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Who says God is perfect? (Mostly for Christians).?
I'm not meaning to insult, I'm just curious. Did God say 'here I am, I'm perfect and all knowing and omnipotent etc ..' Or was it men describing Him in their sacred texts?
Because, even if God inspired the Bible writers, well, is He really likely to reject descriptions for being too flattering? Wouldn't He be happy to be seen in a good light?
Ultimately, aren't all the qualities ascribed to God just .. well, just human ideas? How do we know it's even possible to describe a deity in human terms?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMostly for Christians. In His own image?
When God creates man in His own image, what does that mean to you?
Does God have two arms, two legs, eyes? Or is it perhaps meant more figuratively to signify that we share some characteristics with God? In which case, which ones?
And how does God's image differ from ours?
All views welcome.
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMostly for Christians. Does God have free will?
For example, could He say "Apocalypse? Nah. I don't think I like the sound of that now. I'm going to try something else instead"?
Can He choose not to answer a prayer?
Or is the plan in place and He knows exactly how it's going to play out for ever more and that's it?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoJehovah's Witnesses! Jesus was ......... ?
I'm interested in your views. So please fill in the blank as you see fit. Tell me what you believe.
Thank you in advance.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSo .. what's been happening in 'Ramadan' lately?
Someone suggested I visit and I wondered if anyone would like to tell me what it's like here?
Oh, and in case you're interested, I usually hang around Religion & Spirituality. Bit of background there, in case it makes a difference.
Many thanks in advance, and peace to all.
4 AnswersRamadan1 decade agoSpiritually speaking, can anyone explain my dual core?
I have looked inside and I appear to have both a mind and a body. First of all, is this normal?
My mind seems to be running at 60% full. However whenever I empty it my heart fills with joy. Can I fully empty my mind to experience maximum joy?
If I do empty my mind, should I check my history first for errors? Or can I ignore the past and just forget about it. I don’t want to cause any problems later.
Note for answerers. I have experienced software compatibility problems with Christianity in the past. In particular, answers in C++ lose something in translation. Though you’re welcome to try.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMaterially speaking ... Dual core processor usage?
Sorry. No one answers on Computers and all my intelligent friends are here anyway. So R&S it is.
I have a laptop with an Turion 64 dual processor. When I look at my computer's properties one processor(?) (which the computer calls 'Vista (C:)') has 26Gig out of 70GB used. The other (Data (E:)) is completely unused.
So what does the E: drive do then?
Will it just fill up when the other is full?
Can I just transfer stuff onto it like any other drive?
If so, can I move programme files from C: to E: without problems?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA question (mostly) for Christians. Heaven is for ever?
I love walks along the beach. Strolling with my family to lunch at a nearby café. Standing atop a mountain, the world stretched out at my feet.
But much as I enjoy these things, I wouldn’t want to do them 'for ever'.
So I wonder what people think they will do ‘all day’ in heaven. Will it be like here on Earth? Or completely different?
Personal views preferred to scripture. Thank you.
38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWill there be music in Hell?
We hear about choirs of angels in heaven. So what do you think?
(Please note - the Heretic Anthem contains language some people may find offensive - please don't click if you are one of them, thanks)
26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoChristians! Did you know that it's Thor's Day today?
And do you mind that each of the names of the days has some 'pagan' significance (Moon's, Tiews', Woden's, Frige's, Saturn's and the Sun's days)?
I just wondered? Happy first day of Spring btw!
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWalking shoes, UK?
Anyone know where I can buy a pair of walking/ light hiking / approach shoes that aren't made out of (have no) leather in the UK?
I've tried vegan shoes but they get sweaty. I don't want to spend too much money (no more than £50) but am on my feet all day and walk several hundred miles a year to / from work so need something comfortable.
Summer use, mens, casual style. Any recommendations appreciated!
3 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoWalking shoes, UK?
Anyone know where I can buy a pair of walking/ light hiking / approach shoes that aren't made out of (have no) leather in the UK?
I've tried vegan shoes but they get sweaty. I don't want to spend too much money (no more than £50) but am on my feet all day and walk several hundred miles a year to / from work so need something comfortable.
Summer use, mens, casual style. Any recommendations appreciated!
3 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade agoGIAN Birmingham. Were you there? Who did you like best?
For me the best 'crowd pleasers' were (in no particular order) Mindless Self Indulgence, Alexisonfire and The Used.
What do you think?
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoWhere do people have a better sense of humour? R&S or P&S?
Religion & Spirituality or Polls & Surveys?
And does anyone know what happened to Q&S? I'm worried he might feel left out.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhere do people have a better sense of humour? P&S or R&S?
Polls & Surveys or Religion & Spirituality?
And does anyone know what happened to Q&S? I'm worried he might feel left out.
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoI'm 50 and I'm going to a 'rock concert'. Should I take GPS?
I am told that these things can be quite popular with the young people. Though since there are only 12 bands, even if they all brought their friends I don't see it would be that busy.
But just in case I want to nip to the bathroom part way through, do you think it would be a good idea to take GPS so I can find the wife and daughter again in the crowds?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoI'm 50 and I'm going to a 'rock concert'. Will I need to join in?
I understand one of the artists is called HYMN and now I'm worried I will be expected to join in. If I don't know the words will there be songsheets?
(He is apparently Finnish, so it might not be spelt HYMN).
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoI'm 50 and I'm going to a 'rock concert'. Will I look silly?
I accidentally shaved most of my hair off this morning. Will all the young people at the concert look down on me because I don't look like Ozzy Ozbourne? Should I get a wig?
7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoI'm 50 and I'm going to a 'rock concert'. What should I take?
I have my thermos of tea and several bottles of water. What else should I take with me?
Oh. And I have one of those folding stools. Should I take it with me or do you think one of those nice young people will find me a chair if I get tired?
13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoChristians! Do you feel "in the world, not of it"?
Are you only here to wait for God to 'reclaim' you? Is the world merely a testing ground?
Personally I find this an extraordinary attitude. Here we are, surrounded by an amazing world (however it came about) and I see people saying that they feel like sojourners and aliens in a foreign land.
If you were invited to a fabulous banquet would you refuse the food because you expected something better to turn up later? That sounds plain ungrateful!
But perhaps I've misunderstood? Is the world more than just a ‘waiting room’?
Views please. And non-Christians are welcome to answer, but please keep it polite, thanks!
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago