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Do you think it is wrong that my cousin who is 45 never calls her mom because her mom left her father?
she was 12 and she stayed with him. Her dad was abusive but the mom who barely knew him was forced to marry him by a woman she later found out was not even her mom, but someone who stole her to get money from a man. Her mom was beaten in her sleep one morning by her father and she decided to leave because she wanted to kill him. My cousin only calls her mom to get money and if the mom does not give it to her, she won’t call her or answer the phone. My cousin lost custody of her own kid who has a nearly perfect father. The mom says it's okay because she feels the daughter hates her. I think it is wrong to use her mom this way? Her mom admits she never wanted children by this man, but he forced himself on her – she tried to be a good mother at only 16 but could not take the beatings. How to I convince my cousin to let go of her pain and anger? Her dad was a functional addict who lost a law enforcement job selling drugs! (my uncle sucked)
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years agoWhy my friend is not eligible for Survivor's Benefits?
My co-worker's husband died. He was a Veteran and was not treated so nice by the VA hospitals (but that's another story). Anyway, his wife was forced out of her job recently and I thought she was eligible for social security survivor's benefits because she is not eligible for full SS for a few years, when she reaches 67.
She applied and Social Security told her with her "pay-out" from her recent job, she took a package deal that will net net her $30,000 after taxes, this has to last her for 3 years (unreal).
Social Security told her that in order to receive Survivor's benefits she could only be $3000.00 yearly - that's ridiculous - any social security experts reading this?
3 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years agoYahoo answer new format is confusing, so why are they not listening?
From what I've read, most readers, questioners and those giving answers and of course a few goof balls, hate the new format for yahoo answers - so why aren't they listening to us? They are also in the process of changing their games rooms - as a kid I grew up on some of yahoo chat rooms - my friends and associates would hang out in chat rooms until it got creepy and filled with old man pretending to kids and old hags pretending to be teens - so much for fun - and I understand some people actually pay to do this!
NOT I - thank you Yahoo - I need a push off the computer and back into the real world after work and family gatherings - now I can get off my behind or even finish some publications that I avoided on Sunday playing spades - and goofing off on yahoo answers - you have saved my dignity and pride and perhaps a few pounds of Doritos from entering my body.
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products7 years agoWho has the iPad air ?
and share the pros and cons - do you have 128GB and clichés yet? I'm selling my iPad 4 for the Air and need some input - thank you.
3 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds8 years agoWisdom Teeth, what's story?
My aunt had her 2nd wisdom tooth removed today!
It was a terrifying event I must say. Being in the medical field "teeth" are not my business (cardiology is), but I am wondering how many readers have a story that lead up to having that very smart tooth extracted and how are you doing now?
She's worried by all the mythology associated with the extraction of one's wisdom tooth -
I say the strange myths are poppycock - supposedly we have evolved to a stage of not needing them anymore and that's all to it.
2 AnswersDental8 years agoWhy doesn't Yahoo Spades get rid of people who purposely jammed the game room?
For more than 5 months someone has created a program that jams yahoo spades (it might happen in other yahoo games as well).
When you send an e-mail to Yahoo abuse administration, you just get a form letter e-mail reply back. It is obvious that no one is reading it. Since some players pay to play these games and tournaments, why doesn't Yahoo Customer Support get to the root of the problem and find out who is jamming their gaming website?
No wonder their stocks are declining - I think it is a disgruntle former employee - because it would seem like no normal person would have that much time to keep writing programs. Just arrest the clown!
3 AnswersCard Games8 years agoWindows 8 Users What your reviews?
Cnet is saying wait for Windows 9. I've read that on the tablet Windows 8 is great, but as a desktop or computer OS not so great. I'd liike to hear the Pros and Cons of some actual WINDOW 8 USERS. Thank you.
3 AnswersSoftware8 years agoCredit Reporting Agencies? Why are they so horrible to deal with?
Today on the news I was really happy that a lady won 18 million dollars against the defamatory information on her credit report. When did these agencies come into existence? Who do they report these agencies have to report to? And why is the staff so mean and disrespectful to consumers?
2 AnswersCredit8 years agoTWO SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS?
My grandmother has two social security numbers and worked under both, will she be required to report both to social security to collect her retirement or just the last one? thank you.
5 AnswersGovernment8 years agoWIDOW BENEFITS FROM VIET NAM?
Is a widow eligible for any veteran benefit if spouse did not die from war-related death. My aunt's husband was a Viet Nam veteran, who was collecting benefits for himself, but he recently died. The children are grown now, but does the wife qualify for health care or and funds?
Thanks all, especially all you Veterans and spouses.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years agoSurvivors benefits for Social Security how much and when can you apply?
I'm asking this on behalf of my sister-in-law. She was "forced" married 30 years ago and ran away from her very abusive husband who would have rather her dead than give her a divorce. The man came from a well-do-family financially but all she wanted was her freedom.
We heard he died 5 years ago and she finally feels safe enough to come out of hiding even though his sisters still try to intimidate her since they are all in law enforcement.
She needs to know if she can collect survivor benefits since he would never divorce her. I think she deserves it and the children who are adults now and know the truth support her.
Does anyone know how much and at what age? The SS Guide says she can but how much? She is 53 year old now and has worked low paying jobs even though she had an education but was afraid to reveal who she really was?
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years agoIntrusive co-worker, what would you do?
How to deal with a co-worker who is dramatic, interrupts your conversation with your boss or any person that comes to your office or in the hallway, is self-promoting by claiming to be an expert in any field or category mentioned, claims to know almost each VIP or political figure personally or been to school with them. Comes to work late daily, and if you are speaking with someone takes over the conversation and wants to hug you or strokes everyones' ego with praises even she does not know them. Needs a reward for each task that they complete and literally shouts on the phone with personal calls on her cells phone! Then says rude and unkind things about them behind their backs or how much she dislikes them! I almost want to HATE this person but my personality does not permit me to - and unfortunately, for an extended time I'm force to work with them.
5 AnswersEtiquette8 years agospousal benefits between couples?
If a couple separates, but never legally divorces in the US, is the "common-law-wife" (another woman) allowed to collect benefits from the man even though his legal wife is alive. Or is there some law that says if you are separated for many years - you are not married?
My uncle would never give my aunt a divorce though she hated him. Now he died and we heard that his girlfriend has been "acting" as his legal wife and collecting benefits because she had kids by him?
I don't want her to get in trouble but I think she broke the law?
Thanks for any answers
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years agoPolice Pension and Disability payment for children?
Does a police officer lose his pension if he is convicted of a crime and if he has children that get disability based on his pension, will those children be left w/o financial support?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoWhat to do about daughter's sexual misconduct?
my cousin's daughter is acting inappropriately with her father. This child is now legally an adult but was abused in her preteens by her grandmother's boyfriend. The mother and grandmother refused to allow the child to get professional help or report the rape. The only reason why the mother gave up custody is because the child is an adult and the child support order was dropped because she refuses to go to school anymore since turning 19.
My cousin says, his daughter tries to touch him inappropriately, and even sent him naked picture of herself. He's paranoid and afraid to be alone with his own daughter and because she's no longer legally not a minor he does not know what to do. ]
Reprimanding her and telling her that her behavior is wrong does not seem to help - he has to lock his bedroom to prevent her from slipping into bed with him.
He has no desire towards this child and has other children and wants to banish this behavior before it gets out of hand.
If you are a professional, please tell me what to do to help this child and my brother. IF some one sends a rude or inappropriate answer IT WILL BE REPORTED. Otherwise, thank you for any mental, legal or parental advise.
16 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoVETERANS BENEFITS FOR SPOUSE?
Asking this question for someone who does not have an account. Thanks in advance all.
The veteran and wife were separated, but never legally divorced. He died recently, and she could use the help (he never paid child support). The kids are grown and in a few years she will retire, are there any spousal benefits due her?
He was collecting military benefits after he was fired from the police department because he lost his pension. He was a Vietnam Viet who came back home only to be very physically abusive to his family. Probably had untreated PTSD is there any help for her?
All Viets and military family answers appreciated - he discharged honorably from the US Air Force.
8 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoIdentity Theft, a client was taken as a baby (sorry not sure where to post this)?
and raised under someones name and some how a social security # was obtained in the 1980's. The couple that stole her as a child recently died and the sh$t hit the fan. The birth certificate she has is not her as she traced it to a family and they proved by DNA and death certificate that their child died.
She is now an adult who has worked at the same job for 17 years but is afraid that she is a criminal as all of her identity is fake? We called the Bar Association and they laughed it off as a joke and said they cannot help her. They told her to hire a detective but how does she hire someone to find out information about her if all is false?
If you are a lawyer or detective or have any leads to help this person I would really appreciate it, does she need to see a criminal attorney or family law? Serious answers thanks in advance - rude comments will be reported.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDo you feel it is fair that renting an apartment can be denied if a person has a foreclosure?
I am trying to assist a single person in securing an apartment in one of New York's 5 boros. This person lost their home after a death in the family and also unscrupulous predatory lenders who are now being sued.
They moved into a "illegal" apartment because that is all that will rent to people with undesirable credit reports, however the condition are horrific. That was 2.5 years ago and the rent has never been late. This person now wants to move into a legal apartment building but the foreclosure on the credit report is preventing them from living in decent housing, they do have study employment of 12 years at the same please.
The current landlord has given them a favorable letter of reference. Landlords or people who have had this experience, please let me know how I can help this person. Thank you.
6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWHAT ARE THE PROS AND CONS ABOUT THE XBOX KINECT?
We were going buy the Kinect for my latest version of Xbox because the commericials seem like a lot of fun. However, I NEVER would camp out and stand on line to be the first. Most electronics introduced to consumers have a few bugs. I would like to hear all news good, bad or indifferent if you are a Kinect owner. Video chat reception? I know there are only a few games at the moment - but how do they perform? And problems with freezing etc., Thanks all
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoMy friend was upset because my family does not celebrate Thanksgiving?
A dear person I became friends with in medical school invited me and my family over for Thanksgiving; I'm going but my great grandpa and grandpa rudely refused and my friend thinks she did something wrong. How do I convince her to forget about it and my elders are old and settle in old traditions - but someone told her that all Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving - that's not true there are over 700 tribes and we don't all have the same traditions - like we all don't live on Reservations or drink or own casinos. I'm just sorry that she got the wrong information, but my elders are at fault and I'm in the middle - HELP any suggestions. thanks all
3 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade ago