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  • If I put money into Roth IRA until a certain age, will it devalue?

    My main concern is dollar devaluation. For example a millions dollars today is not the same as a million dollars 30 years from now

    If I'm in my 30's and I put in, let's say, 500 bucks till I'm 75. If it adds up to a million in the end, after so many years that money wouldn't be worth that much.

    Also nobody knows what type of economy we'll have in 30 years. What if all our savings get cancelled?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance5 months ago
  • Why are we allowed to drink coffee, if it's literally a drug?

    I never drank coffee and whenever I did, I felt like I was out of this world. Having different ideas in my head going back and forth, trembling when I speak, shaking my legs, being hyper while being tired, grinding teeth

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • Why is it that jewish people must be hated just because they exist, while others get a free pass no matter what they do?

    People have killed, oppressed, exterminated Jews for centuries solely due to their religion.

    When a muslim decapitates someone in the name of allah, nobody dares to riot and do pogroms on muslim boroughs or avenge is some way. They're always left alone.

    When Japanese fought against us, USA didn't wipe japan off the planet

    Why is that these groups of people are forced to live by social situations. It is never safe for them. If one person speaks out or writes a book against jews, everyone in the world will take it as the truth and unite against them, with no any proof possible

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 months ago
  • Why is life so hard?

    The more I live the more I realise that no matter what  you do, you end up feeling bad about it. It could be that I'm depressed, but even if I do sometimes feel good I come to a realisation that most things I do has no value

    43 AnswersPsychology5 months ago
  • What are the upsides and downsides of changing your name legally?

    I mean changing it completely. First and Last name. Anybody done it and what is it like?

    3 AnswersBaby Names6 months ago
  • Why do the Jewish people ignore the pogrom in the Ukraine in WW2 and still support Ukrainians?

    For all of you filthy ukrainians bastards supporters, check this out: Why do the Jewish people ignore the pogrom in the Ukraine in WW2 and still support Ukrainians?

    so shut the fock up about ukrainians now being involved. These were full blooded, christian ukrainians pieces of shites.

    Politics6 months ago
  • Why do the Jewish people ignore the pogrom in the Ukraine in WW2 and still support Ukrainians?

    The Soviet Army saved us, Jews, from the Hitler's death row by winning the war and crushing Germany. Yet today we support Ukraine and go against Russia. Russians never tortured or raped our women in their streets.


    Politics6 months ago
  • Do long term relations ever work?

    I met a girl on a bus a day before I was leaving. We exchanged numbers, I can sense she does like me. I'm home now, she's overseas. Should I text her daily or just tell her I'm home and will see her once I'm in her area again?

    I know that chatting back and forth kills attraction. I really like her and might want to meet her again. Surely I know that by that time she might still see someone else, since I'm not around.

    Any personal experience would be appreciated from answers. Thank you.

    Singles & Dating6 months ago
  • How to have sex with a hotel neighbour?

    I accidentally ran into my hotel neighbour (a woman). She asked for some detergent. After, she brought me fruits. I refused to take it, she insisted. She showed attraction at that point.

    How do I approach her the next day or invite her in? Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • What to wear on a plane?

    I always want to wear sporty comfortable clothing on the airport, yet can never choose an appropriate outfit that would also look nice, not just comfy. Any ideas?

    27 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 months ago
  • Is there a cure for depression?

    I'm not talking pills. All they give you is side effects that make you worse off. Natural cure, where you do cognitive behaviours, get used to it and it disappears.

    8 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 months ago
  • Why is it never ok to express you love towards someone anymore?

    When I was younger, I used to tell girls that I like/love them. They told me that they like/love me back. These days, none of that occurs, not by words neither by action

    All the advice I get from the internet is that: 

    "do not tell her you like her, she'll lose interest"

    "Do not kiss her throughout the date, only after you're home"

    While all these rules are valid. I did lose girls before when I told them I like or made them know that I do. Ever since I wiped out all my feelings

    These days I go on dates with script in my mind: what to say, how to act, when to be silent, when to kiss, when to withdraw

    I get irritated every time I need to text them. Before I used to text them, whenever i felt like and text for hours back and forth

    These days, it's only to create dates. And if she responds hours later, I respond a day later.

    All I'm saying is that dating became a nightmare. I don't know what's right anymore.

    Is is the same with you guys?

    Thank you 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months ago
  • What is the best way to get a girlfriend?

    I can't seem to find a girl these days. It lasts around 3 or 4 dates. I'm a good looking person, i may use tactics, but not all the time. But I never in my 33 years ever lived with a woman. I dated, never had one to stay with. 

    My only problem is that I see a girl as something to take care of. Why I always push them away. Women stop caring when you take care of them, especially financially.

    How do you maintain a relationship and what are the benefits of having a girl?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 months ago
  • Why is it so hard with girls?

    No matter what you do, they still take the leading role and decide to be or not to be with you. If we, men, are the earners why is society forcing us to chase women? It should be the other way around.

    I'm not an incel, nor do i hate women. It's just I came to realisation how much energy it takes out of me just to meet one and let alone maintain a relationship. It seems like so much effort on our part and no point

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 months ago
  • How do you deal with a subway flirt, that is giving you a chance to become her boyfriend right away?

    I'll try to break it down as easy as possible:

    approached a girl on subway, we talked a bit, exchanged numbers at my stop, I left. 

    I texted, "This is me, we just hooked up on the subway". Later she replied, "Are you serious about meeting up with me, because I'm in the middle of  a relationship and it hasn't ended yet. So, was thinking if I should give you a chance"

    Basically, she wants to end her relationship anyway and needs to know that I'm not just a flirt. What can it mean?

    I wrote her right away to schedule a date, to see how it goes then. She said she's busy with work. I replied that we can meet during coffee break, she said that in her job is impossible.

    I know she sounds flakey, but it could be that she doesn't want her boyfriend to find out.

    She'll be out of town for a a week. What do I reply now?

    I want to say that, "it's ok, I'll see you once you get back. Have a nice trip"

    Not to seem more needy and that she knows that I have a rotation of girls (which I actually do)

    This can be a shite-test from her, I never know.

    If anyone experienced the same, guys, how do I deal with it?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 months ago