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  • Should I go back to the stylist and ask that she fix my hair?

    After researching online, I went to a new stylist for a haircut on Saturday. She had excellent reviews. Right before she started, she took a phone call that left her frazzled. She cut and styled my hair and it seemed cute enough. Twice before I left, she looked at me and trimmed a couple of long spots. I've styled it a few times since and, while I'm not a professional, it just isn't working. I also have other spots that I've noticed are too long and need to be trimmed.

    My question is, should I call her and ask if she can clean it up? If so, should I expect there would be no charge for that? It is her own salon so there is no one else to go to. She wasn't super expensive but I did pay $48 for the haircut. I would expect a little more quality for that price. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • I need a suggestion for a dessert recipe that travels well and can be made a couple of days in advance.?

    I need to bring a dessert to a family reunion this weekend. We will be traveling so I need to make it 2 days in advance. I also need something that does not need to be refrigerated. I am hoping for something original and delicious. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is the safe way to dispose of chemical cleaning products?

    We are switching to all natural cleaning products but I am not sure how to get rid of the chemical products (bleach, comet, dishwasher detergent, etc.) we already have. Can anyone tell me how to dispose of them safely? Thank!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Could I be feeling my baby moving?

    I am 16 weeks pregnant with my first but I'm pretty sure I have felt my baby move off and on for the past week. It feels like a muscle spasm but it is not on the surface like a muscle spasm should be. I asked some of my friends with children and they said there is no way I could be feeling it so early. I really think that is what I feel though. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When should I take a pregnancy test? My period should have started yesterday.?

    My husband and I are ttc. My last period was May 1 and my cycle has been every 25 days. I woke up yesterday with light cramps in my stomach. I usually get very bad cramps so I was surprised they were so light. I barely spotted once yesterday. My light cramps have continued on and off today as well. I barely spotted again this afternoon. It was hardly noticeable like yesterday. I cannot drink enough water, I'm exhausted, my breasts are very sore and I've been feeling a little nauseas. I've heard you should take a pregnancy test in the morning. Should I take it today, wait until tomorrow morning, or give it a few more days to see if my period starts? Thanks.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why can't I wear my contacts anymore?

    I've been wearing disposable contacts for years now. I'm not the best about taking them out all the time but have never had any problems. A few weeks ago, my eyes were irritated. I took my contacts out for a few days and then put in new ones. After a few hours my eyes were so itchy I couldn't stand it. I tried re-wetting drops but they don't make a difference. I can't even wear my contacts at all right now. My eyes are irritated the minute I put them in even if I've gone days without wearing them.

    I am going to the eye doctor soon but I wondered if anyone might have any thoughts on what is going on.

    4 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Implantation bleeding or period?

    My husband and I are ttc. My period was due to start yesterday on the 13th. It surprised me and started on the 12th instead. All of a sudden today, less than 48 hours later, it stopped. I assumed it was my period but now I am unsure. Before it started my breasts we so tender it hurt to move at all. I am also exhausted even though I've gotten more sleep than normal. There was quite a bit of bleeding although not nearly as much as normal. I had mild cramps but they are usually really bad. I've read that implantation bleeding shouldn't use more than a panty liner and this was definitely more than that. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I came home from work today to find a large chunk out of the side of my large frontosa's face. ?

    We have a 220 gallon tank with cichlids. They have grown up together and we have had no problems. One of the larger fish, a frontosa must have been injured by another fish. There is a large chunk out of his face with a flap hanging from it. I am not sure what to do. He is acting fine but I want to help it heal. My husband usually does the fish stuff but he is in Kuwait so I can't even call him. I added a little aquarium salt. Is there anything else I should do? I would remove the fish who did it but I am not sure which one it was. I would appreciate any suggestions!

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How do I improve my endurance for running in cold weather?

    I have been running 5-7 days a week since April. I usually run between a mile and a mile and a half. Now that the cold weather has hit I've been struggling. I dress appropriately for running in the cold but can't get more than about one half mile before I feel like I hit a wall. I warm up well before going out.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for getting back to the distance I was at before winter started?

    6 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • TTC and just came off birth control - could I be pregnant already?

    My husband and I decided we were ready for a baby. I stopped taking my bcp Oct. 5 (with the last active pill). I started my period on Oct. 8. It lasted about three days. At first we used protection but figured it would take awhile to actually conceive so we stopped. I had a very light period off and on Oct. 20 and 21 (sorry for tmi but it was brown). I have been exhausted lately but I hadn't been running for a few weeks and assumed that was the reason. Within the last few days I have been dizzy off and on and yesterday I was nauseous from lunch time until I went to bed. Today I've been dizzy and nauseous on and off also.

    I don't know when I am supposed to start my period again (just finished seasonale so I was only getting 4 a year to begin with). I also had endometriosis removed twice and my dr. questioned whether I would be able to have children or not.

    Could it be possible that I am pregnant? I'm not sure how to figure out the timing.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How do I break my dog of the habit of waking me up at night, sometimes to go to the bathroom, usually to play?

    We have a lab who is just over 2. We've had him about a year and a half. Recently, he has started waking us up between 1 am and 3 am to go outside. At first he only woke us up occasionally and he always went when we let him out. Now he is waking us almost every night and only goes to the bathroom once in awhile. If he has to go I am more than willing to let him out. But since he goes out and plays most of the time I don't want him to think that time is play time.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for breaking this middle of the night play routine?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Adding key words to Dreamweaver?

    I need to add keywords to Dreamweaver so my website shows up in search engines. I looked in the help section and it says to "type words in the keyword text box." I cannot find a keyword text box. Could someone tell me where to find it?

    Thank you

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Could my dog be becoming a picky eater?

    My dog has always been a good eater. For about the first year after we got him from the shelter he would eat as fast as he could. Around the time he turned 2 he would leave food in his bowl for awhile before eating it. We figured he had just grown up and also realized there would always be food there. Within the last 2 weeks, he has eaten very little. We give him lowfat plain yogurt because the vet felt it would help his sensitive stomach. He will always eat the yogurt but lately has only eat half or less than his normal serving amount. Because he has food allergies (vet diagnosed), he is on a limited diet. His food contains sweet potato and salmon as the main ingredients. I'm wondering if he is just getting sick of this food. My husband says dogs don't think that way but he eats yogurt and snacks (baby carrots and apple slices) like he always has. Now he is only eating his food if we feed him out of our hands or toss it to him like a treat. I do not want to promote this but worry that he is not eating enough. Can dogs get tired of the same thing day after day? I don't know what to do because there aren't many types of food left he can eat that don't make him sick. Thanks!

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Neighbors who keep dogs in the garage?

    I have a couple of neighbors who leave their dogs in the garage all day and night. One of them leaves the door open a few inches and walks the dog sometimes, I'm not sure about the other. It seems like it would be way too hot as the temperature outside has been in the 90s and humid. Is this something I should report or is that appropriate shelter? I feel like it is cruel.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • When do dogs finish teething?

    My dog just turned two. He has never been big on chewing. Lately, he's been chewing a lot. When we're outside he seeks out sticks or wood chips. Inside, he finds and uses chew toys he never really had interest in before. Could he be teething at this age or did he just find a new hobby?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do paper toilet seat covers really prevent anything?

    Is there research that shows that using a paper toilet seat makes a difference? It seems like paper would not do much to stop the spread of germs or disease.

    9 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Where is the best place to go to see fireworks in Indianapolis?

    I am new to the area and do not know where we should sit to watch the fireworks.

    4 AnswersIndianapolis1 decade ago
  • What could be causing these terrible shin cramps?

    I've been running about three months. I'm up to a mile and a half each morning. I run most every day but have found if I miss a day my legs ache. The past two mornings I have gotten shin cramps so bad I cut my run short. I can hardly walk on my cool down and cannot stretch the cramps out. I have to massage them and they finally go away after quite some time. I am getting plenty of water. I have not changed anything about my routine/eating habits. Does anyone have any ideas how to make these stop?

    7 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Is it better to breathe through your nose while running?

    I know it is better to breathe through your nose while running in the winter to warm the air but does it help with running overall? I was not able to breathe through my nose well until after a surgery to repair a deviated septum. Now I feel like I should do it but have not been able to retrain myself. I still feel like I do not breathe as well through my nose. Will I run better if I breathe through my nose instead of mouth?

    6 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • When making risotto, why do you add the liquid in stages?

    I've made risotto a few times and really like it but wondered why the liquid must be added in stages. Would the result be much different if it were added all at once?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago