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love life even when it sucks!!!

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    I had ORIF on my left ankle 10 weeks ago for A BAD bimalleolar fracture (broke both ankle bones that stick out off and broke the small leg bone also).Have 1 plate and 11 screws to repair breaks. I have been weightbearing for about 4 weeks with boot with no crutches. My problem is that when I walk or stand for more than and hour or 2 my ankle swells up really big and I have excrutiating pains that I can not even describe. Sometimes the pain med I have works but sometimes not. Is this normal and how long should this last? I have taken a 12 week leave of absence from work as a cashier that expires on 10/23/2010 and dont think I am able to return yet. When will this nightmare end? and HAS ANYONE EVERY BEEN THROUGH THIS?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • 8 year old girl Birthday dinner?

    My daughter is turning 8 Friday and we are wanting to have a family birthday dinner for her. Does anyone know of a fun family friendly place in Fort Worth Tx to take her?

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Bad choices.. Apologize or let it go?

    17 yrs ago I was very young and having a sexual relationship with a boy 2 yrs older and thought it was COOL so I told my friends and they told more of their friends and so on. Well he moved before I ever got a chance to apologize and have recently found him on facebook. I dont know to apologize (not publicly) or just let it go. Like I said I/we were very young... but have felt bad all these years for that. Do I let it go or apoligize??

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • If you made stupid mistakes?

    If you made stupid mistakes 17 yrs ago and got a chance to apologize for those mistakes would you or would you let it go? I was very young and having a sexual relationship with a boy 2 yrs older and at that time thought it was COOL to tell my friends about it and they told other people and basically every1 knew. Well he moved before I got a chance to apologize but have recently found him on facebook. I have moved on as he did but am not sure DO I APOLOGIZE or let it be.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Baby Fell and busted mouth open?

    My 9 1/2 month old fell and hit her mouth on my other daughters draweres under her bed and today is the 1st day I have really got a good look at it,and the gums above her left top tooth are split in half and the part that connects lip to gums is torn. I was wondering if that will heal its self or what. I called the dr and am waiting for them to call but was wondering if anyone ever been through this? Please Respond

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How would tou feel if your MIL was like this?

    I have a 6 month old baby who she wants to watch but I wont let her (not ready to do that yet) and I have Hard feelings against her. Its a long story but here it goes. When I was preg. with her (6month old)I was in some SERIOUS pain she had her feet wedge WAY up in my ribs from about 7 months. OUCH!!! Well I would cry alot and say I wish she would just be born and I was tired of being preg.and so on. (not being literal though) Well she would call my husband bitching and telling him I didnt care about the babies health and being selfish (yadayadayada). Well about a week before she was born she came over b/c I shouldnt be by myself (I'm 28 not 12) so I sent her back home only a mile away. Well I went into labor at 36 1/2 weeks and had my daughter and glad I did (she weighed 8lbs 7oz). She refused to hold her and never came to visit at the hospital. Since the baby was born shes seen her maybe 15-20x if that. Well I asked her why she treated us like that and she said it was MY FAULT ugh the nerve. What did I or the baby do to deserve to be ignored and I feel like she was taking out on the baby. I could care less about a relationship (she's ran her mouth a lot about me to my sis in law) Am I wrong to feel this way towards her. She didnt treat my other 2 kids like that and then to act like she never treated us sh*ty. I dont think so

    What would you do and how would you feel?

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone felt this at 36 weeks?

    I am 37 weeks and 3 days and the past couple of days I have been having strong braxton hicks (off and on), nauseaus, diarrahea, back ache, red cheeks, and shaky sometimes and feelling really weird. Cant really describe the weird feeling. I went to the dr. Thur and was dilated 2- 2/12. I have 2 other children and never had anything like this. Please

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the name...?

    we are having a girl (due feb. 29) and like the name

    Gracie Mae. Do you think it is a pretty name?

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy after a M/C?

    I had a m/c back in Mar. The baby died at 11w3d and had to have a D&C. I am now 14 weeks preg. tommorow. Is it normal to worry that it will happen again? I have 2 healthy children and never worried with them. (things change I guess). We have seen the HB at 6w6d and heard the HB at 10w6d. Dr. said the chance is very low but I can't quit worrying. I am very happy to be pregnant and want everything to be fine. Maybe I am just needing some reassurance?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Afraid of another m/c?

    I had a m/c in March @11w3d and had to have a d&c. I am currently 10 weeks pregnant again and am always worrying about another m/c. Is this normal to constantly worry is it going to happen again? What are the chances of it happening again? I felt like something was wrong last time and feel like everything will be fine but it is always in the back of my mind.

    I guess I just want a little piece of mind.

    I have 2 healthy kids and never worried about it when I was pregnant with them.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Funniest thing ever said?

    What is the funniest thing your child has ever said.

    The other day we were talking about someone having a "Sugardaddy" that gives them what ever they want, and my 6 year old son only heard Sugar daddy and he was as straight faced as you can get and said " I had a sugar daddy (candy) one time and it pulled my crown off." I don't know if we ever laughed so hard.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Hcg Levels?

    I went for blood pregnancy test on 6/21 and my hcg was 45 and progesterone was 19.5. I had to go back on Monday 6/25 for another hcg and it was 425. They told me it should be around 200 for normal. Is it normal for hcg to go up that much in 4 days. I found website that tells you how often your hcg is doubling and it said mine is every 29 hours. I thought it did every 48-72 hrs.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Hcg levels?

    I think I ovulated on 6/7 and got a positive test on 6/22 then I had blood drawn on 6/21 for hcg & progesterone levels (since I had a m/c 14wks ago I guess). Well the dr.'s office called and said progesterone levels were good and hcg levels were 45 which dates the pregnancy 1 day -1week. Is this normal?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I got a BFP!!!!?

    I am so excited. I had a m/c and D&C 14wks ago today. Well I just took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Hopefully everything will go good this time. I wish everyone who is ttc good luck and lots of sticky BABY DUST!!!

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Pink cervical mucus?

    I had some light pink cm the first day of fertile time(6/7). We started trying the day before to conceive and I have never had this before. It was just barely tinged and only seen it when I wiped. What could this be? Please help.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Pink discharge?

    I had my af on 5/25 and on 6/7 I had light pink cervical mucus (sorry if TMI). Did it mean I was fixing to ovulate or already ovulated? I had a m/c in March and we are currently trying again but never had the pink stuff with any of my pregnancies,so I wasn't sure if it meant I had already or fixing to ovulate. Thanks for any suggestions

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Best movie ever?

    what is the best movie ever you have seen in your opinion?

    29 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Blood in poop?

    The past 2 days when I go to the bathroom there is Bright red blood when I wipe after pooing (sorry if TMI). What could it be?

    12 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How would you ...?

    explain to a 4 &6 year old how they got out of your belly. A neighbor dog had puppies night before last and my 4year old little girl and 6 year old son want to know how they got out of my belly. I just changed the subject. had no idea what to tell them. I think they are to young to know where they came out at.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Size of a 6 yr old?

    My 6yr old son is 4'5" tall and weighs 78lbs. (not an ounce of fat) and people tell us all the time ther is no way he is 6. What is the average size of a 6yr old?

    Is that that big

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago