to allergies?

    My Sheltie was purchased as a hard luck story in California. I brought him to the vet and discovered he had food allergies so bad that his ear was grossly infected. It took 3 months and about $2000.00 to fix. Now I see all the rolling and ear scratching when he goes outside amongst the trees, bushes and grass. I give him 1/2 a Benodryl on bad days. My question for this sweet loving dog that he is, Am I doing the right thing by keeping him? Is there some other pill I can give him? Is there anything I haven't thought of to offer him? Do people keep pets that are allergic to everything in their life? I've had him since Feb 2013 and can't imagine life without him but I'm thinking maybe I'm just punishing him unnecessarily. I do feed him hypoallergetic food and do everything I can for him, but feel I'm fighting a losing battle. I know very little about allergies but hoping someone out there can either ease my mind or inform me about consequences of keeping an allergic dog surrounded by things that effect his health.

    13 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Question about a 1999 Yamaha?

    Just bought a one and it's a 1600 CC. Is it possible to raise the seat three inches? Is I can, how do it do that?

    4 AnswersMotorcycles8 years ago
  • Accounting and trucking?

    $302,000 in debt. $25,00 cash on hand and monthly expenses about $4000. per month. Buy a 2009 semi at $57,000 with interest becomes $81,640. with a $10,106 down payment and monthly loan repayment of $1489 over four years.

    Equipment purchase is a 2009 Freightliner fully up to specs and certified. 950,000 kms or 593,750 miles already on it. Income after fuel, insurances and tax is about $11,000.

    Is this financial suicide or do we stand a chance of making it? Not forgetting that maintenance has it's surprises and regular needs. All educated opinions and experiences are appreciated

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • Menopause/period question.?

    This summer my Gyn did the tests and studied them closely. Yesterday she told me that all tests came back very low on the estrogen chart. I am in full blown menopause. She gave me a testosterone script that my pharmacist doesn't understand her instructions as it says pump x's 2 along with the name brand I don't know. I have to wait until Friday to get it. What is this pump I need? Oh, and today I started my cycle. Am I confused? Extremely! Can someone explain this to me please?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Cooking with alcohol for non drinkers?

    Actually they are recovered alcoholics and not touched a drop for at least 10 years. I made some tomato sauces using rum and vodka. No it's not so much that any flavour of alcohol is left. I want to know by averages if you think I have to tell them about the booze in it or not. Should I refrain from sharing this batch with them all together? I'm worried about their feelings about it. Any opinions will be seriously considered, thank you.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • Trucker question. o/o verses boss broker and insurance schedule. Anyone's guess?

    Boss takes insurance off and an equivalent of workman's compensation once a month. Every four months the time it's deducted changes drastically. It was due on Feb 12....May 1st and now this month it's changed to the 21st. Why do small companies to it this way to their employees?

    1 AnswerSmall Business9 years ago
  • Laser surgery and my sex drive. I have a problem.?

    I had been diagnosed with precancer...I still don't really understand that, but it was strongly recommended to have surgery to prevent it from becoming cancer. Yes I got a second opinion. Anyway had the surgery and now I find the sensitivity in and around my vag 50% less. Surgery was in May and since then desire for sex has dropped. Is there anything I can do to increase my sensitivities or will this improve on its own?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Does this happen to a lot of people after 50 when sex stops?

    My husband had a heart attack 18 years ago and in the last two years gets an erection rarely. I recently had laser vaginal surgery and my sensitivities have dropped 40%. Point is we have sex once or twice every six months. Should I be worried about him? Is there something we can do to re interest ourselves in having sex with each other? Is this an old age thing? Common?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • My neighbour is a pain in the....?

    Yes there. She complains constantly about music, leaves, and whatever else she can think of to all neighbours around her. Music from 9am to 11am is legal. At 4pm to 5pm it's legal. She doesn't like any of our tastes and demands it off. She's just an annoying piece of work. I've tried talking to her but all she does is distort the truth, lie and create more issues. Any ideas how to cope with this type of idiot? Out of 40 people on our block, she's the only one with a problem. Yes we all still listen to our music but it's the damn stress of this there a logical way to deal with these type of people?

    9 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How to inform people of sharia law.....?

    disasters? People need to understand the grief that will come with that. Women will go back to the early 1900's with no respect and no worthy employment opportunities. Obama has said he accepts the right to have Muslim mosques. The Canadian government has support for sharia law and Marion Boyd's statement in 2004 shows that efforts are being made. Life as we all know it will be the opposite of what it is today. Citizens in both countries are not interested in sharia law and know nothing about it. When it comes into power no one will know what to do. Sharia Law allows women to be bought and sold. Abused and neglected without rights. Those who say it can't happen here are being arrogant and blind. Research my words. The internet provides all the truth you need to see the big big big problem growing faster every day. These are things going on without permission from the citizens. Look up sharia law in New Jersey and read the story. Look up the Shafia family in Ontario and read the story. This is not new news but it's getting closer to being the worldwide law. It's frightening and those whom are not paying attention will be the most flabbergasted. Do something now to prevent it.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Neighbours and dealing with complaints?

    She says to my husband to turn the music down at 4 in the afternoon. He was in the driveway cleaning out the truck. It wasn't that loud, but to her it was. She is the town crier. Last year she complains that we left a bag of leaves at the side of our house. She lives across the street.

    My husband and I are team drivers and are frequently away from home. She has grand children that are very noisy and we have never complained when we get home from a trip and just want some peace and quiet but are kept awake with the noise. Yes we know kids are kids and kids playing outside in the summer are noisy. How do we deal with her about music in our driveway that might happen once or twice a year? Is she right? No she doesn't work but her husband does.

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • I had laser surgery for cervical cancer?

    I am cancer free now but the tenderness of my vagina is painful. I have flamazine cream and it helps. I am also on Tylenol 3's with codeine but they aren't doing much to alieviate pain. I would like to know how long this is going to take to recover from and if anyone has any great or experianced ideas that would make life more comfortable for me, I'm interested in knowing them please.

    1 AnswerCancer9 years ago
  • Is it common practice for Canadian restaurants?

    to throw out the food not served before closing time? I understand some give to soup kitchens and other meaningful places and I think this is good. I wonder though, as some fast food places and restaurant foods tastes dry or poorly cooked. Is it yesterday's food or are there regulations against that?

    2 AnswersToronto9 years ago
  • reoccurring nightmares?

    I would dream quite often about being a child and knocking on my mother's bedroom door and I hear her crying. She tells me to run and hide fast. I run down the stairs to go hiding in the crawlspace in the basement. There is a small window, one foot by one foot, looking into the furnace room and it had a short string to turn on a light so see in the crawlspace. I hid under this window and back off when I hear someone pounding down the stairs. I see a large face looming in the window but he doesn't know the string is there to turn on a light. Immediantly after I wake up to see my father standing in front of me and my mother shaking her head no. The end,

    It would've been impossible for my father to be standing in the crawlspace and this dream stopped after my mother died. I had this dream for 14 or more years every month or so. What did it mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Tell a schizophrenic they are lying?

    This is my second question about schizophrenics and I really am just trying to learn on a crash course. Is it wise to tell a schizophrenic that they are lying about whatever story they are telling? The stories are outrageously bizarre and not the truth for sure. They are way out in left field bizarre. Will it cause a major episode if I laugh and call her on it? It's everything from car accidents, to metal disks in her head and back, but not one scar on her person. She jumps in fast to say plastic surgery but it's all bull crap. Loads of money all her life, travelled the world, has everything she needs but her wallet is always broke until her pension comes in. She's 44 and never worked a day in her life so she says. So anyway I really want to know. Call her on it or just keep saying oh, wow, I see and cool even though I don't buy one word of it?

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • schizophrenic neighbours dangerous?

    My neighbour has been coming over to visit lately. She talks about how great she has it and how rich she is. Owning a host of hotels, malls, restaurants you name it. She's actually on a pension plan as she calls it at 44 years of age. She is forever broke...the truth. I looked up schizophrenia and she falls into the paranoid and catatonic categories. How worried should I be about her hanging around my place? I can see her place from my backyard. If I should have concerns, is there a nice safe way to keep her off my property? She does not work, no longer allowed to drive, and tells fantastic stories of being adopted, I know she lives with her mother, and giving her aunt a million dollars at age 6 to adopt her. She talks non stop and in circles. She grimaces frequently and for God's sake is repeated a lot. This is a new mental condition for me and I really don't understand it well. Anyone give me an idea what it is besides what I've read online? Is there a more emotional opinionated view from someone who lives near one or knows one well?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Married men get dull?

    My husband works on the road. He's home every 10 to 14 days for 2 or 3 days. He calls me most days complaining about weather, traffic, dispatchers, customers...blah blah blah. I am a driver too and I understand why he feels that way, but he drones on and on and on. He gets home and expects food...okay I'm on that and have it almost ready when he gets home. He is always silent when eating. He leaves the table and pours himself a drink...a strong one, and goes downstairs to watch the big screen tv. He watches the same movies again and again and again. He's a struggle to get into the shower and brushes his teeth far less often. Is everyone disgusted and falling asleep yet? Me too! Now this man wants oral sex. I've told him a billion times that I like a little mental stimulation. I like a clean man with fresh breath too. How about a little foreplay? What am I supposed to do? He's 56 years old and had a heart attack 14 years ago. Yes he is on heart medication and that has been preventing him from achieving an erection for any longer than three minutes. It goes limp fast. He gets very frustrated and has another drink. The next day is exactly the same. He leaves for a long run and the cycle starts again. Any ideas how to spice this man up?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • My engine light has come on?

    The oil, the rad fluid, brake fluid is all full and I did not have to add any today but my engine light was on. I checked the air filter and it was clean. The belts are all tight. This is a 2001 Chev Silverado. Anyone have an idea of why the engine light comes on? In the message center it says nothing.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • My dog is coming home from the vet today what?

    What should I have ready for her? She just had a major molar with three roots extracted. Is there anything I can offer her to make her feel more comfortable? She refuses canned food...unless it's for people. She picks at moistened hard food. Her favourite chewy treats will be out too I guess for a few days. Any recommendations? She's 20 lbs of Jack Russell.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I read a visa statement from my husband?

    It had a receipt from Feb.1st for $46.06 for fish n chips in another state. When he got home I asked him how much it costs to eat at said place. He told me it was about $20-22.00. I told him of the receipt. Oh yeah he says, I took a fellow driver out for dinner.

    On Feb 1st he called me from state of receipt and told me he was eating the meat that he took from home and was almost out. He was going to the grocery store to stock up on some healthier food.

    I mentioned that fellow driver was on the 21st of Feb and the statement for that bill has not arrived yet. This was from the 1st. He told me my dates were all wrong then and he didn't have dinner with fellow driver on the 21st it was on the 1st. He suggested looking at his logbook to say where he was on the 1st and 21st. Lookbook clearly said same state same city both dates. He suddenly remembers eating there on the 1st but said he had two dinners to himself. That's 4 peices of big fish and fries. Yes he did treat fellow driver to dinner at the same place on the 21st too. Thing is there were three supposed to go for dinner on the 21st at a chinese place. My husband only paid for one other guy? Hardly his style. My question to you is this. Would you raise your eyebrows and smell a liar with a secret or would you buy this story? Married 12 years soon to be lucky 13.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago