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What is wrong with me?
I have wondered on and off for several months if I have depression but I keep thinking I am just being stupid. I have felt fine and really good for about a month with no negative issues, sadness, excluding myself, well noticed etc, but the last few days I have felt awful, really down, no motivation, want to sleep all the time, I've called in sick to work for days when I'm not really ill I just don't want to be there, easily annoyed/frustrated, sad, don't really want to socialise, no hope. I've had more long term ie several weeks but don't know if these are 'symptoms' easily cold/hard to get warm, tired/drowsy, easy to lose concentration, changes in appetite, really irregular periods. Last time I went to the doctors for something she was so patronising I would feel stupid going back when it might be nothing. I did ha e blood test for diabetes and thyroid about 10weeks ago but came back normal.
Does anyone know anything that can explain this? Please!
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoIs this what happens when you have depression..?
When you have depression is it normal to be low then feel alright? Few good days few bad days, and when you're good it's hard to remember the bad days? Feel like you're cured until you go low again or is depression low all the time with no good days at all?
1 AnswerMental Health8 years agoShould I go to doctors for suspected depression?
I think I have depression as I have researched and appear to have many of the symptoms and looking back have had them on and off for some time. However yesterday whilst extremely low and on the verge of deciding to make and an appointment coming Monday it was like a switch had been turned. I just felt not so bad, now I am indifferent not happy not sad but certainly not like I was and makes me wonder if I was depressed at all. But I a am sure I have been unwell for many months. Feel so confused. I have a nonblood relative who has depression and when he is not depressed he is convinced he is cured so wondering of I am thinking like him?..
I don't know, does the fact I am reasoning on it like this mean I don't have it? So confused don't know what to do..
Sorry seems I have rambled a bit :l
4 AnswersMental Health8 years agoHow do you put on weight but also get a flat stomach?
I'm a 5"6 girl and I weigh about 7 3/4 stone which makes be borderline underweight. I need to put some one but I also want a flat stomach as- mine isnt at the mo- is there a way to do this? What is good to eat as I'm always hungry, especially in the mornings but no matter what I eat I stay starving until I've had my dinner. I also need lots of energy as I have a demanding job- engineer- so I spend a proportion of my time in a workshop
Any suggestions? Thanks :)
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoWhat does the hash mean when written like '#this' ?
Ive noticed recently that things are being written with a hash sign in front of them and not tv adverts have the slogan #with a hash before it.
What does it mean?
thank you :)
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoHow do I ask for work experience?
Im in college and to help with my future apprenticeship applications I thought it would be good to try and get some work experience in related areas but I'm not sure how to go about asking businesses if I could do some. Should I call or write a letter or go in myself or something, is there a proper way to go about this? Because some of the places I will be asking at with be very posh/professional where it will really matter
thank you :)
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years agoAnyone doing engineering/ is an engineer? Please help :)?
So I've just finished my A levels (didn't really know what to take so did textiles, psychology, photography and critical thinking and got an A, 2B's and a C) and part way through my course saw a careers advisor and found that what I really want to do is engineering. I love science and have really missed doing maths and physics since leaving school and really love cars and anything mechnical and finding out how stuff works (im one of those sad people who enjoys watching 'how its made' :/). I tried applying for engineering apprenticeship but I havent really studied appliable courses so Im going back to college to do a year long Engineering Btec level 3 diploma in september and I cant wait :) But in order to get an apprenticeship somewhere doing engineering will this be enough? Is there anything else I can do to improve my chances? Or to anyone that is an engineer is there anything that helped you to get into the area?
(Not sure if it makes any difference but I got good GCSE's too, 7A*'s, 7A's, 3B's, 1C and a D withs A's in maths and all three sciences, and I dont want to get into a job which involves lots of manual labour as Im not the strongest girl and I doubt I could hack it hefting big bits of metal around :/ )
thanks in advance :)
2 AnswersEngineering9 years agoIs old cologne still okay to use?
My Dad saidthe other day that he used to wear a colgne called Nexus (made by Avon) and that it was his favourite and smelled gorgeous but it was long ago discontinued and I thought it might be a really nice present to hunt down and buy him some. I have managed to find some orginal bottles on the internet, ebay etc, but now I am wondering if it will still be okay to wear as I think most of them are being sold as collectors items because of the old novelty bottles it came in.
I dont want to poison my Dad with some toxic cologne or waste my money when there is no chance it will smell very nice.
So would it still be okay to use now?
Thank you :)
3 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty9 years agoWhat is PAYE? and should I be paying it?
A couple of months ago I started a job at a large shop but on my payslips it shows I am losing 20% of my wages in P.A.Y.E which I have been told means Pay As You Earn and is tax. I was also told it might have something to do with me having two jobs but my other job is a few hours a month using a database for my brother (who owns a cleaning business) to keep a track of customers and occasionally (by which I mean 1 day a month) going out with them to clean. But I still dont understand why I am being 'charged' PAYE as I am only 17 (not 18 for another couple of weeks), my brother sorts his own tax for his business out and even combining the money I get paid from both jobs I get no where near the £7000 yearly income where you pay tax.
Can anyone please explain to me why I'm paying this?
thank you :)
3 AnswersUnited Kingdom9 years agoDoes anyone know who this author is? or the book title?
I'm trying to remember the author or title of a book written in either 1800's or 18th century (cant remember which). At least part of the book features a young man who cannot sleep because he cant stop thinking about a particular blue flower. He makes a long speech/description about wanting the flower andnot being able to find it.
This book then had a great impact on the art movement at the time and made blue the colour that was used to represent deep emotion and fear (the best user was Picaso) but the book is largely forgotten now. If anyone knows the author or title it would be great as I very much want to read it.
Thank you :)
2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoExtra things I can do to make my application better..?
I am going into my last year of college in September, doing engineering. I want to go into automotive engineering but here in UK it is very competitive. I really want to get an apprenticeship and I need to demonstrate that I am interested in this area. Can anyone think of anything I can do outside of college to make my application better?
I have already thought about doing work experience but not sure where or how to do it?
On the application it also asks about an engineering project you have done. Any suggestions as to what I could do for that?
I want to try to find things now whilst I still have time to do them before applying. Thank you :)
2 AnswersOther - Education9 years agoHow to get work experience?
I am 17, soon to be 18 in UK and I want to go into automotive engineering which is a competitive area. I will be starting my last year at college in September and I would like to do some work experience to put on my CV/apprenticeship applications as everyone I have talked to has suggeted that it would be a good idea to make them look good.
But can anyone suggest how to do this? Should I just write to places and ask if they will have me for a short period of time or is there another way?
thank you :)
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years agoWhat are the signs of not eating enough fibre?
How do you know if you are not having enough fibre in your diet? What does it do to you/ are there 'symptoms'?
And if you aren't eating enough how can you consume more? Are there especially good foods that can help?
thank you :)
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoHow to get work experience?
I am 17, soon to be 18 and I want to go into automotive engineering which is a competitive area. I would like to do some work experience as everyone I have talked to has suggeted that it would be a good idea to make any future applications look good.
But can anyone suggest how to do this? Should I just write to places and ask if they will have me for a short period of time or is there another way?
thank you :)
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years agoHow to flatten my tummy?
I am 5 ft 6 and 7 1/2 st and overall very slim but my tummy still bulges out and I hate it. I dont want to lose weight as I am already technically underweight as it is and losing weight doesnt make any difference. Does anyone know how I can flatten my tummy?
thank you :)
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoWhat is a HND? Please explain it :)?
What exactly is a Higher National Diploma? I recently asked a question about getting a job in engineering and one of the answers said 'I prefer employing a HND man to a degree man'. But what is it?
Thanks in advance :)
3 AnswersOther - Education9 years agoHelp with apprenticeship application? :)?
I really want to get into engineering, more specifically automotive engineering. I really love cars and learning how they work and what I would most like to do when I finish college is get an apprenticeship with a car maunfacturer, like Bentley or Land Rover/Jaguar as they are the nearest to me. I need to be able to demonstrate in my application that I have hobbies or interests realated to my application but I really don't know what to do. I am going to apply next year so I have plenty of time to try and make my application as good as possible.
If it helps at school I got 7A*'s 7A's 3B's 1C and 1D, I just completed my A levels (Psychology, Photography, Textiles, Critical Thinking) and I'm predicted 2A's and 2B's and in September I am going to do an Engineering BTEC level 3 subsiduary course.
Any suggestions as to what else I can do to better my chances would be brilliant :)
thanks in advance :)
1 AnswerOther - Education9 years agoHelp getting into engineering? :)?
I really want to get into engineering, more specifically automotive engineering. I really love cars and learning how they work and what I would most like to do when I finish college is get an apprenticeship with a car maunfacturer, like Bentley or Land Rover/Jaguar as they are the nearest to me. I need to be able to demonstrate in my application that I have hobbies or interests realated to my application but I really don't know what to do. I am going to apply next year so I have plenty of time to try and make my application as good as possible.
If it helps at school I got 7A*'s 7A's 3B's 1C and 1D, I just completed my A levels (Psychology, Photography, Textiles, Critical Thinking) and I'm predicted 2A's and 2B's and in September I am going to do an Engineering BTEC level 3 subsiduary course.
Any suggestions as to what else I can do to better my chances would be brilliant :)
thanks in advance :)
2 AnswersEngineering9 years agoAny good DSLR recommendations? :)?
Could anyone recommend a good DSLR? I want to get my first DSLR as at the mo I have been getting by without, but the time has come for a purchase :) Can anyone suggest a good one? If not a particular model any makes to look at or avoid? What works for you?
thanks :)
6 AnswersCameras9 years agoPlease take a look at my photos?? :)?
I only started to do photography properly at the start of the year and these are some of my shoots, I know some of them aren't so good -too slow shutter speed, and over processing- but if anyone could have a look and leave a comment/constructive critisism, if there is any way to improve the problems when taking my next shots. Please be honest so I can decide if it's worth pursuing this.
thank you very much in advance :)
4 AnswersPhotography9 years ago